Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1070: Dark world

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It only took less than half a day to enter Guixu, and Ning Xiaochuan, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor suffered three waves of attacks. There are some undead creatures living underground, and some evil men similar to the Donghuang Ministry.

At this moment, they were attacked by a fourth wave.

Under the ground, seventeen stone beasts rushed out, each of them huge and powerful.

One of the most powerful stone beasts can even erupt the ninth-strength power of Wangu Realm.

An old man in a blue robe stood on the top of the stone beast, overlooking Ning Xiaochuan, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor, and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor below, and said, "Are you the creatures of the Da Yan World?"

"Old man, are you the villain of the Donghuang Ministry?" Yinjiao Huanghuang asked, pointing at the old man.

"You actually know the Donghuang Ministry. It seems that you are prepared." The old man in the green robe showed a strange color in his eyes, and said, "The secret in the Guixu can not be leaked out by you. Since entering the Guixu, you Just stay there! Kill them! "


Seventeen stone beasts attacked Ning Xiaochuan, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor, and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor at the same time.

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor took out a whip made from the backbone of the sub-god's spine, and just pulled out a whip to break a stone beast that was tens of meters high into a stone powder.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor took out the purple gold red gourd, smashed into the void, and for a time, all three stone beasts were smashed and turned into pieces of rubble.

Ning Xiaochuan did not shoot, but stared at the old man in the robe.

He felt that the breath of the old man in Qingpao was not the same as that of Tianshu Xiejun and others. At least, he did not practice the Donghuang Scripture.

Is it an evil person of another tribe?


When Ning Xiaochuan's body moved, she disappeared in place, appeared directly in front of the old man in Qingpao, and pointed out.

The old man of Qingpao would have thought that Ning Xiaochuan's speed turned out so fast, his face changed drastically, and he immediately burst back. However, he found that his body could not move at all, and the space seemed to be anchored.

His cultivation is only the ninth peak of Wangujing, and he has no ability to resist in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan pointed at his eyebrow and used the mental power of the Qiqiaoshenjinxin to forcibly plunder the old man's memory.

The tide-like memory information poured into Ning Xiaochuan's mind and turned into his own memory and knowledge.

When Ning Xiaochuan retracted his fingers, the old man in Qingpao became completely sluggish, his body was soft, and he sat on the ground paralyzed.

"The Ministry of Youth!" Ning Xiaochuan muttered to himself.

According to the memory of the old man in Qingpao, Ning Xiaochuan learned a lot of information.

The name of the old man in Qingpao, Han Jin, came from the Ministry of Qing Emperor, and he worshipped the Emperor Qingtian.

As for the origin of the Qingtian Emperor, Han Jin also had no idea. He only knew that the Qingtian Emperor was his ancestor, the master who has lived since ancient times, and fell into a permanent deep sleep.

They must open the ancient seal of Guihui, and then the Emperor Qingtian will wake up and lead the Qing Emperor to rule the Dayan world and march into the Shenhe civilization.

The golden horned demon emperor and the silver horned demon emperor put on the supreme armor of the gods and joined forces to break the ninth-largest stone beast in the eternal realm and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan.

The Golden Horned Demon looked at the old man in Qingpao who was sitting on the ground, and asked Ning Xiaochuan: "Brother Ning, did you ask anything? What is the origin of this old guy?"

"He is a general commander of the Qingdi Ministry, named Han Jin." Ning Xiaochuan's face looked dignified.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor asked again, "The Qing Emperor Ministry? How many evil tribes are there in the Return?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Han Jin is only a small character in the Qingdi Ministry. He doesn't know much. In his memory, the territory of the Qingdi Ministry is very vast. He has never left the Qingdi Ministry. You haven't even heard of it outside the Qingdi Ministry. "

"Will general commander or little foot? I feel more domineering than my demon emperor's name." Silver Horn demon emperor laughed.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The general commander is already very powerful in the Qing emperor's department, but above the general commander, there are the warlords, the monarchs, the saints, and even the sub-gods. Therefore, the general commander Become a small role, can only manage tribal monks who have a long history. "

"Moreover, according to Han Jin's memory, the Qing Emperor Ministry does not seem to be returning to the market. Instead, there is a dark world, in which world is full of evil and death, and sees no light. Han Jin has lived since he was a child. In that dark world. "

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor was shocked and said, "Is that the legendary hell?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently, because Han Jin didn't know where it was, only the names of some cities in the Qing Dynasty.

"The evil spirit in Guihui seems to escape from that world, turning Guihui into a forbidden area of ​​death."

Although the world was dark and dull, and full of evil and death, Ning Xiaochuan wanted to go to that world.

In that world, all respect for strength, full of killing and destruction, is a good place to cultivate the way of the world.

The Golden Horned Demon King asked with some confusion: "Since it is a dark world independent of the Da Yan World, how did the evil men of Han Jin and Donghuang Buddhism come to that place from that world?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "A sub-god of the Qingdi Ministry used ancient artifacts to open a way to the Guixu in the dark world. The spirits of the Qingdi Ministry are coming from that path to Guiming continuously. The market. They are killing the alien creatures in the market, and they will open up the territory of the Qing emperor's department in the market. "

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor were stunned and did not expect that such a shocking secret was hidden in the return market.

The strength of that dark world is absolutely horrible. If large-scale killing of Huigui, the souls of Da Yan World cannot compete with them.

The Tianjiao civilization of Shenhe Civilization did not expect such a thing to happen, and it was also a disaster for them.

"What shall we do now?" The Silver Horn Demon King asked.

Ning Xiaochuan's gaze looked in the direction of Guixu deep, saying: "Go to the Qing emperor's tribe, the demon city."

After the evil man from the Qing emperor came to the Guixu from the dark world, he demarcated a territory in the Guixu and named the Qing emperor.

The demon city is the first city established by the villains of the Qingdi Ministry in the Qingdi Ministry, and it is not far from the place where Ning Xiaochuan is located.

The Golden Horn demon said: "Both the silver horns and I have been eroded by evil spirits. The evil men in the Qing emperor's department cannot see our identity. However, you have no evil spirits and will definitely be easily seen by them.

"I have my own way!"

Ning Xiaochuan's palm was pressed against the old robe of Han Qing, the old man in Qingpao, and the power of creation was working, exuding a huge suction.

A cyan bead flew out of Han Jin's chest and fell into Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

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