Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1144: Impact sub-god

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The ancestor of the pharmacy is also a sub-god, but the ancestor of the pharmacy is not as powerful as the ancestor of the Mujia.

In fact, the ancestors of other ancient families on Medicine King are mostly sub-gods. Only one sub-god can sit in a family of psychologists and barely keep a family of psychologists from being annexed by other families.

If the ancestor of the family of mind-keepers falls, it almost means the decline of the family of mind-keepers.

When the Yaohuichun couple rushed back to the pharmacy and met the ancestors of the pharmacist in person, the same scene happened in the other family of psychologists on the medicine king.

Involving such a major event as fighting for a holy spiritual mentor, only these times the ancestors of the gods can personally decide the final ownership of Ning Xiaochuan.

As for Ning Xiaochuan's idea, nobody cares at all now.

A long time later, a strong breath suddenly appeared where the Mu family was. With this breath, several other god-like breaths suddenly burst out of other places on the drug king.

"Ha ha, Brother Mu, it is said that the magical skills you practice require long-term dormancy. I did not expect you to wake up today."

"You old guys are not all the same, usually you can't retreat one by one, trying to catch up with my cultivation, but not all of them have appeared now."

"Let's not talk nonsense, what is the purpose of this exit, we all know clearly, I think it is better to talk about this matter directly."

"What is there to say, wait for us to meet this holy spiritual trainer together, when he is willing to join our family, let him join that family."

"Fart, what if you don't look down on that family?"

"Even if we, the family of mind trainers, look down on this, then this kid is too arrogant, and I don't mind giving him a lesson then."


Although a group of sub-level ancestors are scattered around Yao Wangxing, they have begun to communicate with each other.

Although now the family of major psychologists on Yaowang has been fighting fiercely, on the bright side, these ancestors of the gods will not easily tear their faces.

It was only during these fierce debates that Mu Yan, the old ancestor of the Mu family, came out indifferently: "You, the angel of Ding Kui in the Temple of Heaven is now in my Mu family. This time he came to take away our medicine Two holy order mind trainers on Wang Xing. "

Tenjin Temple!

Messenger Ding Kui!

Take away two holy order mind trainers!

These contents were put together and immediately silenced all the sub-gods.

But it's just superficial silence. In fact, these sub-gods have cursed Mu Yanxin in their own secret chambers many times.

Oh shit! It wasn't long before the people in Tenjin Temple said in the medicine king that Lao Tzu was excited for nothing.


Located in the underground chamber, Yao Huichun and Wen Min both stood here, looking at an old man in front of them respectfully.

The old man had to be white, but his face was red, and his face was not wrinkled, showing vitality.

He is now the ancestor of the pharmacist Dong Lei.

Yao Donglei had the same complexion at the moment, frowning for a long time, and then stood out: "No need to waste energy on that Ning Xiaochuan, he has been booked by the Temple of Heaven."

"What? Temple of Heaven?" Yao Huichun and Wen Min suddenly looked shocked.

The strength of Tenjin is far from being comparable to a medicine king.

After a short while, Yaohuichun eagerly said, "Our ancestor, why did the Tenjin Temple care about a holy order minder like Ning Xiaochuan? It is said that there are dozens of Shennong in the Tenjin Temple."

"I do n’t know how the people at Tenjin Temple happened to be here this time, but the old guy who wants to come to Muyanxin will not deceive us. He said that the Tenjin palace people were there, and it ’s estimated that the people in the temple might be there On the medicine king, there is a tense shrine to intervene, and there is no way to change the ending of Ning Xiaochuan. "Yao Donglei snorted coldly.

After all, I encountered a sacred-order psychologist, but this sacred-order psychologist also became a person in Tenjin.

Yao Huichun and Wen Min sighed at the same time, only to sigh in their hearts that their luck was not good enough.

As for dealing with the Mu family, naturally stop at this moment.

Mu Yanxin exchanged a moment with the ancestors of the family of other mind-gathering families. Then he took Mu Baishu and left the Mu family with great swing, and rushed to the place where Ning Xiaochuan was.

Although other sub-gods felt the movement of Mu Yanxin, they were afraid to stop Mu Yanxin at all due to the existence of the angel of Tenjin.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't perceive the changes outside at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan, who is located in the shell of the god, is now trying his best to resume his cultivation.

His body was so badly damaged that he couldn't even use his own strength to the fullest.

But now, the damage in his body is being repaired.

Utilizing 10,000 years of black toad, 100,000 years of broken heart grass and 5,000 years of medulla fluid as the main medicine, and thousands of other common elixirs as auxiliary medicine, Ning Xiaochuan finally refined enough to repair his own injuries Miracle.

