Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1121: Kill

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No one can see what Ning Xiaochuan wants to do at this moment.

The Lord Zijin had now entered the gate of man and god, glanced back at Ning Xiaochuan, and stepped into the depth of the gate of man and **** step by step.

And Ning Xiaochuan stood in the air at this moment, just like those seen by Tianjiao in the heavenly court, his body bent into a big bow, and after the disappearance of Lord Zijin, Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly shot out.


Ning Xiaochuan's fist slammed heavily on the gate of the man and **** leading to the source.

A violent storm appeared and swept the entire world of Dayan.

The gate of this man and **** insisted on a few breathing exercises in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, and then began to click.

Like a shattered disk, the gate of this **** of man eventually shattered into numerous fragments and fell from the air. Before these fragments fall to the ground, these fragments condensed by the force of space will completely disappear.

In the heavenly court, Xue Lingxu and others watched Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly rushed to them, and his huge fist fell like a hill.

Then, the gates of people and gods before them disappeared, and countless cluttered spaces appeared in front of them.

This feeling is like seeing a giant leveling a mountain in front of himself.

What's more, what Ning Xiaochuan was punched at the moment was not an ordinary mountain range, but a gate of people and gods.

Once the gate of man and **** is formed, it has extremely stable characteristics. Unless the energy is exhausted, it is difficult for even the next **** to destroy it.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan only used one punch, and a gate of human and **** was blasted.

This strong sense of shock is really shocking!

Almost all the heavenly pride in the heavenly courts, all at this moment, became dazzled.

"He blew the door of man and god."

The Tianjiao from the source world looked dullly at the turbulent space above their heads.

After a long time, there was a slight expression on their numb faces.

At first, the name was angry and roaring, and he wanted to hunt and kill Ning Xiaochuan's Tianjiao. At this moment, his mouth was pumping, and his face was stubbornly said: "Fortunately ... we didn't kill him."

Did not die!

What a helpless sentence.

If they were replaced before, these Tianjiao would never say such words of weakness.

But now, at the thought of the picture I just saw, the Tianjiao of these origins is a little daunted.

The strength of Ning Xiaochuan has been deeply imprinted in their minds at this moment.

Seeing these sources of Tianjiao was deterred, although these Tianjiao people in Dayan World did not have much, but they were somewhat happy, after all, now they are deterred by these Tianjiao people, but they are the geniuses of Dayan World.

These source world Tianjiao can naturally feel the changes in the eyes around them, but at this moment they are not talking, but clenched their fists tightly, and put away all their previous pride.


In the world of Da Yan at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan stood in the sky,

Yu Ningsheng and Ning Xiaochuan faced each other far away and whispered, "Your breath has begun to weaken."

After working with people for so long, Ning Xiaochuan's body of energy at this moment has indeed consumed a lot.

Ning Xiaochuan felt for a moment that only about half of this energy was left.

"It doesn't matter, time is enough."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, but stared at the light gate beside Yu Ningsheng.

The light gate to the pagoda still exudes faint light at this moment.

But deep in the light, at least twenty god-level masters are hidden.

Yu Ningsheng has seen that Ning Xiaochuan wants to connect with those secondary gods in the pagoda, so he frowned and shook his head, "Ogawa, the pagoda is the most powerful artifact in the world of Da Yan, even if it is returned to the market. It's not as powerful as it is. Now these sub-gods are located in the tower of the gods, and unless they come out, we can't deal with them at all. "

Linking the God Tower is definitely a more powerful artifact than Guihui, and the space contained in it is much larger than Guihui.

It is extremely difficult to find a group of gods from such an artifact.

Even as a herald of the god, Yu Ningsheng did not have the power to control the tower.

Otherwise, Yu Ningsheng would not just stop Leng Wuyou from entering the receiving tower, but deal with them directly in the receiving tower.

Although Yu Ningsheng had seen Ning Xiaochuan move the godhead directly from the receiving tower before, there was a big difference between moving a godhead and moving a group of sub-gods.

Godhead is dead, man is alive. If Ning Xiaochuan's power is felt, these sub-gods will definitely fight hard.

With this resistance energy, Ning Xiaochuan did not want to remove these secondary gods from the receiving **** tower.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan was having a headache at the moment.

After a moment of groaning, he thought of a way.

"You flicker a little."

Telling Yu Ningsheng, Ning Xiaochuan's body suddenly began to swell.

