Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1166: Magic incense

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Ning Xiaochuan's body of the ten thousand gods needs to absorb other laws before it can evolve.

But to absorb other rules, you must kill people, and you must kill masters above the sub-god, only the gods in them have laws in them.

Ning Xiaochuan killed hundreds of gods in Jiuyou Land, absorbed all the laws in their virtual gods, and failed to let the Wanfa gods evolve.

But now, with this soul ball, as long as Ning Xiaochuan absorbs the laws contained in it, he can definitely let the Wanfa deity evolve to a very high level.

You should know that this soul ball contains more than hundreds of thousands of gods, and the laws contained in it are as high as tens of millions.

If the absorption of so many rules can not allow the ten thousand gods to evolve, then Ning Xiaochuan really wants to give up this **** completely, and then try to improve his strength.

However, this situation is not suitable for Ning Xiaochuan's refinement.

After receiving the soul ball in the virtual godhead space, Ning Xiaochuan began to distract and listen to those Tianjiao people next to him.

At this moment, most of these Tianjiao are surrounded by Blood Residue, and they are constantly asking about Blood Residue about Ning Xiaochuan.

Although Blood Residue has always been vague, these Tianjiao are not fools. From the reaction of Blood Residue at the moment, they have distinguished that Ning Xiaochuan is afraid that the same talent is no worse than them.

For others, these arrogant people may maintain that pride and be too lazy to care about each other.

But in the face of Tianjiao equal to their own, their attitude should be much softer, which is why these Tianjiao did not oppose Ning Xiaochuan taking the starry sky boat they were riding on.

After asking about blood for a long time, nothing was asked, and these Tianjiao's interest in Ning Xiaochuan gradually dissipated.

As a result, their attention shifted again to the red-haired woman.

Compared with Ning Xiaochuan, this red-haired woman has a significantly higher weight in their hearts.

Ning Xiaochuan listened carefully for a while, and what came from the ears were all the words of the male red-haired woman who was arrogantly arrogant. If it was changed to other times, Ning Xiaochuan might still be watching with interest.

But now, he really doesn't have this mood.

At this moment, he just waited to find a suitable place, and then met with Blood Residue alone, and asked the recent situation of the Emperor Zijin and others to explain clearly.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground of the starry sky boat, after slightly adjusting his breath for a long time, Ning Xiaochuan's energy immediately recovered.

At this moment, several women's whispers were heard in his ears suddenly.

Unlike those male Tianjiao, these female Tianjiao have no mood to nod the red-haired woman, so what they are talking about at this moment is mostly about spiritual practice.

"My cultivation has reached the sub-god realm, but now I have realized the three rules, the other rules have no clue at all, I am afraid I can no longer improve at a short time."

"When you advance to the next level of God, the more rules you comprehend, the stronger the condensed deities, and the brighter the future will be. Then you will realize the three rules. I am afraid that the condensed aspects of the deities will not exceed a thousand faces. "

"Aren't you nonsense? These people here have the godhead that has condensed more than a thousand aspects. Such a peerless arrogance has been directly recruited by the royal family.

"When I heard that Motianxiang advanced to the next god, he had already realized seven rules, so the condensed godhead had more than a thousand aspects, which is the generation of Tianjiao in our demon world."

"Although I think Mo Tianxiang is not very pleasing to the eye, but I also have to admire Mo Tianxiang's talent. She has only advanced to the next level in less than three years, and she has already been upgraded to the second level of God. I have successfully condensed the goddess, I really do n’t know how she cultivated. "

"In the sub-god realm, as long as you understand the new rules, you can be promoted. I heard that when Mo Tianxiang had created the realm, she had already understood dozens of rules. However, she did not fully understand these rules. She had an epiphany, so this practice was able to improve quickly. "


It seems that the red-haired woman was jealous, so when these women Tianjiao mentioned the name Motianxiang, they deliberately covered up and directly conveyed their voices.

Ning Xiaochuan was also able to eavesdrop on these women's conversations with the help of his magic skills.

Magic Sky Incense!

It should be that red-haired woman.

Ning Xiaochuan looked up at the red-haired woman who was standing coldly on the side, but just collided with her eyes, as if the two armies were fighting, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes met the red-haired woman's eyes. After a while, then each looked back.

"Sure enough," Ning Xiaochuan said secretly in his heart.

From the sight of this red-haired woman, Mo Tianxiang, Ning Xiaochuan felt a strong sense of war, and a person with such a strong war will definitely not be a weak person.

