Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1165: Reunion

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"There is a thunder in the sky, is there any strange treasure to be born?"

"It's very possible. I heard that some brothers and sisters encountered a whirlwind in the starry sky, and they actually collected a whirlwind soul. This luck is really against the sky."

"Can we have an adventure today?"


With the sound of surprise in the mouths of several Tianjiao, the other people in the starry sky suddenly looked a little excited.

The legend of getting strange treasures in the vast starry sky, they often hear these days.

"Everyone go out and watch, but be careful." The red-haired woman flung her long hair and put the starry boat straight away.

In the vast starry sky, a dozen young Tianjiao didn't fear anything. They shuttled through the space of the starry sky and rushed towards the place where the thunder appeared in front.

However, before these days of arrogance rushed to the Thunder, those Thunders disappeared.

Such a scene made these Tianjiao who wanted to meet a strange encounter quite disappointed.

The thunder dissipated, and the starry sky in front had returned to peace, and naturally no more adventures could occur.

Just when these arrogant people stopped and were preparing to return to the starry sky boat, the red-haired woman's brows suddenly frowned, and her mouth sulked: "Some people in front of me seem to be the thunders he ignited."

"What? Someone has triggered the Thunder in the starry sky." These young days were suddenly surprised.

The starry sky is extremely desolate, and there are no basic elements, so those who can cause thunder in the starry sky are only those true gods.

Guessing that there might be a real deity ahead, he hesitated suddenly these days.

Although they all claim to be a generation of arrogance, but they are cultivated only in the sub-god realm, they cannot compete with a true deity at all.

However, just when he was hesitant in these days, the red-haired woman had already stepped across half the starry sky and appeared in front of the figure in the distance.

In this case, the other Tianjiao could only stare with big eyes and rushed forward.

The closer they got, the more surprised they were.

Because at this moment they have clearly seen that in the place where the thunder just appeared, a slightly thin figure, holding a blood-red sword, sitting in the starry sky.

Although it is still far from this figure, these arrogant people have already felt the strong killing intention uploaded from this figure.

Such a strong intention to kill can only be cultivated in a long-term killing environment.

Feeling this, these Tianjiao people suddenly felt a little nervous.

Figures across the starry sky, then stopped beside the red-haired woman.

When all Tianjiao rushed here, a sudden and terrifying sound suddenly sounded among these Tianjiao.

"Impossible, how could it be Ning Xiaochuan."

Hearing this voice, several people, including the red-haired woman, all turned to look at the speaker.

The same is Tianjiao. The other Tianjiao who was screaming at this moment is naturally very familiar.

So, looking at the arrogant Tianjiao, the red-haired woman frowned and asked, "Master Xueren, do you know this person?"

"I know, of course I know." The Tianjiao, named Xue Can, had a complex look on his face.

Of course, he knew Ning Xiaochuan. When he was in the Heavenly God's Crown Prince Palace, because of Yu Qianqian's relationship, his blood was badly taught by Ning Xiaochuan.

That's right!

The Tianjiao who appeared here at the moment was the **** residue of the talented disciple who had been in the Heavenly God's Chu Palace.

The emperor Zijin took the entire heavenly court to enter the realm, and brought all the talented disciples in the palace of the gods to the realm, and this blood residue was naturally in it.

After entering the source realm, with the resources of the source realm, such geniuses as blood cannibals, the progress is fast.

Today's blood remnants have already entered the sub-god realm. Although it is only a sub-god's existence, it is also extremely extraordinary. No wonder it will be regarded as a young Tianjiao-like figure.

Although the fish in the Shenhe civilization has been flowing like water recently, when I saw Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, the pride that was finally cultivated in the blood-stained heart was shattered.

No way, although he considers himself a genius, but compares with Ning Xiaochuan, he is simply a cabbage-grade goods on the roadside.

"By the way, how did Ning Xiaochuan come to the Shenhe civilization, did it pass through the gates of other people's gods?" Blood residue looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a complex look, secretly in his heart.

As for the possibility that Ning Xiaochuan crossed the void by himself and came to the Shenhe civilization, the blood residue never even thought about it.


When I did n’t know the distance between Shenhe civilization and Dayan World, the blood residue may still be misunderstood.

But now, as Tianjiao of the Demon Realm, he has long known the terrible distance between the Shenhe civilization and the Dayan world, and he will never make such a common-sense mistake.

Therefore, the blood residue instinct thinks that Ning Xiaochuan must come to the Shenhe civilization with the help of the gate of man and **** like other disciples of the God's Palace.

