Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1160: Lord of Lightning

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The sea of ​​blood disappeared, and the young man in white appeared again in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Where did you learn the way of extinction?" Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, the young man in white said coldly.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned, responding calmly: "Of course I realized it myself."

Just now Ning Xiaochuan did not destroy the blood avatar of the young man in white, but the young man in white clothes automatically broke up his blood avatar. Ning Xiaochuan was also confused about this, and he did not know the plan of the young man in white at this moment.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, the young man in white groaned: "I realize the way of the world, and then we can break away from the world of the blood ring, together with the second god, we can spare you today, but you have to Come with me and let the patriarch see if you are eligible to join us. "

"join us?"

Ning Xiaochuan looked curiously at the youth in white.

Before, through the blood ring under his feet, he heard this sentence more than once.

But for this so-called "us", Ning Xiaochuan didn't know what it meant.

The youth in white seemed to see Ning Xiaochuan's confusion at the moment, so he grinned and shook his head indifferently: "Give you three opportunities to ask questions, and after you have asked three questions, I will take you away."

There are only three opportunities to ask questions!

Ning Xiaochuan frowned for a moment and then looked up and asked, "Where is this place?"

"The Land of Nine Secrets." The young man in white answered very simply. After speaking the words of "Nine Secret Places", he continued to explain: "This is actually a space created by a very powerful Lord God. This space was It's called the Nine Secluded Lands, and all the people in this space are brought in by the Lord God at will. "

"Is this really a lonely place?" Ning Xiaochuan sighed in his heart, and after carefully calculating for a moment, he asked the second question.

"What's the blood ring under my feet?"

Ning Xiaochuan has been curious about this blood ring for a long time.

Besides, the omnipotent feeling brought by this blood ring is enough to be comparable to the anti-level artifact.

"It's called Blood Ring. Everyone in Jiuyou Land calls it that. As for its main function ..." The young man in white paused for a moment, his tone seemed to be dignified and continued: "His function It is to confuse everyone who comes here, even if the sub-god suddenly feels the ability of the blood ring, it is very likely to be completely absorbed in it, and it will never escape the control of the blood ring. "

Blood ring control?

Looking back at the awkward feeling that filled his body when he first came out of the blood ring space, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt a tingly scalp.

Indeed, if he did not make a random decision at that time and strengthened his consciousness by self-harm, I am afraid that he would be controlled by the blood ring at this moment.

As for what happens after being controlled by the blood ring? Although Ning Xiaochuan was not clear, he also knew that the result would not be too wonderful.

There was one last chance to ask a question, and Ning Xiaochuan was hesitant.

There was so much confusion in his heart at this moment that he didn't even know how to speak.

After silently calculating, Ning Xiaochuan chose another question that was most urgent to him.

"Who is the ancestor in your mouth?"

This problem seemed to make the young people in white a little bit embarrassed. After a moment of groaning, the voice of young people in white slowly came.

"The ancestor in my mouth is also a Lord God. His title is Lord God of Light. When you see him, you will know who he is ... well, three questions are over. I will take you to see Lord God of Light immediately. "

As soon as the young man in white appeared, Ning Xiaochuan appeared beside him. A force shrouded Ning Xiaochuan and took him off the ground.

Knowing that the young man in white was not malicious to himself at the moment, so Ning Xiaochuan did not resist anything.

But at this moment he still felt shocking in his heart.

Lord of Lightning! The ancestor here turned out to be a master god.

From the shadow mouth, Ning Xiaochuan already knew the difference between the gods.

An ordinary sub-god who succeeds in condensing a godhead can be regarded as a true god. But at this time, he was just the weakest inferior god.

Above the lower **** there is a powerful middle **** and upper god.

Even more powerful than the higher **** is the Lord God.

Even in the Shenhe civilization, a master **** already exists as a giant.

In fact, the giants who secretly control the Shenhe civilization are mostly the existence of the main god.

From this we can see how scarce the number of Lord God is, but now there is even a Lord God here.

"The person who built it is just a main god. How did this main **** of Leiguang Xiu be comparable to him, how was he locked up here?" Being led by the white youth, Ning Xiaochuan was thinking about his own mind. problem.

After flying for half a day, Ning Xiaochuan could not feel how far he had advanced.

As a god-like figure, the young man in white is advancing too fast, and Ning Xiaochuan is too late to respond.

After so much progress for a long time, the young man in white took Ning Xiaochuan to a tall stone mountain.

