Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1173: Capricorn Hill

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Although Moyao Mountain is named after the mountain, the real Moyao Mountain is bigger than a mountain range. I don't know how many times.

Ning Xiaochuan was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him when he came down from the high star sky boat.

What appeared before him at this moment was a dazzling galaxy, and this galaxy did not know how many huge shining stars.

Among these stars, countless starry boats and broken-world boats shuttle back and forth, as if the entire galaxy is a bustling metropolis.

Above this bustling galaxy, there is a gigantic conical mountain peak. The bottom of this conical mountain peak is above this galaxy. It seems to suppress the huge galaxy below, while the top of the peak disappears into the dark void In China, it seems that another piece of space is inserted.

"Here is the territory of Mogao Mountain. The real Mogao Mountain is actually a very powerful artifact. Its main body, as the base of Mogao Mountain, stands in this starry sky and permanently suppresses this piece of Mogao Mountain. Star field. And this star field below Mozhang Mountain is the star field directly managed by Mozhang Mountain. The number of life planets in this star field is more than one million. There are even more planets without life. Many more, almost 90% of the disciples of Moji Mountain are all the life born in this star field, so this star field is the real foundation of Moji Mountain, and no one dares to make trouble in it. "

Mo Tianxiang took Ning Xiaochuan, while walking through this star field, while explaining everything about Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't have time to speak at this moment, he could only look around constantly.

At this moment he had a feeling of soil buns entering the city.

Now Ning Xiaochuan is aware of the horror of these great forces in the Shenhe civilization. Just a magic mountain, I am afraid that I don't know how many seventh-level civilizations like Tianting.

The Mogao Mountain in front of him is not the strongest force in the Devil Realm.

The demon world is still like this. If it is the all forces of the eight realms of the Shenhe civilization, then the number of masters of the entire Shenhe civilization is simply terrible.

"It is no wonder that the seniors of Zijin Emperor must come to the Shenhe civilization, and only in such a place can the true strong be born."

Ning Xiaochuan was shocked, but the arrogance in his heart was also born.

He can reach the peak step by step in the world of Da Yan, as well as in the Shenhe civilization.

Mo Tianxiang took Ning Xiaochuan and finally landed on a star in this star field.

This star is bright and brilliant, as if the whole body is like a light ball, but entering the light ball and appearing in front of Ning Xiaochuan are countless towering ornate buildings.

In these buildings, many figures come in and out, although busy, they are methodical, showing good cultivation and strict rules.

"This is my residence in Moxu Mountain. We settle here first, and then I will find a way to help the host pass the entrance examination of Moxu Mountain." Mo Tianxiang told Ning Xiaochuan while taking Ning Xiaochuan to a tall In front of the building.

"You can just call me Ning Xiaochuan in the future, don't show any sloppy feet." Ning Xiaochuan secretly spoke to Mo Tianxiang before reaching the building.

Magic Sky Incense naturally will not oppose Ning Xiaochuan's order.

As soon as the two entered the building, several pretty-looking maids immediately appeared around them. These maids walked quickly and gave each other a smile to Mo Tianxiang, and then asked, "Princess, how are you up to now? I just came back, Lord Wang has been here once before, but he didn't see the princess, so he left. "

Although Mo Tianxiang has a cold personality, the maids under her opponents are obviously very loose, so these maids are showing such an attitude at this moment.

"I see, I will see him once if I have a chance, you all go down." Mo Tianxiang waved his hands, and then all these maids scolded down.

Taking Ning Xiaochuan in person, Mo Tianxiang walked directly into the depths of the building.

Seeing that Mo Tianxiang even brought a strange man back, but also led the way for Ning Xiaochuan, the maids in this palace were suddenly surprised, one by one hiding in the dark and quietly looking at Ning Xiaochuan.

Surrounded by the crowd, Ning Xiaochuan didn't feel much.

What just made him a bit uncomfortable was that there were no women in this building.

However, this is also in line with Mo Tianxiang's style, and replaced with a man to serve her, I'm afraid she will still be a bit uncomfortable.

"Ning Xiaochuan, take a rest here for a few days. This time, I led the team that went to Zhushan mainland to take classes. The army had to be destroyed. Things in the mountains. "After bringing Ning Xiaochuan to his residence, Mo Tianxiang hurried away.

In the following days, Mo Tianxiang never appeared again, and it seemed that he was receiving a normal punishment.

