Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1161: Cruel land

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He is eating!

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes widened, and some couldn't believe his eyes.

A Lord God is eating people.

Just as the Lord God of Light moved the body slightly, Ning Xiaochuan made new discoveries.

Under the body of the Lord God of Light, a blood-red ring emerged clearly at this moment.

Even if he is the Lord God, the Lord God of Light, Ning Xiaochuan and others are not different. Similarly, there is a blood ring under him.

"Don't watch, follow me." The young man in white glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and took him directly out of Shishan.

From the stone mountain, the speed of the young man in white is not as fast as it was at the beginning, but he walks down the stone mountain step by step.

Ning Xiaochuan followed him, and there was still a scene in the mind of Lei Guang's God eating people.

Why a man-eating **** is respected by countless people, including young men in white, this strange scene made Ning Xiaochuan feel a little sick.

The young man in white walked silently for a while, and suddenly said to Ning Xiaochuan: "After you go down the mountain, go and kill someone."

"Kill? Why?"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the young man in white with a stunned look.

"You really don't know anything." The shocked expression on Ning Xiaochuan's face made the young man in white couldn't help sighing, and then he continued: "I didn't clarify the rules here with you before. If you leave alone, I'll tell you everything. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the young man in white, listening carefully to every word he said.

Before coming here, Ning Xiaochuan originally felt that this space was no different.

However, the scene where Lord Lei Guang swallowed people directly made Ning Xiaochuan realize that there was absolutely unknown cruel truth in this world.

"This is the land of nine you, the space created by the Lord God, but do you know why this Lord God created this space? Because this Lord God regards this as a game paradise for him, and he was caught by him Are all his dolls. "

The voice of the young man in white was low, especially after the four words of the game park were spoken, and his look became much lower.

Ning Xiaochuan feels normal about this.

This young man in white is also a god-level existence. If placed in the Shenhe civilization, he is definitely a strong side.

But here, he can only be a doll for others.

Of course, why people here are dolls, Ning Xiaochuan is still very curious.

"By relying on the blood ring at your feet, as long as people who come here can satisfy everything in their hearts *, although this satisfaction is only spiritual, not true, but this near-real spiritual satisfaction is enough to seduce a lot People are addicted to this world. "The young man in white said this with a smirk on his face and looked at Ning Xiaochuan:" You should be curious, with this blood ring to satisfy us all *, why do people here take With madness. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded. The problem the young man in white was talking about at the moment was exactly the problem he had been confused for a long time.

"That's because the rules here have driven them crazy." The young man in white took a few short breaths, and then said fiercely, "The rule here is to kill, as long as you kill a person, you have more here The right to live for a month, and in this month, you can use the function of the blood ring to start enjoying. The ultimate enjoyment and the brutal killing rules are the basic survival rules here. "

Kill someone ... live another month.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped suddenly.

Although what the young man in white said was ridiculous, but recalling what he said when he first entered here, those crazy crazy gods said that Ning Xiaochuan still made a judgment. What this young man in white is saying is probably true. of.

Killing a person for an extra month, such a rule made Ning Xiaochuan feel a little scalp.

If it was simply to kill a few wicked people, Ning Xiaochuan would never show mercy.

But if you want to live here, it is definitely not enough to kill a few people. If Ning Xiaochuan lives here for a year, then you will kill 12 people. If you live here for ten years, you will kill 120 people. .

By analogy, Ning Xiaochuan could hardly imagine what he would look like after living here for thousands of years.

"Is it that those mad gods who have become mad just because they don't want to kill any more? If they don't want to kill, it would be better to commit suicide directly, why bother holding on here." Ning Xiaochuan groaned and said again.

At this moment he suddenly thought that the order **** who was beheaded by him at first was a expression of relief before he died.

Since it is no longer possible to adapt to the brutal rules here, it is enough to commit suicide directly or die a month later, why bother to live in the world.

Anyway, Ning Xiaochuan thinks so now.

If he does get to that point one day, he would rather die.

