Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1164: Escape

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The burning sensation pervaded the whole body, and Ning Xiaochuan even felt that his body began to disappear.

The infinite power carried in this beam of light, even those gods who have been cultivated as deep, can't carry them, let alone Ning Xiaochuan, who has only been cultivated as a second god.

After feeling the intense crisis, the white bone beads in Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead suddenly trembled and slowly turned again.

Ning Xiaochuan's guess is correct. Only when encountering a crisis of mortal death, this white bone bead will rotate and the strongest strength will erupt.

As the white bone beads began to rotate, the virtual godhead in Ning Xiaochuan's body also began to rotate.

Thirty-six cuts, seventy-two cuts ... and even the last hazy round shape.

All the rules of the World Extinction Road emerged from Ning Xiaochuan's body, forming a black mist, covering Ning Xiaochuan's whole body, temporarily blocking the beam of light above his head.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan will not let go of this good opportunity. Once the figure flashed, his figure penetrated the beam of light again.

At this time, a huge figure appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan's eyes. This was the main **** of light who was enveloped in the pillar of light.

The huge body of the Lord of Light Ray is almost completely shrouded in a pillar of light, and more than 90% of the power of this beam of light is concentrated on the Lord of Light.

If there is no Lord of Lightning God, I am afraid that at the moment when the beam of light appears, everyone in the entire Nine Secluded Land will be killed by the beam of light.

However, at this moment, the main **** of Lei Guang has obviously reached the limit, and he is shaking and conscious.

"Did it fail, and no one rushed out of this **** nine quiet place in the end?"

Looking back at those figures that disappeared like moths rushing into the beam of light, the Lord God of Light's face was extremely pale.

The Lord God who created the Nine Secluded Lands is too strong, and his strength far exceeds his thunder, so at this moment he is almost desperate.


Just when the Lord God of Light was about to give up, Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"There is still a little guy alive, and he is in the realm of God, how can he survive to this day."

At a glance, the Lord God of Light immediately found Ning Xiaochuan.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's distance in the pillar of light at this moment is not as far as those of the dead gods before, as a sub-god, the distance he is traveling now almost exceeds the distance that most of the lower gods advance.

And from the black mist emerging from Ning Xiaochuan, the Lord God of Light also felt a strong sense of destruction.

This is a pure breath of extinction!

The eyes of Lord Lei Guang's eyes widened, and this breath of extinction made him feel hope again.

As the Lord God, he knew very well how powerful the true destruction of the world was.

"Perhaps he can do wonders and escape from here."

The main look of Lei Guang was so solemn, the huge palm reached out to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Don't resist, I use your last strength to **** you for a ride."

Accompanied by the weak voice of the Lord God of Light, Ning Xiaochuan was enveloped by his huge palm, and then forcibly rushed towards the deepest part of the beam of light.

At the very end of this beam of light, a gap in space is slowly shrinking.

The Lord God of Light supported Ning Xiaochuan with one hand, and the guard was shrouded in a layer of golden flame, and kept approaching this rift.

With the burning of these golden flames, the breath of the Lord God of Light has become weaker and weaker.

This is everything a Lord God is burning himself.

Feeling the faint atmosphere of Lei Guang's main **** behind him, Ning Xiaochuan gave a respect to this cannibalism.

Now he understands why people like Blood God and others were so convinced by the Lord God of Light.

Those who were eaten by the Lord God of Light, why would they willingly come to the Lord God of Light and become the food of the Lord God of Light.

Because the Lord God of Light has carried their hope of escaping from here.

The Lord God of Light Ray himself is definitely a great Lord God. He suffered the stigma of eating the Lord God and lived in the land of Jiuyou for countless years. His only obsession was to leave this Jiuyou land.

If someone can leave from here, hope will be generated in the hearts of those who live in Jiuyou, and they will no longer live as if they were walking in the past.

At this moment, the Lord God of Light has put all the hope of escape on Ning Xiaochuan.

As Ning Xiaochuan went deeper into the beam of light in front of him, Lei Guang ’s oversized body had mostly disappeared, and flesh and blood had disappeared in many places on his body, leaving only Jin Chancan's skeleton.

Even so, there is still an unyielding will on the Lord God of Light, insisting on continuing to rush forward.

Finally, his bones began to shatter and disappear.

Such a scene moved Ning Xiaochuan too, and almost couldn't help rushing out of the palm of the Lord God of Light.

"Don't move, as long as you live, it doesn't matter if we all die."

The voice of the Lord God of Light, if any, sounded in Ning Xiaochuan's ear.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly appeared in front of a shiny ball like a gem.

