Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1151: Evolutionary godhead

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And the remaining sub-gods around them, although they still looked at Ning Xiaochuan with some fear, but they saw Ning Xiaochuan so brazenly extorting Ding Kui, they still felt a sense of joy in their hearts.

Before Ding Kui borrowed the title of Tenjin, he had extorted them in the same way.

Ding Kui was annoyed for a long time, and finally felt that his own life was the most important. He obediently left a bunch of treasures and fled away.

After extorting Ding Kui, the messenger of the Tenjin Temple, Ning Xiaochuan's anger was reduced.

All these things were stowed away, and Ning Xiaochuan stepped in front of Yao Siqi.

Looking at Yao Siqi with a smile, Ning Xiaochuan said: "Little sister, can you stay in your house for a few days?"

Yao Siqi was completely stunned at the moment, and the side of Yao Donglei said, "Of course, Ning Gongzi can live in our pharmacy, then I am our glory."

The sub-gods who previously participated in the siege of Ning Xiaochuan, except Ding Kui, have been killed by Ning Xiaochuan. The old pharmacist Yao Donglei did not participate in the previous siege of Ning Xiaochuan, and Ning Xiaochuan didn't feel much about him.

Watching Yao Dong Lei happily introduced Ning Xiaochuan to his home, the remaining sub-gods on Yao Wang were either regretful or iron-blue.

Ning Xiaochuan beheaded and killed more than a dozen sub-gods on the drug king, and also extorted the angel of the Tenjin Temple, but in the end he did not fart.

Such an ending would make Ning Xiaochuan more and more realize the cruelty of the Shenhe civilization.

Strong, no matter what you do here, almost no one will care.

If you are weak, you should be bullied.

After realizing this, Ning Xiaochuan began to retreat immediately after staying at the pharmacy.

In addition to a solid state of mind, Ning Xiaochuan is more trying to figure out his situation at the moment.

The virtual godhead in Ning Xiaochuan's body is indeed only thirty-six facets that are not fake, but the components are a bit too complicated, not only containing the breath of the world, but also the Heavenly Emperor's Sutra, Zixia Sutra All kinds of breath.

In addition, Ning Xiaochuan seemed to be confused. In the middle of his virtual godhead, a white bone bead was added as a core.

The general virtual godhead has only one layer of shell, and the atmosphere is pure, but Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead is good. In addition to the mixed atmosphere, there is still a core in the middle.

If such a weird situation cannot be figured out, Ning Xiaochuan himself may not be at ease.

The god's shell was destroyed in the previous robberies. Ning Xiaochuan was sitting in the secret chamber of the pharmacy with his eyes closed and suffering.

For two consecutive days, Ning Xiaochuan was studying his virtual godhead.

But in the end he still found nothing.

In the entire Shenhe civilization, the virtual godhead will be weird to this extent, and it is estimated that Ning Xiaochuan will be alone.

On the third day of Ning Xiaochuan's retreat, another voice suddenly appeared in his consciousness.

"Now, Ning Xiaochuan, when you cross the robbery in the future, can you tell me in advance, this time I almost got into this old life."

Hearing this voice, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly smiled on his face.

This is the shadow's voice. When retreating before, Ning Xiaochuan discovered that the shadow had long been attached to the mysterious book, and by the protection of the mysterious book, he barely survived.

Otherwise, even if the shadow is just a body of consciousness, I am afraid it will be absorbed by the previous extinction godhead.

After so many days of cultivation in the Xuanshoujian, the shadow seemed to be recovered, so he got out of the Xuanshoujian and reattached to Ning Xiaochuan.

"I will pay attention to this in the future, don't say this first, you are well-informed, first help me see what is going on in my godhead." Ning Xiaochuan nodded with a smile and immediately urged Shadow Road.

It seemed that the shadow was really intimidated. He cursed for a while, then began to check Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead as Ning Xiaochuan said.

After just checking for a moment, Shadow exclaimed: "Grass, this is unreasonable. With your talent, how can you condense a virtual godhead of such a poor quality, even if you cannot condense the king of gods, the gods you condense, At least it should be more than a thousand aspects. "

Shadow screamed for a moment, and his voice became even more startled.

"No, no, Ning Xiaochuan, you are practicing the World Extinction. As far as I know, the gods condensed by the World Extinction are a kind of thing called the World Extinction. There are 3,000 such World Extinctions. This aspect is the highest existence in all godheads. What kind of situation do you get such a garbage? "

"If I knew, I wouldn't ask you. The situation was like this ..." Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, detailing what happened before when he condensed the godhead.

When he heard Ning Xiaochuan's degraded personality, when the last thing nearly collapsed, the sound of shadow screaming abruptly stopped abruptly, and Ning Xiaochuan didn't hear his voice for a long time.

