Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1179: Genius brother

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Danbao Shennong did not show the ontology, but only part of the spiritual body came to lecture.

This phantom is the spiritual body of Danbao Shennong.

With a wave of his hand, a live beast immediately appeared in the hands of Danbao Shennong. Danbao Shennong's palm seemed to contain a world. He was bound by this beast, and no matter how the beast ran away, he could not escape. Out of the palm of Danbao Shennong.

"This is an ordinary Warcraft octagon from the demon world. I will kill it and then resurrect it. The reason for this is your own experience."

Danbao Shennong said quietly, the beast in his hand, the action gradually slowed down.

In the end, the beast fell to the ground, his eyes were dull, and then he lost his breath.

Even across the distance, Ning Xiaochuan could clearly feel that this beast did lose all vitality.

"The resurrection of dead things is the basic requirement for a mind-raiser to reach the level of Shennong. I don't know how the Danbao Shennong's method is better than that of the ugly mother-in-law." Muttered.

The ugly mother-in-law is a real Shennong-level psychologist. However, the ugly mother-in-law should now be in the source world with the Zijin emperor and others.

The thought of Yu watermelon and others flashed in front of Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, making him feel restless.

At this moment, Danbao Shennong had already pointed at the beast in front of him, and this beast twitched a few times before slowly crawling up.

Seeing such a crucial scene, Ning Xiaochuan immediately hurriedly converged and looked carefully.

He has read it out, probably because of the relationship between teaching, so the Danbao Shennong did not completely save the beast, but saved it half.

At this moment, this beast is like Princess Lan Fei who was resurrected from the original ugly mother-in-law. It can only be regarded as a corpse slave, not at all.

"This is the several levels that must be passed to enter Shennong. First, we must be able to resurrect the corpse. Even if only the other party is resurrected to become a corpse slave, it can be considered a step towards Shennong." Danbao Shennong's voice spread To this palace.

Among the many holy spiritualists below, at this moment, several people took out a living creature directly, killed it on the spot, and then imitated the appearance of Danbao Shennong to start saving these dead things.

Most of them failed naturally, but a few of them were able to barely resurrect the dead.

The reason why they were resurrected half is because the dead objects they resurrected have a strong vitality on their bodies. They are not like Danbao Shennong. Resurrecting a corpse slave several times can also keep the corpse slaves from becoming infected once they die .

But as a holy spiritual trainer, they are able to do this, which is already quite rare.

Ning Xiaochuan has begun to quietly write down the appearance of these people.

A few months later, these people were all his competitors in the assessment of the transmission quota.

At this moment in the hall, there are only three people who can resurrect the dead most successfully. One of them is a man with disheveled hair and a sloppy look.

The other was an old man with a goatee, which looked rather long and cumbersome, but his eyes were serious.

The last one was a woman with a long body, almost taller than the average man. If you look at the figure, the woman is more charming than anything else, but she is very ordinary, and there are even freckles on her cheeks.

These three people were remembered by Ning Xiaochuan.

Dan Bao Shennong told the truth about the resurrection of the deceased, and then he took a little hand and completely resurrected the beast in his hand.

This fierce beast is a kind of fierce beast that is very common in the demon world. It already has a certain amount of wisdom. After dying once, it seems quite low, and it can no longer jump like wanton before.

Danbao Shennong took away this beast and looked at the people below: "You are all geniuses in the Temple of Yangxin. If you have any questions, please ask me and I will answer as much as possible. you guys."

As soon as Danbao Shennong's words fell, the man with hair in his hair jumped up immediately, and asked a question about the mind trainer.

Danbao Shennong groaned for a while before giving a detailed answer.

The mind trainers around, were listening carefully to such a question and answer.

You know, the person asking the question at the moment is the mind trainer who is at a level with them, so the question asked by this person is likely to be a question that has puzzled them for a long time, so these mind trainers are now more than just now. Also focus on a few points.

Except for Ning Xiaochuan, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan's brows were frowning, and Dan Bao Shennong's voice was not heard at all.

At the moment Ning Xiaochuan's mind was thinking about another issue.

"After the fall of the gods, only Shennong was able to use them to resurrect them. Originally, I wanted to bring Stuart ’s goddess. After seeing the ugly mother-in-law, let the ugly mother-in-law revive him, but now, even if I arrive In the world, you may not find the ugly mother-in-law. In this case, should I ask about Dan Bao Shennong's method of resurrecting Stuart. "

Although Stuart ’s deity is now preserved by Ning Xiaochuan, there is no problem for the time being.

