Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1085: Three cups of divine blood

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Three cups of blood, the color of the cup is amber, flowing in the cup constantly, can feel the strong vitality contained in it.

Even the blood of unreliable martial arts soldiers can be dripped into tigers and trained into elixir. The blood of the sub-god master is more than hundreds of millions of times stronger than the blood of a vulgar warrior. It can be seen from these three cups of blood that the medicine is stronger.

In order to keep the divinity in the blood of God this time, the three cups taken out by the demon at this moment are even top quality supreme devices.

A drop of blood from the sub-god is almost equal to a sub-god avatar, and only three top-quality supreme devices can carry the blood of the sub-god.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't change his look, stared at the three glasses of blood in front of him, and then looked at the demon.

Of course, he knew that no matter whether it was the first sub-god to lift the sedan or the three cups of sub-god blood at this moment, the demon was showing off to himself.

Of course, in addition to showing off, the demon wants to use this method to convince Ning Xiaochuan.

A supreme strong person who takes a sub-god as a bearer and can also use the blood of a hostile sub-god as a drink is really easy to convince.

However, this trick has no effect on Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan, a stronger and more domineering power than the demon, has all seen it, so naturally he will not be shaken by this little trick of the demon.

"Thanks so much."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the demon, took the wine glass in front of him, and drank the blood of the second **** in the wine glass.

This is the blood of the sub-god, and it is no different from the magic bullet for the warriors under the sub-god. Now that the demon is willing to take out the blood of the sub-god to entertain himself, then Ning Xiaochuan is not polite.

After all, there are not many opportunities to be able to drink the blood of the second **** as a drink.

Immediately after drinking this cup of sub-god blood, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that the throat was swollen and seemed to enter a fire snake. This fire snake penetrated into his body and raged everywhere in the body. This is the divinity contained in the sub-god's blood. Trouble.

Before drinking this cup of hypogod blood, Ning Xiaochuan had already anticipated this situation, so he immediately mobilized the strength in his body to suppress this fire snake. With Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation at this moment, he wanted to be like a demon. It was almost impossible to digest the divinity contained in this cup of sub-God blood instantly, but he could suppress it, store it in the body, and slowly refine it.

As long as Ning Xiaochuan finally refines the divinity contained in this cup of blood, it will definitely be of great benefit to him.

This is why Ning Xiaochuan swallowed this cup of blood from the gods with little hesitation just now.

However, Ning Xiaochuan apparently still underestimates the power of the sub-god, even if it is only a glass of blood of the sub-god, which also contains a part of the power of the sub-god.

It is said that the true gods have incorporated the soul into every inch of flesh and blood, even if the flesh collapses, they will not die, and they can be born again with any drop of blood.

Although the power of the sub-god is not as powerful as the real deity, it also contains some characteristics of the deity.

So at this moment, in this cup of sub-god blood, in addition to part of the power of the sub-god, it also contains part of the soul fragments of the sub-god.

Ning Xiaochuan has just suppressed the power of the sub-gods contained in the blood of the sub-gods, and the fragments of the soul of the sub-gods contained in the cup of sub-gods immediately burst out.

These sub-soul fragments turned into a * mind power, eroded towards Ning Xiaochuan's heart, wanting to suppress Ning Xiaochuan's heart, and seize Ning Xiaochuan.

"I see. The demon is kind enough to let us take the blood of the sub-god. It turned out that the sub-soul soul contained in the blood of the sub-god would suppress our heart, and then I had to ask him for help. Come, no matter what he asks, I'm afraid I have to obey him ... but the demon is too underestimated. "

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan had fully understood the intention of the demon.

However, the demon is obviously underestimating Ning Xiaochuan's strength. He has the Qiqiao Demon Heart Palace, and his mind power is even stronger than ordinary sub-gods. Not to mention that it is just the power of the sub-god in the glass of sub-god's blood, even if it is The buddhist sub-god took the shot himself, and I am afraid that he would not be able to seize Xiaoning.

"Break me!"

Ning Xiaochuan only slightly adjusted the power of the mind, and then broke through the power of the sub-mind in this cup of blood.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan turned to look at the Golden Horn Demon Emperor and Silver Horn Demon Emperor behind him.

Just now Ning Xiaochuan suppressed the power of this cup of sub-god blood, and it took almost only a moment to see that Ning Xiaochuan drank this cup of sub-god blood. The temptation of blood brought the blood of the sub-god to himself, and looked carefully.

When Ning Xiaochuan looked at them at this moment, the two of them had put their lips in front of the wine glass, and they would drink this glass of sub-god blood.

Ning Xiaochuan suddenly reached out and snatched the two cups of sub-blood blood, and then put it back on the table in front of him.

"If you don't want to be a puppet, don't drink it."