Ning Xiaochuan was not anxious. He waited for a moment with a calm look, and then the sound of shadow appeared again in his ear.

"I've heard about the collapse of the godhead, but it is very rare that the godhead can still survive after the degradation of the godhead, and your godhead is so different from ordinary godheads. This situation made me think about it. Something. "

Ning Xiaochuan curiously said, "What is it?"

Shadow seems to be thinking while saying: "This is a vague memory left by the body. It is said that in a civilization higher than Shenhe civilization, those peerless powers are not pursuing a **** of gods, but a perfect god. That is, the godhead with 3,600 aspects. This godhead has been completely rounded. It is known as the Supreme Jindan. People who possess this godhead can naturally control all other godheads. "

Ning Xiaochuan frowned: "What does this have to do with the virtual godhead in my body? My godhead has only 36 aspects."

Shadow said: "It didn't matter at all. If you condensed the extinct godhead, you can only go down the road of extinction in your life, but now it is different. Your virtual godhead has degenerated from three thousand aspects Yes, since the godhead can degenerate, then it can continue to evolve. If you work hard, maybe your godhead will continue to evolve into three thousand aspects, or even to three thousand six hundred aspects. "

"The godhead can still evolve? How will my godhead evolve?" Ning Xiaochuan's heart trembled.

The shadow groaned for a while before continuing: "The breath in your godhead is so chaotic. If you want your godhead to continue to evolve, you should follow the path of fusion and inject all the rules you can learn into the godhead. Wait for these rules. If there are enough, your deity should be able to evolve to completion. "

Only the shadow of the body of consciousness remained. At the moment, after speaking these words, he added secretly in his heart: "I hope so."

In fact, at this moment, Shadow has no confidence in the evolution of the godhead. He said these things, but he did not want Ning Xiaochuan to lose his aggressiveness in cultivation.

Hearing that the godhead can still evolve, Ning Xiaochuan's mood suddenly excited.

After pondering for a while, Ning Xiaochuan asked again: "But what happened to the white bone beads in my virtual godhead, this white bone beads should be the bones left by a mighty death, a bone, how could it penetrate me? Within the virtual godhead. "

"I don't know." This shadow answered very simply: "No matter what he did, the **** of extinction failed to swallow the white bone beads and mysterious beast, which shows that the origin of these two things is absolutely good. Now, your godhead is so rotten to this point, a little accident is not necessarily a bad thing. "

This explanation is really simple and rude.

Ning Xiaochuan poked his lips and set aside the matter for the time being. Anyway, so far, the white bone beads and Xuanshoujian have only benefited him, and have no harm.

With the shadow's guidance, Ning Xiaochuan's worry was relieved for the most part.

Shadow is right. His condition is so bad now that there is nothing to worry about.

Utilizing the miracle extorted from Ding Kui, Ning Xiaochuan's heavy cultivation was quickly stabilized.

Later, Ning Xiaochuan began to study the starship boat that had been extorted.

Next, Ning Xiaochuan was about to leave Yaowang immediately.

At the time when Ning Xiaochuan was retreating to study these, great changes had taken place on the entire medicine king.

Previously, Ning Xiaochuan killed more than a dozen order gods in one breath. Behind these ten order gods all represent a family of spiritual masters. These family of spiritual masters have no secondary **** ancestors, and the condition of the family immediately changes. Dangerous.

In just a few days, these family of mind-groomers were dissolved, and they were dying.

In short, because of Ning Xiaochuan, the pattern of Yaowang has changed dramatically.

Among them, the biggest change is naturally the Mu family. Mu Yanxin, the old ancestor of the Mu family, fell, and the Mu family immediately became the fragrant lotus in the eyes of other family minders.

In the end, everything that inherited the Mu family was the medicine family led by Yao Donglei.

In fact, the strength of the pharmacist alone is not enough to swallow the Mu family.

But anyway, now the pharmacist can sit in a secondary **** like Ning Xiaochuan who dare not provoke.

Because Ning Xiaochuan, the other gods of the family of mind-keepers, when faced with the disciples of the pharmacy, will always be unconsciously short for a few minutes. * All taken away by pharmacists.

After a few days, almost everyone knew that the pharmacist was afraid to replace the Mu family and become the new-generation hegemon on the medicine king.

The source of all this is because the pharmacy's young lady Yao Siqi picked up the person from the elixir randomly.

Regarding this kind of encounters among pharmacists, other people in the family of cultivators can do nothing but envy.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't care much about the changes on the medicine king.

Before he chose to retreat to the drugstore, he realized that he would bring such benefits to the drugstore. This can be regarded as a gift in return of Yao Siqi's life-saving grace.

After a full month of retreat at the drugstore, Ning Xiaochuan left the drugstore directly.

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