Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1178: Shennong lectures

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Chuanwu Yangxin Hall is one of the many ordinary Yangxin halls in Moxu Mountain.

The members of this heart-cultivating hall are the highest level of creation, and the highest level of mind-cultivating masters is the king-level mind-gathering master. In the magic mountain of Masters, such a heart-cultivating hall is simply a gathering place of waste.

After learning these truths from Song Fei's mouth, Ning Xiaochuan finally knew why it looked so shabby here.

But this is quite in line with the requirements of Ning Xiaochuan.

What Ning Xiaochuan wants now is a low-key, low-key to no one knows the best, as long as the last moment, he can stand out and **** the seat of the teleportation law.

"Master, I've heard people say that the magical teleportation matrix of Moyao Mountain is mainly used for the disciples to practice, so if you ride the telegraphic matrix, the warrior must be a generation of Tianjiao. You must have reached the bottleneck, and then have the permission to go out to practice after the elders of Shennong Temple have permission. I heard that the elders of Shennong Temple seem to be organizing an assessment. As long as those who pass the assessment, they can take the teleportation matrix to go out and practice. . "

Song Fei stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan, answering Ning Xiaochuan's questions constantly.

What surprised Ning Xiaochuan was that although Song Fei was average in strength and mediocre master level, he knew quite a lot. Many of the contents were unknown, but Song Fei knew it.

After questioning Song Fei for nearly half a day, Ning Xiaochuan and Song Fei went out together.

In order to avoid revealing any flaws, Ning Xiaochuan still pretended to be respectful to Song Fei at the moment, and Song Fei was a proud and proud boy.

After a brief acting, the two immediately convinced the ordinary mind trainers that Ning Xiaochuan had become the red man in front of Song Fei.

After fooling these ordinary mind trainers, Ning Xiaochuan stayed here and stayed here. He chose a secret room and walked in.

There is Song Fei guarding outside, and Ning Xiaochuan can rest assuredly here.

Although Ning Xiaochuan is now eager to rush to the source, but in terms of practice, Ning Xiaochuan has never relaxed.

Today, the breath of Shinto has been completely engraved on the white bone beads by Ning Xiaochuan, but what makes Ning Xiaochuan speechless is that Ning Xiaochuan did not expect the formation of a god.

That is to say, even if Ning Xiaochuan engraved all the ten laws of extinction into white bone beads, Ning Xiaochuan could not become a god.

The occurrence of such an abnormal situation brought Ning Xiaochuan's practice to a halt almost immediately.

No way, anyone who encounters this situation will have a headache.

Since the weird personality of Wanfa was condensed, Ning Xiaochuan ’s path of practice is very different from that of ordinary people. The experience of others ’practice is not of any use to Ning Xiaochuan.

It can be said that Ning Xiaochuan is now taking a completely new path of practice.

His practice has no experience to learn from, and no one can point him to it, and only he can perceive it by himself.

In Jiuyou Land, Ning Xiaochuan realized the method of enlightenment and promotion to practice, but at this moment, he can only improve his practice if he explores a new way of practice.

"Although my godhead is weird, no matter how weird it is, it is also the condensation of the law. It is closely related to the law. As long as I understand more ways of extinction, I will definitely improve my realm."

Ning Xiaochuan murmured secretly in his heart, and immediately began to think about robbing the position of the transfer method.

According to Song Fei, before the teleportation matrix was opened, the elders of the Shennong Hall organized an assessment, and those who passed the assessment had the right to ride the teleportation matrix.

In this way, Ning Xiaochuan should not worry.

He just has to wait quietly for a few months and then take the assessment.

The only problem is that Ning Xiaochuan doesn't know how strong his opponent is. If he meets a few mind trainers who are talented against the sky this time, he will be out of luck.

"It looks like I'm going to show up once this time to listen to a lecture from Moganshan Shennong."

Three days later, Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the back room.

From Song Fei's mouth, he has learned that the Moxieshan Yangxin Hall often has Shennong-level mind trainers to give public lectures to teach the experience of mind trainers.

This is the only place where the ordinary Yangxin Halls can't be compared with Mogao Mountain.

Shennong-level existence lectures are definitely a very important opportunity for the mind trainer.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to miss such an opportunity. Now that he has reached the limit in his cultivation of the mind trainer, Shennong is still one step away. Perhaps after hearing these Shennong lectures, he could completely break through.

Of course, besides that, Ning Xiaochuan also wanted to take this opportunity to meet the mind geniuses of Moxu Mountain.

In terms of the scale of the mind trainers in Moxu Mountain, the number of talented mind trainers comparable to Tianjiao is definitely not too small.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you represent the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall. Even if you are at the Shennong Hall, you must not lose the face of my Chuanwu Yangxin Hall."

