Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1175: Check level

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"Second God Nine Heavy, even just joined my Moxie Mountain, and is still the lowest disciple." Xing Ming stared at Ning Xiaochuan, said in his mouth.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's identity card for the disciple of Motuo Mountain can represent his identity as a disciple of motorcycle god, it also allows his name to be seen.

The sub-gods at the bottom of the disciples in Moxu Mountain all joined Moxu Mountain very early and came to this step after hard work.

Like Ning Xiaochuan, Jishen Jiuzhong chose to join the Moya Mountain, which is extremely rare.

Except for those geniuses, Moxu Mountain would not recruit such disciples at all.

Anyway, for the magic mountain, some sub-level disciples are nothing.

The criminal name glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, then looked at Mo Yan, coldly: "Mo Yan, now you are responsible for assessing the star, what is going on?"

Mo Yan's face was pale at this moment, he glanced at Mo Tianxiang quietly, and then he sighed unluckily in his heart, and then he prepared to speak to resist this incident.

Of course, if he took care of this incident, Mo Tianxiang would not have any responsibility, but Ning Xiaochuan who wanted to mix in Moya Mountain would definitely receive the most severe punishment.

According to the rules of Moyao Mountain, the lower the level of disciples, the more severe the punishment after normal violations.

As for those disciples who are not Moyao Mountain, but violate the rules of Moyao Mountain, Moyao Mountain will directly kill them.

This is why Mu Dong is here to invite his name.

Mogao Mountain doesn't care much about the demon palace behind Motianxiang. If the criminal name killed Ning Xiaochuan directly today, even if he is really the future husband that the demon king found for Motianxiang, I am afraid the devil will have to swallow this breath and re- Mo Tianxiang is looking for a future husband.

However, before Mo Yan spoke, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly said, "Senior, I don't know if you are the senior of Moxie Mountain. I did just recently joined Moxie Mountain, so I don't know much about Moxie Mountain. "

"What? This kid can still be so calm at this time, but even if you calm down, you can't escape punishment today." Mu Dong came to look at Ning Xiaochuan, the more disdainful his face became.

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, the name frowned and looked at Ning Xiaochuan: "I am the elder of the Temple of Punishment. Since you want to join Mogao Mountain, you should understand the rules of Mogao Mountain. God level, if you want to join Mogao Mountain again, you must have certain talents to summon your virtual godhead. I want to check it. "

The sound of the sentence passed into the ears of the three magic sky incense, and the three of them who were frozen immediately could not help shaking.

Mu Dong, who was standing next to Xing Ming, was cold at the moment, but his expression was full of pride.

"Checking the virtual goddess, isn't this a joke? The minimum requirement for the second **** to join the Magic Mountain is five hundred aspects of the godhead. If this kid has this talent, why would he come to Mo Yan to run the back door, but it is strange to say, Lord Devil Why did you find such a waste for Mo Tianxiang to be a husband, and in the future, there is such a waste son-in-law, Master Devil's face is no longer necessary. "

With a proud sneer in his heart, Mu Dong's gaze has been glancing at Ning Xiaochuan's body.

After waiting for a while, Mu Dong came a little bit impatient: "Hey, you dare not listen to the order of the elders of the sentence, do you want to be taken back to the hall of punishment by the elder of the sentence for interrogation?"

Motianxiang approached Ning Xiaochuan and secretly said, "You can't go to the Temple of Punishment. The Temple of Punishment is for disciples in Moxu Mountain, and non-Moxu Mountain disciples only have a dead end in it."

After glancing at Mu Dong, Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly for a moment, then relieved, "It turned out to be Elder Xing, but I do n’t need to check this virtual godhead. I really do n’t have the right to join Mogao Mountain directly, so I commissioned it. Brother Mo helps. "

"So, you are acknowledging that you have violated the rules of My Encounter Mountain." Xing Ming's face was cold, but his voice seemed even colder. In a word, it seemed that several ice dumplings had fallen from his side.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan had no way to go, even his face began to change. Mu Donglai added proudly: "Elder Xingming, in accordance with my rules of Moxun Mountain, disciples of Moxun Mountain who violated the rules, as serious as the violation. To the extent that it will take a while for the Temple of Penalty to be closed tightly, and if these disciples who are not in Moyao Mountain are in chaos in my Moyao Mountain, then there is only one thing to kill.

"That's right." Nodded the penalty, and pointed out a finger at Mo Yan: "Mo Yan, you control the assessment star, but you violated the rules in private. Today I deprived you of the qualification to control the assessment star, and punished you to purple. Yunxing went up to mine for half a year. As for you, I will recapture the Mogokshan token on your body, and then you ... "

"Wait." After waiting for the sentence to be spoken, Ning Xiaochuan directly interrupted the sentence: "Elder, I just said that I just joined Mojushan, but I didn't say I violated the rules."

