Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1113: Bet win

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The Shadow Lord himself has forgotten how many years he has never scolded anyone.

In fact, for so many years, even if he wanted to scold, he could not find anyone to scold him.

But now, he couldn't help but scold it.

Because at this moment, he clearly felt that Ning Xiaochuan's physical body disappeared, but where Ning Xiaochuan disappeared, there was still a strong vitality and he took steps towards him.

"It's impossible. Even after the cause and effect are cut off by the force of cause and effect, even the soul should dissipate."

The shadow prince looked at him in disbelief.

At the same time, the forces of cause and effect in the surrounding area immediately began to boil, and invisible ripples rippled around.

Just as when the shadow prince probed the source of Ning Xiaochuan, the surrounding scenes changed rapidly.

Ning Xiaochuan's body appeared again, but this time he stepped back toward the edge of the stone platform step by step.

Subsequently, Ning Xiaochuan returned to the former ruined ancient city, then left the whirlpool, separated from Yan Quan's ancestors, and returned to the Huixu ... At this moment, almost everything Ning Xiaochuan has experienced before.

This is the power of the cause of cause and effect. By virtue of the force of cause and effect, the shadow prince easily goes through all the causes and effects on Ning Xiaochuan.

In the end, the time came when Ning Xiaochuan was born.

As the cause-and-effect master, Shadow Lord easily strangled Ning Xiaochuan, a newborn baby, in a trance.

Immediately, everything was restored, and the shadow prince appeared in his original position with satisfaction.

However, just a few moments later, the shadow lord's face was a **** expression again.

"Grass, this is impossible, I have killed you with my own hands."

Feeling the powerful force of life in front of him, Shadow Lord almost roared.

Immediately, the causal forces around him fluctuated more and more.

The picture was reversed again, and the shadow prince used almost all his power.

Causality is reversed, but this time the shadow prince reversed not only the cause and effect of Ning Xiaochuan, but the cause and effect of the whole hell.

"This guy must have been possessed by an old monster, so after cutting his cause and effect, he couldn't kill him. I will also kill your old guy this time."

In the frantic look of the shadow lord, the picture kept receding.

The birth of Ning Xiaochuan is just the beginning. The tens of thousands of years of history of the Dayan World seem to be all reversed at this moment.

Even the pictures of the emperor becoming a **** appear in the picture.

However, the shadow prince obviously had no interest in the emperor, so the picture of the emperor becoming a **** just passed away.

When the time of the entire Dayan world is reversed, the shadow prince is constantly searching for all causes and effects about Ning Xiaochuan.

However, for thousands of years, the shadow lord has not found the cause and effect related to Ning Xiaochuan.

If only that was the case, but the Dark Lord clearly felt that the breath of Ning Xiaochuan was lingering around him at this moment.

At this moment, the Lord of Shadows has begun to reverse causality regardless of all things. He does not believe that the power of causality will be invalidated.

However, the reversal picture finally stopped.

In this final picture, a big turtle appears, as if vented on the ground of Guixu casually, everything in Guixu is not affected by this foot, but **** below Guixu In the middle, numerous turtle cracks appeared, and the powerful seal between Hell and Guixu was even torn apart by this foot.

On the flat stone platform, the shadow prince was panting and fell to the ground as if exhausting his strength.

In front of him, Ning Xiaochuan's figure appeared again.

"My physical strength has recovered."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the whole body a little suddenly, and immediately looked a little surprised.

"In that case, I ended up winning."

Staring at the shadow sage who was already tired and lying down, Ning Xiaochuan finally laughed.

Bet won!

For Ning Xiaochuan, this is a gamble.

After knowing that the shadow prince controlled the power of cause and effect, Ning Xiaochuan immediately thought that his body was mixed with Ning Xiaochuan and the earthman Li Feng.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan decided to take a bet, and the bet is that the shadow prince cannot cut off both of his own cause and effect.

The shadow prince looked at Ning Xiaochuan weakly at this moment, still with an unbelievable look in his eyes: "My power of cause and effect has no effect on you. What secrets are there in you?"

"Sorry, I can't tell you this."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and took a tentative step forward.

As he had expected, all the causal forces that pervaded the surrounding area had now disappeared.

In just a few steps, Ning Xiaochuan appeared in front of the Shadow Lord.

Ning Xiaochuan did what the unparalleled strongman Jun Chisun had not done.

Looking down at the shadow lord, Ning Xiaochuan can feel that the other party is really weak. Without the power of cause and effect, the shadow lord is just another person's breath.

"It doesn't matter, even if I know your secret, it's useless."

