Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1114: Leave the vortex

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"Is this the heart of the Dan furnace?"

Ning Xiaochuan stood at the top of the pyramid hill and looked at the light pearl that appeared in front of him.

This light bead is the core of the Dan furnace summoned by the shadow prince. As long as Ning Xiaochuan refines it, he can control the power of the entire Dan furnace.

Ning Xiaochuan reached out and held the light bead in his hand.

Instantly, Ning Xiaochuan had a lot of things in his mind.

The world of Da Yan, the tower connected to the gods, the market, **** and even the vortex of hell, the outlines of these worlds all appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

These small worlds are layered on top of each other to form a nearly perfect combination, which is the existence of Dan furnace.

Ning Xiaochuan only felt for a moment, and then he faintly felt that he had made a great breakthrough in the realm of mind training.

Now Ning Xiaochuan can only vaguely feel the outline of these small worlds. If Ning Xiaochuan can thoroughly refine this light bead in the future, he can control everything in these small worlds.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan cannot really master everything.

Not to mention, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't control the grandpa of Xiao Jinshen alone.

Just when Ning Xiaochuan was refining this pearl of light, in the Yanyan World, a woman in a white veil appeared on a hillside that was already somewhat deserted.

Behind her, followed by a blood-red camel.

The camel was rotten, exuding a strong breath of death. It seems to be only over two meters tall, but it carries a strong breath.

This woman is Yu Ningsheng, who has become the messenger of Fengshen.

After becoming a messenger of Fengshen, Yu Ningsheng ’s cultivation has been incredibly powerful, holding the Fengshen list in his hand, and his Majesty riding this powerful blood-red camel, Yu Ningsheng walking on the earth, in order to It is to find people who are qualified to register their names on the Fengshen list.

Today's Yu Ningsheng, with the help of Fengshenbang and the blood-red camel, can even be suppressed by the gods.

But anyway, the price of gaining such great power is that Yu Ningsheng permanently lost his freedom.

To put it another way, although Yu Ningsheng is called the God of Envoys, the essence of the God of Envoys is only the slaves and puppets of Dan furnace.

This is why Yu Ningsheng never visited Ning Xiaochuan.

It is not that she does not meet, but that she cannot see.

Even the Fengshen list in hand was not completely controlled by Yu Ningsheng. What Yu Ningsheng can do is to operate the Fengshen list instead of controlling the Fengshen list.

In recent times, Yu Ningsheng has walked the world and has registered countless people's names on the Fengshen list.

However, she has never been able to see the person she had been looking forward to.

In the last few days, Yu Ningsheng has felt that the time to receive the pagoda is not too far away, and the battle of the gods will soon begin.

Just at this critical moment, Yu Ningsheng suddenly felt the change of Fengshenban in his hand.

"What happened? Fengshenbang actually has such a rare anomaly, it seems to be flying away from my control."

Holding the blood book in his hand, Yu Ningsheng's face was full of solemn expression.

As a person in the world of Da Yan, Yu Ningsheng also hopes that the battle of the gods of God will end soon. These masters of the Shenhe civilization quickly leave the world of Da Yan.

Only in this way can Da Yan World be able to get a chance to recuperate.

So at this juncture, Yu Ningsheng didn't want to see anything happen.

The Fengshenbang in his hand shook for a moment, then calmed down slowly.

At this moment, Yu Ningsheng was at ease, she pulled the blood-red camel behind her, and her figure disappeared again.

Deep in the **** vortex at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan has completely refined the light beads in front of him.

This light bead is just an energy, not an entity. After Ning Xiaochuan refined it, this energy immediately penetrated into Ning Xiaochuan's body and completely lurked.

Ning Xiaochuan can feel the terrible power contained in this energy.

"Brother, the core of the Dan furnace is the energy left by the guy who made me. Not only does it contain powerful energy, but it also contains another powerful source of power controlled by that guy. This source of power seems to be called the original The source of the world is based on this source of power, so no matter who comes to this place, the power on him will be restored. "

The shadow prince emerged from Ning Xiaochuan's wrist.

This guy's own body was just a breath, but after recognizing Ning Xiaochuan as his elder brother, he even let out this breath and turned it into an idea body and deposited it on Ning Xiaochuan.

Although he has little power now, but he has lived for so many years, and has far better insights than Ning Xiaochuan, so Ning Xiaochuan will temporarily keep him.

After emerging from Ning Xiaochuan's wrist, the shadow prince seemed to be inviting merit, and chattered in front of Ning Xiaochuan: "Brother, don't underestimate this group of energy, those who throw out this group of energy The realm is much better than the elder brother, so as long as the elder brother slowly refines this energy, he can feel the power of the original source contained in this energy. Maybe when the elder brother becomes a god, he can grasp a trace of the original. The power of the world. "

"Is this the power of Dan furnace?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned.

