Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1157: Jiuyou Land

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The virtual goddess left by Longhuang did not exist for long.

Longhuang has died. The virtual godhead he left behind, without the dominance of Longhuang's consciousness, immediately began to crack, then cracked and shattered, then disappeared completely.

Ning Xiaochuan witnessed all this, but his expression began to look terrified.

A weak voice from the shadow came, urging Ning Xiaochuan to say: "Ning Xiaochuan, what exactly is in this boy's memory, let's talk quickly."

He did not hesitate to consume the energy of his consciousness, but it was to get what was in Longhuang's memory.

"In his memory ..."

Ning Xiaochuan's face paused solemnly, and then he continued: "Almost all of his memories are pictures of war. From the moment he was born, he saw endless masters fighting and floating in the sky. The magnificent and magnificent palace was shattered into pieces and then sprinkled down like rain. A powerful master was beheaded and killed. Each of these masters has the power to reverse Qiankang. Their bodies will fall to the ground and they will A piece of land has become dead. "

The shadow was surprised: "This is the war of God? How could all this kid's memory have such a picture, is there an internal disturbance in the kingdom of truth?"

Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment, then nodded: "It should be like this. According to what I learned from his memory, the Kingdom of Truth should be split into two parts, one of which is the rule of the Kingdom of Heaven, which was originally ruled by the emperor. Part of it is the rebellion of a group of faith powers. This group of rebels seeks power and absolute class rule. They hope that the kingdom of truth can become the supreme existence, and all the other eight grades of civilization are regarded as a food-like existence. Long Huang is one of these rebels. "

"Shit, I understand." The shadow cried, "No wonder this boy would say Jiupin civilization so scary. The emotion of Jiupin civilization in his mouth is simply the truth of the kingdom in his heart, not the truth in reality. The kingdom of heaven. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said: "It should be like this. The truth rebellion of the Kingdom of Heaven, including this dragon famine, has some abnormality in their psychology, and they cannot be treated as normal people at all."

Shadow asked: "Why did the dragon famine come to the Shenhe civilization, they claim to be the first in the world, why did they descend from their identity and come to the place where they are treated as pigs?"

Ning Xiaochuan frowned: "That's because they are collecting slaves who can become their thugs. These rebels send out low-level warriors like Longhuang, walking in all eight-level civilizations, searching for unique talent. Tianjiao, who will be extradited to the kingdom of truth and become the pawns of these rebels to rule the kingdom of truth. "

Such content surprised Ning Xiaochuan.

Because if these contents are true, the division war within the Kingdom of Truth has actually begun to affect the eight civilizations below.

If even these eight-pin civilizations start a series of wars, it will be followed by a scuffle of all the worlds, and then the whole world will be destroyed.

When thinking of this, Ning Xiaochuan felt cold.

These rebels in the Kingdom of Truth are simply going to destroy the whole world and create a new order.

And according to their behavior, such as the talented little pride such as Xiao Ling'er and the Emperor Lingxu, may be their targets.

"Haha, they are actually searching for slaves. If so, I feel relieved. This shows that their power is not truly unmatchable. Ning Xiaochuan, you have to cheer Lao Tzu and become a strong generation soon. Go to the kingdom of truth and kill these All the guys were killed, and all of us who wanted to treat us as food were going to die. "Shadow laughed a few times, but his voice went down.

"No, I consume too much and must sleep for a while, Ning Xiaochuan, don't let me down. After I wake up, I hope you have become a god."

The shadow's voice disappeared, no matter how Ning Xiaochuan summoned him, he couldn't wake him up.

Ning Xiaochuan barely condensed an aura, wrapped the weak conscious body left by the shadow, and temporarily stored it in his Seven Magic Demon Heart Palace, which also created a good sleeping environment for him.

Subsequently, Ning Xiaochuan began to recover his injuries.

This time he was really hurt. If there is no other elixir, I am afraid it will take a long time to recover.

But this time Ning Xiaochuan's luck was obviously good. When he left Medicine King before, he extorted a lot of elixir from the family of psychologists. Now these elixir is just used to restore his injury.

As for the content of the Kingdom of Truth from Dragon Memory, Ning Xiaochuan could only bury it in his heart.

Jiupin civilization, the heaven of truth, is too far away from him. With the strength of Ning Xiaochuan today, he cannot intervene in anything of the kingdom of truth.

So now, Ning Xiaochuan is the first choice to improve his strength as much as possible.