Those women Tianjiao said that she may have condensed more than a thousand deities, but it is not impossible.

In addition, what shocked Ning Xiaochuanjue even more was that it took only three years for this magic heavenly incense to upgrade his cultivation from the second level of the **** to the second level of the god, this speed of practice is simply against the sky.

Ning Xiaochuan was originally promoted from the second **** to the second god, but it took more than ten years.

At first, Ning Xiaochuanjue's self-improvement was already very fast, but compared with Mo Tianxiang, his speed was not enough.

After three consecutive days of flying in the starry sky, the starry sky boat landed on a huge boxy continent.

In the vast starry sky, there are not only circular celestial bodies, but also continents like squares, as they are now.

After the starry sky landed on this continent, Ning Xiaochuan and others fell directly in front of a huge palace. The palace occupies a very large area, and there are countless people who are constantly busy in the palace.

Obviously, this is a forbidden area like a palace.

"Ning Xiaochuan, this is the Zhushan continent. We came here this time because there is a senior Zhushan preacher who has reached the higher level of gods here to give lectures and explain the practice experience. Come with us and listen.

Waving his hand to put away the flying boat, Mo Tianxiang said coldly to Ning Xiaochuan, and then walked directly into the huge palace in front of him.

Along the way, Mo Tianxiang has apparently discovered Ning Xiaochuan's goodness, so I will say this at this moment.

It is indeed a rare experience to be able to hear the experience of the higher gods.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and followed Mo Tianxiang toward the main hall in front of him.

"Oh my God, I heard you right, Princess Tianxiang actually took the initiative to speak to Ning Xiaochuan."

"Not only took the initiative to speak, but also invited Ning Xiaochuan to join the class."

"God doesn't have long eyes, this Ning Xiaochuan was just picked up by us halfway, how could it be seen by Princess Tianxiang."

"Who makes a strong talent in the family, Nine Gods will dare to walk alone in the sky. If you have this talent and courage, Mo Tianxiang may also be intimate with you like this."


Those Tianjiao who came here with Ning Xiaochuan before, followed behind Ning Xiaochuan with big eyes and small eyes, muttering constantly in their mouths.

The people who came here to listen to the previous God's lecture are obviously not only the magic Tianxiang them, but also Tianjiao in other places.

Ning Xiaochuan walked only a few steps. A large group of people appeared in front of them. These people seemed to be waiting in line to enter the palace in front of them.

Waiting behind these people, Mo Tianxiang first entered the palace.

Then came Ning Xiaochuan.

However, before stepping into the palace, Ning Xiaochuan was suddenly stopped.

"Wait, where are you from here, don't you understand the rules?" A cold-faced, cold-faced man in armor, waved in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned and looked up. "What rules?"

He really didn't know the rules here. He came here by chance.

"Mixed accounts, even if you do n’t understand the rules, you dare to rush into the residence of the superior **** of Zhushan." The cold-faced armor man gave a cold drink, and then looked up and down Ning Xiaochuan: "Boy, not everyone is qualified to listen to the lecture of the superior **** of Zhushan Yes, only those who are truly Tianjiao are qualified. Seeing this baby in my hand is not qualified. This is a talent test stone. As long as it is not qualified to enter, it will have a response. Just now you have triggered his reaction. . "

The secondary gods waiting to enter the palace all around looked at this one at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan looked down at the circular disc on the arm of the man in the armor, and asked curiously, "How do I qualify for this?"

"It's very simple. One of the most basic conditions is that the goddess condensed in your body must have at least five hundred or more aspects." The armor man snorted.

"Five hundred facets, that's all." Ning Xiaochuan rolled his eyes, turned and walked away.

Just kidding, at this moment there are only thirty-six facets of the Godhead in his body, and there are still some bosses from the five hundred facets.

Anyway, Ning Xiaochuan was still asleep in his body, and when the shadow woke up, he would pass on the practice experience to Ning Xiaochuan. It may not be much worse than this Zhushan god.

The armored man looked at Ning Xiaochuan, who turned directly, with a look of surprise on his face: "Well, this is the first time I've seen a **** who wants to mix in here, so let me take a look at this kid's talent in the end How, if it were almost, I would barely let him pass in the light of his courage. "

Raising the disc magic weapon on his arm, the armored man used his divine power to cover Ning Xiaochuan's figure with this perfect distance.

The next moment, a virtual godhead with thirty-six facets clearly appeared on the disc.

"It's only thirty-six cuts." Looking at the godhead that appeared on the disc, the armored man's eyes widened.

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