Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1138: Start alchemy

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Although Ning Xiaochuan didn't know these mind trainers, he could tell from the sound of cheers around him that these mind trainers seemed to be the most famous group of mind trainers on Medicine King.

Especially the middle-aged mind-keeper who was so bullied that he didn't put anyone in his eyes. His name is Mu Baiyu. He is the most prestigious mind-keeper of the Mu family. Order.

This time, the most popular championship of the mind-training conference is Mu Baizhen. For three consecutive sessions of the mind-training conference, Mu Baizhen was the first.

Gaze glanced at these mind trainers, Ning Xiaochuan immediately found an acquaintance.

Yao Siqi, who looked a little nervous, was standing among the group of mind-gatherers at the moment, and obviously he would also participate in this session of mind-gatherer conference.

Yao Siqi is just now entering the realm of a big yogi. Attending this kind of yogi meeting is almost impossible to win.

However, Yao Siqi's participation in the conference was obviously not for winning the championship, but for fame.

Yao Siqi's entry is already a very well-known genius mind trainer on Medicine King. As long as he performs well at the mind trainer conference, even the average performance is enough to attract the attention of many people.

After all, youth is the capital. Now Yao Siqi cannot win the championship, but in the future, she may win the championship.

As long as Yao Siqi can make a name for himself at this session of the Psychologist Conference, it is tantamount to raising the reputation of the pharmacist in disguise.

At this moment there are obviously many mind trainers standing in this square, holding minds as famous as Yao Siqi.

These mind trainers have no hope of winning the championship. Most of them participate in the mind trainer conference to show their standards of mind trainers, and then see if they have the opportunity to join the major mind trainer families.

Among these mind trainers, Ning Xiaochuan really is like Ning Xiaochuan. He is the only mind trainer who is motivated by those rewards.

Yao Siqi stood next to an old man with gray hair and whispered to the old man.

This old man is the strongest psychologist of the pharmacist. Now that he has reached the king level in the psychologist, he can almost be promoted to the holy level.

Yao Siqi's knowledge of the mind trainer was all learned from this old woman.

This is the first time that Yao Siqi has participated in a psychologist conference, so it is inevitable that she will be a little nervous. As a teacher of Yao Siqi, the old man now naturally needs to comfort Yao Siqi several times.

"Siqi, although you can rest assured, you are the most gifted mentor I have ever met. Even Mu Baiyu is not as good as you at your age."

After hearing the teacher's persuasion, Yao Siqi's nervousness had dissipated a lot.

Standing next to the old lady, Yao Siqi slowly glanced around.

Yao Siqi couldn't help but sigh a few words because of the large number of mind trainers around her, but she glanced at these mind trainers, but immediately turned her eyes away.

At the moment Yao Qiqi's heart, Ning Xiaochuan's name popped up.

"The Mu family didn't find Ning Xiaochuan at all. If Ning Xiaochuan is still alive, I don't know if he will come to participate in this kind of mind-gathering conference."

With a murmur in her heart, Yao Siqi's gaze started to look around.

In fact, Yao Siqi couldn't say what it was like to Ning Xiaochuan, but she felt that Ning Xiaochuan had brought it back, but now she is still missing. Whenever she thinks about it, Yao Siqi feels guilty for a long time.

After just glancing around for less than a circle, Yao Siqi's eyes stopped on Ning Xiaochuan's face in the crowd.

"It's him, he's really here."

Distinguishing Ning Xiaochuan's identity, Yao Siqi's face suddenly showed a smile. If not so many people looked around, she would certainly couldn't help cheering, and then jumped out to meet Ning Xiaochuan.

Although far apart, Ning Xiaochuan has also discovered the abnormality of Yao Siqi.

Knowing that Yao Siqi had found herself, Ning Xiaochuan waved his hand at Yao Siqi very simply, saying he had greeted her.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan say hello to himself without hesitation, Yao Siqi was a little shy.

After all, she is just a young girl. In such a large court, she looks away from a strange man and is easily misunderstood.

The old lady standing next to Yao Siqi had already discovered Yao Siqi's abnormality, so she whispered, "Siqi, do you know that person?"

"Well, he's Ning Xiaochuan. Aunt you should have heard of him. Before, he almost became our pharmacist's psychologist." Yao Siqi nodded.

The name of Ning Xiaochuan, of course, the old man has heard of it.

When the Mu family searched for Ning Xiaochuan in the previous paragraph, the name Ning Xiaochuan had spread throughout the medicine king.

But the old man did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan appeared here at the moment.

You know, although the Mu family's search for Ning Xiaochuan has become less vigorous so far, they have not stopped searching for him completely.