"I have eaten a total of 121,300 people over the years. The gods in their bodies have all been made into this soul ball by me. This soul ball contains this hundred and twenty. The obsession in the hearts of all people, if you take it out, it means that we have all escaped from here. "

In the end, he told Ning Xiaochuan that a glittering godhead appeared on the Lord God of Light.

This godhead is gorgeous and much more beautiful than any gem in the world. Moreover, this godhead has more than 2,000 aspects, and is the true king of godheads.

This is the main **** deity of the main **** of thunder.

This main **** deity emerged from the main **** of Leiguang, and then exploded.

The self-detonation of the main god's personality almost blows away the surrounding beams of light.

The figure of Ning Xiaochuan, with the help of this explosion, jumped out of this beam of light and penetrated into the space rift above.

Immediately, the gap in the space disappeared, the beam of light disappeared, the remains of the Lord God of Light disappeared, and the quiet and quiet place of the dead again restored peace.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan, after rushing out of the gap in the space, was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Appearing in front of him at this moment were several circular spaces like soap bubbles.

And what Ning Xiaochuan just left is one of the spaces.

There are so many of these nine quiet places. Even if it is the Lord God, I am afraid that it is not able to create so many nine quiet places.

The thought flickered in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and then he ignored them, and the figure flashed like a fish walking away.

At this moment, the virtual godhead in his body is still a hazy circle. In this state, Ning Xiaochuan's speed is faster than ordinary gods.

But behind Ning Xiaochuan, a beam of light appeared and followed him out of thin air.

This beam of light is almost larger and scarier than it appeared in Jiuyou Land before. It flew through countless spaces in an instant and fell to the top of Ning Xiaochuan.

The master **** of Jiuyou Land is obviously unable to endure someone to escape from Jiuyou Land, so he wants to kill Ning Xiaochuan and destroy all the existence from Jiuyou Land.

A master **** was defeated, and nearly 90% of the masters in Jiuyou Land were defeated. In the end, he had the opportunity to escape from his birth.

But now, he is still a dead end.

Not reconciled!

Ning Xiaochuan certainly will not reconcile.

Taking out the sword of extinction, Ning Xiaochuan tried his best to chop the beam of light in front of him.

The white beam of light buried the sword of extinction.

Ning Xiaochuan is only a sub-god realm now. Even if he is desperate, he cannot fight against a main god.

Suppressed by the white beam of light, the sword of extinction itself even made a crunching sound, as if it would collapse at any time.

However, at the moment when the sword of extinction was suppressed, the figure of a woman with long hair fluttering came out of the sword of extinction.

This is a woman with a beautiful face, but her cold look makes people dare not approach. There was no woman's weakness in her body at all, and there were only infinite domineering and evil spirits.

However, such a woman full of domineering, but people do not have any bad feelings.

"This is a predecessor of the World Extinction Road!" Ning Xiaochuan's mind came to the thought.

The World Extermination Sword is the treasure of World Extinction, which naturally contains a hint of power from previous generations of World Extinction. Previously, Ning Xiaochuan was unable to excite these forces.

But now, it seems that the power contained in it has been excited.


After the woman appeared, she spit out two words gently.

Immediately, her palm was so cut out of thin air, a breath full of devastating power, splitting the beam of light in front of her into two halves, this breath was not weakened in the slightest, and rushed directly into the infinite darkness, as if into In a higher level world.

After doing all this, the woman's figure suddenly disappeared, and Ning Xiaochuan's body was completely exhausted at this moment.


A gap in the space engulfed Ning Xiaochuan.


Tianmo star field, this is one of the eight star fields of the Xinghe civilization.

More people like to call it the Demon Realm than the name of the Sky Demon Realm.

In a starry sky of the Devil Realm, a high-level star sky boat is rapidly moving.

In the starry sky, several young men and women casually laughed. Most of these young men and women looked arrogant. Every move seemed to carry a rule of operation. Such signs indicate that the cultivation of these young men and women has arrived God Realm.

There is no doubt that these young men and women are some young Tianjiao with great power.

But even if they are all arrogant, they still have their own points.

Among these young men and women at this moment, a young woman with red hair, a tall stature, and wearing only a piece of leather was most noticeable.

The red-haired woman is enchanting, and her red hair shows that she is a member of the royal family of the devil.

She stood here casually, and immediately became the focus of everyone.

At this moment, almost all the men in these young Tianjiao are dedicated to this red-haired woman. Such a scene made several other women Tianjiao look secretly hate, but there is no way.

Bichau, they couldn't match this red-haired woman.

Compared to their origins, they are also inferior to others.

Even if they are more than their looks, they are far from this red-haired woman.

The red-haired woman looked cold, even though it was a group of dedicated men around her, she seemed too lazy to care about them.


In front of the high starry sky boat, there were countless thunders suddenly, these thunder immediately caught everyone's attention in the starry sky boat.

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