Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1163: Space hole

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In these separate spaces like soap bubbles, Ning Xiaochuan was constantly fighting with a youth with white eyebrows.

This young man with white eyebrows is Situ Lang. He is very ordinary, but a pair of white eyebrows is very conspicuous.

Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Lang's Xiuwei have reached the point where the gods are nine-fold, and they are comparable in strength to each other, and it is impossible to distinguish between victory and defeat at a time.

In the space of time, this hazy figure stared at Ning Xiaochuan below.

Suddenly, there was a sigh of sigh in his mouth.

"Ning Xiaochuan, it's been thirty years since you arrived in Jiuyou Space, and the mystery of the Ten Thousand Gods has been almost mastered, and now it's time for you to leave."

With a sigh of hazy figure, his palm suddenly reached into the space-time Changhe below, and flicked slightly in space-time Changhe, his palm was immediately retracted.

But just this moment, the entire river of time and space immediately caused colorful ripples, as if numerous huge waves erupted in the river of time and space.

And these colorful ripples ended up all in one place, as if they had completely disappeared.

The disappearance of the long river of time and space means the complete destruction of this space.

The hazy figure glanced at the interrupted time and space, and then he drove the boat, slowly drifting away.

At the moment, in the Jiuyou space, there was originally a dim sky. At this moment, the wind and clouds suddenly changed color, and a cloud of clouds seemed to be blown by the wind, and they quickly passed over Ning Xiaochuan and Situlang.

The sky in Jiuyou Space changed so naturally that it immediately caught everyone's attention in Jiuyou Space.

Even those insane, looking up at the top of their heads at this moment, don't know what happened.

At least ten thousand miles away from Ning Xiaochuan, the Lord God of Light was still sitting on the top of the stone mountain.

Looking up at the sky with the clouds changing color above him, in the huge eyes of the Lord God of Light, he had already shown a very pleasant look.

"Space loopholes. There will be space loopholes in Jiuyou Land. With this loophole, I can escape from here and return to the world of thunder."

The world of Leiguang is the world that the Lord of Lights lived before. This world, like the Shenhe civilization, is an eight-level civilization.

Since coming here, Lord God of Light has thought of countless ways and wants to escape from here.

But in the end he was desperate. The wall membrane of this space is almost more stable than the wall membrane of a universe. With his master-level strength, he still cannot escape from here.

But now, Lord God of Light has seen the hope of escape.

The Lord God of Light, who had been sitting on the stone mountain, stood up arrogantly at this moment.

His tall figure stood on the top of Shishan Mountain, but his voice began to reverberate throughout the Jiuyou land.

"I am the Lord God of Light. Now I have summoned all the gods, sub-gods, and ordinary mortals in Jiuyou Land. I have found a space hole in Jiuyou Land. One day later, I will take you out of this place."

At the foot of Lord Leiguang, those people who were dead and walking on the stone mountain steps all looked up suddenly at this moment, their eyes shot bright light.

Most of them are gods. When their hearts were dead in the past, there was no power at all.

But at this moment, the power emanating from them was simply amazing.

In Jiuyou Land, countless figures immediately flew up and rushed towards the place where the Lord God of Light was.

"Finally hope to escape from here."

"Haha, God bless, if I escape from here, even if it takes hundreds of millions of years, I will kill the person who created this space."

"It's just too cheap to kill him. We'll seal his strength later, throw him here, and let him taste the pain here."


From within the blood ring under his feet, Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Lang heard countless sharp voices.

Except for the newcomers, most of these people who are trapped here are going crazy. Now it is hard for them to have a chance to escape. The long-pressed emotions in their hearts are naturally released immediately.

"A bunch of idiots, it would be nice if they could escape from here. They even wanted to deal with a Lord God. They didn't know how to write the dead words."

Situ Lang raised a white eyebrow, and snorted in his mouth.

Only Ning Xiaochuan knew that Situ Lang was the same kind of cold-hearted person as Ning Xiaochuan encountered before.

Otherwise, Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Lang would not have a friendship while they were fighting.

Glancing at Situ Lang, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Don't stop talking nonsense, we also rushed to see Lord Lei Guang."

The two men rose into the sky and hurried towards the main **** of Lei Guang.

At this moment, the rule of prohibiting flying on the stone mountain where the Lord God of Light is located has long been abolished.

Dense figures flew over from all around and fell directly to the stone mountain.

Half a day later, almost the entire Shishan has been covered. Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Lang also stood somewhere on the stone mountain.

After these people came here, they looked up at the Lord God of Light on the top of the mountain and waited silently.

