Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 107: Star Wars

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A steep cliff with a halo suspended above it forms a portal.

This is the gate to the second floor of the sword tower!

The practice of the sword pagoda is about improving the physical strength of the warrior, so if you want to open the door of the second floor, you must be physically strong enough. Only if you meet the requirements of the sword pagoda can you open the door.

This can also be regarded as an assessment of the warriors.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that it was not easy to open the light door. A pair of fists squeezed tightly, and a "chuckling" sound was made between the five fingers. His feet spread apart, and his body seemed to be pulled into a bow.


Ning Xiaochuan slammed on the ground, his body rushed up, and a punch hit the light gate, and the muscles, bones, and blood veins completely burst out.

This fist is already quite powerful, and with only physical power, it can be used against the fourth martial artist of other gods.


The light gate was hit hard, and ripples appeared on the surface, like a water surface disturbed by a stone.

But soon, these ripples shrank back, and a huge force hit back Ning Xiaochuan's fist, which was twice as powerful as the punch that Ning Xiaochuan had just blasted out.


Ning Xiaochuan only felt a strong upload from his arm, and his body flew out involuntarily, and his internal organs were sore and painful.

If the physical strength had not been doubled in the past two days, I am afraid that at this moment, the force of the counter-shock would shatter the viscera.

Ning Xiaochuan only felt that he had lost consciousness in half of his body, and the blood in his body rolled.


Spit out blood!

The blood, after spitting out, suddenly felt much better.

The arm began to slowly recover perception, and the five internal organs no longer had hot pain.

When Ning Xiaochuan used martial arts to nourish and nurse for half a while, his body recovered completely, and he stared again at that door. "Is my physical strength now not enough to open the door of the second floor?"

Ning Xiaochuan decided to hunt the mysterious beast again to increase his physical strength.

Seven heads of mysterious beasts were also beheaded. Six of them were three-ranked mysterious beasts, one was a second-ranked mysterious beast. The seven groups of blood were collected into Ning Xiaochuan's body, making Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength four times that when he entered the sword tower.

Even if Ning Xiaochuan does not use martial arts supernatural power, he can fight against other gods' fourth strongest.

His body is a magical power.

At dusk on the third day, Ning Xiaochuan again came outside the gate leading to the second floor of the Jiange Tower.

Lifting the strength of the whole body, the momentum climbed up, and it was bombarded with a full punch.


Ning Xiaochuan was again shocked by the power of the light gate and was injured more severely. The skin on his arm was cracked, blood dripped, and the head of the bone was broken.

Ning Xiaochuan got up hard from the ground, stared at the light door, and gritted his teeth tightly. "Impossible, impossible, my physical strength has now surpassed the warrior in the same realm four times. Opening this door is certainly not the cause of strength. "

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized Budo Xuanqi to recover his physical injury, and at the same time began to reflect.

"I see! Every time my power blasts out, a ripple appears on the light gate to disperse my power, and these scattered forces are gathered by the light gate to form a wave. When the wave When the flow resonates, it will triple the strength that originally belonged to me, and then attack me. This is simply leveraging strength to treat others by their own ways. "

"It's like a thousand soldiers riding a war foal across the bridge. If the pace of the war foal is inconsistent, it will naturally be able to cross the bridge. However, if the pace of all the foals are the same, the bridge surface will resonate. Layer, several times, dozens of times the gravity erupted, thus breaking the bridge. "

"If I can also grasp a kind of power of the light gate, when an opponent hits me with a punch, I can easily take his punch, and then use the power of two punches to fight back at his On his body, he would even reverse his power three or four times. "

"Yes, exactly."

After Ning Xiaochuan figured out the reason, he was overjoyed, and after raising the injury to seven or eight, he immediately went to catch a fire tiger beast and fight with this fire tiger beast.

This fire tiger beast originally slept in a tiger's lair, but was dragged out of the cave by Ning Xiaochuan. Naturally, his heart was very uncomfortable. A roar of Yang Tian made a claw toward Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan is like an immobile ancient pine, standing in place, drawing circles in the air with both hands, and constantly colliding against the edge of the tiger claw, dispersing the power of the tiger claw.

The air drawn by a pair of arms is like ripples.

Suddenly, the ripples began to shrink toward the center, and the ripples showed a weak resonance, which shook the Fire Tiger Beast out.

The Fire Tiger Beast retreated three meters away, his claws were sore, and his mouth made a more angry voice.

"Just reversing the power of the Fire Tiger Beast and not giving it a superposition. Come again!" Ning Xiaochuan knew that he had not yet mastered the true power of Ripple.

The real power is to multiply the power and then apply it to the opponent.


The Fire Tiger Beast was back shocked once.


