Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1142: Loss trading

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Standing in front of Ning Xiaochuan at the moment was the old lady of the drugstore.

She is already a king-level mind trainer, and she can step into the existence of a holy-level mind trainer, so she naturally easily won the third place in this mind trainer conference. Among the rewards of this third place, Contains the broken heart grass that Ning Xiaochuan urgently needs at this moment.

At this moment, the old man walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan, but it wasn't exactly to do business with Ning Xiaochuan.

When she approached Ning Xiaochuan, she actually wanted to see if there was any chance to get closer with Ning Xiaochuan.

After all, after the identity of Ning Xiaochuan's holy minder is exposed at this moment, I am afraid that Ning Xiaochuan will immediately become a red star on the medicine king.

Even a pharmacist may not be qualified to win such a holy order mind trainer.

On the entire medicine king, the most capable of attracting Ning Xiaochuan is undoubtedly the Mu family. But the problem is that almost everyone on the entire drug king knows that there is a contradiction between the Mujia and Ning Xiaochuan.

In this way, the old man will have the mind to draw Ning Xiaochuan to the pharmacist.

"I have eight thousand years of broken heart grass, but I ..."

Old Lao came to Ning Xiaochuan, nodded, and was talking, but was interrupted directly by Ning Xiaochuan.

He took out ten thousand years of Tengyun fruit and ten thousand years of snowflake dew in his hand, and Ning Xiaochuan handed it to the old man and said, "Choose one, choose one."

Really want to use the elixir for thousands of years?

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's actions, those mind trainers around him were completely dumbfounded.

Even the old lady who was opposite Ning Xiaochuan was at a loss for the moment. She didn't really believe that Ning Xiaochuan would do the stupid thing of exchanging the elixir for thousands of years.

However, such a thing happened in front of my eyes. After a while, I took the bottle of snowflakes with a dullness and handed Ning Xiaochuan the broken heart grass to be exchanged.

Transaction complete!

This straightforward trading method makes everyone look dumbfounded.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't care about this, and he didn't even realize that there was any difference in exchanging the elixir of the millennium with the elixir of the millennium.

After putting away the broken heart grass, Ning Xiaochuan immediately drank again: "Ten thousand years of Tengyun fruit, exchanged for 5,000 years of yin pulp, it is out of date."

Five thousand years of vulvar fluid is also one of the prizes.

The reward for the medulla is the mind trainer who looks medium and thick.

At this moment, the psychiatrist took out the medulla fluid and looked it up and down. It seemed that he wanted to see what mystery of the medulla fluid he had obtained.

Ning Xiaochuan had already seen the movement of this mind trainer, but he didn't interfere, just standing on the side and constantly yelling.

After looking back and forth several times, the embarrassed and embarrassing Yang Yang did not seem to notice any abnormalities in the medulla in his hand, so he walked towards Ning Xiaochuan with an unwilling look.

"I have 5,000 years of vulvar fluid, but in addition to asking you for the fruit of ten thousand years of clouds, I also want other rewards you have received before." Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, the embarrassed cultivator Shook his head.

grass! This guy is crazy.

Hearing the words of this heart-threatening mentor, he was immediately shocked.

The value of ten thousand years of Tengyun fruit has been at least ten times higher than that of yin pith fluid, but this thick-hearted mind trainer is not satisfied and wants more.

After a stunned glance at this thick-hearted cultivator, many people murmured in their hearts that they were unrecognizable, and immediately looked at Ning Xiaochuan, wanting to see what Ning Xiaochuan would do.

If it were replaced by a normal person, this loss-making transaction would definitely not be done.

However, Ning Xiaochuan has already made a loss-making sale just now. I am afraid that this sale is still possible.

"Fuck, this makes me a fool."

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the thick-faced yogi in front of him, and could not help rolling his eyes.

If it wasn't for his eagerness to restore his strength, how could he use the elixir to exchange these millennial elixir. The old lady who had been before was also ignored, and the transaction was very simple, even if it was a loss, Ning Xiaochuan did.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the embarrassing yangyang and then said a word lightly.


The complexion's complexion suddenly turned red.

He has already guessed that Ning Xiaochuan is very likely to be in urgent need of vaginal fluid, so at this moment he will take the opportunity to make such an unreasonable request and want to obtain more benefits.

At first he thought he had eaten Dingning Xiaochuan, but Ning Xiaochuan's reaction woke him up from his dream of getting rich.

With a flushed face, he stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan, only to feel that the gaze surrounding him had been ridiculed.


Do n’t put the panacea, but you do n’t want more, and the result is good. People wo n’t even give you the panacea. People who do this kind of thing are normal as fools.

