Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1092: Step by step calculation

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Faced with a fatal blow from Yantai Xueshen, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly withdrew the extermination sword at this moment, and even the ghost of Donghuang great evil **** disappeared at once.

With a faint smile on his face, Ning Xiaochuan greeted the blood directly to the palm of Shentai.

"Just bet on this."

Ning Xiaochuan was relaxed on the surface, but his heart was already tense.

"Ning Xiaochuan, are you looking for death?" Just as Huantai Shen Shen was about to hit Ning Xiaochuan, the demon's roar suddenly appeared.

At the same time, the figure of the demon had abandoned Wumu and Liudao, and appeared directly in front of the blood sinker of Yantai. With a thin hand, he grabbed Ning Xiaochuan from the palm of the blood sinker of Yantai.

Yantai's blood sinking failed in one move. I didn't know whether it was out of confusion or fear of demon. He didn't take another shot, but fluttered a little, then stepped back a few feet away.

"My guess is indeed correct."

Looking at the demon clutching himself, Ning Xiaochuan had a bright smile on his face.

Just now the demon was so anxious to save people, so that Ning Xiaochuan immediately determined that his guess was indeed correct.

Staring at the demon, Ning Xiaochuan said with a smile: "Senior demon, it seems that I misunderstood you just now. I thought you didn't want to learn to destroy the world again!"

The demon's face was gloomy at this moment. After staring at Ning Xiaochuan for a few times, his face turned better: "Of course, I have to learn, those words I said before are just a joke with you, our transaction continues, I Will help you kill the woman in front of you. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Thank you, Senior Demon."

After a little bit of earning, Ning Xiaochuan broke away from the demon like a hand and stood beside the demon again.

"Senior Demon, I have been wounded before and has not recovered. I did not expect that it suddenly broke out just now and almost killed me in the hands of my sister. I am afraid that I cannot help the Demon Senior. Wait for a while. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the demon, smiling as he talked, flying away.

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan, who was gradually away, his demon's face was gloomy again.

"This kid, actually bet on me with his own life."

Ning Xiaochuan's plan at this moment, of course, the demon has seen through.

But the problem is that even if he understood all Ning Xiaochuan's thoughts, as long as he didn't want Ning Xiaochuan to die like this, he had to temporarily obey Ning Xiaochuan's command.

This feeling makes the heart devil extremely incomparable. He has always been playing with people's hearts.

Although I ca n’t wait to tear Ning Xiaochuan to pieces, but the thought of the power of extinction, the demon still held the anger in his heart, glanced at the people in front of him coldly.

Huantai Shen and Wumu and Liudao who were forced from one side.

It seemed that the situation had returned to the original situation, and it was still the siege of the three blood siege by Huantai Shen.

It seemed to prevent the situation from happening again just now. When the demons faced the three bloodstains of Yantai and Shen Shen, they had already flown to Ning Xiaochuan in the distance. At this moment, they suddenly laughed and said loudly: "Sister, this demonic senior Just now, while we were fighting, I stole a lot of tricks. Sister may wish to try some of the skills of the demon predecessor's handprint. "

Ning Xiaochuan's words spread into the blood of Shentai's ears, and he immediately made his blood look cold.

Just now she felt that Ning Xiaochuan was a little weird. Now she heard Ning Xiaochuan say this, and her eyes immediately focused on the demon.

"Palm prints of the world."

It is still a trick to wipe out the world, and two blood ghosts of gods stand behind the bloodstains of Yantai. They step on the crystal red ghost ship and kill the demon directly.

The demon smiled, even with the same arm wave, he hit the world's annihilation palm print just like Yantai Xueshen.

However, there are some differences between the two.

The annihilation of the palms printed by the blood sinkers of Huantai was magnificent. Between the palms of the palms, as if carrying a shadow of the world, they were oppressed towards the demon.

The devastated palm print of the demon, although it looks the same as the blood splatter of Yantai, but his palms are sullen, even with both palms is a bit illusory.


The palms of the demon meet with the **** palms of the blood sacrifice of Yantai, as if the scorching sun had hit the ice and snow, the ghosts of the palms of the demon disappeared quickly, and even the demon was forced to take a step back.

The demons were not discouraged, and grinned.

"It seems that I have learned much less about the world of destruction, and I can't compare it to the real world of destruction."


The blood-stained look of Huantai was cold. At this moment, the killing intention had all condensed on the demon.

Just now, she showed Ning Xiaochuan a trick to wipe out the world, and the demon had learned so much secretly. Although there is no inheritance of the way of the world, the demon can never control the true way of world, but in the blood of Huantai This behavior of the demon is already an insult to the existence of the world.

Regarding the destruction of the world as all the blood sanctions of the battlefield, of course, the existence of those who desecrate the destruction of the world will not be tolerated.