Ning Xiaochuan thought that after he took control of the Dan furnace, he could obtain the continuous power to create the gods.

"Brother, if you used to control the Dan furnace, you could indeed create a godhead, but now the Dan furnace is broken by that old turtle, and the Dan furnace naturally has no power to make a godhead, and because Dan furnace has just recently The relationship between gods has been created, so in the entire Dan furnace, this group of energy is the most precious. "Shadow Lord seems to have guessed Ning Xiaochuan's idea, so he immediately explained it out loud.

Such an explanation made Ning Xiaochuan somewhat depressed, but his expression calmed down after only a moment.

The goddess in the Dan furnace can make people become gods, but this kind of gods are certainly not as powerful as the gods who rely on their own ability to become gods.

As a heir to the world, Ning Xiaochuan would become a laughingstock for others if he became a **** by virtue of his personality.

Therefore, in contrast, this group of energy that can assist in cultivation is more important to Ning Xiaochuan.

After Ning Xiaochuan glanced around, he immediately stared at the Dark Lord on his wrist and asked.

"Well, don't call me my elder brother, call me Ning Xiaochuan. Now I still have to ask clearly, based on your ability, why you must follow me."

"Okay, brother." Shadow Lord nodded his head very simply, then added: "No, it's Ning Xiaochuan, you know, I'm just someone else's breath, but that person didn't expect it, so many years have passed. He breathed out his breath consciously. It can be said that now I am completely a single individual. If the guy knew that I existed, he would definitely try to take me back. By that time I'm really finished. "

"So you're here with me, and you want to keep your life by the grandfather of Xiao Jinshen."

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the dark night prince with a complexion.

This guy had a good abacus, but he never thought that if he followed Ning Xiaochuan, he would most likely lead the terrible master who made him to Ning Xiaochuan.

By that time, it wasn't him who was finished, but even Ning Xiaochuan would follow him.

The complexion looked at the Dark Lord, and the Dark Lord was a little stunned.

Now he doesn't have the power of cause and effect. If Ning Xiaochuan wants to deal with him, he can easily let him go. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be so inferior to Bajie Ning Xiaochuan.

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan with a blue complexion, the dark night sage with a bitter expression explained: "Ning Xiaochuan, you don't have to worry so much, that guy has disappeared for so many years, maybe he died early, or else I won't leave this furnace indifferent. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the Lord of the Night, and nodded after groaning for a moment: "Yeah, even if the man is still alive, when he finds it, he may not have been many years, but since you want to follow me, Then you have to show your value. "

Ning Xiaochuan's words made the night king's face more and more bitter.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you can't deliberately embarrass me, I don't have any power now, and what value can I have."

"You have lived for so many years, and your knowledge is better than mine. Now the situation I encountered is more difficult. Please help me analyze what I can do best." Ning Xiaochuan stared at the Dark Lord and turned himself Speaking of the situation.

Ning Xiaochuan did not conceal the Lord of the Night, even if it was about the destruction of the world.

"The world is extinct, it is the enemy of the world, haha, this is the way most people cultivate the source of destruction, I see more." Rose of the night began to brag with a smile.

However, after only half of the words, he saw the sneer look of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, his face suddenly sluggish, showing a look of helpless bitter smile: "Of course, you are now practicing with peace of mind, you have a way of extinction to guide you Cultivation now has more energy that contains the power of the original realm. Your future cultivation speed will be much faster than that of ordinary people. As long as you practice for hundreds of years with peace of mind, you can go out and blast all those who dare to provoke you. "

Ning Xiaochuan slowly shook his head and said, "If it's that simple, I've been worried that those people can't find me and will hit my family."

"Your family, this is easy to handle. Now you can use the power of the Dan furnace. Although the power of the Dan furnace is running out, but with this energy, you settle your family in the Dan furnace. A place is a breeze. Settle down your family, and then you can rest assured and start practicing. "

The Lord of the Shadows crooked his head, and finally added: "Of course, I personally suggest that you better go to the old turtle, there is such a perverted master beside you, at least you will have no problems with your safety."

"This is also an option."

Ning Xiaochuan's body was upright, he turned and walked towards the back.

"If I can't help it, I'll send them all to Xiao Jinshen and look at Xiao Jinshen's face. The old turtle should not embarrass my family."

With this decision in mind, Ning Xiaochuan naturally returned to Dayan World immediately.

Walking down this pyramid hill, but before returning to the previous ancient city, Ning Xiaochuan already felt that his strength had recovered a little.

The sword of extinction, the power of the extinction of the world, the mystery of beasts ... all these things reappeared in Ning Xiaochuan's perception.

The strength was restored, and Ning Xiaochuan was naturally overjoyed. When the figure flashed, he rushed towards the large vortex overhead.

As long as he leaves this great vortex, Ning Xiaochuan will be able to return to hell.

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