Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1154: Truth heaven

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Wanfa Godhead?

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Long Huang somehow in a stun.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't even know what **** was a **** of magic.

But the shadow kept screaming in Ning Xiaochuan's body at the moment: "Don't fight, Ning Xiaochuan, first think of a way to put out this so-called Wanfa deity data from his mouth, and then say, for your weird deities, Lao Tzu God ’s head is almost hurting. "

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan was not convinced at all about the shadow.

With only a consciousness left, he also had a head to hurt his head.

However, Ning Xiaochuan was really curious about the ten thousand gods in Longhuangkou.

Staring at the dragon shortage in front of her eyes, Ning Xiaochuan said, "What is the **** of ten thousand things you said? I don't know."

"I don't know or wonder, the whole Shenhe civilization, there are definitely not many people who know the ten thousand gods." Long Huang's face showed a bit of a proud look and continued: "The ten thousand gods, to be precise, is only better than the Shenhe civilization. Higher civilizations will only appear, and this godhead will never appear in a lower-level civilization like the Shenhe civilization, so you naturally won't know. "

"What? You even call the Shenhe civilization a low-level civilization." Ning Xiaochuan looked at the dragon shortage in front of him a little bit stupidly.

The words in Longhuang's mouth are indeed enough to make everyone mistaken.

You must know that Shenhe civilization is already the Bapin civilization, and among the Shenhe civilization, there are countless powerful people. Even if it is a god, it is not much in the Shenhe civilization.

But now, Long Huang has even called the Shenhe civilization a low-level civilization.

"Of course it is a low-level civilization. Otherwise, what do you think it is? I will be more generous and tell you one thing because you have the ten thousand deities," Long Huang shook his head indifferently.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't say anything, but just calculated in his heart that what was being said at the moment was credible.

Long Huang didn't seem to care about Ning Xiaochuan's thoughts, but continued: "Ning Xiaochuan, a Bapin civilization like the Shenhe civilization, do you know how many there are?"

"How many Bapin civilizations?"

This question Ning Xiaochuan couldn't answer at all.

He has just left the Dayan world, and even the Shenhe civilization has not been fully integrated. Now some people ask him how many eight-pin civilization like the Shenhe civilization.

At present, Ning Xiaochuan knows only one Bapin civilization.

"The soil buns really are soil buns, so I'll tell you, the number of Bapin civilizations I know alone exceeds 10,000." Long Huang Xian smiled at Ning Xiaochuan.

There are 10,000 Bapin civilizations like Shenhe civilization, and this is only known to Longhuang.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned, trying to digest these contents.

These contents are a bit too amazing, even the shadow seems to be shocked by the news at this moment, hiding in Ning Xiaochuan's body for a long time without talking.

Longhuang paused for a moment, and then continued: "I do n’t talk about low-level civilizations like Bapin civilization. I said so much. I mainly talk to you about the highest civilization above Bapin civilization."

"The highest civilization?" Ning Xiaochuan looked up at Long Huang.

Longhuangdao: "Yes, it is the highest civilization, and it is also called the most perfect civilization.

"You are the man of the Kingdom of Truth?" Ning Xiaochuan said suddenly.

Longhuang can know so much, and speaks of Shenhe civilization as a low-level civilization. Obviously, his origin should come from the heaven of the highest civilization and truth.

"Of course, I just come down to practice it. Sooner or later I will go back." Long Huang nodded his head casually and grinned: "Ning Xiaochuan, I said so much is not to popularize your knowledge, but I want to tell you a cruel truth. The truth is that eight civilizations, such as the Shenhe civilization, are just a group of foods raised in our Kingdom of Truth. "

Ning Xiaochuan didn't speak, and the shadow suddenly burst out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, roaring loudly: "Impossible, there are countless powerful people in the Shenhe civilization, nothing else, the guy who created me, although I don't like him, but I also have to admit that that guy is very strong, how could it be food for others to keep in captivity. "

Obviously, even the shadows couldn't accept what Dragon Wild said at the moment.

"Well, you still have a remnant of the strong in your body, no wonder you can cultivate into the ten thousand gods." Long Huang looked at the shadow with a little surprise, but his expression did not mind to continue: "Although you are a remnant of the strong, Your body can only be regarded as the strong man of the Shenhe civilization. He is nothing at all in our Kingdom of Truth. "

Although the shadow was very hostile to the strong man who made him, but at the moment when he saw someone despising him, he still felt angrily in his heart, and looked scornfully at the dragon barren: "That guy is nothing, but he only needs a finger Can pinch you. "

A powerful man who can transform the world of Da Yan into a Dan furnace has the strength that is absolutely against the sky.

