Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1086: Two conditions

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Ning Xiaochuan had noticed the cage in front of him at this moment.

This cage is obviously different from what they just saw. In this cage, a fat monk with a big fat ear is sitting on the ground with his knees crossed. His hands and feet seem to be penetrated by a few transparent chains. Locked together, although the breath emanating from him was weakened, the divine breath showed that he was a demigod at all times.

However, these are not the most noticeable. At this moment, the monk's most concerned is his face. His face was separated from the middle, with kind eyes and sharp eyes on one side, and the two expressions seemed to divide the monk's face into two halves.

Looking at this monk, Ning Xiaochuan's mind immediately emerged what the demon just said, and couldn't help but startled.

"Second **** of the Shenhe civilization buddha world!"

A sub-god of the Shenhe civilization was actually locked here by the demon, serving as food and drinking blood every day.

Although Ning Xiaochuan had not doubted the words of the demon, but at this moment saw the second **** of the Shenhe civilization, and couldn't help but be amazed.

At this moment, the sub-god state of this Shenhe civilization is obviously not right. It should be what the demon has moved on him. Otherwise, such a cage may not hold the sub-god of the Shenhe civilization. .

Hei Yue seemed to be accustomed to this sub-god of the Shenhe civilization. After glancing at this sub-god, he said calmly: "Ning son, let's go! The place where the ugly mother-in-law is."

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes paused for a while on the gods of the Buddhist world in the Shenhe civilization, and then he continued to walk forward with the music.

At this moment, the deities and deities in the realm of deities brought great impact to Ning Xiaochuan.

A powerful sub-god, who was being held here at the moment, was raised like a pig, and drank blood every day. It was a sad ending.

The ugly mother-in-law was also held in such a cage, but she was in a much better position than the previous demi-god. At least the ugly mother-in-law did not have any means to be moved by the demon.

In the prison cage next to the ugly mother-in-law, Feng Yuexi was also here. However, her condition seems to be much worse than that of the ugly mother-in-law. Not only is her body weak, but she seems to be addicted to consciousness at the moment.

Ning Xiaochuan came close to Feng Yuexi and shouted a few times, but Feng Yuexi did not respond.

He looked so blue that he could only return to the cage where the ugly mother-in-law was.

"How did you get here?"

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan, the face of the ugly mother-in-law suddenly showed a bit of anxiety. She obviously thought that Ning Xiaochuan was also caught by the demon.

"Ugly mother-in-law, Ning Gong is a guest invited by his ancestors. You can talk here casually. I'll go out first!"

Hei Yue opened the restraint of the cage, and seemed to avoid Ning Xiaochuan and the ugly mother-in-law. She turned and walked out of the cage.

"Guest who is invited by the demon, little baby, what is going on?"

Although she knew that Ning Xiaochuan was more powerful than herself at this moment, the anxious mother-in-law anxiously called out what she called Ning Xiaochuan at the beginning.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and didn't want to talk about himself and his demon at all, because he knew that at this moment he wouldn't be useful even if he said these things, but he would worry the ugly mother-in-law and others in vain.

"Say this later!"

He dragged the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn to the front, and Ning Xiaochuan eagerly asked, "Ugly mother-in-law, please help me to see if you can get rid of the evil spirits on both of them."

The ugly mother-in-law is already a Shennong-level mind trainer. If she can't even help her, then Ning Xiaochuan will have no way to eliminate this kind of evil spirit.

The ugly mother-in-law looked at the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, and nodded immediately.

"The evil spirit enters the body. This evil gas should be the spirit of evil gods in hell!"

Seeing the ugly mother-in-law immediately saw the source of this evil spirit, Ning Xiaochuan immediately exulted: "Yes, the two of them were infected with the breath leaked from hell, so they became crazy and evil. Later, I used the magic spirit They protected their hearts and they returned to normal. "

"Later, I developed an elixir to remove evil spirits, which weakened the evil spirits in them, but I still couldn't remove them completely. As long as the evil spirits remained in their bodies, I was worried that one day, these evil spirits would It will break out inside them. "

Staring at the ugly mother-in-law in front of her, Ning Xiaochuan expressed his guess.

Indeed, although there is only a trace of evil in the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor, it is almost weak to an imperceptible level. But as long as there is still this trace of evil qi, this trace of wicked qi will become the seed of wicked qi in the future, and it will become stronger again, so that the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor will be lost.

"I have seen this kind of evil spirit, if I can do it myself, I might be able to get rid of this evil spirit, but now I am powerless!"

The ugly mother-in-law shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Ning Xiaochuan looked for a moment, his eyes immediately fell on the chains on the hands and feet of the ugly mother-in-law.

