Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1117: Angry

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Despite knowing this situation, even Ning Xiaochuan's arrival is useless.

On the contrary, if Ning Xiaochuan comes at this moment, most of them will just put him in danger.

But at the moment Yu Ningsheng's mind suddenly appeared Ning Xiaochuan's name.

In her mind, Ning Xiaochuan seems to have been omnipotent all the time, appearing at the most critical moment, saving everyone.

Leng Wuyou has come to Ning Qiancheng at this moment, but he did not start anxiously, but he kept gesticulating on Ning Qiancheng, known as the cold and worry-free of the thousand-faced gods. His favorite thing is to hold people in his hands. Then play around like a bug.

Around the Dayan world, the hidden masters are all looking up at the sky at the moment, wanting to see what the final result of the battle between Leng Wuyou and Fengshen messenger is.

However, before waiting for the final result, these masters have noticed that a colorful Changhong cut through the sky from the edge of the sky and rushed to the light gate in the sky.

"Ning Xiaochuan!"

As long as the person who recognized the figure in the colorful Changhong was immediately shocked.

Ning Xiaochuan, wanted and hunted down by all parties, has now appeared again.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

The masters hiding aside, staring at the top of their heads one by one at this moment.

They wanted to see if Ning Xiaochuan appeared to be caught by Leng Wuyou directly or killed by Leng Wuyou directly.

The person who rushed from the sky at this moment was Ning Xiaochuan who had just left Guihui.

The entrance to the pagoda is too conspicuous, hanging high in the sky, even if you can see this light gate in one corner of the world.

Standing in front of this façade of light, Yu Ningsheng and Leng Wuyou, who are confronting each other, are even more conspicuous.

After Ning Xiaochuan left Guihui, he immediately saw the presence of the two.

Therefore, he immediately rushed towards Yu Ningsheng.

The closer Ning Xiaochuan was, the colder his face became.

After seeing what Ning Qiancheng and others looked like, Ning Xiaochuan had guessed what was probably happening here.

"Sure enough, those people still shot at my family and friends."

Ning Xiaochuan's face turned blue, and an anger had already burst into his heart.

"Well, it's Ning Xiaochuan."

When Ning Xiaochuan flew towards the light gate, Leng Wuyou had noticed the appearance of Ning Xiaochuan.

Squinting to see Ning Xiaochuan's figure getting closer and closer, Lian Wuyou's face had already exulted.

He arrested Ning Qiancheng and others. He was only trying to threaten Yu Ningsheng, the god-envoy, but he didn't expect that this time he even attracted the descendants of the world.

"Okay, okay, it's so good. If I catch the preacher of the world and return to the source, I will definitely get a great reward. In this way, it doesn't matter if I don't get the godhead."

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan's closer and closer, Leng Wuyou screamed in surprise.

To him, Ning Xiaochuan, a preacher of the world, is like a piece of fat to him.

"Ning Xiaochuan, your family and friends are all in my hands. You can just hold on to it, and wait for me to catch you, it will give those people a happy time."

The sound of cold and worry-free excitement penetrated the entire world of Dayan.

At the same time, an invisible force field has covered Ning Xiaochuan's whole body.

The eighth-highest master of the sub-god realm has begun to grasp some simple rules. Under the power of this rule, Ning Xiaochuan cannot escape at all.

"It's too powerful, run away, otherwise, the worry can be bad for us."

The masters of the Shenhe civilization who watched the battle around them felt the cold and worry-free power at the moment, and immediately changed their faces, and retreated sharply.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly stopped at this moment.

Contrary to Leng Wuyou, Ning Xiaochuan said coldly, "You have all my family taken away?"

"Of course, there's nothing left, now it's all in my hands."

Leng Wuyou was trembling with almost excitement at this moment. He had just played with a feudal messenger, and now there was another preacher who extinct the world. This feeling almost made his whole body boil.

It seems to be to tease Ning Xiaochuan, cold and worry-free waving a picture.

In the cold and dark underground prison cage, Ning Xin'er and others were all trapped in the beam of light and closed their eyes to sleep.

"Ning Xiaochuan, these people have been implicated by you, so they ended up now. You immediately kneel down and beg for mercy. I might be compassionate and punish you alone ... hurry up, kneel Fall in front of me. "

Cold and worry-free standing high in the sky, looking down at everything below.

In the strong realm of the source, Leng Wuyou is just a small person. With his own little clever mind, Leng Wuyou has a little reputation in the source world.

However, in the world of Da Yan, he enjoyed the feeling of the emperor coldly.

The emperor of the world, everything is in his hands.

