Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1116: Fierce persecution

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Not everyone can enter the tower, such as the group of evil men who appear in front of the tower.

They came out of **** and silently developed in the return market. The reason why they didn't attack Dayan World slowly was to get such a chance to become a god.

To become a god, this is the ultimate dream of almost all practitioners.

The sub-god is already a god-like figure in the eyes of ordinary people, but even a 10,000 sub-gods are not as powerful as a true deity.

But now, these evil men are all blocked out of the receiving tower.

"Your name is not included in the list of gods, so you cannot enter the tower."

Yu Ningsheng looked with regret at these evil people who were trained to be sub-gods. She could feel the longing from these evil people.

They longed to be gods and longed to get out of the cage of hell.

But now, they are not even qualified to enter the receiving tower.

"Damn, I don't believe that I can't break the gate with my own strength." A monk who reached the quadruple level of the divine realm angered the light gate in front of him.

Countless bone beads appeared in his hand, as if they were countless meteors, crashing towards the light door.

After being subjected to the bombardment of these bone beads, the light gate has hardly changed, except that a white light is suddenly emitted from the middle of the light gate.

This white light swept around the evil man with the quadruple level of the divine realm, and then immediately melted the flesh of the evil man and completely disappeared.

The evil men who still wanted to attack the light gate were suddenly frightened, and one by one quickly walked away from the light gate.

They entered the tower to become gods, not to die here.

"These people are stained with the smell of hell. According to the rules in the Dan furnace, their existence can only be used as firewood and medicine, so it is impossible to enter the receiving tower."

Looking at these evil men, Yu Ningsheng sighed again, then turned his eyes to the side.

Yu Ningsheng looked in the direction, at this moment there were several figures flying fast.

It is also a number of sub-gods, and it is a very powerful sub-god.

The most prominent of these sub-gods, wearing a tall crown, wearing a Confucian suit, a righteous face, looked like there was a divine spirit all over him.

Just by looking at this person, Yu Ningsheng judged that this person's cultivation had reached at least the point of the second divine realm, otherwise the cultivation could not be so powerful.

"Fengshen messenger, we are the second gods of the source world, and now we are going to enter the receiving **** tower. Please register our name on the Fengshen list."

Flying to Yu Ningsheng, the Confucian man said quietly.

Although his tone was light, but with an unquestionable tone, it seemed that he was born with such majestic vigor.

"A few of you are all sub-gods, and they are indeed qualified to enter the tower."

Yu Ningsheng nodded, and all of a sudden the gods laughed.

Sub-God masters have the qualification to enter the receiving tower unconditionally. This is known before they pass through the gates of humans and gods and enter the world of Da Yan.

So at this moment, these sub-god masters from the source world will come here so leisurely, and not too anxious to enter the receiving **** tower.

Seeing Yu Ningsheng nod at this moment, these sub-level masters were immediately ready to officially enter the receiving tower.

However, just when they were about to move forward, Yu Ningsheng suddenly said again: "Although you are qualified to enter the tower, I will not add your name to the list of gods, not only you, but all from the source. Masters of the world, this time are not eligible to enter the tower. "

Yu Ningsheng's words immediately made this group of masters of the sub-gods of the realm hold back.

If the name is not on the God List, they are not eligible to enter the Tower of God. They all know this.

"This is impossible? You just said that we are all qualified to enter the tower of receiving gods." Gao Guanrufu man shook his head at Yu Ningsheng.

"You are qualified, but this is limited by the rules of the pagoda. It is not the rules of the pagoda that prevent you from entering the pagoda, but I, I want to prevent you from entering the pagoda." Yu Ningsheng The tone was indifferent, just looking at the eyes of these people indifferent.


The Confucian man looked at Yu Ningsheng for a moment, and then shook his head: "Although you are a messenger, you are not qualified to change the rules of the tower. If you forcibly prevent us from entering the tower then, in the future, You will also be punished, and eventually it will be completely wiped out. "

Yu Ningsheng's look remained the same, and he nodded his head and said, "Yes, you are right. If I prevent you from entering the tower, after the battle of Fengshen, I will really lose my soul and die completely."

"Then you won't let us in." The Confucian man suddenly gave a cold drink.

Yu Ningsheng slowly shook his head, his face firmly said: "I said just now that I won't let you in, even if it's because of me that I'm so lost in spirit."

"Why? You're desperately stopping us, it's not good for you at all."

The Confucian man stared at Yu Ningsheng with an unwilling look.

Yu Ningsheng shook his head indifferently: "Because Ning Xiaochuan, his family and friends, are also my family and friends, because of the relationship with Fengshenbang, although I can't shoot you, I can break your chance of becoming a god."

"You have something to do with that preacher."

The Confucian man glanced up and down staring at Yu Ningsheng, this was the first time he had encountered this situation.

But just a moment's fire, a little anger appeared on the face of the Confucian man.