Therefore, at this moment, the killing intentions of Yantai Xueshen have all gathered on the demon.

As for Ning Xiaochuan, Yantai Xueshen's attention to him weakened a lot.

"The kid would have guessed that I was learning the way of the world in secret, it seems that I want to really learn the way of the world, and I have to think of another way."

The spirit demon looked relaxed at this moment, while Yantai Xueshen flickered beside him, but his eyes quietly glanced at Ning Xiaochuan on one side.

With the demon's mind, how could he not guess that Ning Xiaochuan's promise to trade with him was simply a delay.

However, the demon pretended to be ignorant, but began to arrange his various means in the dark.

At first, he wanted to win the blood of Shentai. If he could learn the way of extinction from the blood of Shentai, the demon would kill Ning Xiaochuan directly.

Of course, his first plan failed.

Then, it was the second step plan of the demon. He wanted Ning Xiaochuan and Yantai Xueshen to confront each other. The two preachers of the annihilation of the world were killed together, and the natural use of it would be the extinction of the world of annihilation.

With the help of Ning Xiaochuan and Yantai Xueshen, the demon will observe in secret and learn everything about the way to destroy the world.

Of course, the demon also knows that it is impossible for him to learn the essence of the destruction of the world like this, so he also prepared the third step.

According to the third step of the preparation of the demon, no matter who wins or loses Ning Xiaochuan and Yantai Blood Sinking, as long as one of them falls into a weak state, the demon will enter through the imagination and use the mystery of the **** to bring the person Mind occupied.

In this way, the demon can finally learn the way of extinction.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan sees through the second step of his plan. Naturally, this third step cannot be continued.

What's more serious is that with the strength of the demon at the moment, if you want to control Ning Xiaochuan by using the mystery of the spirit, you must take advantage of Ning Xiaochuan's complete lack of defense against him.

Now that Ning Xiaochuan has guessed the plan of the demon, she must have been extremely jealous of the demon. In this case, even if the demon uses the mystery of the spirit, it is impossible to successfully control the demon.

Seeing that his plan failed, the demon's heart became more and more angry.


The demon's fist was shot out loud, and even the blood of Shentai was blown out. I didn't know how many miles it flew out.

However, on the other side, Wu Mu held a scepter, and six Taos held the chakras.

At the same time that Wumu and Liudao joined forces to fight against the enemy demons, the blood-stained figure of Yantai appeared again. At her feet, she guessed that the crystal red ghost ship was a little faster than Wumu and Liudao, and came first, holding hands. The false sword of the annihilation in the world, splits to the heart demon.

With three sub-level combat powers, at this moment, they have finally joined forces to deal with the demon.

"Too strong! It really is a master of the gods level, even if the strength has not been restored, it is not something that the average **** can handle."

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the side and watched the three blood-stained men in Yantai killing with the demons, and his heart was shocked.

The three gods joined forces, but still couldn't help the demon. The power of the demon is absolutely impressive.

Just after watching the battle for a while, Ning Xiaochuan's figure turned directly and flew towards Guihui with a big swing.

At the moment, both the demon and the blood sinker of Yantai noticed Ning Xiaochuan's whereabouts, but at the moment, they had struck to the most critical moment, and no one had the energy to chase Ning Xiaochuan.


Looking back, he glanced at the scene of the sashimi battle behind him, and Ning Xiaochuan dived directly into the front of the market.

After entering Guihui, Ning Xiaochuan's speed soared.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't stay for a while, even after reaching these evil **** strongholds, but he flew straight toward the depths of Guixu.

"Go to see the master first, and then consider whether you want to enter the **** below Guihui."

As Ning Xiaochuan hurried on, he secretly pondered.

Hell is just Ning Xiaochuan's last choice. If not necessary, Ning Xiaochuan doesn't want to really enter that kind of inhuman place.

Going home, going down Huangquan, the end of the home, the gate of hell.

When Ning Xiaochuan came to see Sui Yuhan last time, he didn't see any gate of **** at all.

This time, Ning Xiaochuan watched everything while he was on his way.

After only a cursory glance, Ning Xiaochuan has discovered the anomaly in this return. At this moment, even in the depths of the Guixu market, the evil atmosphere has become full, and it is clear that there is a constant atmosphere to transform the environment inside the Guixu market.

What can do this is undoubtedly the only **** under the return.

"The channel between Hell and Guixu is opening? Is it that the gods in Hell are trying to break the line between the two?"

Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly stopped at a place inside Guihui, and then glanced down at his feet.

At this moment, at this moment, the dark earth cracked a lot of openings, as if a piece of complete paper had cracked, and a steady stream of evil gas leaked out of these cracked openings.


In front of Ning Xiaochuan, a black cricket's rift suddenly burst open.

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