Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1174: Report

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The young man stopped in front of Mo Tianxiang and Ning Xiaochuan, but his face immediately returned to his smiling face, and his face changed so quickly that people were amazed.

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan with a smile, the young man said, "Tianxiang, who is this brother? Why haven't you heard of it before? Is it a young handsome man in Devil's Mansion?"

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the young man in front of him. He originally thought that the other party was just a coward, but judging from the reaction of the young man, the young man's mind was much stronger than those who had seen Ning Xiaochuan before.

This young man was obviously a suitor of Mo Tianxiang, but when he saw Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang walking together intimately, he didn't have a direct attack.

Just this, let Ning Xiaochuan secretly sigh, the **** of civilization of Shenhe, it really does not have a simple goods.

Glancing at the young man, Ning Xiaochuan secretly said to Mo Tianxiang: "Tianxiang, who is this person?"

Soon, Mo Tianxiang came over and said, "Mu Dong is also a Tianjiao in Moxian Mountain, and his status in Moxian Mountain is about the same as those of Tianjiao that you killed before, but because his origin is better, It is the descendant of an old ancestor of the demon world, and this old ancestor and my father also have a little friendship, so this Mudong has been pestering me. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and then said: "It turned out to be only the bottom of Moxu Mountain, Tianxiang, you find an excuse to get over him, don't entangle him more."

Xiuwei is a genius figure who has not reached the realm of the gods.

The Tianjiao of Motuo Mountain is also divided into several levels. The lowest level is similar to that of Mu Dong. The condensed aspect of the godhead is more than five hundred, but it does not exceed one thousand.

Tianjiao at this level is regarded as the most common and most common Tianjiao in Moyao Mountain.

Tianjiao, who ranks higher than them, is similar to Motianxiang. The condensed godhead has more than a thousand faces, but it has not reached 1,800 aspects.

The reason why one thousand eight hundred facets are used as the demarcation point, instead of two thousand facets, is because of the arrogance of the Supreme Body, the condensed godhead is generally one thousand eight hundred facets.

Even in the Shenhe civilization, there are not many Tianjiao who can cultivate the Supreme Body. Tianjiao at this level has already been regarded as the top Tianjiao of Shenhe civilization, second only to the Tianjiao that condenses the king of the gods.

In the Mogao Mountain, the Tianjiao who has the highest status is naturally the Tianjiao who condenses the king of gods.

Peerless Tianjiao, the king of godheads, is rare even in Moju Mountain. The total number of Peerless Tianjiao at this level of the entire Mozhushan is estimated to not exceed ten.

At this moment, when Mo Tianxiang received the instructions from Ning Xiaochuan, he looked coldly at Mu Dong and said, "Mutong comes, you're better off with my affairs in the future, and my father has arranged for me the future husband. , So even if you entangle me, it's useless. "

Very direct way of rejection.

It may be that Mo Tianxiang really wanted to cut off the chaos at the moment, and quickly drove Mu Dong away.

However, when he heard the words "future husband" in the mouth of Ning Tianxiang, Ning Xiaochuan knew immediately that it was bad.

Mo Tianxiang is usually savvy, how can he be so idiotic in terms of feelings.

Hearing that a woman she likes to marry someone else, I am afraid that any man will violently run away because of this. Even if the patient is here, no matter how good the patient is, I'm afraid I can't take the blow.

As Ning Xiaochuan expected, the voice of Mo Tianxiang didn't fall, Mu Dong's look changed immediately. After looking at Mo Tianxiang coldly, his sight fell on Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan is the first suspicious object of the future husband in the mouth of Mo Tianxiang.

"Tianxiang, is he the future husband that Lord Devil chose for you?" He pointed at Ning Xiaochuan, and Mu Dong came over and looked grim.

"Of course not, he ..." Mo Tianxiang shook his head directly.

As a slave of Ning Xiaochuan, Mo Tianxiang did not dare to have the idea of ​​marrying Ning Xiaochuan in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

However, before Mo Tianxiang finished speaking, Ning Xiaochuan stepped out and came to Mu Dong and said, "Yes, I am his future husband."

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan admitting in person, Mo Tianxiang's face suddenly showed a little surprised look.

Mu Dong came to glance up and down Ning Xiaochuan, his face became increasingly ugly, and finally he shouted, straightened up and left completely.

"Finally left." Ning Xiaochuan pouted his lips.

Just now he really didn't want to see the situation continue to be chaotic. If Mo Tianxiang blindly denied his relationship with him, it would not only trigger Mu Dong's suspicion, but also likely to make this Mu Dong come to anger and anger, and directly to himself.

In this way, Ning Xiaochuan simply and directly acknowledged his relationship with Motianxiang. In this way, Ning Xiaochuan could use the forces behind Motianxiang to oppress this wooden east.