Although the strength of Longhuang is strong at present, compared with that strong one, it is definitely a gap between heaven and earth.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't say anything, but the shadow he felt also made sense.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was even doubting that Longhuang was completely blowing the snails at this moment. What nine civilizations and captive food were all boasted by him.

It seemed to be a little irritated by the words of the shadow. Long Huang glanced at the shadow of the mind body only, and returned to Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, let me ask you another question, since the Shenhe civilization is called Bapin Civilization, and there are seventh-grade civilization, sixth-grade civilization, etc. under the eight-grade civilization. How do you know these civilizations? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Nature is a respect for strength. How many strong people you have, you can become a civilization of that level."

"That's right, the strong are the most respected, but if you think that a group of pigs, even if they are strong, are eligible to sit on par with others?" Long Huang clapped his palms.

Ning Xiaochuan's face was iron-tinged, "You compare the master of the Shenhe civilization to the pig hoe?"

Longhuang shook his head and said, "It is not like comparing the masters of the Shenhe civilization to the pigskins, but to the masters of all eight grades of civilizations. In fact, they are not much better than the pigs. I have said before, These eight masters of civilization are nothing but a group of food kept in captivity in our Kingdom of Truth, and when they have grown up, it is time for us to harvest the Kingdom of Truth. "

Ning Xiaochuan's face was iron-blue, but the word Dan Dan appeared in his mind.

Dayan World was created by the Shenhe civilization and used to make gods.

However, according to Long Huang at this moment, there is no difference between Shenhe civilization and Dayan World. It is also a Dan furnace made by others, and a Dan furnace used for alchemy.

It seemed to be afraid that Ning Xiaochuan didn't believe in himself. Long Huang continued with a smile: "Ning Xiaochuan, the world is so cruel, the strong are bullying the weak, and our truth heaven is strong enough, so we can treat these eight-pin civilization as prey captives. Where can these eight-pin civilizations go better than us? As far as I know, they have created a lot of low-level civilizations in order not to treat them as captives.

You have to remember that the higher the civilization, the more brutal and direct the rules of survival are. Like those guys in a class of civilization, many people can even live a life of mediocrity, but it is not in our kingdom of truth, even if it is a newly born baby that does not meet the standards of the baby in our kingdom of truth, it must be immediately exile. By the way, eight civilizations like the Shenhe civilization seem to be built by these banished babies. "

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and waved back the shadow.

The conscious body of the shadow seems to be a little lost at this moment. If it stays in the void, it will probably collapse.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan's expression returned to peace, Long Huang's mouth once again smiled and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, I said so much to you, mainly because I want to send you to our Kingdom of Truth. Now you can follow me. Right. "

Ning Xiaochuan didn't respond to Long Huang, instead he calmly said, "You haven't said what the ten thousand gods are?"

"I almost forgot." Long Huang patted his head and said, "The ten thousand gods are a kind of **** created by the supreme power of our kingdom of truth. It is said that when this **** is condensed, it must first undergo a collapse. The process of degradation, and then relying on this powerfully created treasure, can stabilize the form of the godhead. In this way, the godhead can contain almost all the laws, so it is called the **** of all law. "

Ning Xiaochuan suddenly said: "Truth Heaven reaps the eight strong civilizations, so it should be to gather the rules of cultivation of these strong people, and pour it into the gods of all law."

"how do you know?"

Long Huang's face showed a stunned look, and then realized that Ning Xiaochuan had been cheated.

His face became gloomy for a few minutes, and Longhuang continued: "It doesn't matter if you know, anyway, you will soon enter the kingdom of truth and become a member of my kingdom of truth."

"I'm afraid to let you down, I won't let you go." Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment, then shook his head.

"What? Ning Xiaochuan, this is your last chance. If you don't go with me, you will have to stay in Shenhe civilization forever and become the food of others forever." Long Huang stared at Ning Xiaochuan, anxiously.

Ning Xiaochuan looked calmly and shook his head, "If I go with you, I'm afraid I will die in your hands immediately."

Long Huang stared coldly at Ning Xiaochuan, his face was already a little irritable: "Ning Xiaochuan, if I kill you, you would have died a hundred times now, where can you stand here to speak."

"I'm really curious about this. Since you say the truth heaven is so powerful, why is your strength so ordinary, and it does not match your origin from the truth heaven, I think the truth heaven will not want you to be such a waste Right. "Ning Xiaochuan stared at Longhuangdao.

He had played against Long Huang just now, so he probably knew something about Long Huang's strength.

"It's not a **** seal. Since it's a training experience, our power is naturally sealed by half. Otherwise, those geniuses in the Shenhe civilization are just a bunch of garbage in front of our eyes." Long Huang stared at Ning Xiaochuan, sending out The final threat: "Ning Xiaochuan, don't force me to unlock the seal."

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