Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1150: No future

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Ning Xiaochuan also changed his look at this moment. He didn't expect that Ding Kui could summon the body of a god.

The gods appeared, and the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Ding Kui suddenly separated and stopped fighting.

With a flash of Ning Xiaochuan's palm, he hid the extermination sword in his body.

The secondary gods who were not beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan in the surrounding area also came one by one with a look of panic at this moment. Although Ning Xiaochuan was still jealous, they were much stronger in the presence of a deity.

The light from the ring dissipated, and the tall figure was completely revealed. It was a thick eyebrow in a green robe that looked ordinary.

This big man looks rude and looks like the kind of person with a bold personality.

"Ding Kui, you called Laozi over, what's the matter?" Just now, the Qingpao man shouted at Ding Kui with a grin.

However, the Qingpao man was already carefully watching the surroundings at the same time, which made Ning Xiaochuan feel that the Qingpao man was obviously thick and thin, not as simple as it looks.

Of course, if you can cultivate into a god, I'm afraid it will be really simple without that.

Ding Kui was struck by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, and he had a strong vitality. He gave Ning Xiaochuan a severe glance, and then respectfully said, "Respect the Lord, I found the preacher of the World Extinction in Medicine Wang Xing, so I specifically informed the Lord to come and annihilate. This demon. "

"Heirloom?" The man in Qingpao's face suddenly changed.

Even as a deity, the title of the preacher of extinction still has tremendous oppression for him.

After carefully scanning the surrounding area again, the gaze of the Qingpao man fell on Ning Xiaochuan.

The gods around him at this moment could always have fear in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes. This Qingpao man had already discovered this, so at this moment, it may be the demise of the world. Ning Xiaochuan is the most likely.

However, no matter how the Qingpao man glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, he couldn't find any extinction breath from Ning Xiaochuan.

The man in the Qingpao waved a finger at Ning Xiaochuan and hummed coldly, "Ding Kui, you are talking about this kid."

Ding Kui nodded: "Yes, it is him. When he condensed the virtual godhead just now, we saw with his own eyes that he had destroyed the world."

Putting his eyes back on Ning Xiaochuan again, the man in Qingpao frowned and said, "If he is a preacher of the World Extinction, how can I not escape if I see him."

Ding Kui glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Respect the Lord, he has just entered the realm of the sub-god. Your deity comes here, and of course he cannot escape."

"You know that fart, if he really is a descendant of the world, even if he is a second-time god, he can definitely escape from me. Otherwise, why can the world of the world be destroyed by the descendants of the world."

The man in Qingpao scolded Ding Kui, and then looked at Ning Xiaochuan: "Boy, although I think you are unlikely to be a descendant of the World Extinction, but for the sake of insurance, you still show me your virtual godhead, World Extinction. The virtual goddess condensed by the predecessor should be three thousand faceted gods of extinction. As long as I have a glance at your virtual goddess, you can tell whether you are extinct or not. "

Hearing the words of the man in Qingpao, Ding Kui eagerly said, "Respect the Lord, but we all saw it with our own eyes. The condensed Godhead is three thousand aspects."

"Really!" The man in Qingpao said indifferently, looking at Ning Xiaochuan's gaze for a moment.

Checking identity by godhead?

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help laughing at this moment.

OK, Lao Tzu asks you to check at will, not to mention the three-dimensional aspect of the goddess, you can't find even the three-dimensional aspect of the goddess.

Glancing at Ding Kui, Ning Xiaochuan said: "I don't care to check the virtual godhead once."

As if to prove his words, Ning Xiaochuan's chest flashed a light, and a virtual godhead that kept turning and emitting light suddenly appeared.

Because of the shining relationship on the godhead, the white bone beads hidden inside the virtual godhead did not appear. But the aspect of this godhead can be easily discerned.

"How come thirty-six cuts?"

Seeing the goddess emerging from Ning Xiaochuan's body, Ding Kui and others had to drop their chins directly on the ground.

They had fought hard to attack Ning Xiaochuan before, in order to pass Ning Xiaochuan's demise to the world.

But now, the godhead that emerges from Ning Xiaochuan's body is basically the lowest level of godhead. The difference between the godhead and the extinct godhead is completely different.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godlike appearance, the man in Qingpao suddenly felt a little annoyed, "This is what you call the demise of the world?"

Ding Kui sweated on his forehead and eagerly distinguished: "No, Lord, the virtual godhead he condensed before is indeed 3,000 aspects. He must have used some means to deceive Lord."

Ding Kui's words immediately made the Qingpao man even more angry: "Are you doubting the strength of Lao Tzu?"

