Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1111: In one breath

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As if just waking up, this sighing voice clearly had a drowsy feeling.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced around and drank.


Hearing someone talking, Ning Xiaochuan not only did not show the slightest confusion on his face, but took on a bit of joy.

In this kind of ghost place, Ning Xiaochuan would rather have enemies appear than he would lonely rush away every day like before.

"You can call me Shadow Lord."

With a lazy voice, in the center of the platform in front of Ning Xiaochuan, a sleepy man in loose pajamas appeared yawning.

It seems that I still don't sleep enough. After appearing in the center of the platform, the man who claims to be the shadow prince immediately fell to the ground, laid a comfortable posture, lying on the side with his arms on his hands, lazy Yang Yang looked at Lin Han.

"Well, why is there such a weak little guy this time, not even god, and wants to challenge me."

While talking, the man reached out and yawned, completely ignoring Lin Han's appearance.

"Shadow Lord?"

Lin Han stared at the man in front of him, glanced up and down at him.

From the shadow prince in front of him, Lin Han did not feel even a strong breath, as if the shadow prince in front of him was just an ordinary mortal.

But if he is really mortal, he will never appear here for no reason.

Therefore, this strange feeling made Lin Han more vigilant.

"After I was young, I was lucky this time. I happened to be bored for so many years. I was looking for someone to chat with, so I will definitely leave your life for a while, and when I get bored with you, I will then Kill you."

After yawning, the shadow prince spoke quietly again.

Lin Han didn't say anything, just stared at the Shadow Lord with vigilance.

The Lord of Shadows seemed very dissatisfied with Lin Han's caution. He waved his hand at Lin Han and waved his hand before he continued: "I said that I would not do anything to you, then I would definitely not do anything to you, otherwise you I thought you could stop me. You tell me now that those outside are dead. "

Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment, then nodded: "If you are talking about those who live in the city, then they may have died, and now there are no bones left."

Since the shadow prince had no intention of hitting himself, Lin Han didn't mind talking with him, at least he had to know the secret of this world from him.

"Death is gone, even the bones are gone, shit, how many years have passed, why are the guys in **** so uncontested, I am bored to death here alone."

After listening to Lin Han's words, the shadow prince stayed for a while, and then wept with a sad face, rolling on the ground like a child's temper.

A guy who is suspected of being a peerless powerhouse has such a naive personality, which makes Lin Han look a little stunned.

Crying on the ground for a while, the shadow prince sat up on his knees, propped his head with one hand, and looked at Lin Han: "Since everyone is dead, how did you get here?"

Before Lin Han answered, Shadow Lord waved his hand.

Suddenly, Lin Han felt that everything around him started to move quickly.

The scenery in front of Ning Xiaochuan, from this pyramid-like hill, quickly retreated toward the distance, as if Lin Han was going back along the road at the moment, the figure of the young man, the Dan furnace depicted on the ground, The ruined city finally emerged from the great vortex to Ning Xiaochuan ... as if time was flowing backwards, everything Ning Xiaochuan experienced before clearly appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

When the picture in front of Ning Xiaochuan became when he was taken by the ancestor Yan Quan into the great vortex, the picture in front of Ning Xiaochuan disappeared, and the shadow prince sitting cross-legged on the ground appeared again in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"What is this trick?"

Ning Xiaochuan was a bit shocked by the ability that Shadow Lord had just revealed.

What Ning Xiaochuan saw just now made him feel as if he was watching a movie, and it was still a movie of what he has experienced recently.

"This is not a trick. This is the Tao. Only the true God can begin to explore the Tao of the world's most original." The shadow sage looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a smile and pointed at Ning Xiaochuan with a brazen expression: "I see you It has also brought a very strong sense of destruction. It seems that you are practicing a very powerful method, and this method is leading you step by step to understand this method of destruction. "

There is no doubt that the shadow prince is talking about the Ning Xiaochuan's Cultivation.

And Ning Xiaochuan's practice of annihilation at the moment is indeed pure destruction until the end, and even the world must be completely destroyed by Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the shadow prince in front of him. This was the first time that he had seen someone so lightly analyze the self-cultivation of the world.

Moreover, the shadow prince in front of him seemed to care nothing about the demise of himself.