He almost forgot that the current situation of the ugly mother-in-law is not as good as it looks at the moment. At the moment, the ugly mother-in-law is not only locking the two top-level king-class chains. In addition, the ugly mother-in-law was taken by the demon, and the demon is a person. It would be abnormal if she did not act on the ugly mother-in-law.

"It seems that I can only find a way to rescue the ugly mother-in-law and senior Feng before talking about it." Ning Xiaochuan frowned, glanced back.

Although the demon is not around at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan can feel that the demon is definitely paying attention to his every move at this moment.

After a moment of groaning, Ning Xiaochuan nodded silently to the ugly mother-in-law: "You wait here for a few days, and I will come back to save you."

Telling the ugly mother-in-law, Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the cage with the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn.

Outside the prison cage, the exquisite figure was still waiting outside.

Ning Xiaochuan walked in front of Mingle and said calmly, "Take me to see the demon god."

The demon **** seems to have long known that Ning Xiaochuan will return. At this moment, he is still sitting in that huge chair. When he saw the figure of Ning Xiaochuan, the corner of his mouth was slightly exposed.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you have already seen the ugly mother-in-law, should we talk about the thing that passed to me?

The rumbling voice of the demon ancestor passed into Ning Xiaochuan's ears, and there was even a hint of charm in the voice.

Just now he had always been obedient to Ning Xiaochuan, and even gave Ning Xiaochuan three cups of blood, so that he could destroy the world.

Ning Xiaochuan looked calm and stared at the demons: "I can pass the path of destruction to you, but in addition to the conditions you asked before, I want you to help me complete two more requirements."

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, almost everyone's face was a little surprised at the same time.

Before, Ning Xiaochuan was desperately reluctant to pass the demons to the demons, but now his attitude seems to have undergone a major reversal.

"Brother Ning, aren't you evil?"

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor anxiously approached Ning Xiaochuan and wanted to remind Ning Xiaochuan.

However, as soon as the two men spoke, the huge voice of the demon interrupted the words of the two. Even, their faces paled a little because of this, apparently the demon was deliberately teaching them.

"You are willing to pass me the message of World Extinction. If so, despite your request, as long as I can do it, I will satisfy you."

Ning Xiaochuan's change of attitude made the demon quite excited. His true body even stood up directly and took a few steps towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan looked calm at the moment, and nodded his head: "My two requirements, the first is that you must remove all prohibitions on the ugly mother-in-law and senior Feng, including the supreme king-class chain on the hands and feet of the ugly mother-in-law. The second requirement is that when they recover, you must let them go. "

"Want me to let them go!" The demon stared at Ning Xiaochuan, his face was cloudy and uncertain: "Ning Xiaochuan, do you know how much energy I have taken them to waste my energy, one of them is Phoenix, the other is Shennong, The value of both of them is not much less than the demise of your body. "

"So you are not willing to let go of the ugly mother-in-law. If this is the case, then we don't need to continue the negotiations." Ning Xiaochuan's tone was firm, it seemed that as long as the demon did not agree with his conditions, he would not bother to talk to him Talk to the demon.

This attitude of Ning Xiaochuan even put a little pressure on the demon. He really wanted to learn the Ning Xiaochuan's body of destruction.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan for a moment of contemplation, the demon suddenly nodded: "Well, I will let them go."

"Not only that, but the lifting of their restrictions." Ning Xiaochuan nodded and added.

"No problem!" The demon stared at Ning Xiaochuan and laughed. Although he smiled mildly, he had already made a decision in his heart. As long as the ugly mother-in-law left the magic city, he would secretly hide the two Grab it back.

Leaving aside the value of Feng Yuexi and the ugly mother-in-law, the demon had to use them to threaten Ning Xiaochuan.

If Ning Xiaochuan breaks his promise when he refuses to teach Taoism to him, then he can use them to threaten Ning Xiaochuan. Such a good chess piece will never give up.

Ning Xiaochun didn't seem to see the general idea of ​​the demon at all, and a smile appeared on his face at the moment: "Very well, I can trust your credibility of the predecessor. As for the former teacher, don't mention it again, let's just do it It's just a transaction, and this transaction is good for both you and us. "

"That's right, then I wish we had a smooth transaction." The demon couldn't help laughing at this moment.

Previously, he proposed to worship Ning Xiaochuan, only to obtain expedient measures for the destruction of the world. As a holy god, how could he truly worship Ning Xiaochuan as a teacher?

He is an expedient measure. Why is Ning Xiaochuan not an expedient measure?

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