Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1145: Nine yuan heavy water

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"Old ancestor, there is a master beside Ning Xiaochuan. I'm afraid that his strength will not be weaker than me. I'd better not hurt him when we wait. We don't know what this person has to do with Ning Xiaochuan. The words of this holy spiritualist will probably outweigh the gains. "

On the medicine king, Mu Baishu and Mu Yanxin walk together.

Listening to Mu Baishu, Mu Yanxin shook his head and snorted coldly, "Ning Xiaochuan has offended our Mu family before, right?"

"He has a little conflict with Yunhe. There is no other conflict besides this." Mu Baishu shook his head.

In his opinion, the matter between Ning Xiaochuan and Mu Yunhe was simply a trick for children to play, so he didn't care much.

Most of the reason why he sent people to wanted Ning Xiaochuan was just to maintain the glory of the Mu Family. Now that he knew the identity of Ning Xiaochuan's holy mind nurturer, he immediately set aside his previous dissatisfaction with Ning Xiaochuan and devoted his mind to how to draw Ning Xiaochuan.

"Bai Shu, your master is too pedantic." Stopping and looking at Mu Baishu, Mu Yanxin frowned.

Mu Baishu looked at Mu Yanxin with a stunned look, he didn't know why the ancestor suddenly said so.

Mu Yan's heart remained unchanged, and he looked up in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan: "Our wooden house is already the largest family on the medicine king, and it can be regarded as a hegemonic existence. As the owner of the wooden house, you usually do too much. Soften a bit, like this Ning Xiaochuan, who cares nothing about our Mu family, even if you, the owner, directly hit the door, you should not be merciful to his men, no matter what you encounter, it will be destroyed directly, Otherwise, do we still have the prestige on the Medicine King of the Mu family? Without prestige, I am afraid that those cats and dogs are going to move. "

Mu Yanxin's voice was cold, making the look of Mu Baishu serious.

At this moment, Mu Baishu remembered that his ancestor was a man known as the Perak God of War. The word Perak mainly described his temper.

When Mu Yanxin was young, his temper was really hot and he was absolutely domineering, but it was also because of his domineering that he laid the foundation for the Mu Family to become the first family of psychologists on the medicine king.

Mu Baishu took a deep breath, and hesitated a little: "But the ancestor, after all, the other party is a holy spiritual mentor, and he is going to Tianshen Palace. If it is too stiff with him, I'm afraid to my Mu family. Unfavorable in the future. "

"Shit." Mu Yanxin shouted coldly and cursed: "A holy spiritualist has scared you. As the owner of the Mu family, your vision is too small, and your eyes should not be placed on On the medicine king, it should be placed on the entire **** world and even the entire Shenhe civilization.

A holy psychologist is indeed a big man on our medicine king, but in the whole world, a holy psychologist is not fart at all. If you are afraid of a holy psychologist, what will happen then? Take the wooden house out of the medicine king.

I think that the family of other psychologists on Yaowang now dare to challenge our Mu family because your relationship is too weak. This time, you just use this Ning Xiaochuan to show the power of our Mu family and shock other psychologists. Family. "

Although Mu Baishu still felt uncomfortable in his heart, he did not dare to continue to oppose Mu Yanxin, and nodded silently.

Soon, Mu Baishu and Mu Yanxin appeared outside the shop where Ning Xiaochuan was located.

Mu Baishu's mental power cannot detect the situation in this shop, but Mu Yanxin can clearly feel everything in the shop.

"Alas, a group of spirit beasts, the battle corpses of God for the first time ... there is still a **** shell."

After feeling the contents of the shop, Mu Yanxin suddenly felt a shock, and looked a little dignified.

Those spirit beasts who have been cultivated as the highest level of real life are just fine, but the first battle of the gods really surprised Mu Yan's heart. And the **** shell that he finally found brightens his eyes.

The **** shell is a layer of skin that fades when the sub-god breaks through to the god. If the comprehension is strong enough, one can fully understand the law of the sub-god from the **** to achieve the god.

In addition to this, the different time flow rates of the God Shell and the outside world also have many benefits for low-level monks.

Mu Yanxin was already ready to shoot directly, and taught Ning Xiaochuan fiercely. Immediately after sensing the treasures inside, Mu Yanxin naturally became a little greedy.

"In the future, all these things will belong to my Mu family. A little holy level spiritual master, even if relying on a sub-war corpse, don't want to block me." Mu Yanxin snorted, directly toward The store in front of him rushed past.


The door of the shop was directly blasted by Mu Yanxin. Before waiting for the spirit beasts and other spirit beasts guarding in the shop to react, Mu Yanxin rushed to the guardian spirit beasts with a slap and patted them all.

These spirit beasts are now the highest and the fourfold cultivation of the real world. They cannot stop Mu Yanxin's attack at all.

Immediately after being blown out, the breath of these spirit beasts weakened, almost dying.