After a whole day, regardless of whether there are any people coming towards here in the distance, the figure of Lord Lei Guang will fly up and fly away overhead.

Behind the Lord God of Light, the stone mountain swelled and followed immediately.

"Artifact! This stone mountain turned out to be an artifact?"

Many people now feel that the stone mountain under their feet turned out to be an artifact.

This hill-shaped artifact followed behind the Lord God of Light, plunged into the clouds above him, and then entered a chaos.

Everyone, including Ning Xiaochuan, looked up at the top of his head at this moment.

What is over the Nine Secluded Lands? Ning Xiaochuan also probed before. At that time, after Ning Xiaochuan crossed these clouds, there was endless chaos before him.

Chaos is extremely dangerous, even if the main **** falls into chaos, it will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, even the Lord God of Light, can't leave the Nine Secluded Lands surrounded by the power of chaos.

However, at the moment, in the chaos in front of Ning Xiaochuan and others, a huge vortex appeared. This vortex stirred the power of chaos and ripped a small gap in the boundless force of chaos.

The Lord God of Light is now carrying the artifact hill behind him, rushing towards this rift.

As long as they break out of this rift, they can escape this space.

When the Lord God of Light's figure sank into this rift, countless people on the hill cheered almost at the same time, and they had seen the hope of escape.

But at this moment, a beam of light suddenly emerged from this rift, covering everyone on the hill.

"The rebels in the Nine Secluded Lands will all be punished the hardest."

The cold sound came from the beam of light.

Hearing this voice, everyone, including Ning Xiaochuan, suddenly changed his face.

As long as it is the person who came to the land of Jiuyou, I'm afraid I won't forget this voice.

Because they were brought to Jiuyou by the owner of this voice.

After this beam of light was irradiated, the first pressure was the Lord God of Light. The Lord God of Light was alone, and had almost withstood the nine powers in the beam of light.

But even the remaining power of the beam of light cannot be blocked by anyone.

Standing on the hillside of Ning Xiaochuan, he immediately saw that God was turned up by the whole body illuminated by this beam of light many times, and the flesh and blood of the whole person became blurred.

After screaming a few times, these changed flesh-blooded sub-gods disappeared one by one, and it was not known whether it was completely destroyed by the beam of light or was re-transmitted back to Jiuyou by the beam of light.

"Not good, Ning Xiaochuan, let's fight." Situ Lang, who was standing next to Ning Xiaochuan, changed his face at this moment. He stretched out and held Ning Xiaochuan, and immediately flew towards the rift above his head.

A mighty divine power was uploaded from Situ Lang, and he has always shown the nine powers of the sub-God, even he is a god.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan could not be surprised.

The remaining deities on the hill, at this moment, were flying against the pillar of light, flying wildly towards the rift.

As long as you enter the rift, you can leave Jiuyou.

With hope in sight, all these remaining deities started desperately.

Ning Xiaochuan originally did not resist the strength of these beams of light, but with the help of Stuart Lang, he also flew towards the rift.

So many gods survived the beam of light, and there seemed to be an angry mood in the beam of light.

Immediately, the intensity of the beam of light increased countless times.

The gods flying at the forefront were burning like moths at the moment, burning and screaming and disappearing.

Such a scene, almost all of Ning Xiaochuan and others flying behind changed in shock.

However, even if there is only a dead end ahead, no one wants to back down at this moment.

Even if there is only a chance, these gods want to escape from here.

Countless figures rushed up, but were completely destroyed by the beam of light.

Situ Lang sheltered Ning Xiaochuan and looked back at Ning Xiaochuan with a pale face. He originally wanted to ask Ning Xiaochuan and refused to rush up with him.

But after just glancing at it, he saw Ning Xiaochuan's determined look in his eyes, so in the end he didn't ask anything, but took Ning Xiaochuan to start rushing upward immediately.

Stuart ’s cultivation is about the same degree as the next god, which is weaker than many deities here.

Just after flying not far above, his body began to burn.

In an instant, Stuart's figure was only half left.

With a calm smile on his face, Situ Lang looked back at Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, unfortunately we can no longer compete."

Without saying a word, Situ Lang's figure was completely annihilated in the beam of light. A godhead with more than three hundred facets in his body began to disintegrate under the beam of light.

At this point, Ning Xiaochuan held the godhead in his hand.

All the essence of the gods have been integrated into the godhead. As long as the godhead does not die, Stuart has a chance to be born again.

However, the premise is that Ning Xiaochuan can keep Stuart's personality.

Without Stuart ’s shelter, Ning Xiaochuan felt his body start to burn almost instantly. This intense burning sensation almost burned Ning Xiaochuan's body to ashes.

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