At the entrance of Chuanwu Yangxin Hall, Song Fei's face continued to solemnly urge Ning Xiaochuan.

There is only one place for each of the Yangxin Halls to listen to Shennong's lectures. In the past, Song Fei was the one who went to the Chuanwu Yangxin Halls to attend the lectures.

But this time, it was replaced by Ning Xiaochuan.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass us." Ning Xiaochuan nodded pretendingly before he got up and flew towards Shennong Hall.

Watching Ning Xiaochuan fly away, those mind-raisers in the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall could not help at this moment, one by one beside Song Fei, trying to persuade Song Fei.

"Dian Lord, don't be fooled by this guy Ning Xiaochuan. From the moment he first arrived, I felt that this kid was not a thing. It is now obvious that he even took the Dian Lord to listen to Shennong's lectures. Robbed it. Otherwise, the master of the palace will definitely improve his level of mind-raising after listening to the lecture. "

"That's right, although Ning Xiaochuan has a little skill, but why did he go to Shennong's lectures? We have been in Chuanwu Yangxin Hall for a longer time than him, but we haven't been to Shennong's lectures."

"This Ning Xiaochuan doesn't understand any rules at all. As a newcomer, I don't know how polite. Our Chuanwu Yangxin Temple cannot tolerate such a person."

"Dear Lord, if you let Ning Xiaochuan go like this, you will endanger your seat."


A group of psychologists from the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall spared no effort to slander Ning Xiaochuan in front of Song Fei.

But this defamation was of no use to Ning Xiaochuan. Before they finished speaking, Song Fei's face had changed greatly, and he stretched out his fingers and yelled at them: "Grass, what are you all? Man, I have tested Ning Xiaochuan's ability, and I can tell you clearly, if anyone of you can have Ning Xiaochuan's ability, I will give him the opportunity to listen to Shennong's lecture next time. "

As soon as Song Fei's words came to an end, the mind keepers around him said in astonishment, "Dear Lord, what did you say?"

On the level of the mind-raising teacher, there are a few more brilliant than Song Fei, so these people are not convinced at all what Song Fei said at the moment.

"Of course, I said." Song Fei snorted coldly and left directly.

Before Ning Xiaochuan left, Song Fei already knew that Ning Xiaochuan was a sacred mind cultivator. A group of psychologists in the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall had the highest rank as the king.

Therefore, this is why Song Fei is so full of anger.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know at all. At this moment, Song Fei's words had already given him a bunch of opponents who were ready to challenge him in the Chuanyang Yangxin Hall.

Immediately after leaving Chuanwu Yangxin Hall, Ning Xiaochuan flew towards the highest hall on the top of all Yangxin Halls.

This hall at the very top of all Yangxin Halls is the famous Shennong Hall at Moxu Mountain.

The only people who can live in Shennong Temple are Shennong.

The Shennong-level mind-raising master is also regarded as an important figure in Moyao Mountain, so this Shennong Temple has a higher status in Moyao Mountain than Tianjiao Palace.

After all, Tianjiao Palace is just a group of Tianjiao who have not yet grown up. This group of Tianjiao will at least die on the road to becoming a god.

However, in the Shennong Hall, a group of Shennong has almost stood at the pinnacle of the spiritual master.

Even a dead person can be saved after being sent to the Hall of Yangxin. Therefore, even those Tianjiao, dare not offend the Shennong in the Shennong Temple at will.

Although the Holy Spirit Master and Shennong have only one realm left, the difference between the two is almost the difference between heaven and earth.

Immediately after Ning Xiaochuan entered the Shennong Hall, a large group of psychologists appeared. These psychologists had different looks, and some gathered together to speak. Some stood alone and frowned. Some even summoned the heart-drinking spirit, and began to make elixir in front of everyone.

After glancing around, Ning Xiaochuan could tell that almost all of them who appeared here at the moment were holy spiritualists.

Although there are several king-level mind-raising teachers, they are definitely not too many.

There are so many holy spiritual trainers in Moxu Mountain, and Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help secretly whispering secretly.

And after Ning Xiaochuan's arrival, there was still a steady stream of educators coming from below to enter this Shennong Hall.

After waiting for about half a day, the top of this group of psychologists suddenly emerged a huge virtual shadow, the body of this virtual shadow is an old man with a white beard.

Although Ning Xiaochuan didn't know the old man, the other mind trainers around him were obviously familiar with this person.

Therefore, after seeing this phantom, the countless mind-raising teachers below immediately saluted this phantom respectfully: "Master Danbao."

The Shennong Xuying, named Dan Bao, waved a hand, and then said lightly: "No need to be polite, I will start the lecture right away. This time, you are still taught by the Holy Spirit Master to break through the experience of Shennong and be able to understand It depends on you. "

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