At this moment, he wasn't hit by Mu Yanxin, and there was only the second war corpse left.

Although the power of this sub-god war corpse is strong, it is much stronger than the strong one in the virtual **** realm, but compared with a sub-god master, it is obviously much worse.

Almost immediately, the dead body of the Second God was defeated by Mu Yanxin.

If it wasn't for the special physique of the Sub-God War Corps, coupled with Mu Yanxin's ideology to plunder this Sub-God War Corpse, I am afraid that this Sub-God War Corpse has already become a fragment.

Just as Mu Yanxin tried to take away the corpse of the second god, deep in the shop, Ning Xiaochuan's figure came out of the shell.


Just now, a faint flash of lightning flashed on Ning Xiaochuan.

With this flash of thunder and lightning, a forceful momentum appeared on Ning Xiaochuan.

"Second God!"

Sensing the change in the breath of Ning Xiaochuan, Mu Yanxin, who was fighting the sub-god war corpse, changed his look first.

As a sub-god, he naturally knows how terrible the sub-god is. If he is allowed to return to the past and go back again and again, I am afraid that Mu Yanxin will still have no confidence in it.

From this we can see how terrible it is for warriors.

It is also because of the great power of the Sub-Divine Robbery that there are so many masters in the world, but the number of sub-masters is more than 10,000 times less than the number of the masters in the Realm.

Feeling that Ning Xiaochuan was going through the divine robberies, Mu Yanxin immediately continued to retreat and withdrew from the shop. He didn't want to be affected by Ning Xiaochuan's divine robberies.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan felt the advent of the second scourge, but looked around.

Seeing that his spirit beasts were badly damaged, including the corpses of the next god, Ning Xiaochuan's face suddenly became a little ugly.

After he entered here before, in order to be able to restore the power with peace of mind, he released all these spirit beasts in the Xuanshoujian and acted as bodyguards.

But now, these bodyguards are all seriously injured. Even if they return to the Xuanshoujian, they may take some time to recover.

Ning Xiaochuan's face suddenly showed an angry look. After glancing at Mu Yanxin, Ning Xiaochuan waved and collected all the spirit beasts and the second god's war corpses while the second god's calamity had not yet arrived.

"Wait for this guy later." Glancing at Mu Yanxin coldly, Ning Xiaochuan could no longer be distracted.

A faint flickering beam of light descended from the sky, covering Ning Xiaochuan.

Immediately, in this beam of light, the sound of flowing water began to sound.

Ning Xiaochuan was also the first to face the second god, so immediately after hearing this voice, a look of utter solitude appeared on his face.

A stream of clear water, this beam of light flowed down asleep. This beam of light seemed to be like a pipe, directing this stream of water from the sky.

And Ning Xiaochuan himself is the object of this stream.

The moment this stream of water rushed to himself, Ning Xiaochuan felt like his body was ten million times heavier.

"Nine yuan heavy water!"

There was a cry of surprise in Ning Xiaochuankou. After personally touching the currents, Ning Xiaochuan could tell the origin of the currents.

Nine yuan of heavy water, it is said that this is a kind of water flowing in the starry sky. The weight of this water is tens of millions of times heavier than ordinary water.

When the nine yuan heavy water flows in the starry sky, as long as it is touched by the nine yuan heavy water, all will be crushed by the terrible weight of the nine yuan heavy water, and then become part of the nine yuan heavy water.

Of course, these are just legends about Jiuyuan Heavy Water, and Ning Xiaochuan cannot judge whether these legends are true.

But at this moment after Ning Xiaochuan's body was submerged in the heavy water of Nine Yuan, the terrible oppressive force, the Ning Xiaochuan oppressed continuously shrank.

Feeling the terrible pressure around him, Ning Xiaochuan only knew that the heavy water of nine yuan in reality is more terrible than rumors.


With the increasing amount of Jiuyuan heavy water, the beam of light beside Ning Xiaochuan was finally collapsed by Jiuyuan heavy water pressure.

The whirling water flows directly around.

Everything around Ning Xiaochuan was directly touched by Jiuyuan Heavy Water, and immediately disappeared into ashes.

Even the two masters who were originally lurking on the side and used to supervise Ning Xiaochuan's family of mind-keepers were suddenly contaminated by the heavy water of Nine Yuan, and their bodies shattered and disappeared.

The domineering weight of the nine yuan heavy water scared everyone.

Mu Yanxin has grasped Mu Baishu at this moment, and fled away quickly. Fortunately, he responded fast enough, otherwise, at the moment, he and Mu Baishu would also be affected by the heavy water of nine yuan.

The Nine Yuan heavy water flowing from the top of Ning Xiaochuan swept everything around Ning Xiaochuan, and then no longer flowed around, but formed a round pond with a diameter of several tens of feet beside Ning Xiaochuan. Ogawa's body is temporarily in the center of the pond at this moment.

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