Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1112: Cause and Effect

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"The existence of Dayan World is indeed the most important."

Before the Shadow Emperor said anything, Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

He had already understood the role of Da Yan World. When Ning Xiaochuan was alchemy himself, he had to set up arrays around him to prevent the psychic elixir from escaping at the moment of becoming Dan.

Now the so-called creator who created the shadow emperor, uses several worlds to create a panacea, and then uses countless gods as the fire and medicinal materials to remedy the elixir. If there is no such a huge world as the Da Yan world to protect the panacea The barrier of the medicine, I am afraid that at the moment when the elixir is formed, these elixir will directly escape.

The King of Qingyan once said that the world of Dayan is a god-making circle. If the god-making cycle comes, the probability of the life of the Dayan world being cultivated to God is many times higher than elsewhere.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't quite understand Qing Qingwang's statement before, but now, after combining the words of Shadow Emperor, Ning Xiaochuan immediately understood everything.

The appearance of this huge Dan furnace was simply to create gods.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan even had a picture in his mind. The content of the picture was that a large number of gods who did not obey orders were inserted into this furnace by a peerless power, and then the divinity on them was refined. , Condensed out a new godhead.

These newly refined gods were naturally rewarded to those who listened.

Thus, a large number of new gods were born.

But later, the number of rebellious gods decreased, and without these medicinal materials to refine the gods, the number of gods refined by this Dan furnace gradually decreased.

So the mighty creator was too lazy to manage the furnace, leaving a breath to guard it, and never managed the furnace again.

Although there is no manager, the furnace is still running.

Countless beings in **** have served as the source of firewood and medicinal materials in this furnace.

After countless years of accumulation, this Dan furnace occasionally produces one or more gods.

And this cycle of the birth of the godhead is the god-making cycle of the Dayan World.

Every once in a while, there will be such a godhead in the world of Da Yan that can directly become a god. As long as the godhead is refined, he can directly become a god.

This is the truth that the probability of life being cultivated in the Dayan World is infinitely higher than anywhere else.

The so-called battle of deities is essentially a war for the gods.

"Shenhe civilization should have discovered the secrets of the Dayan World, so it will open the door to people and gods at any cost, and send the strong to the Dayan World to fight for the gods.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded secretly.

This cruel truth made him feel a little creepy.

The existence of **** is just to provide the medicine for alchemy for the operation of this furnace.

The essence of cultivation is to strengthen itself, but the existence of this Dan furnace has turned the essence of cultivation into plundering others, and the plundering is still the whole world.

This practice is almost evil.

These thoughts flashed in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and then Ning Xiaochuan looked up at the shadow sage in front of him.

At this moment, the shadow-born prince makes a lazy look, sitting cross-legged in front of Ning Xiaochuan, yawning from time to time, looking like a big brother who just woke up.

But the existence of this big brother next door is deadly.

His only role is to watch over the normal operation of the Dan furnace. After all, there are several small worlds in the Dan furnace, although the probability that the peerless strongman who can destroy the Dan furnace is born in these small worlds is not It is too high, but it is not impossible.

The shadow prince in front of him is to stifle this possibility.

Everyone who might threaten the existence of Dan Furnace will be beheaded and killed by him, such as the young strong man Jun Qianyi.

Ning Xiaochuan's strength is certainly far from meeting the requirements of destroying the Dan furnace, and even his presence here was accidental.

However, Ning Xiaochuan could unconsciously let himself go, so from the beginning, Ning Xiaochuan was already looking for a way to defeat him in addition to talking with him.

Even a peerless powerhouse such as Jun Qianxuan was easily killed by the shadow sage. If only by his own strength, Ning Xiaochuan had no confidence at all to defeat the other party.

However, after observing the shadow prince for so long, Ning Xiaochuan gradually found a chance that he could defeat the shadow prince.

"Little guy, there's actually one thing I haven't told you yet."

The shadow saintly looked at Ning Xiaochuan lazily and grinned suddenly: "The rumors that I spread to **** are not all fake, for example, as long as he can leave alive from the **** vortex, then he You can have the power to control the whole hell. This sentence is absolutely true. As long as you can defeat me, you have the qualification to refine the Dan furnace. By then, everything in the Dan furnace will be subject to you Take control, let alone a hell. Even all the power in this furnace will be under your control. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the shadow lord, and was not excited by the words of the shadow lord.

Because what the Lord of Shadows said was simply a painting.

Being able to defeat his existence almost already has the strength to destroy this Dan furnace, and with this powerful strength, who cares about that little energy in this Dan furnace.

Looking at the Lord of Shadows, Ning Xiaochuan calmly said, "I am very interested in the predecessor of Shadow. According to the predecessor, the king Qian Jun who was killed by the predecessor controls the origin of reincarnation. What is the predecessor controlling? The origin ... the origin of time? Or the origin of space? "

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's inquiry, the shadow prince glanced at Ning Xiaochuan a little unexpectedly, and then laughed loudly.