Numerous steps spread out around this stone mountain. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, Ning Xiaochuan could vaguely see that many figures were constantly moving from these steps.

"Here is the residence of the ancestor. Remember, flying is prohibited here. If you want to see the ancestor, you can only walk along these stone steps to the ancestor step by step."

The young man in white fell to the ground, telling Ning Xiaochuan, and even after pulling Ning Xiaochuan, he began to make rapid progress on these steps.

Before reaching the top of the mountain, Ning Xiaochuan encountered countless people walking on the steps one after another.

It's just a pity that all of them looked cold. After noticing Ning Xiaochuan, they only glanced indifferently, and then focused on their own affairs.

From these pedestrians, Ning Xiaochuan felt several strong breaths, which were hardly weaker than young people in white.

This kind of breath made Ning Xiaochuan understand that the pedestrians walking here at this moment are almost all god-level masters.

A stone mountain, except for a Lord God, is mostly a god-level existence.

Such a luxurious line-up made Ning Xiaochuan's speech linger.

The young man in white is advancing very fast. It took him only a moment to bring Ning Xiaochuan to the top of the hill.

At the moment on the top of this rocky mountain, a bare-chested, bare-footed, bare-footed, looks like a huge figure of Maitreya Buddha in the temple, lying on the side of the mountain.

This figure is very huge, at least dozens of feet tall, and Ning Xiaochuan and the youth in white are standing in front of him, they can hardly match even one of his toes.

The young man in white stood in front of this huge figure, and then looked respectfully, "Master, I found a very strange newcomer, so I brought him here directly."

Is he Lord of Lightning?

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the huge figure in shock.

He can see that at this moment the Lord God in front of him is not that he deliberately enlarged his body, but that his body is so huge.

Giants like the Lord God of Light are not available in the world of Da Yan, but in the Shenhe civilization, there is such a giant family.

The Lord God of Light is obviously a master of the giants.

"Weird little guy, let me see where he is weird." Lord Lei Guang's huge body moved slightly, and Ning Xiaochuan felt the top of his head sinking.

The huge head of the Lord God of Light suddenly fell down to Ning Xiaochuan's head, and his huge pair of eyes were constantly glancing above Ning Xiaochuan's head.

"Well, this is the breath of the World Extinction. Is this little guy a preacher of the World Extinction?"

Just a glance, the Lord God of Light saw the identity of Ning Xiaochuan.

But there was still some confusion in his voice at the moment. The skin cracked suddenly between his huge eyes, and a third eye appeared on his forehead.

The moment this eye appeared, Ning Xiaochuan felt like he had been stripped off, and all his secrets were looked at by the other party.

Although this feeling is very unpleasant, in the presence of a Lord God, Ning Xiaochuan has no resistance at all.

"Strange, it's weird."

Lord Lei Guang regained his seat and made a rumbling sound in his mouth.

"This little guy cultivates the World Extinction Way, and the World Extinction Sword is also hidden in his body, but his godhead is only the lowest order existence, and there is no condensation World Godhead at all."

"Is it just the most common thirty-six facets?" The young man in white also looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a strange look.

Before he tested Ning Xiaochuan, he had already guessed this result, but at this moment, he could not help feeling a little disappointed when he heard the words of the Lord God of Light.

Originally, he had a bit of expectation for Ning Xiaochuan, hoping that Ning Xiaochuan would be a generation of Tianjiao worthy of his good training.

But if Ning Xiaochuan condenses only thirty-six aspects, then Ning Xiaochuan has almost no need to continue to cultivate.

"Little guy, when you condensed the **** of extinction, you should not have passed the test of the **** of extinction." The voice of Lord God of Light directly passed into the heart of Ning Xiaochuan.

The voice of the Lord God of Light seemed to have a deceptive effect, making Ning Xiaochuan nodded and immediately responded: "Yes."

"If this is the case, then it is not unusual to see this situation happen. From the previous generation, there will generally be two heirs to the World of Destruction. In the end, only one person will be able to condense the God of Destruction and inherit the heritage of World of Destruction. Obviously, he is already a loser. He is not worthy of being called a preacher of the world ... Blood God, send him out. He is not yet qualified to join us. "

The thunderous voice of the main **** of Lei Guang came, and the blood **** on the side nodded, leaving Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan saw a scene that made him extremely shocked.

The Lord God of Light, who had just judged him, now reached out and grabbed a sub-god beside him, and then swallowed the sub-god as a ration.

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