"I want to die." The young man in white looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a mocking look: "There is one more basic rule here, that is, you can't commit suicide, even if you commit suicide, you can't die. That Lord God will use your divine power to resurrect you. Then give you the most severe punishment. In addition, if you have the strength, but you do n’t want to try your best, but die in the hands of an opponent weaker than yourself, then you will also face the most severe punishment. "

"The cruelest punishment? What punishment?" Ning Xiaochuan said in a low voice.

The young man in white said indifferently: "The punishment for the person who violates the rules is very simple, that is, all his loved ones, all those who care about him, and even all those who have a relationship with him, will be subject to this Lord God in the future. Use the means to shut down in this world and enjoy the same torture. "

Turning his head to stare at Ning Xiaochuan, the youth in white continued with a sneer: "Think about it yourself. If one day, the people you care about appear in front of you one by one, and then be tortured by others, or even killed by your own hands. Can you stand this situation? "

Ning Xiaochuan opened his mouth and listened to the young man in white.

Such cruel rules made Ning Xiaochuan almost stunned.

After a long time, Ning Xiaochuanguchi scolded him.

"Well, this rule is a bit too dangry, the main **** who created it won't be a psychopath."

"If it ’s just a psychological abnormality, we will all die, but according to the clues we got, the Lord God created such a lonely land just for an experiment. When the experiment is successful, he will be outside The world is the same as here. "The young man in white snorted coldly.

It turned out to be just an experimental site.

Ning Xiaochuan was silent for a moment.

He has guessed that it is very likely that the rebels of the Kingdom of Truth did all this. According to the memory of Longhuang, the ultimate world that the rebels want to transform is a cruel land like Jiuyou Land. Extreme world.

Ning Xiaochuan was silent for a moment and said, "Even if it is as powerful as the Lord God of Light, can't we break through this space?"

The young man in white smiled coldly: "Did you just see the picture of the Lord God eating people!"

The Lord God of Light eats people just to obey the rules here.

Those who have been eaten are already almost tortured by the rules here, they are not as good as the Lord God of Light, so being eaten by the Lord God of Light can be justified.

Such near-perverted logic can only appear in such perverted places.

Ning Xiaochuan's mood was extremely heavy.

Now he understands why the voice said that he was degraded to Jiuyou and lost forever.

If someone falls here, I am afraid there is no other way than to be killed.

Such a world is completely forcing everyone to survive the fittest, and the strong to be respected.

Only the true strongest can survive in this world.

"No, if it's just that simple, it is such a powerful and powerful existence like the true God of Light. With his strength, he can live freely in this world. How did the creator of this space allow this space to have this? People exist. "Ning Xiaochuan made a slight calculation in his heart and immediately found a loophole in all the rules of this space.

While the youth in white seemed to be still patient at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan asked his confusion.

The young man in white took a look at Ning Xiaochuan, his face was cold: "If you follow the rules, the true God of Lightning really lives forever. But it is said that there is a final rule here, that is, every 10,000 years, this space will Add new people, then, if you want to live, you can only continue to kill people until you can kill nothing.

The blood ring under your feet is just for our enjoyment. The main function of this blood ring is to facilitate us to locate each other and facilitate us to find opponents to kill each other.

Moreover, even the person who survives to the end will not have good results, and will still be killed by the Lord God himself. There can only be pain in this space, and no real joy and hope can be allowed to exist. "

When he said this, the voice of the youth in white seemed to have a sense of despair.

At this moment he had taken Ning Xiaochuan and walked down from the stone mountain.

Stepping down from the last step, the young man in white waved at Ning Xiaochuan: "Okay, you can just leave. After you have the power of God, come back to me, then you will be eligible to join us Sooner or later, we will break this space, escape from here, and seek revenge on the Lord God who created it. "

The young man in white clenched his hands tightly, turned and walked along these steps towards the stone mountain.

Ning Xiaochuan stood at the end of the steps, and in his ears he heard only the vague final call from the young man in white.

"Stay alive before you talk."

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