Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1155: Power demon

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In the cold starry sky, Ning Xiaochuan and Long Huang stood face to face.

The ripples radiated from Long Huang's body, it seemed that a huge force was indeed erupting on him.

Long Huang's strength is already strong. He, the sixth **** of the second god, killed Ding Kui, the fifth **** of the second god, just like pinching a small bug.

Not to mention Ning Xiaochuan, who is now only a secondary god.

"Not good, Ning Xiaochuan, this time you did get into a lot of trouble, even I didn't expect that this time I would meet a master from a higher civilization." Shadow sighed in Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The words of Longhuang had hit the shadows quite a bit before, so now all of them are a little out of breath.

"Shadow, what this guy said, you don't have to believe it all." Ning Xiaochuan stared at Long Huang, but his heart was communicating with Shadow quickly.

This time he did encounter a major crisis, but the more he got to this point, the less able he was to panic.

Ning Xiaochuan's words surprised Shadow immediately: "What? Can't believe it all, do you mean he is lying to deceive us?"

A sub-level master, if it is not necessary, should not lie casually.

Even Long Ning, who was not even aware of Ning Xiaochuan, was lying at the moment, but he still doubted the authenticity of what Long Nang said at the moment.

"Let me tell you this, in fact, I have heard people talk about the Kingdom of Truth before, although I do n’t know the details of the Kingdom of Truth, but as the heaven of truth of Jiupin Civilization, it is definitely not what Dragon Dragon said. Like this. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes flickered, and there seemed to be a look of wind and moon in front of him.

The Emperor of the Kingdom of Truth is the wind surname of its owner, Feng Yue Xi.

"Cao, so to speak, this boy even bluffed Lao Tzu." Shadow yelled, and scolded the dragon's blood.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned: "I don't think he is lying, but what he says in the mouth is incredible. If he can be caught and searched for memory, I am afraid everything will be clear."

Although communicating with the shadows in this way, Ning Xiaochuan himself couldn't help but laughed bitterly in his heart.

Now he is in a desperate situation and can escape today without being killed by the dragon in front of him. It is impossible to capture it and search for memories.

But what surprised Ning Xiaochuan was that the shadow began to send a voice to Ning Xiaochuan fiercely at this moment: "Ning Xiaochuan, wait for you to listen to me, I will help you deal with this guy, I have to let him know that there is a price to scare him of."

Ning Xiaochuan said suddenly: "Aren't you only one body of consciousness left, can you still deal with him yourself?"

"What about the body of consciousness only, you should know that even consciousness is also an energy. Since it is energy, it can hurt people. This time Lao Tzu is out of the way ... Ning Xiaochuan, stop talking nonsense and start as I said. Do. "Shadow said fiercely in Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Hearing the shadow murmur in his ear, Ning Xiaochuan looked up at Long Huang.

It took him only a moment to communicate with the shadows. At this moment, Long Huang was unaware of it and was still waiting for Ning Xiaochuan to be soft.

"Ning Xiaochuan, this is your last chance. As long as you walk with me, you can immediately become a member of the Kingdom of Truth." Long Huang waving his scale-clawed claws, once again issued a seductive voice to Ning Xiaochuan. .

But Ning Xiaochuan had a weird look at this moment. After glancing at Longhuang, he suddenly yelled at Longhuang.

"Grass, who is willing to go with you, a perverted monster, I will chop you into three pieces later, and then grill and eat them as animal meat. I do n’t know the taste of dragon meat. Is there any taste of low-order animal meat? . "

After wielding the World Extermination Sword in his hand, Ning Xiaochuan posed a very scornful attitude towards Long Huang, and then slashed to the other side with a sword.

Ning Xiaochuan's response made Long Huang startled for a moment. He never expected that he spent so much thought to paint a supreme world for Ning Xiaochuan, and used this to seduce Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan didn't care.

And the insulting language that Ning Xiaochuan said in the mouth later made Long Huang angrily.

The rippling ripples around him exploded suddenly, and Long Huang's body swelled at this moment.

Long Huang's body turned into a long snake, both hands and feet turned into claws, and his head became a monster head. If he had two more horns on his head, and his appearance became better, his appearance at this moment would be like a five-pronged golden dragon.

But unfortunately, Long Huang's strength is still obviously not strong enough, so at this moment he can only transform into this python-like monster.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you forced me to do something with you. When I hit you half dead, you will also fall into my hands."

There was a roar in the mouth, and the python monster that Longhuang turned into rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan with a whistling.

At this moment, his four claws were all put on the previous artifact gloves, which made his four claws become four sharp blades.