Ling Dan, who was enveloped in Tan Dan's breath, was swallowed immediately by Ning Xiaochuan without hesitation.

The forceful force erupted in Ning Xiaochuan's body, as if a pure aura suddenly shot towards Ning Xiaochuan's Dantian, and all parts of Ning Xiaochuan's body immediately suffered from this pure aura. Scour.

With the washing of these auras, Ning Xiaochuan's body like a broken vase gradually became complete, the cracks on the porcelain bottle began to disappear, and Ning Xiaochuan's body gradually returned to normal.

With the last dark trace in his body disappearing, Ning Xiaochuan's body suddenly exuded a force.

The violent force of the virtual **** realm returned to Ning Xiaochuan again at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan yelled excitedly, waved his hands, and the World Extermination Sword and the Heavenly Emperor Blade appeared in his hands.

Before he was severely wounded, Ning Xiaochuan could not master the extermination sword and the Emperor Blade, so he did not dare to summon it.

But at this moment, he re-held the two weapons.

Holding the sword of extinction and the Emperor's Blade, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that the strength in his body was still growing.

"Grass, Ning Xiaochuan, you are about to break through the sub-god, and your body is already condensing the virtual godhead." Tiandi Blade first felt the abnormality in Ning Xiaochuan's body, so he immediately screamed.

Secondary god!

Ning Xiaochuan froze for a moment, then a happy expression appeared on his face.

Shocking the sub-god realm, Ning Xiaochuan had been prepared for a long time. When he was wandering in the void, his cultivation had already broken through to the virtual **** realm. If it was not the harsh environment, he might be in the void. Breakthrough to the sub-god realm.

Knowing that he was about to make a breakthrough, Ning Xiaochuan immediately put away the World Extermination Sword and the Heavenly Emperor Blade again.

After the impact on the sub-god realm, if it succeeds, it will be followed by a tyrannical sub-god. The sub-god is different from the various thunder robs that Ning Xiaochuan encountered before. You can only live through the sub-go Ning Xiaochuan's own strength, the World Extermination Sword and the Heavenly Emperor Blade could not help at all.

Standing in the shell of the god, Ning Xiaochuan began to realize his situation at this moment.

Just as Tiandi Blade felt it, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan's body had indeed begun to appear a shadow of a virtual godhead.

The most important thing from the breakthrough of the fortune realm to the sub-god realm is to condense a virtual godhead.

This virtual godhead is the core of the sub-god. After practicing the virtual godhead, as long as you continue to integrate your perception into the virtual godhead, the godhead will gradually become full and eventually become a true godhead. By that time, Ning Xiaochuan It is considered to have stepped into the real realm of gods.

It's just a pity that Ning Xiaochuan has just condensed the virtual godhead at this moment, and it's still a hundred thousand miles away from being a true god.

After perceiving the shadow of this virtual godhead, Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to mobilize the power in his body and hit the various ways of extinction he felt on the shadow of this virtual godhead.

The virtual godhead that appears in Ning Xiaochuan's body is not even a virtual godhead, it can only be regarded as a symptom of the appearance of the virtual godhead.

What Ning Xiaochuan has to do now is to completely improve the virtual godhead.

"The World Extinction Sword Road, the World Extinction Road, the World Extinction Nebula Road, the World Extinction Thunder Road, the World Extinction Demon Road ..."

All the ways of Ning Xiaochuan's realization of the world, were all intruded into the shadow of this virtual godhead.

The shadow of the virtual godhead was originally just a black energy group if there were none, but with the injection of these worldly extinctions, the shadow of this virtual godhead suddenly changed its brilliance. This black energy group seemed to look inside. A small world has appeared in general.

In the end, the black energy mass completely disappeared, replaced by a perfect form of the owner, almost a bead, but with a dense virtual goddess with countless edges and corners.

This virtual godhead contains everything that Ning Xiaochuan learned before.

Ning Xiaochuan can even feel that at this moment inside this virtual godhead, various energies such as the Great Sword formed by the Extinction Kendo, the Great Sword formed by the Extinction Kendo, the demonic spirit formed by the Extinction Demon Way, and so on The constant resounding within the godhead seems to want to be one, but they are mutually exclusive.

In addition to this, Ning Xiaochuan felt an unprecedented sense of emptiness while perceiving this virtual godhead.

It's as if a person has been hungry for a long time and never feels full.

This feeling is actually passed on to Ning Xiaochuan by the virtual godhead. The current virtual godhead is indeed like a person who is not full. When it is full, it is the moment when Ning Xiaochuan becomes a god.

Slightly sensing the virtual godhead in his body, Ning Xiaochuan smiled from the corner of his mouth and got out of the shell directly.

He had condensed the virtual godhead, and then, it was time for the second plunder.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want the second **** to destroy the **** shell.

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