The soothing mind trainer, flushed, almost fled into the distance.

However, Ning Xiaochuan had recovered his calmness at this moment, and still shouting loudly: "Elixir of 5,000 years is exchanged for 5,000 years of vulva."

The mind trainers around looked at Ning Xiaochuan strangely. The only person here who might have the medulla fluid has been driven away by Ning Xiaochuan. Why is Ning Xiaochuan still sipping here? Maybe he wants to find another People with five thousand years of vulvar fluid.

I have to say that this probability is too small. Once you come to the psychiatrists at the psychologist conference, it is estimated that most of them will not put the rare elixir of yangxinye on them.

In the surroundings, the astonishing minds of another mind-raiser really had another short-length mind-raiser running over from a distance, and used the 5,000-year-old pith fluid to exchange the fruit of the ten thousand years of Ning Xiaochuan.

As a result, naturally the mind-raisers who were waiting for a good show dropped their chins, and they never expected that Ning Xiaochuan actually exchanged for what he wanted.

However, they immediately reacted. The bottle of yin medulla fluid just now is the same as that of the thick-hearted spiritualist. After he was drunk by Lin Han, he still greedy for the elixir in Ning Xiaochuan's hand, so he immediately found An acquaintance asked the acquaintances to exchange Tengyun fruits from Ning Xiaochuan.

Wanting to understand this, the well-thought-out psychologist immediately became the joke of many psychologists here.

Of course, many mind keepers started secretly whispering. Ning Xiaochuan was just so rude to that saucy mind keeper, but in the end, he still hit others and exchanged the fruits of the ten thousand years of Tengyun for each other.

When this statement reached Mu Baiyu's ears, it made Mu Baiyu happy for a while.

He is rather indifferent to Ning Xiaochuan now, so he was naturally excited to see Ning Xiaochuan being treated as a fool.

But immediately another word came over.

It is said that all of this was calculated by Ning Xiaochuan. Otherwise, why did Ning Xiaochuan continue to sip after drinking and retreating from that sturdy mind trainer.

Although this statement is not based on sources, but thinking about Ning Xiaochuan's reaction just now, many mind-raising teachers suddenly realized, and then they understood Ning Xiaochuan's previous thoughts.

In this regard, many mind trainers can only lament in their hearts that they can become holy mind trainers, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

The exchange of elixir by Ning Xiaochuan and others can only be regarded as an episode of this meeting of Yang Yang.

At this moment, although the mind trainer conference is not over, it is almost at an end. In the next moment, it is the organizer of the mind trainer conference. Each team sent a group of people to begin to train each mind trainer. Evaluation of elixir.

It's just evaluation, in fact, it's nothing more than propaganda for every mind trainer.

For a novice psychologist like Yao Siqi, if she wants to become famous, she naturally has to rely on this link to completely her reputation as a genius psychologist.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan has no interest in this kind of publicity.

So shortly after the commentary began, Ning Xiaochuan quietly left the square and went directly to the shop where Ding Fat was.

He will immediately go back and start making elixir to restore his strength.

After Ning Xiaochuan returned to Ding Fat's shop, a few figures slowly appeared outside the shop.

These figures are people who have followed Ning Xiaochuan all the way from the mind trainer conference square. This time, Ning Xiaochuan was very popular at the mind trainer conference. If no one pays attention, it must be false.

At this moment, almost every family of psychologists on Yao Wang is secretly paying attention to Ning Xiaochuan, so things like Ning Xiaochuan quietly leaving, of course, can not hide others at all.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan himself never wanted to hide anyone.

Since deciding to participate in this meeting of mind trainers, Ning Xiaochuan knew that his identity would be completely exposed.

Sooner or later, Ning Xiaochuan will certainly not care about his whereabouts at this moment.

Otherwise, after leaving the square just now, he will solve all the little tails that are behind him.

"Go back immediately and tell the homeowner where this holy spiritualist is hiding." The shadows that followed Ning Xiaochuan and found Ning Xiaochuan's trace immediately began to report the news upwards.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan has entered the secret room where he lived before, and after taking out the **** shell, Ning Xiaochuan immediately entered the **** shell.

Relying on the time flow in the God Shell, Ning Xiaochuan can definitely recover his power faster.

Just as Ning Xiaochuan was doing his best to restore his strength, outside of this shop opened by Ding Fat, at this moment, he was closely monitored by bright or secret staff.

Among these people, there is almost every force on the drug king.

The most prominent one is of course the number of Mu family members.

At this moment, the people of the Mu family stood on the street in such a big way, as if they were afraid that people would not know they were here. For such a group of arrogant guys, other forces have no other way but to curse a few times.

About half a day later, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of this shop.

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