Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 108: Rundown ancient city

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The Mahayana's "Wings of Fury", after being unfolded, emits a cyan light, flowing with lightning in the shape of a snake. After unfolding, it is seven meters long, just like the wings of a thunder god.


Ning Xiaochuan fluttered her wings, flew out of the light gate, circled in midair, and then landed on the ground steadily.

Jiange Tower, second floor.

This is a ruined world. There are old streets, broken walls, black tree stumps, a sense of ruin, desolation and dullness.

A gust of wind blew up, blowing up a leaf, making the place a little more sloppy.

Ning Xiaochuan carefully walked into this abandoned old city, and the sound of roaring mysterious beasts and the sound of the collapse of the building always sounded in the city.

His eyes were on guard, and a bolt of lightning gathered in his hands, ready to shoot.

Not far away, behind a bluestone wall, a black wolf is hidden. The body is five times larger than an ordinary wolf. The hair on the body is like human hair, with blood-red eyes, and red eyes appear in the pupils. The light revealed two sharp fangs in his mouth.

Its gaze stared at Ning Xiaochuan, who slowly walked in, his paws thrown on the ground and became restless.

Just as Ning Xiaochuan walked less than ten meters away from the bluestone wall, the black wolf tore the blue stone wall, as fast as lightning, and five sharp claws, grabbed Ning Xiaochuan's heart.

In just an instant, the black wolf's claws reached Ning Xiaochuan's face, just like a five-handled sharp knife.

Ning Xiaochuan had telepathy. He had long been aware of the danger. At the moment when the black wolf rushed out from behind the blue stone, he shot out the lightning ball that had been around for a long time and turned it into a lightning beast!


The deafening howling of the black wolf's mouth, with cruel killing in his eyes, shattered the lightning beast. But the electric current carried by the lightning beast slowed its movement for a moment.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately took the shot, using pure physical strength, to box on the black wolf's forehead.


The black wolf's frontal bone was broken, and a painful howl came out of his mouth, and he rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan again.

Ning Xiaochuan had already used his full strength in that punch. If he hit a fourth-level warrior with a **** body, he could seriously injure that warrior, but it only caused a slight injury to the black wolf.

The body of the black wolf is indeed far superior to the warrior.

"Star Wars!"

Ning Xiaochuan's hands began to draw circles, forming two homeopathic airflows, and lifted the black wolf off, hitting a mud-cultivated low house and knocking that low house down!

Ning Xiaochuan used "Diaozhuanxingshift" to counterattack twice the attack power. The power of this attack was equivalent to the black wolf's double attack power. Naturally, it made it hard to bear, and the claws felt broken.

The black wolf became cautious, stood among the rubble, dripping blood on his paws, and felt that Ning Xiaochuan was not easy to mess with.




Suddenly, a large amount of wolf howling came from the ruined ancient city. The howling sound became louder and louder, and approached quickly toward this side.

Ning Xiaochuan's complexion changed slightly. Looking out, black wolves appeared in all directions. Some walked out from the street, some jumped on the roof, and some walked in the ruins.

The mighty wolf, one of the most terrifying creatures in Sanpin Xuanshou, is not much weaker than Ning Xiaochuan. At this moment, seven or eighty mighty wolves suddenly appeared, not to mention Ning Xiaochuan. Even the warrior with the fifth and sixth heaviest body could only escape his life.

Ning Xiaochuan was planning to unfold the Wings of Fury and escape from the sky, but he immediately dispelled this idea.

At the top of the six-story building not far away, there was a giant wolf covered with **** hair, with a pair of wings on his back, staring at Ning Xiaochuan.

This is a wolf king, reaching the level of Sipin Xuanbei, and it is still a strong presence in Sipin Xuanbei!

The fighting power of Sipin Xuanshou is at least comparable to the seventh-level warrior of the **** body, and even some powerful Sipin Xuanshou can compete with the ninth-weight character of the **** body.

If Ning Xiaochuan were to unfold the Wings of Fury at this moment, the speed would be faster than that of Sanpin Xuanbei, but it would definitely not be fast enough for the Wolf King.

If confrontation with the wolf king, it will certainly die.

After Ning Xiaochuan figured this out, he quickly operated his brain to find a way to survive.

Got it!


He smashed into the wooden building on the left side of the avenue, broke into the wooden building with his body, and then ran out from the other side of the wooden building, and continued to run into the other building.

The wolf king stood at the top of the pavilion, hissing!

Below, those mighty wolves immediately divided into nine strands, chased and killed Ning Xiaochuan, smashed houses, and surrounded Ning Xiaochuan.

But after half an hour, these mighty wolves found that Ning Xiaochuan was gone!