"Haha, it's interesting. Although your little guy is not strong, he still wants to find my flaws and defeat me completely. That's fine. Killing such a wise man is more interesting than killing a fool. You guys, listen well. The source contained in me is a Taoism called cause and effect. Although it is much worse than the cause of time and space in your mouth, it is also very powerful. The origin of it. "

The Lord of the Shadows clearly saw Ning Xiaochuan's plan, but he didn't care, and told Ning Xiaochuan everything he wanted to know.

The reason why the shadow prince is so unbridled is very simple, one is because Ning Xiaochuan's strength is too weak, even the gods are not good enough.

The second is because the existence of the origin is already the top secret of the world's operation. Even if he tells Ning Xiaochuan the name of the origin he contains, Ning Xiaochuan cannot realize anything.

Not to mention Ning Xiaochuan, even if it is many powerful gods, it is impossible to learn anything from the name of a source.

Ning Xiaochuan's look did not change, but continued to ask: "Causality is the source, so the way the shadow predecessors deal with the enemy is to use the power of cause and effect. This space suppresses all forces. It seems that the seniors have this source of power in addition , There is no other power. "

"You guessed right, I don't really have any other power, but the power of the source is the most powerful being. With the power of cause and effect, I don't need other power at all." Shadow Lord stared at Ning Xiaochuan He grinned and said, "Little guy, I'm very optimistic about your potential. I think you might as well go back to practice for tens of thousands of years. At that time, you come to me again, maybe you can bring me more fun. "

Being so slighted by the shadow prince, Ning Xiaochuan just frowned slightly, then shook his head.

The existence of the Lord of Shadows is indeed qualified to despise everything.

Just a moment of deep groaning, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly started walking towards the place where the shadow prince was.

Just taking a step, Ning Xiaochuan felt a strange power covering his whole body.

Under the influence of this power, Ning Xiaochuan felt that his physical strength had degraded to the level of ordinary people.

Taking a step forward again, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that the vanishing sword and all the power in his body had all disappeared.

The power of cause and effect is to cut off all cause and effect.

Ning Xiaochuan practiced because of the cause, because the body is strong and the effect, so the cause and effect was directly cut off by the force of the cause and effect. Without this cause and effect, Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength immediately recovered to an untrained level.

Ning Xiaochuan cultivated the magic sword, and finally merged the extinct magic sword. This is also a cause and effect. Now this cause and effect is cut off, so the extinct magic sword disappears directly.

Of course, the World Extermination Sword just disappeared into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

As one of the holy relics of the World Extinction, the World Extinction Sword cannot be truly destroyed by the force of cause and effect.

Ning Xiaochuan now feels the feeling of Jun Qianyu he saw before.

At every moment he took a step forward, a piece of cause and effect was cut off.

The strength of the body is a cause and effect, and its own memory is a cause and effect ... everything is actually cause and effect.

Therefore, no one can escape the influence of cause and effect.

Under the influence of the cause of cause and effect, all of Ning Xiaochuan's body disappeared, and even his memory began to become blank. If he continued, the last thing to be cut off was his life cause and effect.

The birth of a life is also a cause and effect, so the power of cause and effect can easily cut off this cause and effect and easily wipe out a person's life.

"You guys, you're still too weak. Now I don't even kill you. I will give you another chance. If you return and stay here with me for a hundred years, I will let you go."

The shadow prince has been watching Ning Xiaochuan.

He did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan would be so decisive. After asking him about the cause and effect of cause and effect, he stepped directly into the scope of his source of power.

Under the influence of the power of cause and effect, the Lord of Shadows has discovered that Ning Xiaochuan has become weaker than an ordinary person at this moment. Most of his cause and effect have been cut off at this moment.

As a breath of others, the shadow prince had only the instinct to guard here.

But now, after staying here for countless years, the Shadow Lord has begun to have his own thoughts.

Since there is thinking, it will be lonely, lonely, and boring, so after Ning Xiaochuan appeared, the first feeling of the shadow prince was surprise and excitement.

Now he still does not want to kill Ning Xiaochuan, but wants to let Ning Xiaochuan stay here to accompany him on his lonely days.

The words of the shadow lord came directly into Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and Ning Xiaochuan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

It seemed to be thinking whether he was going to move on, Ning Xiaochuan stood still.

At this moment the memories in his mind had all disappeared, leaving only a trace of obsession left to him.

After just hesitating for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan took another step forward.

This step was just like the first step taken by Jun Qianxian, Ning Xiaochuan's body began to shatter.

"It's over, I finally had to wait for someone to accompany myself, and the kid finally died."

The shadow monarch shook his head in a depressed face.

However, at the moment when Ning Xiaochuan's figure completely disappeared, the shadow sage's complexion suddenly changed.

"Grass, how is this possible!"

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