Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1141: Tenjingu

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Mu Baiyu now has a complexion.

Damn, this is stealing my limelight!

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan on the other side of the square, Mu Baixuan scolded in his heart.

As a veteran sacred mind cultivator, Mu Baixu can also refining the elixir of Tian Lei's magic level, but the problem is that at this mind cultivator's meeting, Mu Baiji thought that he could refining an elixir. I can win the championship, so I didn't do my best.

In this case, a person suddenly appeared to compare him, Mu Baidi was certainly not reconciled.

But he couldn't be reconciled anymore. Now his elixir is almost ready. If he refurbishes it, whoever has time will wait for two more days.

Ning Xiaochuan's refining the elixir with the attributes of Tian Lei's magical detonation almost shocked everyone, including the Yao Huichun couple sitting in the grandstand on the east side of the square.

However, compared with the contempt just now, the Yaohuichun couple can now put an egg in their mouths.

Holy spiritual trainer, but also a very strong Holy spiritual trainer.

At the moment when Tian Lei's demons appeared, the Yaohuichun couple had already distinguished Ning Xiaochuan's mind trainer level.

The little guy who thought he was inconspicuous now suddenly turned into an existence that almost made them look up. This sense of gap made Yao Huichun and Wen Min's heads start to feel dizzy.

But anyway, they are also masters of the good fortune, and after a short absence, they calm down.

Just like the old man, Yaohuichun had begun to regret his face.

If he left Ning Xiaochuan at the pharmacy in spite of everything, now the pharmacist can be regarded as climbing up to a holy level minder, and with a holy level minder sitting in the town, the pharmacist is even the Mujia It is not impossible to suppress it.

But now it's too late to say that.

Who made himself blind in the first place, did not see that this young man with an unbelievable appearance would be so perverted.

Yao Huichun smiled bitterly as he shook his head.

And Wen Min, who was sitting next to him, had a look of groaning at this moment.

"I didn't expect this kid to be a holy order mind trainer. If so, he would be worthy of his daughter."

At this moment, Wen Min has begun to think about the matter between Yao Siqi and Ning Xiaochuan, but contrary to the previous moment, Wen Min's attitude has changed greatly at this moment. Instead of no longer opposing Yao Siqi's approach to Ning Xiaochuan, he has some expectations.

As for whether Ning Xiaochuan had any thoughts on Yao Siqi, Wen Min did not consider it at all.

Jokingly, in her eyes, her baby girl is the most beautiful woman in the world. Even if Ning Xiaochuan is a sacred-order psychologist, she will also be fascinated by her daughter.

On the other side, Mu Yunhe kicked a servant beside him to the side.

"Holy Order Psychologist, how could this guy be a Holy Order Psychologist."

With an angry snarling, Mu Yunhe's expression calmed down gradually.

Although his temper was not very good, but Mu Yunhe was not stupid. After distinguishing Ning Xiaochuan as a sacred-order mind trainer, he knew in his mind that it was impossible to deal with Ning Xiaochuan by his ability.

"Go and inform my father about this right away." Mu Yunhe frowned for a moment, then turned his head and yelled at a servant.

The servant immediately rushed towards Mu's place.

At the moment, inside the wooden house, the wooden house owner Mu Baizhu is entertaining guests at this moment.

The person who can make Mu Baishu not go to the meeting of the Yangxin Master, but entertained himself at home, is naturally not an ordinary person.

In the meeting room of the Mu family, when Mu Baishu looked at the man in front of him, he always had a little respectful look in his eyes.

At this moment, the guest of the Mu family is a middle-aged man in his thirties with a moustache and a rather wretched person.

This guy is ugly, and there are many moles on his face. These moles make the flower set against his face look nothing like a human face.

If anyone sees this middle-aged person, they can't help laughing, and marvel that there are still such people in the world.

However, when Mu Baishu faced this middle-aged man, he looked respectfully and did not dare to show the slightest strange look at all.

The reason why Mu Baishu is so respectful is simple, because this weird middle-aged man is a sub-god in itself.

The medicine king is famous for its elixir, but there are not many real masters. Most of the people who sit on the medicine king are some sub-level masters. The real god-level masters will leave medicine king and go to other places in the **** world travel.

Mu Baishu itself has been cultivated to have reached the virtual **** realm, and one step can reach the sub-god level, but in the presence of a sub-god, he still lowered his head respectfully.

What's more, the identity of this sub-god standing in front of him at this moment is much stronger than that of his Mujia owner.

"Master Mu, I came here this time because I needed some mind trainers to make a batch of elixir. Among this group of mind trainers, there must be at least one holy spiritual minder and ten king spiritual minders. Teacher, these people, please prepare for me. I will stay here for three days. Three days later, I will see these mind trainers. "Although the middle-aged **** is long and weird, his tone is extremely rigid. At this moment, the tone is unquestionable.