This broken city has become even more rundown. There are wood chips and rubble everywhere, residual walls and broken walls. I can hardly see a complete building, which was smashed by Ning Xiaochuan and the wolf.

All black wolves stopped, staring at the wolf king, waiting for the next instructions from the wolf king.

The Wolf King has been watching Ning Xiaochuan all the time, but just chasing after him, Ning Xiaochuan disappeared, as if he had swept away from the dirt.

The wolves searched for half an hour in the ruins and found no trace of Ning Xiaochuan. In the end, they receded like a tide.

After a long time, Ning Xiaochuan crawled out of a ruin, shook the dust on his body, and said to himself: "Such a large ruin is a natural hiding place. It is weird that you can find me. "

Ning Xiaochuan left the ruins and headed deep into the ancient city.

This ancient city is quite large. It is a bit larger than the imperial city of the Yulan Empire. I do n’t know the age of the city, but everyone in this ancient city has disappeared. Master.

This ancient city is also divided into outer city, inner city, and imperial city. Ning Xiaochuan is now only in the outer city, and the lowest encountered are Sanpin Xuanshou.

Among them, there are many Sipin Xuan beasts occupying one city and occupying the land as king. Any creature that breaks into their territory will be attacked.

After the last lesson, Ning Xiaochuan became more cautious, and quickly met the mysterious beast. If he did not win that mysterious beast after more than ten moves, he would immediately take it away, otherwise he would be sure It will be surrounded by a large group of mysterious beasts, and if you can't escape by chance, it is difficult to say.

Ning Xiaochuan has been beheading and killing seven heads and three species of mysterious beasts, all of which are boa constrictors. Obviously, this city is a large snake den.

Every time a beast of three ranks is killed, the dead body of the mysterious beast will be transformed into his body, making him stronger by one point.

After hunting the seven-headed boa constrictor, Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength has taken another big step, which has reached five times that of the warriors in the same realm.

In other words, without the use of mysterious energy and supernatural power, his punch power is five times that of the fourth heavy martial art of the Divine Body.

The power of the martial arts method of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" has also been improved, and it is able to reverse back by 2.3 times the force.

In other words, a person's arm strength is three hundred pounds, and a punch on Ning Xiaochuan's body, Ning Xiaochuan can reverse back the strength of six hundred and ninety pounds. Even if this person is not beaten, he will certainly not be able to bear it.

At dusk, a strange howling came from the abandoned city, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and spread throughout the city for more than ten miles.

Ning Xiaochuan noticed that many pythons crawled towards that city, so he became curious, and followed it into that city.

Ning Xiaochuan's actions are sensitive and robust, and he does not use martial arts, so he easily concealed the pythons, entered this city, drilled into a tower, and walked to the highest level tower.

Ning Xiaochuan opened the corner of the tower window, glanced at the distant square, and suddenly took a breath.

Hundreds of pythons crawled on the wide square. Each one was at least ten meters long, and some of them were more than thirty meters long. It was a huge snake nest.

In the center of the square, there is a huge lair, inside which lies a silver giant snake that is more than 50 meters long. There are nine protrusions under the belly. Nine clusters of halo can be seen through the skin of the snake, bright and bright. Bright.

The silver snake howled loudly, as if suffering some great pain.

Lightning and thunder emanated from the body of the silver serpent, shattering many buildings and shaking the earth gently.

Finally, the first ball of silver light fell from its body and rolled into its nest.

It was a huge mysterious egg, the size of a washbasin!

Ning Xiaochuan hid in the tower and watched this scene quietly. This was the first time that he had seen a mysterious animal spawning. The scene was so spectacular.

The silver snake is a top five mysterious beast. It is extremely powerful. In the process of laying eggs, it excites the magical powers in the body, which naturally causes the scene of lightning and thunder.

"If it can absorb an egg of the fifth grade mysterious beast, the effect will definitely be many times better than that of the third grade mysterious beast, and it may even directly improve my physical body by a large level."

Ning Xiaochuan was very enthusiastic about the eggs of Wupin Xuanbei, but there were too many pythons in the square. They were all guarding the mother snake in the center. It was difficult to get the eggs in the snake nest.

Besides, even if he steals the eggs from the snake's nest, he will definitely be killed by these crazy boa constrictors, and he cannot escape at all.

Want eggs? Still terrible?

Ning Xiaochuan decided to do both.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind thought of an idea, and a slight tick in his mouth left the tower quietly.


Today, one of the lords of "God of the Devil" ran from Luoyang to Chengdu to play, and Lao Jiu was going to receive her at night, so the update time of Chapter 3 is relatively late, and it is estimated that it is early in the morning, I suggest you watch it tomorrow morning! Hehe! Lao Jiu has always been very generous to book friends. Any book lover who comes to Chengdu can come to Lao Jiu to treat him. Haha!

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