Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1156: Suicide

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As Ning Xiaochuan cut off Long Huang's body, numerous black mists like ghosts emerged from Ning Xiaochuan's body, and fled into the depths of the starry with a howling sound.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you have defeated the power monster, it is incredible." The shadow's voice sounded in Ning Xiaochuan's ear.

Ning Xiaochuan ignored the shadows, because Longhuang had already been killed again at this moment.

"Ning Xiaochuan, what trick did you play just now." Long Huang roared.

He really couldn't accept the fact that Ning Xiaochuan broke his defense.

Long Huang's body circled, trying to re-enter Ning Xiaochuan in the middle.

However, Ning Xiaochuan only waved his hands, and a fire lotus appeared beside him. The fire of the extinction fire path was now cracking and burning for a moment, and it seemed that the void around him would be blasted.

"Hot, it's too hot." Long Huang was screamed and fled away from the flames of the flames of World Extermination.

Fleeing into the distance, Long Huang looked at Ning Xiaochuan's gaze a little.

You know, just now, Ning Xiaochuan's fire-extinguishing fire path didn't even heat his body. But now, Ning Xiaochuan fired the magic fire, but he did not dare to approach.

"I don't believe you, even if you have a bun, even if you have the ten thousand gods, you can't exert much power." Long Huang paused for a moment, then growled and continued to rush towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's expression remained unchanged, and a sudden flame of black color rose from the extinct sword in his hand.

The annihilation of demons, the origin of annihilation, and the darkness of annihilation, these complementary annihilations are simultaneously operated by Ning Xiaochuan.

Such a move is stronger than the Nie Xiaochuan's extermination sword trick or extinction fire path.

The dark flame began to spread all around immediately after the extinction of the extinct sword.

As a result, the starry sky was turned into a dark world.

Before Long Ning's figure rushed in front of Ning Xiaochuan, he was affected by the demons, and half of his body turned into a dark color, and the muscles on it began to die, and his bones were slightly faint.

Longhuang screamed in panic, at this moment he even felt the taste of death.

However, just when Longhuang was panicking, the dark color stained on him turned back quickly.

In the starry sky in front of Longhuang, Ning Xiaochuan's mouth was standing still, his face was already covered with a pale color.

"The virtual godhead in my body just turned to that level just now. It is because of the rotation of the godhead in my body that I was able to completely release the power of the World Extinction ... However, this was too energy-consuming and I was promoted to the next god. After the realm, the aura in the body has reached a horrible level, but it only lasted for a moment and was drained by this godhead. "

Barely holding the sword of extinction in his hands, Ning Xiaochuan feels that his whole body is about to fall apart.

It was really cool when he showed his great power just now, but after the cool-down, the sequelae came.

At this moment there was no aura in his body, and even the blood on his body seemed to have lost a lot because of the outbreak just now.

In this case, Ning Xiaochuan almost fell straight.


There was still a scared dragon on his face, and at this moment he rushed to Ning Xiaochuan from a distance, and the thick snake tail banged on Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan, whose power was exhausted, almost looked like a stone that had been beaten out, dragging a streamer in the starry sky and flying towards the distance.

A huge star stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan, but it did not stop Ning Xiaochuan's death.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure smashed in from one side of the star, then smashed out from the other side.

On the big star, because Ning Xiaochuan opened a through hole.

After smashing through several stars one after another, Ning Xiaochuan, who was hit by a blast of bumps, finally banged on a hard meteorite, and the whole person seemed to be embedded into the surface of this meteorite.

"Grass, this guy started too hard." Ning Xiaochuan scolded weakly as he watched the Long Huang flying towards himself in the distance.

"It's not over. You scared him just now, and now he will definitely take revenge on you. Otherwise, you will become his demon in the future." There was a sound of gloating sounds in Ning Xiaochuan's ears.

As expected from the shadow, the dragon furiously rushed over, and the flutter of the snake tail immediately blasted the meteorite.

The figure of Ning Xiaochuan was again pumped out by his snake tail.

After doing this several times in succession, Ning Xiaochuan, who had been tossed almost to collapse, was weakly lying on the surface of a barren star.

However, it seems that many dragon famines have been degassed, and the original dragon-human appearance is restored, and they descend from the sky.

Looking at the figure that was gradually approaching himself, Ning Xiaochuan was helpless: "Shadow, all of this has not deviated from your plan. I was hit by a half-death by him. When he approaches me, it's your turn."

The shadow was a little scared later: "Relax, just leave everything to me. But I was really scared by you just now. If you are completely controlled by the power demon, we are all done."

