Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1176: Elite disciple

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The name of the punishment straddled Ning Xiaochuan's side step by step, and drew a divine power towards the heart of Yangxin.

This divine power fell on the cultivating heart, and a layer of golden light filled with sacred flavor suddenly appeared on Ning Xiaochuan's cultivating heart. In this layer of light, there was a faint ray of sky moving.

A few people here are not bad at the moment, seeing this scene, a word emerged in their hearts.

"Holy Mind Trainer!"

Even the name of the sentence, I was quite surprised to see Ning Xiaochuan said at the moment: "You turned out to be a holy spiritual master. According to your level, if you join my Moxie Mountain, you can immediately become an elite disciple, but if you If you work hard in Yang Xin Dian, the treatment can even be comparable to the ordinary Tianjiao. Now I will confirm again. Are you sure you want to join me?

What is Elder Xingming doing?

Would you like to let this kid join Mogushan?

When Mu Dong came to see this scene, he suddenly looked eagerly: "No, if he is really a holy spiritual master, how could he just get the token of an ordinary disciple just now."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Mu Dong and looked calmly: "I'm sorry, I concealed my strength just now, so Brother Mo Yan didn't check my true level."

Mo Yan had already smiled at the moment, and he kept nodding immediately after hearing the words: "Yes, yes, yes, just now I thought Brother Ning was just a soul-level mind-trainer. Who knows that he is a holy-level mind-trainer. If the elder finds it, I'm afraid I'm going to miss out on a talent for us this time. "

Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Yan sang together, almost making Mu Dong's angry nose almost crooked.

But at this moment, he had nothing to do, and with a grunt in his mouth, he turned to leave.


At this moment, a hazy mist suddenly emerged from the elder Xingming, instantly covering Mu Donglai in it.

There was a sound of rattling and clicking from Mu Dong's body. His body was frozen directly, and he could no longer move.

"Stigmatizing the same door and deceiving the elders, Tianjiao Palace disciple Mu Dong came and punished him for three days in the hall of punishment." A cold voice came from the mouth of Xingming.

Immediately, the elder Xingming rushed towards Mu Donglai's body, and Mu Dong's frozen body suddenly flew towards the starry sky, and flew towards the Temple of Punishment of Moji Mountain.

After punishing Mu Donglai, the name turned and looked at the three people of Ning Xiaochuan: "Mo Yan's punishment exemption. As for Ning Xiaochuan, you are already a holy spiritual trainer and you can directly become an elite disciple in Moxu Mountain. This is an elite disciple The token is limited to you within three days, to report to the Temple of the Mengshan Yangxin. "

When Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Yan were tried, the name of the sentence turned and disappeared in the eyes of Ning Xiaochuan.

Although his elder personality is cold, his behavior is extremely simple.

When the elder Xing Ming left, Mo Yan could not help but laughed.

"Haha, brother Ning, this time you gave Mudong this guy a terrible thing, but I like it, I have long seen this guy unpleasant."

Mo Yan and Mu Donglai are both Tianjiao at the same level in Moxu Mountain, so now they don't have any worries at all.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was holding a white jade brand with a slight white light in his hand. This white jade brand was the token of the elite disciple of Molang who had just been given his sentence.

"Three days later, I was asked to report to the Temple of Yangxin at Moxu Mountain. In this case, things are more troublesome." Staring at the jade card in his hand, Ning Xiaochuan groaned a little.

Originally according to his plan, he first became a disciple at the bottom of Moxu Mountain, and then tried to slowly climb up to get the status of an elite disciple within six months.

As long as he has the status of an elite disciple, Ning Xiaochuan is qualified to ride the magic circle on the magic mountain.

At that time, there was a secret help from Ferris, Ning Xiaochuan's teleportation formation was almost a matter of course.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan has leaked his identity as a mind-raising master. In this case, he must go to the Moxie Mountain Yangxin Hall to report.

The mentor and the warrior are treated differently at Moxu Mountain, and there is a huge gap between the two.

As long as you enter the Yangxin Hall, it is not the magician of the Yangxin Master, and Ning Xiaochuan can no longer help.

"Forget it, take a step and look at it. Tomorrow, you will go to Moyangshan Yangxin Hall to see it." Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment before making a decision in her heart.

Mo Yan had discovered that Ning Xiaochuan seemed to be a little bit stunned at this moment. He thought that Ning Xiaochuan was worried about Mu Dong's affairs, so he approached him and said, "Ning brother, this guy from Mu Dong doesn't have any helper in Yang Xin Dian. So Brother Ning needn't worry about Mu Dong coming to this guy, just ... "

"Just what?" Ning Xiaochuan looked at Mo Yan.

He had heard what Mo Yan said at the moment and seemed to want to warn himself.

"Well, let Princess Tianxiang tell you all right, I won't talk much, brother Ning, I will have a chance to reunite in the future." Mo Yan hesitated and turned away.

