Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1153: Wanfa Godhead

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"Haha, this rookie is now casting a law phantom in front of us."

"Smile to me, the real rules can only be controlled by the gods. What we show is just the phantom of the rules. They can't be used for fighting at all. This kid probably doesn't even know this common sense."

"But the law of this kid's body is so messy. How can there be both the law of destruction and the law of vitality."

"Who knows? Didn't Ding Kui have said that this boy's virtual godhead is the lowest level, it must be that he has no experience, hastily cultivated, and ended up in such a fate."


The ranking gods around Ning Xiaochuan stared at Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, laughing loudly.

They are all sub-gods, and they also have laws, so naturally they know the true power of these laws and phantoms that Ning Xiaochuan exhibited at the moment.

As they say, Ning Xiaochuan, who is only a minor god, can't have any lethality for the other gods.

The power of the rule of the sub-god master can only be used to assist the battle and improve the combat effectiveness, but it cannot be directly embodied to oppress the opponent.

Only at the true level of the gods will the collision of laws and rivers occur during the battle.

This is also the reason why all the gods Ning Xiaochuan has seen during the battle did not have this kind of law in front of him.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's seemingly making so many rules, even the messenger Ding Kui on the Tenjin Temple's face showed a slight disdain.

Contrary to the disdain of these sub-gods around him, the dragon head man who had torn Ning Xiaochuan's rule revealed by Ning Xiaochuan with one hand, became more dignified at this moment.

Staring at the power of the various laws constantly emerging from Ning Xiaochuan, the dragon's man's heart was long surprised.

"So many different rules, how can it appear in a person's body. Do you have to choose a way to condense the virtual godhead? ... Is the godhead condensed by this kid the kind that my grandpa has sought for countless years? Godhead. "

Ding Kui and others didn't know what different rules represented in a person, but the dragon head man obviously knew.

So at this moment, he looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a strange look.

On the other hand, although Ning Xiaochuan exhibited the rules of the Changhe Phantom, although he was torn, Ning Xiaochuan didn't care.

At this moment his mind was quickly communicating with the shadows.

Just now Ning Xiaochuan successively displayed the rules of the Changhe Phantom, but he met the request of the shadow.

Only by condensing the long river of rules can we be the first to grasp the power of the rules. At this moment, the shadow is to see if Ning Xiaochuan can control the rules that are full of his godhead.

"Ning Xiaochuan, how's it? You cast these rules into the long river, and there are no problems." Shadow voice eagerly said.

Ning Xiaochuan sensed the state of the whole body, and then said: "Nothing? Just feel that the power of these rules is not as strong as imagined."

Although these phantoms of the laws exhibited by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment seem magnificent, they are not very useful, which makes Ning Xiaochuan quite disappointed.

You know, when Ning Xiaochuan has not yet entered the realm of sub-gods, relying on the demons and demons, it is enough to defeat a low-order sub-god in hell.

But now he has stepped into the sub-god realm. Although the power of the world extinction has increased, it is not as exaggerated as he imagined.

After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's complaint, Shadow immediately refuted: "You are content, you do n’t have a **** of extinction, but you can show the power of the law of extinction. If the ancestor of the extinction is known, it is estimated that you will do it yourself and take you Grasping past research studies. "

"If this is the case, then I have to be more careful when dealing with people in the future, and the rules of the World Extinction must be used carefully." Ning Xiaochuan muttered.

For Ning Xiaochuan, there is no condensed **** of extinction.

The bad thing is naturally that his strength is far less exaggerated than expected.

The good thing is that at least no one will treat him as an annihilator of the world, and get rid of the predicament of the annihilation of the annihilator. Ning Xiaochuan will have to reach the source, and it will be much simpler to converge with the emperor .

After whispering in his heart, Ning Xiaochuan immediately looked up at the dragon head man ahead.

Ning Xiaochuan can feel that among these secondary gods, the dragon head man is the most threatening to him.

At this moment, the dragon head man was awake from a brief shock. He looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a complex look, and a layer of fine scales appeared on his body, and the whole person became a complete dragon man.

Seeing the dragon head man transforming, Ding Kuihaha laughed and said, "Haha, Longhuang, you finally have to give it all out, and you will kill this kid immediately. We will share the treasures on him ..."

However, Ding Kui's laughter stopped abruptly at this moment. A scaly dragon claw penetrated into his chest, pulled out the virtual godhead in his chest, and crushed it.

Ding Kui's eyes looked a little unbelievable, and as the virtual **** shattered, his eyes quickly dimmed.

This messenger of the Tenjin shrine went down like this.