And Ning Xiaochuan was unfamiliar with his life here. In order to avoid causing trouble, he did not leave Mo Tianxiang's residence in one step. There was an order before Mo Tianxiang left. The beautiful maids in this palace actually brought Ning Xiaochuan hereafter. Meticulous.

Even in Ning Xiaochuan, he felt that if he stayed here again, I'm afraid he would move towards the path of motherhood.

Fortunately, about five days after Ning Xiaochuan arrived here, Mo Tianxiang finally returned.

Compared with when he left, Motianxiang's breath was obviously weakened a lot, apparently he had been severely punished, which made Ning Xiaochuan also unable to bear the strict words of secretly the rules of Moya Mountain.

A Tianjiao like Motianxiang may be treated like a baby in other places, but here, Moyao Mountain said that he would be punished, and he would never be polite.

Just this point, we can see the essence and power of Moju Mountain.

As soon as Mo Tianxiang returned, he immediately pulled Ning Xiaochuan toward the outside.

"Follow me, I have arranged for the entry examination. Now as long as we go through the process, you will immediately be able to become a disciple of Mogaoshan just like me. Although it is only the lowest level disciple, I have secretly With your help, you will soon be a core disciple of Moju Mountain. "

Obviously, even during the period of punishment, Mo Tianxiang was busy with Ning Xiaochuan.

This is the terrible part of mind control. Even if Ning Xiaochuan let Mo Tianxiang die immediately, I am afraid he will not hesitate.

There are two ways to recruit disciples in Motuo Mountain. The first is to pick out the real geniuses from this star field, and then cultivate them step by step.

Another way is to plunder Tianjiao directly from other star domains. If the gods out of Moju Mountain see those talented Tianjiao elsewhere, and there is no huge power behind the other party, then they will These arrogants will be looted directly, making them disciples of Moyao Mountain.

Like blood, this is how he became a disciple of Moyaoshan.

After knowing this, Ning Xiaochuan even wondered whether the princes and other people who disappeared in the source realm were also discovered their amazing talents, so they were brought to a great force to cultivate them.

After all, in all the arrogance of the gods palace, the blood is not too good, and even he can enjoy the treatment that is valued by the Supreme. If a **** finds a deity, etc., he will immediately be regarded as a treasure. I refuse to let go.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's way to join Moju Mountain is to take this first path, first become a low-level disciple of Mozhu Mountain, and then climb up step by step.

Although this method is a bit slower, but it is also a helpless thing. Who made Ning Xiaochuan's body now has only 72 aspects.

If the godhead in his body had 720 aspects, I'm afraid I could be an inner disciple of Moju Mountain immediately.

The place to participate in the assessment of Moju Mountain is on another star in this galaxy.

This star is not too far away from the star where Ning Xiaochuan is at this moment, so Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang did not drive the starry boat at all, and the figure directly swept the starry sky and fell on this assessment planet.

As soon as he landed, Ning Xiaochuan's ear suddenly heard a man's voice.

"Haha, Tianxiang, why do you have time to come to the assessment star, I heard that you were bullied once by the guys in the punishment hall because of the failure of the lead mission. Just in my hand, I had a potion to repair the vitality, so I gave it in Sister you brought it. "

Although he didn't see the person who spoke, but from the sound alone, Ning Xiaochuan felt that the character was frivolous.

In the beginning, he even called the name of the sky incense, but later he changed directly to his sister.

From this point of view, this person can be regarded as a pick-up master.

Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang turned together, and they saw a young man covered with white clothes, holding a white-colored sheathed sword in his hand, and walking from the starry smile.

At his moment, he stepped on a colorful Changhong, which erected a Hongqiao in the starry sky, and the young man stepped on the Hongqiao and landed step by step.

Judging from the appearance, this young man can be regarded as personable, but his demeanor at the moment makes people feel a ridiculous feeling.

The young man smiled, his eyes stayed on Motianxiang, and after falling from the air, he stepped up to Motianxiang and said, "Sister Tianxiang, I've managed to get this elixir, let's find a place first. Let me help you take the elixir. "

It was just that his intimacy was totally useless, and the magical look of the sky was cold. He stretched out his arms to hold Ning Xiaochuan and walked forward.

Seeing that Mo Tianxiang even took the arm of another man, the young man's face turned iron blue, and his eyes seemed to be filled with blood red.

"Damn, who is this kid?" The young man grunted coldly in his mouth, his figure flashed, and he stopped in front of Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang.

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