Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1120: Entering the Shenhe Civilization

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"Purple Gold Lord!"

Looking at this figure emerging from the sea water, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help screaming.

He thought that the Lord Zijin had also entered the receiving tower, but he did not expect that the Lord Zijin even emerged from the sea at this moment.

And at this moment the Emperor Zijin's whole body was entangled with iron chains. These iron chains were constantly expanding like a living snake.

Just glanced at it, Ning Xiaochuan could see that the iron chains of the Emperor Zijin at this moment were a kind of ban. Because of the existence of these iron chains, the strength of the Zijin Emperor was at least 90% suppressed.

"How did the Emperor Zijin appear under the sea?"

Ning Xiaochuan appeared in amazement next to the Emperor Zijin, reaching out and grabbing these chains.


These chains turned into a poisonous snake at once, biting towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan did not care about these poisonous snakes at all, but allowed them to bite on his own arm, but he grasped the chains on the Emperor Zijin's body and pulled it hard, all the poisonous snakes and chains broke off, and fell off in sections In the sea below.

Lord Zijin glanced at Ning Xiaochuan unexpectedly: "Leng Wuyou was afraid that I would enter the tower to **** the godhead, so I set up a trick to trap me on the bottom of the sea. I did not expect that you could break his block, but you This power on your body is weird, and it hurts you very much. I am afraid that you will only be able to find adventures and restore strength when you reach the eighth level civilization like the Shenhe civilization. "

It is indeed a super hegemon who has been born again, and only one glance can see the details of Ning Xiaochuan at the moment.

Ning Xiaochuan also admired the Emperor Zijin very much, but this is obviously not the time to say these things.

After glancing at the Lord Zijin, Ning Xiaochuan frowned and asked, "Senior, I have rescued all my family, but I haven't found the trace of Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong. Do you know where they are detained? ? "

Now that Ning Xiaochuan has almost the power to control the entire Dayan world, there is nothing he can hide from his eyes.

Even in the heavenly courts protected by the ancient array, Ning Xiaochuan could see through at a glance.

In the heavenly court, Ning Xiaochuan found a lot of familiar figures. The peerless Tianjiao who had previously intersected with him, almost all stayed in the heavenly palace god's palace at this moment.

However, among these people, Ning Xiaochuan did not find the figures of Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong.

Among the people Ning Xiaochuan rescued just now, neither of them was the same.

Therefore, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan would ask the Emperor Zijin this way.

"As soon as Leng Wuyou appeared, I was secretly calculated by him. During this time, I have been breaking through the forcible force. I don't know too much about the world of Da Yan." The Lord Zijin shook his head and frowned and groaned. After a while, he re-opened: "If I'm not mistaken, the person you are looking for now is very likely * has reached the Shenhe civilization."

"Shenhe civilization? How is this possible?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned tightly.

Walking through the gates of humans and gods, and entering the world of Dayan from the Shenhe civilization is simple.

But if you want to go retrograde through the gates of man and **** and return to the Shenhe civilization, at least you must have the protection of a sub-level master.

Now that the battle of the gods of the Dayan World has just begun, how could a second **** give up such a great opportunity and return to the Shenhe civilization.

"What kind of existence does Xiao Linger have? You should be clear that her natural alien species, even in the Shenhe civilization, should be very rare, so the sub-god of the source world separated one person and escorted her back to the Shenhe civilization. It's very possible. As for Xiaohong, Shenlong cubs are also eligible to be picked up in advance. "The Emperor Zijin nodded.

"If this is the case, Xiaolinger and Xiaohong may indeed have been sent to the Shenhe civilization."

Ning Xiaochuan's face was gloomy at this moment.

At this moment he is already invincible in the Da Yan world, but if Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong are sent to the Shenhe civilization, even Ning Xiaochuan has no way at all.

Unless, Ning Xiaochuan personally entered the Shenhe civilization to save people.

"It seems that I must enter the Shenhe civilization as soon as possible." Looking up at the gates of people and gods rippling in space, Nana Xiaochuan said.

Entering the Shenhe civilization, Ning Xiaochuan is not without thinking.

But according to his plan, it is by no means to enter Shenhe civilization now.

Now Ning Xiaochuan ’s cultivation is still too weak. After the energy in his body is dissipated, Ning Xiaochuan ’s cultivation will be restored to the cultivation of creation. It is too dangerous to enter Shenhe civilization with this strength. some.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan seems to have to enter the Shenhe civilization.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I will immediately enter the Shenhe civilization. I will help you find the person you are looking for."

It seems to see what Ning Xiaochuan thought at this moment. The Zijin Emperor's body was shaking, and he had to go directly to the gate of man and god.

If the Emperor Zijin helped find Xiaolinger and Xiaohong, Ning Xiaochuan would be relieved.

However, the Emperor Zijin was born again against the sky, and it is difficult to restore his strength to the peak. With his current strength and entering the Shenhe civilization, I am afraid it is still a bit dangerous.

Ning Xiaochuan only groaned slightly, then reached out to stop the Emperor Zijin.

"Senior, there seem to be other gods in the connection tower. I can help the senior ..."