In a circle around Ning Xiaochuan, the four claws of Longhuang continued to attack Ning Xiaochuan.

The battle of the sub-god level has begun to go on the road of law and confrontation.

Numerous scales of this python turned into a dragon wild at this moment are shining, and these scales represent a law realized by dragon wild.

Consolidate the rules into scales to strengthen your defenses.

This rule makes use of ability, but it opens up Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

However, at this moment, he has no time to distract himself to realize these, holding the sword of extinction in his hand, and Ning Xiaochuan is burning with fire.

If it weren't for the body's strength, Ning Xiaochuan's body at this moment would have been torn by Long Huanghuang.

Longhuang's realm is much higher than that of Ning Xiaochuan, and he is definitely a peerless arrogant, so the combat power exhibited at this moment is simply terrible.

Ning Xiaochuan even felt that the other party was not doing his best at this moment, but was just teasing himself. Otherwise, he would be afraid that he would be dead at this moment.

Surrounded by Long Huang's body, Ning Xiaochuan continued to play various laws of destruction.

However, when these rules collided with Long Huang's body, they were immediately annihilated, and even a little movement could not be produced.

Although all of this was done in accordance with the plan of the shadows, the situation was so weak that Ning Xiaochuan's heart was also reluctant.

Ning Xiaochuan is indeed very reconciled now.

He has now come to the Shenhe civilization, but he is not here to play freely, but to come to rescue Xiaohong and Xiaolinger and others. If he does not have enough strength, let alone save others, I am afraid that he has to go in.

strength! My strength is far from enough.

Ning Xiaochuan's expression was cold, and all the means he had learned before were almost done by him at this moment.

Just connected to Shinto, Ning Xiaochuan also used it.

Two huge phantoms of the gods had just emerged and had not yet taken shape, and they were torn by the claws of Longhuang.

Watching Ning Xiaochuan's weak struggle, Long Huang sneered: "Ning Xiaochuan, I said a long time ago, don't force me to unlock the seal, otherwise, you geniuses of the Shenhe civilization are garbage in my eyes. . "

At this moment, he was surrounded by Ning Xiaochuan, and he had laid a layer of seal around Ning Xiaochuan. He was not afraid of Ning Xiaochuan's escape.

In this case, he has time to continue to tease Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan made a rushing sound on his body. It seemed that the whole body of blood had become a river that was flowing continuously.

The temperature on his body surface has soared to a terrible level at this moment. If it is replaced by other warriors, this temperature can burn them to death.

But Ning Xiaochuan seemed unaware of this.

He is now a little bit enchanted, and there is only the curved snake body of Longhuang left in front of him. He wants to break the snake body, even if everything is left out, he must break him.

"Ning Xiaochuan, please wake up quickly. This is the power demon. Don't be controlled by the power demon." The shadow's voice sounded in Ning Xiaochuan's ear, but Ning Xiaochuan didn't seem to hear it at all.

This situation caused a bit of despair in the voice of the shadow: "It's over, my plan is so perfect, who knows that Ning Xiaochuan, your guy's psychology of victory will be so strong, even the power magic thing is brought out. . "

Just when Ning Xiaochuan was holding the World Extermination Sword and attacking everything in front of him, the virtual godhead inside him suddenly spun up at this moment.

To be precise, it is not the virtual godhead that rotates, but the white bone beads inside the godhead that are rotating.

The white bone beads continued to spin, even with the virtual godhead, they spun madly.

As this virtual godhead rotates faster and faster, the 36 aspects of the virtual godhead have begun to disappear. If anyone looks at Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead at this moment, he will only see a hazy round sphere.

With the appearance of this round sphere, Ning Xiaochuan's hand-wrapped out of a world-defeating sword trick turned into a dazzling giant sword, this giant sword with a forward-looking momentum, crashed on Longhuang's body.

Long Huang had no regard for this giant sword at all. Ning Xiaochuan had already beaten out several times before, but the giant swords condensed by the destruction of the world were not enough to tickle him.

However, at this moment, before the giant sword was stabbed on the body, the look of the dragon shortage changed suddenly.

Because this giant sword turned into a sword that destroys the world, it even broke through the scales coagulated by the rule of the Dragon Emperor without any hindrance.


This huge giant sword rushed out of Long Huang's body, chopping a meteorite around Long Huang into two halves.

"What a powerful power, how could the power of the extinct sword tactics be so powerful."

Ning Xiaochuan had some congested eyes, and now she recovered.

Ning Xiaochuan's face was full of disbelief as he watched Pentium's far-off annihilation sword.

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