Staring at the shadow prince in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan said with a gloomy face, "Who are you?"

"Of course I am the caretaker of this world, and everyone who comes here, I will kill them all. Of course, if you ask about my identity, my identity ... is actually a breath from others. . "Shadow Saint blinked.

"A breath!" Lin Han frowned and looked at the shadow prince in front of him.

Those true peerless powers already have their own brand on their breath, so it is not surprising to blow out an avatar in one breath.

But the problem is that the avatar, like this, should be very fragile, but the shadow monk in front of himself admits that he is a caretaker, and his strength is very strong.

It seemed to see what Lin Han thought, and the Lord of Shadows laughed again: "Don't look down on me too much. Although I'm just someone else's breath, that person is too powerful, even if it's breath, He also brought his own Tao, and relying solely on this Tao would be enough for me to kill everyone who came here. The little young man you saw before, his name is Jun Qianyi, his strength is already To the point of being against the sky, I have not been beheaded in the end. "

"That young strong man was killed by you?"

Lin Hanjue was extremely surprised. He just saw with his own eyes that the young strong man was on the platform in front of his eyes, his body was torn apart, and his soul was dead.

If the prince of shadows could easily kill the young strongman in front of him, his strength would be too terrible, and the person who blew him out in one breath would be more powerful.

"Of course, Jun Qianyi is about to grasp the origin of reincarnation in the origin of the world. His strength can be called against the sky, but anyway, his way is not as good as mine, and I will be killed."

The shadow lord laughed, and looked at Lin Han with a strange look, and continued: "But I didn't expect that after so many years, it is now you who are qualified to come to me. It seems that you are completely pitted by the **** you brought. That guy should have heard the rumors that I circulated in hell, so I will get you into that whirlpool. "

"What rumors?" Ning Xiaochuan nodded and asked.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan felt that the confusion in his heart seemed to be resolved by the shadow prince in front of him.

"Of course, it was a rumor that I could leave Hell. After I killed this little young man, no one came to me after a long time. I was a bit bored, so I spread a rumor in Hell. The content of the rumor was, As long as anyone can enter the large vortex of the center of **** and step out of it, he will have the power to control the whole hell. "

I casually explained that the shadow prince's eyes had been looking at Ning Xiaochuan quite strangely.

Obviously, Ning Xiaochuan was the first person to be deceived by this rumor.

"Yan Quan's ancestor is really ..."

The words of the shadow prince made Ning Xiaochuan speechless for a while.

He is now certain that the ancestor Yan Quan may not want to harm him, but he really wants to help him become stronger, so he will believe the rumors spread by the shadow monk in front of him, and let Ning Xiaochuan jump into the whirlpool. Go hone yourself.

"What is the Dan furnace pattern left by Jun Qianyu?" Lin Han was silent for a moment, and suddenly looked up.

Ning Xiaochuan has learned from the shadow of the Holy King that the name of the young strong man he followed all the way is called Jun Qianyu.

Just now, as time goes by, the shadow prince apparently saw the pattern of the Dan furnace left by Jun Qianji, so at this moment he smiled and said easily: "Jun Qianji's guy left such a pattern before he died, it is obviously him You just understand the nature of hell. "

"Don't you say that the existence of **** is a smelter?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned.

"Almost, but it's not all right. It's not that **** is a furnace, but hell, the market, and the pagoda, plus the world of the world of Yan, these together make up a furnace." Jun Hehe smiled and nodded: "Let me tell you so, the person who blows me out is a mind trainer, and he is a mind trainer who has reached the level of the Creator. He will put us in this space and Hell, refining a furnace furnace of Dan furnace, all life in the furnace room is not only the furnace fire of Dan furnace, but also the material of alchemy in Dan furnace. Connecting the **** tower is the Dan of this furnace. Room. The return to the market is the connection between the furnace room and the Chengdan room. "

"What about Dayan World, there is no need for Dayan World to exist." Ning Xiaochuan questioned subconsciously.

At this moment he was already shocked.

It turns out that some people can use several small worlds as a furnace to make alchemy.

"The existence of Dayan World is the most important thing, but you are still a mind teacher." The shadow prince glanced at Ning Xiaochuan with a look of contempt.

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