Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1137: Convalescent Congress

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With Ning Xiaochuan's strength at this moment, it is not difficult to deal with a warrior in the real world, relying on the power of the Seven Magic Gods. But to deal with a group of warriors in real life, it is a bit difficult.

But don't forget that after Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation was restored to the heaven and earth, he was able to use many treasures, such as the mysterious animal book hidden in his eyebrows.

The fierce beasts in the Xuanshoujian are constantly cultivating in the Xuanshoujian. With their current strength, it is absolutely easy to destroy those who are new to the real world.

Ning Xiaochuan's strength has not recovered at this moment, and Xuanshoujian can be considered as one of his cards.

Back in the shop opened by Ding Fat, Ning Xiaochuan immediately called Ding Fat and started to prepare various elixir.

He is going to start refining the medicine right away. Within three days, he will refining an elixir that is beneficial to the real-world martial artist's breakthrough, and then use this to exchange blood melon back.

If Ning Xiaochuan Xiu is recovering, or if the materials are sufficient, refining such an elixir is not much to Ning Xiaochuan.

However, nowadays, under the circumstances that Ning Xiaochuan is in poor repair and the materials are not perfect, it will take Ning Xiaochuan a little time to make such an elixir.

Of course, it only takes a little time.

Ning Xiaochuan has reached the level of sacred order in the mind training. Under normal conditions, refining such a bottle of elixir is pediatrics for him.

While Ning Xiaochuan was monographing alchemy, Cao Yirou sat coldly in a chair in the Mujia Yangxin Hall.

He had heard the death news of those real-world masters he had dispatched.

A little guy in heaven can destroy a group of masters in real world. Generally, there are only two situations. One is that he has a powerful hole card. The second case is that there are powerful master bodyguards hidden around him.

Either way, it is enough to prove that the identity of this guy in heaven is not simple.

When thinking of this, Cao Yirou felt extremely humiliated.

You have such a strong background, and what mask do you wear? Isn't this misleading? If it weren't for you wearing a mask, I wouldn't want to send someone to rob you.

No matter what Cao Yirou thinks, after three days, Ning Xiaochuan appeared on time in the Mu Family Yangxin Hall, and in the heart of Cao Yirou's trembling, he successfully exchanged the blood melon back.

From the beginning to the end, Ning Xiaochuan didn't care about Cao Yirou's existence, which made Cao Yirou relieved a lot.

In fact, Cao Yirou didn't know that Ning Xiaochuan didn't take him seriously from the beginning to the end. He was just a warrior in real life, and it wasn't worth Ning Xiaochuan's waste of spirit.

With the blood melon in hand, Ning Xiaochuan re-closed for a while, completely refining the medicinal power of blood melon into his body.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan's physical condition was like a porcelain bottle full of cracks. If he tried his best, he would collapse his body before he defeated the enemy.

So what Ning Xiaochuan needs to do now is to repair all the cracks on the porcelain bottle with the help of external force.

After refining the medicinal power of blood melons, Ning Xiaochuan's condition has once again improved. If his condition was like a porcelain bottle with cracks, now the condition of Ning Xiaochuan is a porcelain bottle with good appearance.

Of course, it is only that the appearance is intact. The interior of this porcelain bottle is actually still full of cracks. If you want to repair it completely, you need a stronger external force to assist it.

Whenever this was felt, Ning Xiaochuan most likely couldn't help sighing.

If he was still in the world of Da Yan, relying on the elixir he had obtained before, he had already repaired this injury.

However, before he left Dayan World, he had left almost all the elixir treasures in the Dayan World in advance, leaving it to Ning Xin'er and others.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan made such preparations. Otherwise, if all these elixir treasures were left on him, I am afraid that these things would have been rolled into the cosmic dust by the eternal **** wind before this moment.

Time continued to flow, and the name Ning Xiaochuan was gradually forgotten after a while on the drug king.

Even before the crazy search for Ning Xiaochuan's whereabouts of the wooden house, at this moment he gave up and continued to find Ning Xiaochuan, and instead focused his energy on the forthcoming convalescent minder conference.

At this moment, there are less than three days left before the meeting of the cultivators of minds, and now the medicine king is a bit more prosperous than usual.

"The first place in the Psychologist Conference is rewarded with one Tengyun fruit for ten thousand years, one black toad for ten thousand years, and one bottle for ten thousand snowflake dew ..."

"Second place in the Psychologist Conference, rewarded a 10,000-year nebula shavings, a top-grade supreme device ..."


Standing in front of a huge stone pillar, Ning Xiaochuan easily saw the handwriting carved on the stone pillar.

This stone pillar has clearly engraved the basic rules and various rewards of this year's Yangtzeji Conference.