"Yes, I will arrange it properly." Mu Baishu nodded bitterly.

Even on the medicine king, there are not many sacred-order mind trainers.

At this moment, the sacred-order psychologist on the medicine king is only the Mu Baiyu of the Mu family. This time, the other party named a sacred-order psychologist, who can represent the Mu family to the Temple of Heaven. Bai Ye is alone.

If Mu Baizhen leaves, the absolute advantage of the Mu family over the other family of mind keepers on the medicine king is gone.

However, Mu Baizhen went to Tenjin Temple this time, and thinking of this, the bitterness in Mu Baishu's heart dissipated a lot.

Tenjin is a major force in the divine realm. Tens of thousands of nearby stars, including Yaowang, are within the sphere of influence of Tenjin.

Mu Baiyu's ability to enter the Temple of Heaven has a bright future, much better than staying in the Mu family.

The Mu family lost Mu Baiyu. Although it may not be able to suppress other family members of the pharmacist on the pharmacy star for a while, once Mu Baiyu has mixed results in Tenjin, then his Mu family will be able to take advantage of this shareholder's style at one time. Occupy the entire Medicine King.

Therefore, in the long run, Mu Baiyu's joining Tenjin Temple is definitely more of a benefit than a disadvantage.

Thinking about this, Mu Baishu's complexion looked a lot better, smiling at the middle-aged man in front of his eyes and nodding with a smile: "Master Ding Kui, now a meeting of psychologists is being held on Yao Wangxing. Adults should come and see. "

"Forget it, what can be expected of a mind-gathering conference hosted by a small drug king, not even a Shennong." The middle-aged man named Ding Kui shook his head and looked disdainfully.

Tenjin is the great power of the divine realm, and the pattern is far from being comparable to a medicine king.

This kind of mind-gatherer conference held on Yaowang is the highest-ranking mind-gatherer. It is only a holy order, but in the Temple of God, those Shennong-level mind-gatherer conferences are often held. The mind teacher conference is really exciting.

Ding Kui, who was born in the Temple of Heaven, has been raised with his eyes. Of course, he can't look down on the meeting of psychologists of the medicine king.

In this regard, Mubaishu was no accident. Nodded his head and asked Ding Kui to stay first.

Just then, the Mu family's servant hurried back.

Because when this servant reported the situation before, Mu Baishu once told him that he didn't need to hide his look from Ding Kui, so this time, after the servant rushed in, he would directly show the new Ning Xiaochuan at the mind trainer conference. The story of the holy spiritualist was told.

The emergence of a new holy psychiatrist may be a sensational news for Yao Wang.

But for Ding Kui, a holy mind mentor is nothing at all.

However, at this moment, Ding Kui had a little interest when he heard the presence of a holy order mind trainer.

He came to Yao Wang this time in order to find a mind trainer, and now there is such a holy order mind trainer, that is naturally better.

"Master Mu, this newly-produced sacred step psychologist, you are responsible for helping me stay, and I will even bring him to the Temple of Heaven." Calmly ordered Mu Baishu, Ding Kui left himself.

Although a holy spiritualist is also considered to be noble, but for Ding Kui, it is nothing, so Ding Kui unknowingly attracted a holy spiritualist to take him.

Ding Kui left, Mu Baishu frowned for a moment, and then got up and rushed to the square where the Yangzi Conference was located.

The Concentrator Conference is still going on at this time, but it is almost the end of the conference.

The last two alchemists, Mu Baiyu and Ning Xiaochuan, have finished alchemy at this moment. The appearance of two elixir containing magical properties has been enough to make up for the losses of the major mind trainers.

And the first place in this meeting of mind trainers, of course, is undoubtedly Ning Xiaochuan.

Even if Mu Baixun was not reconciled, he couldn't do anything about it in such a large crowd.

According to the process of the Psychologist Conference, the psychologists who have won the ranking will be able to receive their rewards on the spot.

The few mind trainers who can be ranked before the mind trainer conference are almost all from the major mind trainers' families. This is no different from previous years.

After Ning Xiaochuan took the first prize, he immediately stood up in the middle of the square and drank loudly: "The 10,000-year elixir is exchanged for 8000 years of broken heart grass and 5,000 years of vulva. . "

Exchanging 10,000-year-old elixir for only a few thousand-year-old elixir, I'm afraid this transaction can only be done by a fool.

Therefore, after the mentors around Ning Xiaochuan heard Ning Xiaochuan's groaning sound, they looked back at Ning Xiaochuan one by one in astonishment, wondering what trick Ning Xiaochuan was doing at the moment.

After hesitating for a while, a figure appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"I have eight thousand years of broken heart grass."

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