Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1122: Hong Yao Star Field

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Oversea Demon God, ancestor ancestor, jedi ancestor, magic cast, dragon release magic ...

One of these sub-gods from the Shenhe civilization fell.

When these sub-gods entered the world of Da Yan, what kind of spirit was in the air, but at this moment, they all became the energy of the Dan furnace.

Even in the Shenhe civilization, these sub-gods can be regarded as a generation of arrogance. Now all of them fall here, and the resentment before their death has permeated the entire Dayan world.

"How could I die here, I'm not willing!"


"Ning Xiaochuan, I will curse you, and curse the entire Da Yan world."


These resentments turned into a miserable roar, echoing throughout the world of Dayan.

Many creatures in the world of Da Yan, after hearing these roars, immediately turned their eyes red, and the devil in the heart breeds, loses his heart, and turns into an evil devil.

These times God was unwilling to die, and still cursed the world.

If these grievances are not cleaned up, Dayan World will still face a catastrophe.

Ning Xiaochuan casually blasted the last source sub-god, and he was ready to clear up these grievances.

At this time, there was a sound of anger and drink behind his back.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you even killed all the sub-gods from the Shenhe civilization. This will bring disaster to our world, and now the world is full of resentment. These evil results are caused by you."

It was the ancestor of Yuxu.

Just now Ning Xiaochuan killed all the sub-level masters of the Shenhe civilization, but he did not shoot at these sub-gods in the world of Da Yan.

Watching Ning Xiaochuan slay all the sub-gods of the Shenhe civilization, these sub-gods of the Dayan world are all stunned, but also a little angry.

They also want to rely on these sub-gods of the source world to enter the great forces of the Shenhe civilization to cultivate.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you did a bit reckless to do this. Others don't say that these sub-gods from the source world are not malicious to our world."

"Amitabha, Ning Xiaochuan, you have broken my good. If it were not for you, maybe I have become a **** now and I can protect the world of Dana."

"Ning Xiaochuan, what is going on with this powerful force on you, have you extracted the origin of the world."


Almost all of the several gods were accusing Ning Xiaochuan.

They are different from these sub-gods of the Shenhe civilization. The sub-gods of the Shenhe civilization made it clear that the chariots and Ning Xiaochuan were hostile to the beginning, so after feeling the powerful power of Ning Xiaochuan, they immediately fled.

And these sub-gods of the Da Yan world, although know that Ning Xiaochuan's strength is far beyond them at this moment, but they are not worried about anything, they have seen that Ning Xiaochuan kills only those masters of the Shenhe civilization.

Ning Xiaochuan looked back at these secondary gods.

He knew clearly that it was precisely because of the existence of these sub-gods that the Dayan world was able to preserve the last vitality. From this point of view, Ning Xiaochuan did not want to be too rigid with these secondary gods.

"Several predecessors, these masters of the Shenhe civilization do not take our world's creatures seriously and wantonly slaughter. Now I kill them, but only for the sake of the teeth. As for the grievances that permeate me at this moment, I will of course These grievances are all resolved. "

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was soft, the old ancestor of Yuxu snorted suddenly and stood up and said, "Resolve with your own hands, you said easily. Even if you resolve these grievances, can you calm down the forces behind these sub-gods, If you let the forces behind these sub-gods know that you killed these sub-gods, we will never be restless in the future. "

Although Yuxu ancestors and others had the determination to fight against the sub-gods of the Shenhe civilization, they did not have the courage to kill each other.

This is like an ordinary person being oppressed. Although he is forced to resist, he is too afraid to resist because of fear of retaliation.

So at this moment, seeing that Ning Xiaochuan did not hesitate to kill all of the gods and civilizations of God River, the talents such as Yuxu ancestors will react in this way.

"If we don't kill these people, our world will not be safe right now." Ning Xiaochuan snorted at Yuxu's ancestor.

He has killed so many people in a row. If it wasn't for the fact that Yuxu ancestors and others were indeed the veterans of the Dayan world, and he had made a significant contribution to the world, he would have killed them all. Already.

You know, according to Ning Xiaochuan's vision, after this war, the world of Da Yan should be completely calmed down, there will no longer be a struggle between the forces and the faction, and then take a good rest.

However, the existence of these sub-gods in front of them will lay a seed of instability in the world of Dayan.

Because behind these sub-gods, most of them stand a group of avid believers, such as the Buddhist congregation behind the Dharma Buddha and the monk behind the Yuxu ancestor.

Once there is no threat from the alien enemy of Shenhe civilization, these fanatics will definitely start a new round of battle.

The sub-gods such as Dharma and Buddha are the patrons behind these fanatical believers.