With the support of that powerful energy in the body, Ning Xiaochuan's cells accelerated to split up at a speed of almost 100 million times, and Ning Xiaochuan's body began to grow larger.

Almost in a blink of an eye, Ning Xiaochuan became a giant with a height of 100 feet.

"The Exterminator."

With the call of Ning Xiaochuan, a magic sword exuding infinite killings appeared in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

Even though Ning Xiaochuan did not use the magic sword just now to deal with the cold worry and heart demon, but at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan summoned the sword of extinction.

The World Extermination Sword has grown automatically at this moment, and it has become a huge Sword with a height of tens of feet, held by Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan clenched the World Extermination Sword in his hand, and severely cut it towards the entrance to the tower.

An invisible wave appeared, and the entrance to the pagoda seemed to be distorted.

After Ning Xiaochuan fully urged the World Extermination Sword at this moment, the surrounding space has begun to become unstable, and some space debris will fly out from time to time.

In the middle of these space fragments, a whole black cricket appears like a pagoda like an ordinary iron tower.

This is the body of the receiving tower.

The magic sword in Ning Xiaochuan's hands was severely chopped on the receiving **** tower, as if a meteorite fell on the ground. The receiving **** tower was chopped by the destroying magic sword, and the whole body began to tremble.

With this trembling, sesame-sized figures rolled out of the receiving tower.

These figures are all people who entered the receiving tower before.

Everyone who entered the receiving tower was forced out by Ning Xiaochuan.

After these figures tumbled, their bodies began to grow larger.

Over the world of Da Yan, powerful figures began to appear.

"Damn, I'm almost getting the godhead."

"What happened just now, how did I get out of the receiving tower."

"The power just now is so terrible. What kind of sword wave did anyone hit?"

"Ning Xiaochuan, you are here."

"Well, why is there no gate for humans and gods."


The people who came out of the receiving pagoda suddenly looked around and made various surprise sounds immediately.

However, in the end, their eyes remained on Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan, who became a giant at this moment, was a little too conspicuous.

What's more, the breath emanating from Ning Xiaochuan was really amazing.

The queen looked surprised and asked Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, did you force us all out?"

Everyone else stared at Ning Xiaochuan, wanting to know the answer.

"Yes, I persecuted you from the receiving tower. Now I officially announce that this battle of the gods is over."

Ning Xiaochuan's tone was indifferent, and his eyes glanced at these secondary gods.

"Boy, even if you have the right to say that the battle of the gods is over, you have even ruined my chance of becoming a god, it is just death."

The grumpy oversea god, with a roar, waved a halberd in his hand and stabbed at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's look remained unchanged, and the sword of extinction in his hand swept past the **** of the sea.

Almost silently, the sword of extinction swept directly from the sea-covering demon, and the body of the blessing sea devil suddenly turned into a mist of blood.

The flesh and blood of the sub-god master contains extremely powerful energy.

Ning Xiaochuan waved this mist of blood in his hands and directly entered the vortex of hell.

With the power of the Dan furnace, refining a sub-god is simply a blink of an eye.

After a while, the spirit of the whole body of the demon sea god, all turned into the energy of the Dan furnace. The energy provided by a sub-god is naturally not enough to regenerate a godhead in the receiving tower.

However, a jewel of confusion was allowed to slowly condense in the tower.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan so easy to destroy the Demon-Covering God, all the sub-gods around him were shocked. After a moment, they reacted, and fled away in horror.

These sub-gods in Dayan World are okay. Those sub-god masters from the Shenhe civilization have already begun to despair at this moment.

Their hearts are still full of confusion. Why is this fierce man appearing in the world of Da Yan this time.

In the last battle of the gods, although the war of the gods ended prematurely because of the relationship between the nine-tailed fox, but the nine-tailed fox used tricks at the time. Where is it now? Kill the end of this feud war.

Ning Xiaochuan was not prepared to let go of these sub-gods of the Shenhe civilization.

The figure was like lightning. All the sub-gods couldn't support a round in Ning Xiaochuan's hands. They were directly pinched by Ning Xiaochuan and then turned into energy in the Dan furnace.

With so much energy supply, deep in the God Tower, one after another, the God Pearls were born.

In addition to these goddess beads, a virtual godhead that has already been half-condensed is slowly forming at this moment.

At this moment when the goddess was completely condensed, a hazy woman figure floated out, holding the godhead in his hands.

There are still people in the connection tower, even Ning Xiaochuan didn't feel it.

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