"It's just a pity that if it weren't for the resources of this world, it would be too scarce. I would rather stay in this world and be the **** above him."

Glancing at those souls who were suffering and mourning because of the battle of the gods on the ground of Ning Xiaochuan, Yu Ningsheng, and even Dayan World, they sighed in a cold heart.

From the beginning, Ning Xiaochuan did not speak again.

Standing in the air, Ning Xiaochuan, shrouded in cold and worry-free power, looked a little thin.

However, everyone can feel that Ning Xiaochuan is a volcano at this moment, and his body is full of anger, and the next moment will erupt completely.

"I'll break you to pieces."

Ning Xiaochuan slowly raised his head, and there was no strange look on the cold face.

"Wanted corpses, boy, will the demise of the world only brag." Leng Wuyou stared at Ning Xiaochuan, stretched out a finger, and sneered in contempt.


Although Ning Xiaochuan was a descendant of the World Extinction, his cultivation is too bad now.

The seventh level of the good fortune, the existence of such cultivation, can also be regarded as a master in Dayan World.

However, in the presence of the sub-god, the existence of the creatures is almost no different from the ants.

What's more, the cold and worry-free standing in front of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, even if he is in the master of the second god, can be regarded as a strong one.

Therefore, no one thinks Ning Xiaochuan can escape doom today.

In the face of absolute power, all anger and annoyance will become a burden.

Yu Ningsheng stared at Ning Xiaochuan, his face already full of worry.

She feared that Ning Xiaochuan would be stunned by anger, and desperate to attack Leng Wu worry.

"Ning Xiaochuan, go quickly. As long as you live, you can kill him later. Now you are not his opponent."

Yu Ningsheng's body once again appeared a strong breath.

She is now ready to rush out of everything and for the time being linger on the cold, let Ning Xiaochuan escape.

However, her figure had not moved, and an invisible pressure directly pressed on her.

"You don't care, I said, I will crush him by hand."

Ning Xiaochuan's voice was cold. At this moment, his body was just like Yu Ningsheng, and a trembling force emerged.

Feeling the powerful power of Ning Xiaochuan, Yu Ningsheng stopped the action in suspicion somewhat.

Naturally cunning and carefree, at the moment, he began to glance at Ning Xiaochuan with some suspicion.

None of them knew what the source of this power on Ning Xiaochuan was.

"Explode, explode me, shadow, give me all the energy to stimulate my body."

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was frantically stimulating the mass of energy in his body.

This group of original energy left by a powerful creator can only allow Ning Xiaochuan to grasp the original breath of returning to the market.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan burst out one ten thousandth of the energy in one breath.

The shadow prince hiding in Ning Xiaochuan's body is now anxiously shouting.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you are crazy. If you use this energy in this way, all this energy will be wasted by you. In this case, it means that you give up the Avenue of Eternal Life, and it will increase countless times in the future. Too stupid, too short-sighted. "

"Shut up, I would rather be brilliant at this time, and never let the **** in your mouth live forever."

Ning Xiaochuan's voice was cold at this moment, but his breath became stronger and stronger.

"Ning Xiaochuan, don't be dazzled by anger. As long as you don't die, these people can't do anything to your family. He will use those people to lead you out, as long as you practice for another 100 years, no, For ten years, I guarantee that you will be able to save all your family. "

The shadow monarch urged Ning Xiaochuan in a quick voice, he really did not want Ning Xiaochuan to waste this powerful energy. After all, this group of energy was left by the person who made him. If he could stay in Ning Xiaochuan, it would also be of great benefit to him.

But then, the Lord of Shadows felt that his body of consciousness had lost all perception of the outside world.

"Ning Xiaochuan dare to ban me."

The shadow prince, who was confined in the darkness, could not help yelling.

Without hesitation, seal the shadow prince directly, Ning Xiaohuan slowly glanced around at this moment, and finally his eyes stayed on the cold and worry-free body in front of him.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan felt that his whole body seemed to be about to explode. The powerful force almost exploded his whole body.

But Ning Xiaochuan was still not satisfied. He wanted to use the most fundamental force contained in this group of energy. Only in this way could he defeat the coldness in front of him.

"Haha, I can see that you have borrowed the power of a powerful deity, and you dare to borrow energy so crazy, even if I can't kill you, you will be killed by this energy yourself."

After all, Leng Wuyou was the eighth master of the second god. After glanced at Ning Xiaochuan a few times, he immediately discovered the strange situation of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

A proud laugh, Leng Wuyou threw a punch at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Ning Xiaochuan, let me try to see how strong your body is now."

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