Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1093: Into hell

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A dark-skinned, bottomless cave appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the cave below, and immediately found that something below seemed to be rushing up.

"It's those evil men!"

After a while, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly trembled and finally understood what those things rushed out from below.

A large group of evil men rushed out of the ground.

"Is this cave connected to hell?" Ning Xiaochuan was shocked.

Originally Ning Xiaochuan thought that only when he reached the end of Guihui, could he find the gate of **** and enter the hell.

However, this scene in front of him has greatly surprised Ning Xiaochuan.

These evil men even tore the ground directly, and then got out from the ground.

Under Ning Xiaochuan's gaze, at least hundreds of evil men were drilled out of the ground, but the cultivation of these evil men was not high. The strongest one was a medium-sized and thin-limbed evil man. He Xiu Wei is only real.

Based on Ning Xiaochuan's understanding of hell, evil men of this level are definitely just a small cricket in Hell.

"Haha, my skull dragon actually came out of hell, this breath is really wonderful, young people, rush out of this ghost place with me."

After digging out of hell, the wicked man who had a real world among these wicked men immediately laughed.

The little puppets that followed him naturally complimented him one by one at this moment.

A group of evil men seemed to be excited because they had just left Hell.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't shoot at these people directly, but hid silently and looked at them.

The appearance of these evil men is similar to that of the people of Da Yan World, except that there is always an evil spirit on their bodies. Under the envelope of this evil gas, they all look extremely evil, and even their eyes seem to be shining with evil light.

"Young people, follow me."

Feeling a different atmosphere from Hell, the evil man who claimed to be called the Skeleton Dragon waved his hand and left.

At this time, Ning Xiaochuan shot directly.

With a wave of his palm, a stream of dense sword-like qi directly penetrated all these hundreds of evil people.

In the face of such a group of low-level evil men, Ning Xiaochuan didn't even have to cast out the world.

Seeing that the companions around him disappeared one by one, they fell from the air, and the skull dragon repaired in real life looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a horror in his face.

"My lord's life, I am willing to be my lord's slave."

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan's deep breath, far from being able to compare himself, Skull Dragon immediately knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy.

However, when the skull dragon's head drooped to the foot of Ning Xiaochuan, his eyes suddenly flashed a bit violently.

"go to hell."

A bone spear shot from the hand of the skull dragon.

At this moment the eyes of the skull dragon were full of madness.

He had identified that Ning Xiaochuan was not a life in **** at all, so he did not expect Ning Xiaochuan to really let him go.

Knowing that he would die, Skull Dragon forced himself to release all his potential.

First, he bewitched Ning Xiaochuan by begging for mercy, and then desperately issued a trick to attack Ning Xiaochuan.

It has to be said that with all their efforts, the power of Skull Dragon at this moment is almost as good as a master who has just entered Wangu.


Such a move certainly did not threaten Ning Xiaochuan, and Ning Xiaochuan waved it and stopped it.

The next moment, Ning Xiaochuan kicked the skull dragon and kicked it out.

With the help of Ning Xiaochuan's own kick, Skull Dragon shot his bone spear toward Ning Xiaochuan, but the figure turned around and ran away.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure flickered, grabbed the bone spear in his hand, and then intercepted it in front of the skull dragon, reached out and grabbed his head directly.

"No!" A bit of horror flashed on Skull Dragon's face, and then his eyes froze.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan had controlled the magical powers of the Qiqiaoshenjinxin into the skull dragon's mind.

After a few breaths, Ning Xiaochuan regained his palm with satisfaction.

From Skull Dragon's consciousness, Ning Xiaochuan has got everything he wants.

With one stroke, a blood-red bead jumped out of the skull dragon's chest and fell on Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, the skeleton dragon had no breath, and fell directly from the air, before falling to the ground, his body suddenly shattered and shattered.

Ning Xiaochuan held the beads refined from the skeleton dragon and swallowed them.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan's physical appearance and even his breath immediately turned into a skull dragon.

"Hell, I'm here." With a proud smile, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flew into the cave immediately below.

Just after Ning Xiaochuan's figure disappeared into the cave, the demon-obscured figure suddenly appeared here.

Glancing at the cave below for a few glances, the darkened face of the demon became harder to look at.

"It has actually entered Hell. Now that the seal of Hell has not been completely broken, I cannot enter Hell at all ... But Ning Xiaochuan, my demon is not so easy to calculate."

He snorted coldly, and the demon figure slowly disappeared.