With the power of the Zijin Emperor, you can definitely refine a godhead. When the godhead is refined, the Zijin Emperor is a true god.

By that time, even in the Shenhe civilization, the Emperor Zijin was a master.


The Lord of Purple Gold looked back at Ning Xiaochuan, and even a little disdain was revealed in his eyes.

"If I wanted to refine the godhead into a god, it wouldn't be like this now."

This time, even Yu Ningsheng, who had already begun to refine the goddess, began to look surprised.

Zijin's character is too arrogant. Even if it falls directly, he is unwilling to become a **** with the help of external forces.

For other sub-gods, a godhead is more important than any treasure, but in the eyes of Emperor Zijin, the godhead seems to be just a pile of garbage, and he is too lazy to put it in front of him.

Although this pride is not good or bad.

But there is no doubt that if there was no such pride, the Emperor Zijin would no longer be the Emperor Zijin.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced up and down the Emperor Zijin several times, and felt the strong spirit of him.

It's hard to imagine that a person who has just been born again and has innate deficiencies would have such a strong spirit.

This spirit was not radiated from the Emperor Zijin, but was released from the bottom of his heart.

Only this kind of spirit from the lungs can make people even more convinced that no matter what bad situation the person is in, he can go against the sky and set the peak.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan can understand why the Zijin emperor only has the fifth-highest cultivation of the sub-god, but has caused him to worry about the eighth-high master of the sub-god to conceive him.

As long as the person who has met the Emperor Zijin, I'm afraid I won't doubt that this person will definitely become a strong one in the future.

"Okay, I see."

Nodded to the Emperor Zijin, Ning Xiaochuan reached out and grabbed at the heaven.

The heavenly court that was shrouded by the ancient array was directly captured by Ning Xiaochuan, which contained a small space of the ancient array. At this moment in Ning Xiaochuan's hands, it seemed to become a fist-sized crystal ball.

Holding this crystal ball in his hands, Ning Xiaochuan handed it to the Emperor Zijin.

"Seniors, we are all in the world of peerless arrogance. Almost all of them are here. As long as the predecessors take them to the Shenhe civilization, and with the resources possessed by the Shenhe civilization, they can definitely grow up quickly and become a strong . By that time, we will be truly safe in the world. "


Almost all of the Tianjiao in the Palace of the Gods are talented. Even if they were put into the Shenhe civilization, it would be enough to become the core disciples of some great forces.

Although Dayan World is special, it is far worse than Shenhe civilization in terms of resources and other aspects.

If the Tianjiao people in the Dayan world enter the Shenhe civilization, they will definitely be able to rise rapidly in the Shenhe civilization.

As long as one of them grows up, it is enough to be the protector of the Da Yan world.

Ning Xiaochuan's plan at this moment is to send them all into the Shenhe civilization.

"No wonder you haven't killed any of the Tianjiao from the source world. It seems you have long been thinking about it." Lord Zijin took the crystal ball containing a small world, nodded, and never again What to say, but walked directly towards the gate of man and god.

This time, Ning Xiaochuan did not stop the Purple King.

In Ning Xiaochuan's heart, he was silently saying goodbye to his friends.

Xue Ling Xu, Xi Xi, Seven Princesses ...

At this moment, all these Tianjiao are in the court of heaven, but next time Ning Xiaochuan wants to see them, I am afraid that he has to be in Shenhe civilization.

In the heavenly court, Xue Lingxu, who has a chaotic heart palace, first felt the fluctuation of the power of the surrounding space. With a look of astonishment, the figure flashed to the periphery of the ancient array.

Immediately, the other Tianjiao in the God's Palace also felt the abnormality of the heavenly court.

Various figures appeared beside Xue Lingxu. Through the ancient array covering the sky above heaven, they could clearly see that Ning Xiaochuan's figure was standing far away, and farther and farther away from them.

"Ning Xiaochuan, he dared to appear."

Shen Chugong Tianjiao Ji Fan looked at Ning Xiaochuan for a moment, exclaimed.

With the sound of his screams, these Tianjiao people immediately felt that a huge figure dragged them and began to walk through a broken passage of space.

At this moment, the Emperor Zijin has held this crystal ball and officially entered the gate of man and god.

"Is this man Ning Xiaochuan? Damn it, if we haven't entered the gate of man and god, I must kill him."

A Tianjiao from the source world screamed in anger at this moment.

He wanted to rush out and slay Ning Xiaochuan, but the ancient formations trapped him in heaven.

Although the other Tianjie Tianjiao is calm, most of them hold the same thoughts as this angry Tianjiao.

Even though they knew that Ning Xiaochuan was a descendant of Taoism, but they came from the Shenhe civilization, and they have a kind of inherent contempt for the creatures of the Dayan world.

Therefore, these source world Tianjiao, have never doubted whether they can kill Ning Xiaochuan.

The annoyed source Tianjiao roared a few times, and suddenly saw that Ning Xiaochuan's figure in the distance suddenly bent down, like a tight long bow.

"What does he want?" Even Xue Lingxu and others had suspicious expressions on their faces at this moment.

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