"You said Power Devil just now? What exactly is Power Demon?" Ning Xiaochuan puzzled.

Just now he intuitively entered a mysterious and mysterious realm. After detaching from that realm, the godhead in his body had begun to spin, and Ning Xiaochuan also exerted a powerful force far beyond his imagination.

"The power demon is a kind of heart demon specifically for the gods. The power of the gods is already so powerful that almost no calamity can cause damage to them. What can really make the gods fall is the various heart demon, such as the power demon. , The demon of wisdom, etc. You have already attracted the power of demon before you came to the state of God, which shows that your heart of victory is too strong, you should pay attention to this. "The shadow briefly explained for Ning Xiaochuan.

The so-called power demon is a kind of heart demon born on those gods who are dedicated to the pursuit of power.

This kind of heart demon is born because of power, so it is called power demon.

In addition to the power demon, many other heart demon will be born on the god. For example, a **** who deliberately studies something, may be born of wisdom demon because of too much focus and obsession.

Whether it is a power demon or a wisdom demon, it is aimed at those gods who have gone to extremes.

Once these flayers are born, those gods who have gone to extremes are likely to fall.

Ning Xiaochuan was lucky enough this time, and the godhead broke out in his body, so he unintentionally broke the power monster. Otherwise, the only thing waiting for him is death.

After knowing the existence of the power demon, Ning Xiaochuan had a few different feelings about cultivation.

But at this moment, the gloomy Long Huang has come to Ning Xiaochuan.

Originally, he really wanted to bring Ning Xiaochuan to the kingdom of truth, but at this moment, he was hesitant.

Long Huang was also considered to be a generation of arrogant beings in his forces, but now he is almost killed by Ning Xiaochuan, who is now a cultivating talent.

Under this circumstance, Long Huang's heart had already had a deep fear of Ning Xiaochuan.

He was a little worried. If Ning Xiaochuan were brought back, if he was not going to kill Ning Xiaochuan but focused on training him, he would not have a good life in the future.

After pondering for a while, Long Huang suddenly reached the palm of Ning Xiaochuan.

He first searched out the treasures on Ning Xiaochuan, especially the artifact sword. He always felt that the sword was strange and familiar, but he couldn't think of the origin of the sword.

Holding Ning Xiaochuan in one hand, Long Huang immediately probed his mind into Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead.

Putting the baby in the godhead is already a common practice for almost all masters who are above the **** level.

However, while Long Huang was holding Ning Xiaochuan in the palm of his hand, Ning Xiaochuan's originally closed eyes opened arrogantly, and an illusory figure appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

Immediately, this figure came out of Ning Xiaochuan's eyeball and stepped into Longhuang's eyeball step by step.

This process may seem slow, but it is very fast.

Just for a moment, the look of Long Huang was dull.

"Ning Xiaochuan, search his memory at once, I can only support this for a while." From Long Huang's mouth, there was a shadow sound at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan reluctantly raised his arm and held Long Huang's wrist on his body.

The power of Qiqiao God's demon heart poured into Longhuang's body.

In fact, based on Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation, the power of the Qiqiaoshen Devil's Heart is not enough to search for the six deities of the Dragon Desolation, but at this moment it is the shadow that controls the Dragon Dew consciousness.

With the help of the shadows, Ning Xiaochuan's magic power of the Seven Tricks and Demon Hearts infiltrated into Long Huang's memory at once, and extracted most of Long Huang's memory.

At the deepest point of Longhuang's memory, Ning Xiaochuan encountered a powerful seal. Because of the existence of this seal, Ning Xiaochuan was unable to extract all the memories of Longhuang.

Only about one breath passed, and Ning Xiaochuan did it all.

Summoning the World Extermination Sword, Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to assassinate it into Longhuang, destroying his personality. However, after summoning the sword of extinction, Ning Xiaochuan no longer had this power.

The dragon waste that was controlled by the shadow seemed to be a little anxious at the moment, and grabbed Ning Xiaochuan's extermination magic sword in his hand.

Then, Long Huang held the extermination sword in one hand and inserted it into his chest fiercely.

After the World Extermination Sword was inserted into Long Huang's chest, the look of Long Huang changed suddenly again. The confusion in his eyes completely disappeared, and replaced by a madness.

"I actually committed suicide. What the **** is this sword? Why am I beheaded? It is impossible ..."

Long Huang seemed to roar madly, and then his flesh dried up, his body shrank slowly, and finally all was absorbed into the extinction sword.

In front of Ning Xiaochuan, only a splendid virtual godhead was left.

Staring at the virtual godhead in front of her eyes, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were a little hesitant. Because, he was really scared by the content in Long Huang's memory.

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