But the longer it took to resurrect Stuart Lang, the more difficult Stuart wanted to restore his strength in the future.

If Situ Lang could be resurrected at this moment, Situ Lang's realm of God could help Ning Xiaochuan immediately.

Not to mention, just rushing to the source world, if Situ Lang was here, Ning Xiaochuan would not use it to adventure at Moxu Mountain as long as he found a way to break the world.

Almost just hesitating for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan made a decision in his mind, he must seize this opportunity and ask Danbao Shennong how to resurrect Situ Lang.

After making a decision, Ning Xiaochuan waited for a moment. After waiting for the confusion of a mind trainer, Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to ask questions.

"Master Shennong, if there is a lower god, only the godhead is left to be killed, and I don't know how to resurrect."

When Ning Xiaochuan asked the question, he immediately looked nervously at Danbao Shennong.

And those holy spiritualists in the surrounding area looked at Ning Xiaochuan one by one at this moment.

These mind keepers belong to Mogao Mountain, so generally there are war dead gods in Mogao Mountain, but if the gods are preserved, they will usually be sent to the Shennong Temple to resurrect them.

But Ning Xiaochuan asked directly at this moment, which shows that the deity he is going to resurrect is not the deity of Mogao Mountain.

The Mogao Mountain has a huge power in the demon world, but it is not always friendly to other gods other than the Mogao Mountain.

So at this moment these holy spiritualists want to see how Danbao Shennong will handle this.

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's inquiry, Danbao Shennong's imagination turned his gaze over.

After glancing at Ning Xiaochuan again, Danbao Shennong was slightly surprised: "You are the one who raises the heart, how have I never seen you before."

"Master Shennong, I am a member of the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall. I just joined the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall the other day." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Chuanwu Yangxin Hall!


Ning Xiaochuan instantly felt a sound of noise around him.

The holy spiritualists in the surrounding area suddenly looked at the monsters and looked at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Well, what's going on?" Ning Xiaochuan came to Shennong Hall this time, but he was fully prepared, but he didn't expect that he just mentioned the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall, and those around him You will be surprised.

Ning Xiaochuan did not know that the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall is the worst known among all the Yangxin Halls here.

Otherwise, when Ning Xiaochuan just entered the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall, the buildings in the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall will not be broken to that extent.

However, the reason why Ning Xiaochuan chose this Chuanwu Yangxin Hall is because the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall looks ordinary.

But if that's the case, these mind trainers around will definitely not be surprised to such an extent.

At this moment, these mind-raising masters are surprised that the person who came to the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall to attend the seminar of Shennong is actually not the master of the Wonderful Hall of Chuanwu Yangxin Hall.

"It's weird. But Song Fei's Yangxin Hall has been taught by Shennong's guy. Even the talented cultivators in their Yangxin Hall are not eligible to come here. Strange kid. "

"This kid is a sub-god realm. In all likelihood, he took Song Fei for a meal, and snatched the place for this class."

"Yes, this is quite possible."

"Haha, if that's the case, then this kid is going to be bad. Song Fei's brother, Song Tian, ​​is not a mess. When Song Tian returns, this kid will be finished."

"Song Tian is not only the peerless genius of our Yangxin Hall, but also a generation of Tianjiao in Tianjiao Palace. It is said that he is a born supreme body, and the condensed aspect of the godhead is infinitely close to the level of the king of godhead. He treats him as a waste brother Song Fei was quite spoiled, even at the expense of costing him a seat in the heart of the palace. I heard that anyone who had offended Song Fei before was all dealt with in secret by Song Tian, ​​even if it was punished. The palace is unwilling to punish Song Tian, ​​a peerless arrogant. "


The talking voices around Ning Xiaochuan's ears suddenly changed the look of Ning Xiaochuan.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan's face changed not only because he knew Song Tian's existence, but because he already felt that he had been impressed by the slave's mark planted by Song Fei.

No one in Chuanwu Yangxin Hall can do this.

"Is it Song Fei's genius brother Song Tian that is here? It won't be so coincidental." Ning Xiaochuan said secretly.

At this moment, the Danbao Shennong has spoken again: "If you want to use a **** to resurrect the god, there are many aspects involved. Take the **** in your hand and let me take a look."

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