"No, I don't dare." Ding Kui's face was pale now, and he glanced around. Suddenly his heart moved, and he continued to argue: "Respect the Lord, just now he killed and killed more than a dozen subordinate gods on the drug king. When the Lord appeared, I would be beheaded and killed by him. If he is not an evangelist, but an ordinary sub-god, how could he have such strength. "

The man in the Qingpao closed his eyes and felt the fluctuations around him for a moment, then immediately felt the fighting atmosphere left here.

Ning Xiaochuan's toughness was indeed beyond his expectations.

"It's so strong at first entry, it's really abnormal." There was a murmur in his mouth, and the eyes of the man in the green robe opened wide, and two beams of light shot out of him, and aimed directly at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Well, this is the Magic Palace of the Seven Magic Gods."

Just glancing at Ning Xiaochuan for a moment, the man in Qingpao was surprised.

The Qiqiao Demon Heart Palace is an extremely rare heart palace even in the Shenhe civilization. Those who can have this kind of heart are definitely geniuses vying for power from all sides.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. The master of the Seven Magic Gods' Demon Heart Palace has even gotten to the point where it is now. The condensed goddess is even this lowest level of godhead. The future is ruined. Otherwise, I wouldn't Mind you as a disciple. "

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan, the man in Qingpao sighed.

After the cultivation reaches the second god, after condensing out the virtual godhead, one's future path is equal to being fixed.

Like Ning Xiaochuan, at this moment his virtual godhead has only 36 aspects, and the future godhead will be the same.

The person who condenses such a godhead, although the path of practice will be much simpler, but this strength will not work. In all walks of Shenhe civilization, the person who condensed this godhead, even if he became a god, is also the lowest kind presence.

After glancing at Ning Xiaochuan several times, the man in Qingpao retracted his gaze and looked coldly at Ding Kuidao: "Ding Kui, Lao Tzu has checked, this kid is not a descendant of the world, but because he has the Seven Magic Gods' Heart Palace, Therefore, it is easy to cause misunderstandings ... If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you will tell Lao Tzu if you know it, otherwise, be careful that I will kill you. "

He snapped at Ding Kui, and the man in the Qingpao disappeared.

This mighty **** left.

"Really bad luck."

Ding Kui glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and turned to leave. He himself had already taken all the previous things as misunderstandings.

"Want to leave." Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, and the figure appeared in front of Ding Kui.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan actually intercepted himself, Ding Kui frowned suddenly and yelled at Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, this is the site of my temple, you better not be too arrogant."

Ning Xiaochuan said indifferently: "Be arrogant! Don't get me wrong. What you did to me just now, I just give it back to you now."

Ding Kui stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a complexion on his face. Just now he was severely injured by Ning Xiaochuan. Now if he starts to work with Ning Xiaochuan again, it is absolutely impossible to be Ning Xiaochuan's opponent.

And with Ning Xiaochuan's madness just now, it is quite possible that he will be completely beheaded here.

At the thought of this, Ding Kui's look suddenly became a little fearful: "I was wrong right now."

Ding Kui had become accustomed to arrogance on the medicine king. At this moment, he bowed his head to Ning Xiaochuan, so after only saying this, he immediately lowered his head with anger, and secretly began to figure out how to revenge Ning Xiaochuan in secret.

Although he guessed what Ding Kui thought at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan didn't bother to care about the small abacus in his heart.

Glancing at Ding Kui, Ning Xiaochuan said indifferently: "If you want to survive, it is very simple. Give up the broken boat on your body, and I will spare you this time."

"Breaking the boat!" Ding Kui almost blew up in his mouth, but not everyone can own the broken boat.

With a grim look on Ning Xiaochuan, Ding Kui waved out a large boat with a slap: "The broken boat is a treasure that can only be used by gods. I only have this starry boat in my hand, and my starry boat is in all starry boats The inner ones are also very high-end ones. If you are not satisfied, I will be okay. "

The starry sky boat is one level lower than the broken world boat, and it is a common means of transportation for Shenhe civilization.

The starry sky boat that Yao Siqi and others took before was a very low-level starry sky boat, but the one Ding Kui took out at this moment was obviously the kind of high-end goods.

"High star sky boat, this one will do."

Ning Xiaochuan was not fussy, he pinched the starry sky into his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan continued: "I have just been promoted to the sub-god realm. This realm seems to be not very stable. You, the angel of the heavenly palace, should have a lot of treasures in the stable realm, all of which should be taken out for me."

Ning Xiaochuan's tone is very tough, it's almost like holding his own things.

Ding Kui widened his eyes and stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and white gas was exhaled from his nose.

As a messenger of the Tenjin Temple, he had previously only ransomed others, and no one had ever ransomed him.

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