A dark look suddenly appeared on the shadow saint's face, lowering his head and constantly shaking his head.

"What do you mean by this?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned.

The Lord of Shadows had something in it at the moment, not just being defeated by Ning Xiaochuan.

The shadow monk looked helplessly at Ning Xiaochuan: "You should have seen the picture I used to use cause and effect before, at the last moment, the picture of the old turtle kicking the seal of **** with one foot. ? "

"I did see that." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

When he was enveloped by the causal power of the shadow prince just now, he did enter into a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

In this sensation, his physical body disappeared, and he existed solely as a soul body.

And all the pictures summoned by the Lord of Shadows were naturally seen clearly by him.

As for the last picture I saw, Ning Xiaochuan was quite speechless.

Shadow Lord does not know the old turtle, but Ning Xiaochuan knows it.

The old turtle was obviously the grandfather of Xiaojinshen, the old turtle hiding in Tiandi Mountain.

Since seeing the picture of the old turtle in the scroll of the first floor of the receiving tower, Ning Xiaochuan has felt that the old turtle is good.

But Ning Xiaochuan didn't expect that this old turtle would be so perverted to this point that he would break the seal between Guixu and Hell directly.

Now Ning Xiaochuan can understand why the evil people in **** can enter the Guixu market.

The source of all emotions is because of this old turtle.

Without this old turtle's foot, relying on the power of the gods in hell, it should not be enough to break the seal of hell.

"Since you saw the picture, then you should understand that the Dan furnace I guarded has already been broken by this old turtle. The grass, where such a pervert has been drilled out, is certainly not the strength of this old turtle. It ’s weaker than the person who made me. Why does such a peerless powerhouse appear in such a smelter? "

When referring to the existence of the old tortoise, the shadow prince scolded one after another.

Grandpa Xiaojin ’s foot is almost equivalent to destroying the entire Dan furnace. If the evil people in **** all enter the Guishi or Dayan world, then the Dan furnace is equivalent to the loss of firewood and herbs. Keep going.

The Dan furnace was destroyed, and of course the caretaker of the Shadow Lord did not need to exist, so he would appear so irritable at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment, and suddenly said, "Not long ago, I just saw this old turtle."

"Grass, for so many years, he didn't even leave here. What on earth did he want to do? It's over, now even if the person behind me comes back to repair the Dan furnace, I'm afraid it's okay."

A word from Ning Xiaochuan made the shadow sage completely desperate, and collapsed directly on the ground, looking like death.

Such a scene left Ning Xiaochuan rather speechless.

A while ago, the Lord of Shadows still looked like the only person in heaven and earth, but now, just knowing the existence of Grandpa Kim, he is completely frightened and desperate.

Ning Xiaochuan said a secret secret in his heart, but his eyes began to glance up and down on the shadow lord.

"You said just now that as long as you defeat you, you can control the power of this furnace."

Speaking of the power of Dan furnace, Ning Xiaochuan immediately eagerly.

Now he is really pressing for the power. The Dan furnace can refine the existence of the gods. If he can control the power of the Dan furnace, his power will be enough to deal with all crises.

"You said just now that you have seen the old turtle, how is your relationship with him?" Shadow Lord did not answer Ning Xiaochuan, but asked something else.

"It's okay, but he wants to marry my granddaughter, and I promised to marry her." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and a smile appeared on his face.

When thinking of this old turtle, Ning Xiaochuan's mind appeared like Jinshen.

As for the marriage agreement with Xiao Jinshen, Ning Xiaochuan didn't care.

After all, Xiaojinshen is just a psychic elixir, and her character is too simple. Ning Xiaochuan promised her casually, but she just wanted to cheer her up.

"I want to marry your granddaughter, such a peerless chasing chase after my granddaughter."

The shadow stunner looked at Ning Xiaochuan in stun and his saliva flowed down from his mouth.

The next moment, the shadow prince climbed directly from the ground, and flew in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Brother, you are my elder brother from today. After the elder brother's orders, even if I have fought this life, I will complete it."

Ning Xiaochuan silently looked at the shadow sage.

The shadow prince a moment ago was still a master image in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, but now, the master image collapsed.

But this is not uncommon, after all, this guy appeared from the beginning to be a lazy look, and it is normal for his character to fall off like he is now.

"Less nonsense, tell me first how to control the power of Dan furnace."

Ning Xiaochuan stretched out his hand and took the shadow prince into his hands. Without the protection of the power of the source, the shadow prince was only composed in one breath. The weak was a bit pitiful.

"Okay, brother."

The shadow monk nodded utterly, a look of Bakkenin Ogawa.

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