Fire Tiger Beast was back shocked for the second time.


For the 31st time, the Fire Tiger Beast was back-shocked.

The fire tiger beast's claws were all broken and scaly.

It has a crying heart, who am I provoked to?

Fire Tiger Beast turned and fled instead of playing with Ning Xiaochuan.

But Ning Xiaochuan didn't let it go, used its speed to chase it in front of it, and stopped its way, saying, "You are the king of beasts. You can't be so timid. Go ahead. Let us fight again!"

Ning Xiaochuan is now able to shake back 1.5 times his strength and steadily improve in constant battles. Naturally, he will not let the tiger and the beast leave.

The fire tiger beast roared, and then turned and fled. It didn't even care about its own image of the king of beasts. Anyway, it was determined not to play with Ning Xiaochuan anymore, and it always felt that Ning Xiaochuan was bullying it.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, "This fire tiger beast is considered a waste!"

Ning Xiaochuan rushed up and killed the fire tiger beast.

The corpse of the Fire Tiger Beast melted into his body.

It was already night, and the desert was beautiful and snowy, and the air was bitter and cold.


A three-armed bear was still mating with another three-armed bear, but in the middle, it was dragged out of the cave by Ning Xiaochuan.

The three-armed bear pulled the legs of the female three-armed bear vigorously, but it was useless at all. Ning Xiaochuan had too much power and was stronger than the bear.

Ning Xiaochuan threw the three-armed bear into the snow and ice, splashed a large snowflake, and said, "Brother Xiong, let out anger in your heart!"


The three-armed bear was naturally angry and rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan's arms draw circles, forming ripples, dispersing the strength of the three-armed bear, and then these ripples begin to shrink, erupting 1.5 to five times the seismic force.

The three-armed bear was blown out and immediately rose from the ground again, and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan beat it up again.

Until the three-armed bear flew out twenty-six times, the three-armed bear bleed, and fled after turning around, and it did not play with Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan killed it with one palm, then dragged the female three-armed bear out of the hole, and continued to practice this martial art.

Ning Xiaochuan called this kind of martial arts a "fighting star shift." When practicing to a very high level, even if a meteorite hits the ground, he can fly this meteorite back to the starry sky.

After the female three-armed bear was brought down by Ning Xiaochuan eighteen times, she couldn't get up.

Ning Xiaochuan was disappointed with the fighting power of the mother three-armed bear. Sure enough, if he did too much, he would soften his feet and his combat effectiveness would drop significantly.


Ning Xiaochuan hit a lightning claw and broke the head of the female three-armed bear. The body of the female three-armed bear turned into a mass of blood and melted into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

After a whole night of training, Ning Xiaochuan has cultivated the "Diao Zhuan Xing Shift" to be able to counterattack twice the power, which is more than twice the power that the light gate can exert.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the edge of the cliff again, staring at the light gate floating above, with a slight tick at the corner of his mouth.


The body, like a cannonball, bounced off, condensing the strength of the whole body, and punched it down against the light gate.

Ripples appeared on the light gate, trying to spread the power on Ning Xiaochuan's arm.

However, ripples appeared on Ning Xiaochuan's palms, pushing those fluctuations towards the Quartet, without giving the ripples on the light gate a chance to shrink.

The palm sinks slowly.


The light door shattered and turned into drops of light.

These light spots are all integrated into Ning Xiaochuan's body, and fly directly into the martial arts heart to merge into the martial arts.

Ning Xiaochuan's martial art mystery has grown rapidly, the density of mystery has become higher, and it soon broke through a boundary.


The fourth supernatural power in Ning Xiaochuan's body reached the fourth peak of the **** body.

"Wings of Stormrage!"

On the back, a pair of mysterious feathers rushed out, which was seven meters long.

The pair of wings became more solid, able to clearly distinguish each feather, and the lightning rays flowing on the feathers were like a pair of thunder wings!

Ning Xiaochuan spread his wings and flew directly to the second floor of the Jiange Tower.

At this time, the second floor of the Jiange Tower lit up a light.

There was a bell in the tower!

Laohouye and the four elders in the hall suddenly opened their eyes and stared at the sword tower in the middle of the hall, with strong shocks and surprises in their eyes.

"He broke into the second floor of the sword tower!"

"This is the first time he has entered the sword tower and it only took three days. He ... he did it."

Old Houye's face also showed joy, saying: "I thought he would not realize the true meaning of the sword pagoda until the fifth day. I didn't expect him to be better than I thought. The rise of the sword pavilion is expected."

"I wonder if he can break into the third floor!"

The old man shook his head and said: "It is absolutely impossible, the second floor is already quite dangerous. He can persist for a long time and it is very bad. Be prepared for rescue at any time, the second layer is too dangerous."

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