Anyway, Ning Xiaochuan's days at Moxu Mountain were at most only half a year. As long as he can get a place in the teleportation circle, a lie is nothing to Ning Xiaochuan.

Watching Mu Dong coming and leaving, Ning Xiaochuan immediately pulled Mo Tianxiang and said, "Let's go and go to take the assessment right away. Otherwise, this Mu Dong will most likely turn over and find us in trouble."

Mo Tianxiang nodded, and led Ning Xiaochuan towards the assessment point.

Although this Mu Donglai is quite thoughtful, he is definitely not a broad-minded person.

When Ning Xiaochuan took the voucher of the ordinary disciple of Motuo Mountain and got the bronze token, Mu Donglai reappeared in the sky above the assessment star.

Appearing with Mu Donglai, there is also a middle-aged man who looks serious and seems to exude a chill all the time.

"Mudong, do you say the offender is on this assessment star?" Staring at the assessment star under his feet, the middle-aged man looked coldly.

The voice of this middle-aged person passed into Mu Donglai's ears, and immediately made Mu Donglai tremble as if he fell into an ice cave.

Although he was uncomfortable, Mu Donglai did not dare to show it at all, because at this moment he was a god.

This deity did not show his divine power, but as a divine power, he showed it all the time. Even if it was a sentence, it was enough to make the second **** such as Mu Dong uncomfortable for a long time.

Reluctantly resisting the coldness on his body, Mu Dong nodded and said: "Yes, the elder punished, the person I want to report against the rules is on this star. At present, he should be with the magic incense of Tianjiao Palace. . "

"Magic incense!"

The middle-aged man named Xing Ming glanced coldly at the appraisal star in front of him. After just glancing at it, he found the trace of Motianxiang.

Immediately, his figure disappeared and appeared on the assessment star.

Mu Donglai stood in the starry sky, but at the moment began to show a sneer on his face: "Devil of Heaven, you secretly contacted Mo Shi, the appraiser of the star, and wanted to cram an unqualified person into my magic mountain, I have long been I know, but before I was too lazy to care about this, now you are actually running the back door for your so-called future husband, so don't blame me for being cruel. Signs, he is absolutely severely punished, and I see if you, the future husband, can withstand the punishment of the elders in prison. "

With a cold snoring in his mouth, Mu Donglai followed the name of the sentence and landed on the assessment star.

On the assessment star at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang are standing in front of a young man with a bright smile.

This young man is named Mo Yan. He is also the Tianjiao of Moxian Mountain, like Motianxiang. He is the master of this assessment star. Motianxiang walked his way, so he could let Ning Xiaochuan join Moxian Mountain. .

Faced with a smile of Mo Yan, Ning Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Brother Mo, I really want to thank you this time. Without Brother Mo's help, I'm afraid I won't be able to join Moju Mountain at all."

This Mo Yan really helped Ning Xiaochuan this time, and the other person didn't look bad. Ning Xiaochuan naturally didn't mind saying a few more words to him.

Mo Yan smiled and shook his head in front of Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Brothers, you're out of sight. I need to finish the life of Princess Tianxiang. Not to mention, you just join the Moya Mountain and become a Moya There are only ordinary disciples in the mountains. The ordinary disciples in Motuoshan do not have hundreds of millions, or at least tens of millions. It is nothing to be alone if you are more than one. If you want to be an elite disciple in Motuoshan, I ca n’t help What are you doing? "

The disciples of Motuo Mountain, in addition to the ordinary disciples at the bottom, are then the elite disciples and Tianjiao.

Mo Yan's authority is nothing more than to help Ning Xiaochuan become an ordinary disciple.

This level is considered to be the most lax in the assessment of disciples under the gate by Moyao Mountain. It can be said that usually no one cares about the existence of these low-level disciples.

It is because of this that Mo Tianxiang is confident that he can make Ning Xiaochuan a disciple of Moyao Mountain.

"Who is it?" As Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Yan joked casually, Mo Tianxiang standing beside him suddenly gave a cold drink.

At the same time, the name of the sentence appeared directly in front of them.

"Elder Xingming!" Seeing the appearance of the person, no matter whether it was Mo Tianxiang or Mo Yan, his face suddenly changed.

Although Ning Xiaochuan did not know the identity of the person who came, but from the reaction of Mo Tianxiang and Mo Yan, he was able to tell that he was not good at this moment.

In fact, there is no need for Ning Xiaochuan to guess. When Mu Donglai's figure appeared immediately, Ning Xiaochuan immediately knew the situation at the moment.

Although Ning Xiaochuan had anticipated that Mu Donglai might avenge himself, he did not expect that Mu Donglai would be so decisive. He just left and immediately brought people back to revenge.

"Mutong is here, is this the person you are reporting from?" Immediately after the appearance of Xing Ming appeared, he pointed his finger at Ning Xiaochuan Road.

Mu Donglai smiled proudly on his face, then nodded: "Elder Xingming is him."

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