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan with an innocent look, Mu Dong's eyes widened and he glanced at Ning Xiaochuan several times before he snorted in his mouth.

"Huh, it's dead at this time. I see when you can."

From the beginning, Mo Tianxiang has not spoken.

It's not that she didn't want to get involved in it, but she knew very well that the elder Xingming was the old-fashioned name of Moxu Mountain. After his appearance today, Ning Xiaochuan was afraid that he could not escape the punishment.

So at this moment, Mo Tianxiang has been thinking about how to help Ning Xiaochuan escape.

Now suddenly I heard Ning Xiaochuan's words, Motian Shandons looked at Ning Xiaochuan in amazement.

There was almost no change in the name of the sentence, and even when he heard Ning Xiaochuan's sophistry, his eyes remained the same, but he said coldly: "To deceive the elders and punish them, according to the rules of Mengshan, they will die."

Mo Yan, who was listening a little at this moment, was trembling, looking at Ning Xiaochuan with a calm face, he could hardly help crying inwardly.

"Brothers, it's all this time, what's wrong with the elder Xing Ming. The elder Xing Ming is famous for being stupid. The more he talks with him, the more severe the punishment will be in the future. If I could just save my life just now to protect you , But now I am okay. "

Although he muttered in his heart, Mo Yan didn't dare to say it.

If you say these words in front of the sentence at this time, you will definitely be severely punished.

"Of course I didn't dare to deceive the elders. Brother Mo had indeed assessed me just now, so he gave me the token of the disciple of Mengshan." Ning Xiaochuan took out the token, and then continued: "If the elders can't believe Mo Brother, you can evaluate me once. "

"Well, you go around, don't you get to the starting point, just now the elder asked you to evoke the goddess, and you refused, what big tail wolf is still pretending." Mu Donglai seemed to be amused by Ning Xiaochuan's words With a grinning grin, he reached out and yelled at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan looked calm and glanced at Mu Dong and said, "Elder, this is the one who reported my violations just now. I just started, and I do n’t know that according to the rules of Moya Mountain, if someone slanders his disciples at will, but also deceives the elders. If so, what will happen? "

Although the name of the sentence is rigid, his head is not stupid. Knowing that Ning Xiaochuan was coming against Mu Dong at the moment, so he said coldly: "If the disciples of Tianjiao Palace have committed the crime you said, they need to be held in my punishment hall. day."

"Three days in the hall of punishment, this punishment seems very bad." Ning Xiaochuan murmured.

In fact, he knew in his mind that the punishment for the three days of the punishment of Moju Mountain should have been regarded as a severe punishment.

Mo Tianxiang was held in the Temple of Penalties for a few days before. In just a few days, her master of this sublime spirit was weak and weak, so it can be seen that the punishment in the Temple of Penalties is definitely not simply closed.

Mo Yan has been confused by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment. Looking at Ning Xiaochuan's so confident, he could only smile twice in his mouth, and blinked at Ning Xiaochuan at the same time, apparently indicating to Ning Xiaochuan. Ogawa don't play too much.

Ning Xiaochuan waved his hands at Mo Yan, and then looked up at Xing Ming and said, "Elder, although I am not very talented in martial arts practice, I still have a little accomplishment in mind training. Brother Mo has just checked It was only after my mind trainer level that I was allowed to become a disciple of Mojushan. "


Whether it was Mu Donglai or Mo Yan, even Mo Tianxiang and Xing Ming were all showing a little surprised look at this moment.

Even in the Shenhe civilization, the mind trainer is very popular.

Those low-level mind-cultivators are just fine, but those high-level mind-groomers are definitely in demand among the major forces of the Shenhe civilization.

According to the rules of Moxie Mountain, as long as the level of the mind-training master reaches the soul-level mind-training teacher, he can become the bottom disciple of Moxie Mountain and stay at the Moxie Mountain Yangxin Hall.

The king-level mind-raiser and the holy-level mind-raiser have already become equal to the elite disciples in Moxu Mountain.

When the level of the cultivator reaches Shennong level, the position of this cultivator in Moju Mountain is already comparable to Tianjiao in Momo Mountain.

At this moment, if Ning Xiaochuan can show the level of the soul-level mind-groomer, then it is logical for him to become a disciple of Moyao Mountain.

"It turns out that you are a mind trainer. If so, then you will summon your heart to raise your heart. I checked and immediately knew if you were eligible to join me at Mogao Mountain." The criminal name scanned Ning Xiaochuan again, Then coldly.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's mind moved, the real spirit of Yang Xin hiding in his body immediately appeared.

Staring at the nurturing heart that emerged from Ning Xiaochuan, Mu Dong came and looked dark and said, "Grass, this kid is really a nurturing heart. No, his nurturing heart is definitely not qualified. Otherwise, the magic heaven incense He ran a fart back door for him. "

After Ning Xiaochuan summoned Yang Xinzhen, he stepped forward and came to Ning Xiaochuan.

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