The content in Longhuang's memory has made Ning Xiaochuan feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.

He could feel that troubled times seemed to be coming.

While Ning Xiaochuan was lying on this lonely planet to repair himself, in another space outside the Shenhe civilization, countless brilliant buildings were suspended in the air, forming a world like a fairyland.

Among these glorious buildings, a huge black shadow descended on a palace building.

"The hunter died on the 12th of the 21st, and fell into the distant eight-level civilization, the Shenhe civilization. Feng Zhujun, punish those lowly pigs, and let them know the consequences of offending the paradise of the heavenly truth."

The shadow's voice echoed in this glorious building.

After a long time, a voice sounded in the palace.

"As you wish, I will personally lower the punishment, and demote him to the land of nine quiet, tortured forever."

With this voice, a beam of light soared into the sky from this glorious building, pierced the space, and landed in the air to the universe where the Shenhe civilization is.

On the edge of Shenhe civilization, on the edge of a lonely star, Ning Xiaochuan stood up from the ground.

With countless elixir on his body, Ning Xiaochuan finally recovered his injuries.

With a wave of his hand, he put away a remnant of elixir in front of him, but Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt a feeling of astonishment inside him.

Suddenly looking up, Ning Xiaochuan saw a beam of light pierce the void, appeared on top of his head, and shot at him.

"Grass, what the **** is this?" Ning Xiaochuan was a little surprised.

From this beam of light, Ning Xiaochuan felt a trembling and powerful consciousness. This consciousness was stronger and more terrifying than any breath that Ning Xiaochuan felt before.

And more importantly, Ning Xiaochuan had no idea where the beam came from.

Enveloped in the middle by this beam of light, Ning Xiaochuan felt like an ant being pinched in his palm, and could not move at all.

This sense of powerlessness, which was impossible even to struggle, made Ning Xiaochuan's forehead begin to ooze cold sweat.

"In the name of my Fengzhujun, I'll depreciate you to the land of nine secluded and perish forever."

A mighty sound appeared in this beam, and it sounded like a magic sound. It penetrated into the ears of Ning Xiaochuan, so that Ning Xiaochuan could not help but give birth to infinite worship of this sound.

Ning Xiaochuan's seven magic spirits in his body suddenly bounced up at the moment, and the virtual godhead in his body also emitted a light at the same time, all the forces combined, so that Ning Xiaochuan barely kept awake.

However, at this moment, he can only stay awake and can't do anything at all. He can only watch this beam form a law pattern with a complex pattern under his feet. The light emitted from the law pattern will bring Ning Xiaochuan. Swallowed in.

For a moment, Ning Xiaochuan felt himself falling into a space channel like a pipe.

His figure quickly slipped through the space passage, and finally fell on a dark brown rock.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure stood up, and immediately stood here.

The beam that bound him had completely disappeared, and at this moment Ning Xiaochuan was free again.

But in his heart, he left the shadow of that beam of light forever. The previous beam left a deep impression on Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan has never seen such a terrible existence.

"What is that beam of light, the guy who claims to be Feng Zhujun? Is it the master of those rebels in the Kingdom of Truth?" Ning Xiaochuan flashed a hint of confusion in his heart.

Although vaguely guessing the origin of the other party, Ning Xiaochuan was still shocked.

Because at this moment, he is too weak for the kingdom of truth, and the master who is too weak for the kingdom of truth should not have any interest in him at all.

I have just left Medicine King, and have not yet officially entered the core of the Shenhe civilization. I have encountered a master who suspects the Kingdom of Truth. This kind of luck made Ning Xiaochuan even wonder whether he was cursed by someone. Otherwise, how could your luck be so bad.

After whispering in his heart, Ning Xiaochuan began to glance around.

Before he heard it clearly, the guy who claimed to be Feng Zhujun said that he would be demoted to Jiuyou Land and perish forever.

In these nine quiet places, just listening to the name knows that it is not a good place.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced around, and as far as he could see, he could only see the whole piece of dark brown stone.

The sky above his head was black and squeezing, as if it were covered with a cover. The dark sky and the dark brown ground made this space full of oppression.

As Ning Xiaochuan glanced around, several figures suddenly burst out from a distance.

These figures are all sub-level masters, and after they appeared, they rushed at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Haha, there is a new man coming to us. As long as he kills him, I can live another month."

After these figures appeared, with a little scream of madness, they came out of these people's mouths and passed into Ning Xiaochuan's ears.

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