"On this basis, you want to break our chance of becoming a god. Sealing God's messenger, what you think is too simple. If we destroy this preacher who destroys the world, we will also get it when we return to the source. Great reward. By that time, we may not have a chance to become a god. "

With a wave of his hand, the Confucian man didn't hesitate to take the group of sub-god masters from the source world and left here directly.

In the void, only his sneer voice was echoing.

"Feng Messenger, please wait and see. Later you will regret it because of your stupid decision. I will go back immediately and catch all Ning Xiaochuan's family and friends in front of you. If you still prevent our masters from entering the realm, If you follow the pagoda, I will kill one of them every other time. "

The threat of the Confucian man greatly changed Yu Ningsheng's face.

"You **** ..."

With a complex complexion, Yu Ningsheng waved the blood book in her hand, and a powerful wave of energy appeared in her hand, but immediately, Yu Ningsheng himself felt like a heavy blow and spit out blood.

Even the herald of the gods needs to act in accordance with the rules in the Dan furnace.

Otherwise, it would be like Yu Ningsheng is now, with severe injuries and even the final soul flying away.

After the Confucian man disappeared for a moment, he appeared again in front of Yu Ningsheng.

But unlike the last time, this time he was surrounded by several virtual images like pillars of light, in which several figures slept with their eyes closed.

Yu Ningsheng's eyes glanced at these people, and naturally they were immediately identified. The few people brought by the Confucian men at this moment were truly the group with the closest relationship with Ning Xiaochuan.

The most important ones are Ning Qiancheng and Yu Qing.

These masters of the source world investigated Ning Xiaochuan very carefully. As long as they had a little relationship with Ning Xiaochuan, they were all captured by them.

And the people appearing here at this moment are obviously those who are not considered important by these masters of the realm, so they will threaten Yu Ningsheng.

As for those who they think are important, such as Ning Xin'er and Lao Houye, they are still being held in the dungeon under the heaven.

"Fengshen messenger, from now on, as long as you still do not register our name on the Fengshen list, then I will start killing people."

Staring at Jade Ningsheng with a blushing complexion, the Confucian man had a slightly mild smile on his face, but his smile fell on the eyes of those around him, but it immediately made people feel a sense of fear.

"The source god, the Thousand-faced God, is cold and worry-free, and as it is said in the legend, it is not only a smiling tiger, but also the best in the world."

Many Shenhe civilization masters who recognize this Confucian man have already secretly sighed.

However, they are more curious whether the God of Angels will yield. If so, would they not be able to find a similar method to force the God of Angels to put themselves in the tower of receiving gods.

Yu Ningsheng stared coldly in front of Leng Wuyou, and when she saw Leng Wuyou slowly extended her palm to Ning Qiancheng, she turned the blood book in her hand expressionlessly.

"Xu Cheng, a master of the source world, is a double-minded **** and has the qualification to enter the tower."


The name of this source **** was added to the blood book.

"Master, then I will enter the receiving tower first, and wait for you to come in." The source master named Xu Cheng laughed, and the figure went directly into the light gate in front of him.

Xu Cheng's figure quickly disappeared into the light gate, which had no blocking effect on him.

"Haha, God of Angels, you better speed faster, otherwise, I'm afraid I can't help but kill a few people first to enjoy it." Leng Wuyou still looked like a smile, but there were a few cold shots in his eyes mango.

Yu Ningsheng's face was cold, and the blood book in his hand flipped a few pages.

Subsequently, the name of another master in the realm was added to the Fengshen list.

Originally, there were five masters in the source world who were next to Leng Wuyou. At this moment, after the five have entered the Fengshen list, Leng Wuyou's face finally began to show a proud look.

I glanced up and down at Yu Ningsheng, glanced up and down coldly: "I am very surprised that you have become a messenger of Fengshen. Even if you have become a messenger of Fengshen, you have to be right with us even if your soul is flying away. Is it for the destruction of Ning Xiaochuan? Is the world handed down. "

Yu Ningsheng looked cold, too lazy to respond coldly.

Leng Wuyou obviously didn't care about this, but shook his head by himself: "For Ning Xiaochuan, you did not hesitate to violate the rules of the tower. I would like to see if you continue to violate the rules, will you be punished? The power of the tower is obliterated. "

Yu Ningsheng, who was originally expressionless, suddenly felt a little angry at his face.

"Don't you be ready ..."

"Yes, you guessed it right." Leng Wuyou waved and summoned all the beams of light around him, and then sneered: "If I start killing people now, I don't know if you're going to stand by or just rescue them directly. people."

"This is going to slay this feudal messenger directly. This thousand-faced **** is too fun to play."

Those who were watching the situation quietly all around now had a little fear in the cold and worry-free eyes.

No one wants to face such a scheming and cold-hearted opponent like Leng Wuyou,

"Feng Shen's messenger, you have to be optimistic. I'm going to kill people." Leng Wuyou seemed to be deliberately torturing Yu Ningsheng with a bright smile on his face, and slowly walked towards Ning Qiancheng, which was blocked by the pillar of light.

"Ning Xiaochuan, come back soon." Yu Ningsheng's cold look began to reveal a despair.

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