The black cormorant's cave was almost unfathomable. At Ning Xiaochuan's speed, it flew for a whole day without ever reaching the end.

However, when Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt as if he had broken through a film-like thing, his figure fell into a dark world.

Everything here is extremely dark, there is no light, and nothing can be seen by the eyes.

Only by perception, Ning Xiaochuan could barely figure out. At this moment, there are several huge hills under his feet. Because there is no sunlight, these hills are bare and extremely barren.

"This should be Alchemy Mountain."

Ning Xiaochuan plundered the memory of the skeleton dragon, and he knew nothing about hell.

According to Skull Dragon's memory, they were originally a group of evil men living near Lian Jinshan. It was only by chance that they accidentally penetrated into the cave where the link returned to the market.

The figure of Ning Xiaochuan fell from the air and began to fall towards the Alchemy Mountain.

Near the ground, Ning Xiaochuan felt a violent breath released from the ground.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's power can make Ning Xiaochuan easily resist this violent atmosphere, Ning Xiaochuan is still very surprised.

It is worthy of **** here, even the earth has such an evil atmosphere.

Now Ning Xiaochuan can understand why these evil men are all very evil spirits. If they live in such a place, even if they are normal people, they may become lunatics and demons after a long time.

"However, the Three Thousand Ways of the World Extinction in the Book of Extinction encompasses everything. Whether it is a demon or something else, it can be considered a part of the World Extinction. In such extreme places, it is even more beneficial to me to cultivate the World Extinction.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan stepped on the Alchemy Mountain, he immediately felt the evil breath and rushed towards him.

"Demons of World Extermination."

Just just stepping on the ground of hell, Ning Xiaochuan's mind immediately came up with a few insights about the Su Shi Jing.

The new way of extinction was realized by Ning Xiaochuan.

This latest one is the Taoist Demon.

The path of extinction is known as extinction, and demons exist in the world for extinction, so there are many similarities between the two. This path of extinction is to let Ning Xiaochuan use the power of demons to destroy the world.

Ning Xiaochuan only felt for a moment, and immediately realized that the extinction of the demon world and the connection of the Shinto road had the same effect.

But the difference is that in order to receive the Shinto, you must have a part of the breath of the gods before you can borrow the power of the gods.

But this demonic way is different. The power of demons is used everywhere. Ning Xiaochuan can collect these demonic forces when he practices the demonic way. When needed, he will erupt once.

As long as the power of the collected demons is enough, this way of destroying the demons is even more powerful than receiving Shinto.

Of course, now Ning Xiaochuan has just realized the demons of the world, and it is impossible to really show this trick. Only after he has practiced hard can he master this trick thoroughly.

After Ning Xiaochuan masters the demons, he will definitely improve again.

In the current state of Ning Xiaochuan, it is more useful to realize the new way of extinction than any other practice.

As soon as he entered Hell, he had such a huge gain, which made Ning Xiaochuan quite satisfied.

However, Ning Xiaochuan also knows that the power of the World Extinction is far more powerful than those of the demons. The demons are only an instinct to extinct the world, but the world extinction is for spiritual practice.

Even the demons are also part of the destruction of the world.

When Ning Xiaochuan practices to a higher level, he will certainly realize the heavenly ways of destroying these demons.

Flying over the Alchemy Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan overturned several mountains one after another, and eventually stopped in a mountain stream.

In this mountain stream, there are some simple daily necessities.

This is where Skull Dragon and others live in Alchemy Mountain.

The living environment in **** is different from the Da Yan world. In the Da Yan world, as long as it is life, it can be passed on to future generations.

But in hell, the environment is bad, and not everyone can have offspring. According to the rules of hell, only those evil men who are cultivated as strong are eligible to have offspring.

It's like a skull dragon. Only when he breaks through the ancient realm can he be eligible to live in the nearest city.

After Skull Dragon Xiu breaks through the realm of creation, he is qualified to contact women to give birth to offspring.

Only the children born by the masters of good fortune can be strong at birth and survive in the harsh environment of hell.

This is also the main reason why Han Jin and Erince had feelings in the original stalemate, but only Hanjin, who was in the ancient times, still did not accept Erince.

The whole hell, only in the city, will a newborn be born. Once these babies reach the limit, they will be driven out of the city to survive in other bad places in hell.

Skull dragons and the evil men under him are all the same.

"It is really a cruel rule of survival, but it is also because of this rule and such a harsh environment that these evil people in **** will be so powerful."

Ning Xiaochuan secretly sighed and stepped into this mountain stream.

Next, he will stay here to practice.

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