"This boy is a bit of a courage, Siqi, how is his mind trainer? If he is really a genius in the mind trainer, I can escape everything today to protect him." The old man glanced at Ning Xiaochuan One glance.

When he heard that his teacher was able to help Ning Xiaochuan, Yao Siqi eagerly said, "Ning Xiaochuan is already a soul-level mind trainer. Aunt, he doesn't look very young, and he is definitely very talented in mind trainer. . "

When she returned from the elixir last time, Yao Siqi had already seen Ning Xiaochuan's ability to train her mind.

So at this moment, Yao Siqi will inevitably have to brag a little more for Ning Xiaochuan.

But how can Yao Siqi's little tricks hide this old man? Some of the pets patted Yao Siqi's head, and the old man pretended to be annoyed and said, "Well, don't brag for this boy, When the psychologist conference is over, I'll try it out myself and see how good he is. "

Yao Siqi shook his head and said, "Aunt you are already a king-level mind trainer, Ning Xiaochuan is a soul-level, you can't embarrass him."

"I see." The old uncle was a little impatient.

Although Yao Siqi was promised in her mouth, the old lady's gaze towards Ning Xiaochuan was a bit cold now.

"Sure enough, as the elder brother and the elder sister said, it is really possible that this girl, Siqi, may have emotional entanglements with this kid. In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening in the future, I will never be merciful. I am a king-level minder It's nothing to do with such a talented mind trainer. "

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan for a few moments, the old uncle turned his eyes away.

Although the soul-level mind trainer and the king-level mind trainer are only one level behind, the gap between the two is huge.

The state of mind-raising masters will become more difficult as you reach the later stages, such as soul-level to soul-level. Although it is only one level, the difficulty of ascension is comparable to that of upgrading from a lower-level mind-raising mind to a soul-level mind-raising mind. Difficulty.

By the same token, the upgrade from soul-level to king-level will be numerous times more difficult.

Level improvement is difficult, but it also means a huge gap between the mind trainers at each level.

A king-level mind trainer is indeed much better than a soul-level mind trainer, so this old man will not take Ning Xiaochuan seriously at this moment.

But the old man did not know that Ning Xiaochuan's true standard had already reached the level of sacredness.

After Mu Baiyu and others all appeared, the meeting of the mind trainers soon began.

The rules of the conference are still as simple as ever. In this square, every mindkeeper has divided a lot of vacant land, and then began to refine the elixir in situ.

As for the materials needed for refining elixir, there are two ways to obtain it.

The first type is the elixir made by the cultivator who brought his own medicine with his own elixir, which naturally belongs to this cultivator and has nothing to do with the organizer of the psychologist conference.

The second method is to apply directly to the organizer of the conspiracy conference for the use of elixir. Since the elixir of the organizer is used, once the refining of the elixir is successfully owned by the organizer of the conscience conference , Has nothing to do with the Yang Xinshi himself.

There are two pros and cons.

Ning Xiaochuan chose the second method. He didn't have the elixir to his satisfaction, so he had to apply to the organizer of the Psychologist Conference.

After applying for the required elixir, Ning Xiaochuan noticed that the number of psychologists who applied for elixir like him was very large, far beyond his imagination.

After a little thought, Ning Xiaochuan guessed the thoughts of these educators.

Even if it is a sacred spiritual trainer, it is impossible to guarantee that each refinement will succeed.

If the elixir is made with the elixir that comes with it, although the elixir belongs to itself, there is no loss.

However, if you use the elixir provided by the organizer, no matter the success or failure, you will be able to practice your hands for nothing.

As the mind-gathering family host of the mind-gathering conference, it is rare to be as magnificent as it is now. It is so cheap to occupy. Of course, many mind-gathering people will choose to use the elixir provided by the organizer.

Of course, the organizers of the mind trainers will not allow these mind trainers to take advantage of this opportunity to practice their hands without restriction.

According to the rules specified by the Psychologist Conference, there is only one copy of the materials provided by the organizer of the Psychologist Conference to the Psychologist. If this refining fails, you can only choose to bring your own elixir. .

This kind of regulation is fortunate for those mind trainers who are determined to practice their minds. They must have enough elixir in their bodies. If the refining fails, they can use their own elixir to continue alchemy.

But Ning Xiaochuan is different. At the moment, Ning Xiaochuan can only use the elixir provided by the organizer to refine the elixir.

In other words, Ning Xiaochuan has only one chance to refine the elixir. If he fails, he will have to find another way. With the qualities of those elixir in him, it is almost impossible to make the elixir that can win the championship.

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