The reason why these are announced in advance is naturally to attract more mind trainers to participate in this conference. When Ning Xiaochuan stayed here for a moment, he has already seen that many mind trainers have seen these rewards immediately. The excitement was boiling, so I went aside to sign up for the Psychologist Conference without saying a word.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan was already quite excited at the moment.

It is indeed worthy of the star that is famous for elixir to hold a meeting of psychologists. Most of the rewards obtained are tens of thousands of psychic elixir.

This level of psychic elixir is almost rare in Dayan World, but it doesn't seem to be much different from ordinary elixir here.

For a mind trainer, there is nothing more exciting than so many elixir.

Especially for Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, he wants to get enough elixir from this meeting of the mind trainer, and then completely repair his injury in one go.

There is no way, although there are many elixir on the medicine king, but the top psychic elixir is mostly monopolized by the family of these psychologists. Ning Xiaochuan will not be able to get these elixir unless it is rushed.

In contrast, attending the convalescent mind conference seems to be the easiest way for Ning Xiaochuan to get these elixir.

"I have to get these three elixir, the 10,000-year-old black toad, the 8000-year broken heart grass, and the 5,000-year pubic fluid."

Glancing at the rewards marked on the stone pillars, Ning Xiaochuan immediately locked a few elixir.

Although the elixir of 10,000 years is far more precious than the elixir of 5,000 years, the properties of these different elixir are also different. The elixir that is useful to Ning Xiaochuan at this moment is the kind selected by Ning Xiaochuan.

What makes Ning Xiaochuan a headache is that these elixir are not awarded to one person, but are given to three people. In this way, Ning Xiaochuan would have to spend extra money if he wanted to get these elixir. Some thoughts.

Standing in front of Shizhu for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan stepped aside and reported his name.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan only reported a fake name at the moment.

Regarding this point, the mind trainer conference does not seem to care. Anyway, as long as the day of the competition, the mind trainer participating in the conference can be present. As for whether the mind trainer participating in the conference is the one who registered before, no one is at all. care.

The reason that the organizers of the mind trainer conference need to count the names in advance is just to facilitate the arrangement of the competition.

Just now Ning Xiaochuan has discovered that the rules of this kind of mind-raising conference are actually very rough. It is almost impossible for a mind-raising teacher who goes wild to win the first place in such a conference.

The reason is very simple, because in these family of mind trainers, there are holy order mind trainers who have almost reached the level of Shennong, and there are such mind trainers sitting at the mind trainer conference. How can ordinary casual mind trainers get the first place? .

According to Ning Xiaochuan's thinking, this kind of mind-gatherer conference should at least be divided into several levels. For example, the holy-grand mind-gatherer can only compete with the holy-grand mind-gatherer. In this way, such a meeting of mind trainers will be much fairer.

No, none of these rules.

The rules of the entire mind-raising conference can be summarized into one, that is, whoever makes the elixir is the first.

In this case, the one who has the highest level of mind trainers can almost be determined as the first place in the mind trainer conference.

Although these rules formulated by Jue's Convalescent Congress are very unfair, Ning Xiaochuan also knows that these rules can exist for so many years, naturally there is a reason for it.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan would not oppose anything, let alone he is a holy order mind trainer, which is one of the most likely candidates to win at the mind trainer conference.

Three days later, the meeting of the Yangzi division was held as scheduled.

As a grand ceremony held only once every ten years, Yaoyang's congress has always been held in a huge square on Yaowang.

This open competition is also one of the main reasons for the attractiveness of the mind trainer conference.

In the morning, countless mind trainers who have participated in the conference have already begun to count in this square.

Around the square, countless spectators also appeared, huddling all around, admiring this congregation of psychologists.

Ning Xiaochuan stood silently among a group of psychologists and entered the square.

He is waiting for the official start of the convalescence conference.

I just glanced around a little, and Ning Xiaochuan felt a little shocked. The people on the drug king star were too crazy about this kind of psychologist conference. At this moment, the psychologist just came in, and there have been countless appearances Audience.

Ning Xiaochuan did not know that, as the medicine king famous for the elixir, the people on the medicine king had a different worship of the psychologist. Compared to other places, the position of the psychologist on the medicine king was obviously Higher.

Therefore, this kind of psychologist conference will become so hot on the medicine king.

Time passed, and on the side of this square, a group of mind-raisers suddenly appeared.

These cultivators are gorgeously dressed, and although they are cold, they are faintly arrogant. In particular, the leading one is a middle-aged mentalist. At this moment, he looks indifferent, but glances around indifferently, then directly finds a place to sit cross-legged, closes his eyes, and no one else Look in my eyes.

And just when these psychologists appeared, among the audience around them, there was a sudden cheering sound.

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