A cold drink from Ning Xiaochuan immediately made the Golden Horned Emperor and the Silver Horned Emperor awake from the greed just now.

"The brother Ning must have felt something from this cup of blood of God just now, so that prevented us from drinking this stuff."

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor had great confidence in Ning Xiaochuan. After being stopped by Ning Xiaochuan, the two men suddenly showed a look of horror, as if they avoided the blood of the two gods in front of them.

At this moment, even if these two cups of blood are tempting, they dare not drink them.

The demon doesn't care about this. His goal was Ning Xiaochuan. As for the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn Demon, they are just two ants to the Demon. If it was not for Ning Xiaochuan, he would not even bother to watch. They glanced at each other.

At this moment, the demon has been carefully looking at Ning Xiaochuan, and it seems that he does not believe that Ning Xiaochuan can easily digest the power in this cup of sub-God's blood.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan for a moment, the demon suddenly laughed: "Ning Xiaochuan, this time the blood of God is also a rare thing. Since your two friends are not able to enjoy it, then you drink for them!"

"it is good."

Ning Xiaochuan simply nodded his head, opened his mouth, and sucked the sub-god blood contained in the two bronze cups into his mouth.

With the last experience, Ning Xiaochuan's suppression of the power in the blood of the sub-God was even simpler. With almost a few blinks, he looked at the demon again and again.

The demon stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and could not help but sigh.

Such a cup of sub-God blood is difficult to dissolve even if it is a person who has created Jiu Jing, but Ning Xiaochuan has only created the Hakka six, and he can take three cups of Sub-God blood one after another.

It is indeed extraordinary that the preacher of the World Extermination is the only one who has created the realm of cultivation, and it is already so powerful. If he is promoted to the second world, I can't even suppress him.

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan, the demon's heart became more and more fierce about the world extinction.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's attitude just let the demons know that he can never easily learn the way of extinction. So for a while, the demon groaned secretly, trying to figure out a new way to deal with Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan suddenly stood up at this moment and said, "Heart demon, if you want to learn the way to destroy the world, let me see the ugly mother-in-law first."

The demon's eyes flickered a few times, and I didn't know what was in my heart. In the end, I nodded and said, "Of course, no problem, after all, the ugly mother-in-law is also a Shennong, and there is no hardship for me. Take Ning Xiaochuan to see the ugly mother-in-law. "

The demon waved his hand, and the sorcerer standing next to him immediately walked out and took the three of Ning Xiaochuan out.

Watching Mingle take Ning Xiaochuan to go out, the halberd's face standing next to the demon suddenly showed a little unwilling look.

"Old ancestor, Ning Xiaochuan has fallen into our hands, why are you so kind to him?"

Ganji's cultivation has reached the virtual **** realm, so he is dismissive of Ning Xiaochuan, who has only six levels of good fortune.

"My business, when is your turn to talk."

The demon glanced at the dry halberd around him, and immediately made the dry halberd cold, and threw himself to the ground and begged for mercy.

"My ancestors atonement, I just said casually that I dare not interfere in the ancestor's decision at all."

At this moment, the demon was too lazy to look at Ganji again, and let Ganji kneel on the ground, but his eyes seemed to have passed through everything in front of him and fell directly on Ning Xiaochuan in the distance.

"Ha ha, this boy Ning Xiaochuan has fallen into my hands, am I afraid he will not run away, I have time to play with him slowly." Staring at Ning Xiaochuan in the distance, a cold on his demon's face A grinning smile.

His title is Demon, and as the name suggests, he knows that what he does best and what he likes most is playing with people.

At this moment, the three of Ning Xiaochuan followed the music and flew into a densely packed prison cage.

The cage itself seems to be a supreme device, and the faint light emitted by the cage can be seen from the outside.

Walking out along the gate of the prison cage, a roaring sound with madness appeared immediately in the ears of Ning Xiaochuan, the Silver Horn Demon Emperor and the Golden Horn Demon Emperor.

Guile introduced Ning Xiaochuan and the two demon emperors as he walked and introduced: "Ninggongzi, this demon cage is born with a tortured demon voice, and I have been looking forward to it because of the demon voice. Influence, become bloodthirsty mania. "

The introduction of Mingle made Ning Xiaochuan's complexion look suddenly difficult.

"That ugly mother-in-law ..." Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were a little cold.

"Ninggongzi rest assured that the ugly mother-in-law is a noble guest of her ancestors, and naturally the ancestors will not use her voice to deal with her." Ginle glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and explained calmly.

At this moment, the Golden Horn Demon Emperor and the Silver Horn Demon Emperor behind Ning Xiaochuan were staring at a prison in front of them, and couldn't help stopping.

"This is ... a sub-god?"

Staring at the cage in front, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor even couldn't help shuddering.

Can make two lawless monster emperors shiver, naturally there is only a sub-level existence.

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