The look on Blood Residual's face had changed, and other Tianjiao naturally had already seen it.

Therefore, they all looked curiously at Ning Xiaochuan in front of them, and wanted to see what kind of character it was, and they could make the blood scum like Tianjiao look like this.

Under these arrogant gazes, Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan had already felt these arrogant approaches, but he had just escaped from the land of Jiuyou, and had no extra energy to care about these.

Sitting cross-legged on the starry sky and barely recovering some strength, he began to glance at the people in front of him.

"Residual blood!"

With only a glance, Ning Xiaochuan recognized the identity of the blood residue.

He had just escaped from the land of Jiuyou, and immediately met an acquaintance of Dayan World. Such a coincidence surprised Ning Xiaochuan.

However, the habit developed over the past thirty years in the land of Jiuyou made him look nothing strange at all.

Holding the extermination sword in his hand, Ning Xiaochuan stood up coldly from the starry sky.

"This man is so cold." The women Tianjiao followed the every move of Ning Xiaochuan and sighed in her heart.

Unlike young Tianjiao, such as Blood Residue, Ning Xiaochuan, who has been in Jiuyou Land for more than 30 years, naturally has the unique coldness of Jiuyou Land.

Such a breath is indeed very tempting for these young women.

Even the red-haired woman in the front, when she saw Ning Xiaochuan at the moment, couldn't help showing a strange look.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan stand up, the blood residue could not help but ask: "Ning Xiaochuan, why are you here?"

"I want to ask you the same question." Ning Xiaochuan's figure was cold, his eyes slowly glanced at these young Tianjiao.

When he saw the red-haired woman, Ning Xiaochuan's expression was slightly changed.

The other Tianjiao, like blood residues and others, are all new to the sub-god realm, but this red-haired woman, like Ning Xiaochuan, has achieved the sub-god ninefold.

"I ... It's a long story." Blood Residual shook his head vaguely, obviously not wanting to say anything in detail to Ning Xiaochuan in the presence of so many people.

The red-haired woman glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, then said coldly, "Since you know this person with blood, let him go with us."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and did not oppose anything.

Immediately, the red-haired woman waved and released the star boat, and a group of people entered the star boat.

With Ning Xiaochuan present at this moment, the attention of these arrogant people has almost always focused on Ning Xiaochuan.

Those women Tianjiao were already very curious about Ning Xiaochuan and wanted to take the opportunity to talk to Ning Xiaochuan. However, they did not expect that after entering the starry sky boat, Ning Xiaochuan immediately walked to a corner and sat on the ground with his knees crossed.

Ning Xiaochuan was so cold-hearted that even his blood was stunned.

When he first met Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan was not as cold as he is now.

However, due to the presence of others, Blood Residue did not want to expose his secret from the world of Da Yan, so he waited in silence, looking for an opportunity, and then talked with Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan sat cross-legged on the ground, but all his mind sank in himself.

Every time the white bone beads turn, they will exhaust all the power of Ning Xiaochuan, and this time it is the same.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan consumed only his own power this time. After a little rest, he was able to recover.

What Ning Xiaochuan paid attention to at this moment was not his own situation, but the two things lurking inside him.

One is Stuart ’s personality. When Stuart was physically destroyed, Ning Xiaochuan snatched his personality.

The deity of the deities already contains most of the essence of the deities, so as long as this deity is immortal, Situ Lang will have a day of rebirth.

However, Situ Lang is obviously unable to regain his consciousness. He had suffered too much damage before, and without the help of external forces, I am afraid that it will take thousands of years to recover a little.

In this regard Ning Xiaochuan can only sigh.

Although there are many elixir on him, these elixir have no effect on Situ Lang at the moment.

After collecting this godhead, Ning Xiaochuan's mind was immediately placed on another thing, which was the soul ball entrusted to him by the Lord God of Light.

This soul ball was formed by the **** Lei Guang using special techniques to condense countless gods together.

Through the surface of the soul ball, Ning Xiaochuan can even see that inside this soul ball, countless gods are flying wantonly.

Most of these gods are virtual gods, but a few are real gods.

However, these godheads are different from Stuart's godheads. The vitality in these godheads has been lost, and they were barely saved by the use of great magical powers by the Lord God of Light. Otherwise, the rules of these godheads have long since dissipated and completely collapsed.

Such a condensate of godheads is of little use to others.

The Lord God of Light made the soul ball, but it was just out of his own guilt, and he was not ready to use this soul ball to do anything.

But now, this soul ball has fallen into the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, and everything is very different.

This soul ball is a timely rain for Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

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