And this is just the beginning. The dragon barren transformed into a dragon is like a phantom, and all the remaining gods are killed instantly.

The bodies of several sub-gods wandered in the starry sky for a moment, and then they were torn into fragments by the ubiquitous cosmic storm in the starry sky and disappeared.

Ning Xiaochuan was also shocked by this change.

The dragon head man was obviously with Ding Kui and others, but now instead of doing it himself, he killed all of Ding Kui and others directly.

Seems to be aware of Ning Xiaochuan's confusion at the moment. The dragon head man Long Huang grinned at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "You should be curious, why did I kill them? That's because I don't want to let them know that you are I was arrested. "

Ning Xiaochuan frowned and heard: "If you want to take me away, it depends on whether you have this strength."

Although it was easy to say, Ning Xiaochuan was extremely vigilant about the dragon head man named Long Huang.

Longhuang ca n’t be repaired by the sixth god, but Ding Kui, who killed the fifth god, is just like killing chickens and dogs, and Ning Xiaochuan ’s strength has been felt before. , How amazing is the strength of Longhuang.

Long Huang stared covetously at Ning Xiaochuan, just like when he attacked Ning Xiaochuan before. A flash of Long Huang's figure appeared next to Ning Xiaochuan. A pair of dragon claws seemed to turn into a prison cage that was closing. Ning Xiaochuan forced to come over.

Ning Xiaochuan held the sword of extinction and swiped lightly in front of him, opening a gap in the space enclosed by Long Huang around Ning Xiaochuan.

Drilling out of this mouth, a burning flame rose from Ning Xiaochuan's extermination magic sword.

However, the color of this flame was extremely dark.

The black flame represents extreme evil and destruction.

This is Ning Xiaochuan's extinction demonic path, and he uses the power of the extinct demon path to assist the battle. This is the strongest combat power Ning Xiaochuan can exert at this moment.

Burning the black color of the extinct sword, swept across the starry sky, and chopped towards the dragon wasteland.

The dragon scared look a little surprised, a pair of dark gold gloves suddenly appeared on a pair of dragon claws.

Relying on this pair of gloves, Longhuang put his hands on his back, blocking Ning Xiaochuan from cutting down and destroying the magic sword.

"Artifact!" Ning Xiaochuan looked at the gloves on Long Huang's hand in surprise.

Weapons that can block the extinct sword are definitely artifacts.

However, the quality of this pair of gloves is obviously inferior to that of Ning Xiaochuan's extermination magic sword, so Ning Xiaochuan's hit just now did not completely stop Long Huang.

The aftermath of the annihilation of the annihilation sword dissipated to a nearby star, and this huge star was immediately enveloped by the black flame carried by the annihilation of the annihilation sword.

This star, the size of the medicine king, quickly became smaller under the burning of black flames, and eventually disappeared.

The aftermath of battle can destroy a star at will, this is the fighting power of the sub-god.

It is said that the real gods are fighting, and the aftermath of the battle can even destroy the entire galaxy.

Of course, this situation can only be caused by the crazy killing of the gods. Otherwise, the general confrontation between the masters is introverted to the extreme and it will not easily erupt such a powerful force.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan and Long Huang are obviously unable to fully control the power of the weapons in their hands, so the aftermath of dissipation will destroy the star in the distance.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, Longhuang's face showed a little unexpected look: "You're called Ning Xiaochuan, right, your strength is good, obviously just an ordinary human race, but can have a strong physical body comparable to our high-level dragon people, If you rely on this alone, you are not my opponent at all, and today I will show you, the Dragon Emperor's Law I practice. "

"Long Huang rule?" Ning Xiaochuan looked at Long Huang curiously.

How many laws are there in the world, no one can count them at all, such as the World Extinction Road, which contains a full 3,000 rules.

The Heaven and Earth Sutra also contains more than two thousand rules.

And these thousands of rules can only be counted as nine cattle in all oceans of laws.

If changed to other times, Ning Xiaochuan might not have much interest in Dragon Emperor's Law in the hands of Long Huang.

But now it's different. Now Ning Xiaochuan's personality is degraded. According to the shadow, if he wants to improve the quality of the personality, he will likely need to continuously absorb other rules. The more rules he absorbs, the stronger his personality.

In this case, Ning Xiaochuan naturally has to carefully observe any rules he has seen.

While Ning Xiaochuan was observing Long Huang, Ning Xiaochuan was also carefully observing Ning Xiaochuan.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was so concerned about his Dragon Emperor's Law, Long Huang laughed suddenly: "Haha, Ning Xiaochuan, you really have the Godhead of Wanfa, otherwise, you wouldn't be so interested in my Law."

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