Feeling the killing sentiment from Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, the chief dragon of the court of heaven stood out and stared at Ning Xiaochuan coldly: "Ning Xiaochuan, we are all veterans of Da Yan World, and have made great contributions to Da Yan World , Do n’t you still want to kill us and kill us, the name of the demon on your body will never be washed away. "

The Dharma Buddha also began to nod at this moment: "Yes, we are the heroes who saved the Da Yan world. If you are right with us, the whole Da Yan world will scold you for your evil deeds."

The ancestor of Yuxu frowned, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, you have heard our opinions. In order to prevent the world of Da Yan from being ruined by you, you followed us to the source and personally apologized to those big forces in the source Only then will the world be completely safe with the protection of the source. "

Listening to these sub-gods in your ears, you said to me, and the anger in Ning Xiaochuan's heart blew up again.

"Shut up for me. I would rather do things than Ning Xiaochuan, and only do what I think is right. Even if people all over the world scold me for demons, wouldn't I be afraid? Some of you think you are the heroes of Da Yan World, Then continue to contribute to the world of Da Yan. "

Ning Xiaochuan gave a cold drink and waved his hand toward the several gods.

In these several times of shocked look, Ning Xiaochuan directly caught them all.

Then Ning Xiaochuan appeared in front of the facade of a man and god.

"Senior Emperor Zijin has entered the source world. His cultivation is not restored, but he must protect the world of Dayan. I am afraid that the situation will be very difficult. You guys will go to the source to help Zijin emperor seniors."

Holding these sub-gods, Ning Xiaochuan directly threw them all into the gate of this **** of man.

The next moment, Ning Xiaochuan made seven consecutive punches and knocked the rest of the gates of people and gods out.

At this point, all the channels of the Shenhe civilization and the Dayan World have disappeared.

In the depths of the starry sky far away from Dayan World, a huge palace stands in the starry sky.

This hall is so large that even a planet seems a bit small compared to it.

At the moment when Ning Xiaochuan's gate of the gods and gods in the Dayan world was blown up, this quiet palace suddenly shook a bit, and a beam of light shot from the depths of the hall, illuminating the nearby stars.

Several figures appeared in the palace, and quickly rushed to the place where the beam of light appeared.

At the moment the place where the hall was illuminated by the pillars of light was originally depicted with countless mysterious runes, but now these runes seem a bit scattered, a little closer to these runes, you can clearly feel the power of the space released above. .

"The gates of humans and gods leading to the world of Da Yan were destroyed, and none of the Ten Demon Saints returned."

"Don't worry about those idiots, this time the battle of God sealing, we will take back the princess from Dayan World. This is already a great credit."

"That's right, but when the princess came back, the breath was quite unstable, and I heard that the demon Lord was quite dissatisfied with it."


The figures talked to each other for a few words, and then disappeared again.

Later, the beam of light gradually disappeared.

For the immensely vast Hong Yao Star Field, if it wasn't for the fairy **** princess this time, not many people were concerned about the battle of the gods.

At the time, the Shenhe civilization paid attention to the battle of the gods, because the battle of the gods of God was able to produce gods in large quantities.

If one of the forces can get these new gods, the forces will immediately rise.

But in the current battle of the gods, the probability of becoming a **** has become lower and lower.

In the recent battles against God, only a few people are lucky enough to become gods.

These newly born gods have little influence on the pattern of Shenhe civilization.

Therefore, there are only a few people who are concerned about the Battle of God in the entire Hong Yao Star Field.

Dayan World.

Ning Xiaochuan has eliminated all the resentment that wandered between heaven and earth.

These resentments are also a kind of energy. After being refined by the Dan furnace, a new jewel of condensate has almost condensed in the jewel tower.

Ning Xiaochuan stood at the entrance of the pagoda and grabbed several of them in succession, then all the paupers in the pagoda were caught.

Ten false beads can condense out a false godhead. At this moment Ning Xiaochuan has grasped at least dozens of false beads.

Putting these beads together, Ning Xiaochuan looked at the entrance to the tower with a little surprise.

Before that, he felt that there should be a **** in the tower.

But at this moment, the godhead disappeared.

"When the godhead disappeared before, I seemed to feel the breath of the monument to extinction. Could the person who took away the godhead be the Queen of Stone Ji?

Ning Xiaochuan guessed a possibility in his mind, but was not sure.

His blow just now persecuted all these gods. With Shi Ji's cultivation, it should be impossible to resist Ning Xiaochuan's blow.

And now Ning Xiaochuan did not find the figure behind the stone monster in the receiving tower.

After a moment of groaning, Ning Xiaochuan left the matter to the side.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't mind if the godhead fell into Shi Ji's hands and gave her the godhead. It was also the compensation Ning Xiaochuan gave her.

After the goddess and the goddess beads in the pagoda disappeared, the light gate hanging in the sky slowly disappeared.

The Battle of Gods is now over.

However, the calamity of Ning Xiaochuan did not end. At the high altitude of the world, a crystal boat appeared here, and Huantai stepped on the boat calmly, looking out at Ning Xiaochuan.

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