Such a strange situation naturally made Ning Xiaochuan more and more curious and turned to look at Mo Tianxiang. Ning Xiaochuan asked: "Tianxiang, what is going on?"

Mo Tianxiang's face showed a bit of anxiety and said, "The Yangxin Hall and Tianjiao Palace in Moxian Mountain have never been a fire and fire. If you join the Yangxin Hall, naturally you don't have to be afraid of Mu Dong, but the Yangxin Hall is very strict. It ’s harsh. It ’s said that the new disciples are almost all tormented by the veteran disciples inside. I think Mo Yan just wanted to tell the host, but he did n’t know what to say, so he just slipped away. ”

"Tortured by an old disciple, this doesn't matter. The old man bullies new people. This is the norm everywhere. Tomorrow I will enter the Yang Xin Dian. I will first adjust to the environment of Yang Xin Dian." Ning Xiaochuan waved his hands.

He Motianxiang returned to his residence. The next morning, Ning Xiaochuan, led by Motianxiang, rushed toward the Moxianshan Yangxin Hall.

The Yangxin Hall is already a truly important part of Mogao Mountain, so the Yangxin Hall of Mogao Mountain is not located in the Xinghe below, but is located above the Xinghe, the artifact Mogao Mountain.

The Mogao Mountain is so huge that it looks like a smooth cone with a sharp upper and lower circle from a distance. However, it can be found only when the Mogao Mountain is densely packed with buildings of various sizes.

These architectural styles are different, and different buildings have cut the entire Moya Mountain into several parts.

"Ning Xiaochuan, the different buildings on Mogao Mountain represent different forces, just like the round tower-shaped building over there, which is where the Mogao Mountain array law palace is located, and the shape over there is a monument-shaped building. It's the Temple of Punishment at Mogao Mountain ... "

Mo Tianxiang took Ning Xiaochuan and introduced everything here to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan once passed the memory of a Tianjiao in Moxu Mountain, and it's no stranger to everything here.

Looking all the way all the way around, soon, an area enveloped by colorful clouds appears in front of Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang.

This area is where the Temple of Mind Raising Hearts is located.

It is said that there are several Shennong-level mind-grooming masters working together in Moyangshan Yangxin Hall to refine a magic medicine, so the sky above Yangxin Hall is always covered by such a layer of colorful clouds.

The figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang flew to the edge of the Yangxindian area, and then stopped suddenly.

"Well, I know all this, do n’t your disciples in Tianjiao Palace rarely go to the Yangxin Temple? In order to avoid being noticed, you do n’t have to go this time either. I can go in alone. If something happens, I The trustee will go to Tianjiao Palace to pass on your message. "

Telling the sky incense, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flashed, and he rushed towards the Yangxin Hall ahead.

Just rushing into this colorful cloud, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt a strong medicinal scent flowing into his nose. After just smelling the fragrance around him, Ning Xiaochuan felt his energy was much more vigorous.

Now his cultivation has reached the level of Nine Gods, which can affect his elixir, which is almost extremely rare.

Even those 10,000-year-old psychic drugs have very limited effects on Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

However, the breath here can refresh Ning Xiaochuan's spirit. If an ordinary person is here, I'm afraid he only needs to take a breath, and the essence contained in this breath will immediately allow him to enter the ladder, and may even break directly into the heaven and earth.

"Amazing, the colorful haze here is definitely not just caused by a few Shennong alchemists. These haze should be formed by the elixir of escape from the Yangxin Hall."

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and adjusted his state to the best state before diving straight down.

Appearing in front of Ning Xiaochuan is a palace like Yang Xin.

Unlike Ning Xiaochuan's Yangxin Hall, which has been in contact with Dayan World, there are too many Xinyang Halls in Moya Mountain, so this Yangxin Hall cannot be called Yangxin Hall at all, but should be called Yangxin Hall Temple group.

Numerous yangxin halls were scattered all around, and Ning Xiaochuan glanced at will, and immediately descended toward a yangxin hall that looked the most ordinary.

The Mind-raising Hall at Motuo Mountain is actually an alliance of countless small-scale Mind-raising Halls. The first thing a new mind-giver must do is to find a Mind-raising Hall among these Mind-raising Halls and then join them.

What Ning Xiaochuan chose at this moment was this seemingly ordinary Yangxin Hall.

After stepping into this Hall of Yangxin, a rotten taste suddenly passed into Ning Xiaochuan's nose, as if no one had lived here for a long time.

"Did I be so unlucky that I came to an abandoned Yangxin Hall." Covering his nose, Ning Xiaochuan looked around.

After waiting for Ning Xiaochuan to complete a circle in the Yangxin Hall, from the side hall on the side, he suddenly rushed out of a tall, short, two weird-looking Yangzi.

"Haha, there is a newcomer, brothers, ready to greet the newcomer."

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