Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1180: Dangerous situation

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To resurrect a god, you need to look at the godhead.

Ning Xiaochuan hesitated for a moment. After all, it was Moyao Mountain. Ning Xiaochuan didn't know what effect he would have if he took out Situ Lang's godhead.

Maybe it is possible for the deities of Moyao Mountain to directly destroy Stuart after they feel it.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan hesitant, Danbao Shennong immediately laughed and said, "Rest assured, although our Mogao Mountain is more exclusive, if there is no resentment between your god-level friend and my Mogao Mountain, Mogao Shan doesn't embarrass him. And when I look at the god's personality, I want to see how much he has suffered before, and then I can remedy it and resurrect it. "

After listening to Danbao Shennong's words, Ning Xiaochuan's expression calmed down a lot.

He had previously heard Stuart Long said that he himself came from the heavenly realm of the Eight Realms of Shenhe Civilization, and had never been to the Demon Realm, so it was impossible for him to have any grudges with Moyao Mountain.

He waved his hand to take out Situ Lang's goddess, and Ning Xiaochuan walked in front of Danbao Shennong Xuying and handed this glorious godhead to him.

The mind keepers around were mostly curious watching Ning Xiaochuan's every move, seeing Ning Xiaochuan taking out such a godhead with only three hundred facets, their faces suddenly showed a slight disapproval.

The three hundred aspects of the goddess are among the gods at Moju Mountain at the lowest level.

The members of Mojiao Mountain Tianjiao Palace, after they have become the gods, have the weakest aspects of the godheads above 500.

In such an environment, although the mind keepers of Motuo Mountain themselves are not so clever, their vision is not low, so even the gods who have more than 300 facets and gods are not considered.

Danbao Shennong didn't care about this, reached out and took the godhead into his hands, and then began to shoot a beam of light towards the godhead.

On these beams of light, there is a strong sacred breath.

Absorbing these pillars of light, Stuart's godhead immediately began to shine brightly.

Danbao Shennong looked indifferent, and suddenly said at this moment: "The resurrection of the dead life is only the most basic requirement of the Shennong-level psychologist. After reaching the realm of Shennong, the way to go is to resurrect the gods. Only the gods can be resurrected. It is truly stepped into the realm of Shennong, and the limit that most Shennong, including me, can do is to resurrect the **** with the help of the gods who have not melted. It is said that the most powerful Shennong does not need the gods, but With the slightest breath left by the gods, they can be resurrected. "

When treating Stuart Lang, Danbao Shennong still did not forget to give lessons to the mind trainers below.

However, just as Danbao Shennong kept talking, some sparkling rays of light burst out from the top of Stuart ’s godhead. Danbao Shennong's consciousness was tightly stained a little, and he suddenly screamed. stand up.


Danbao Shennong's consciousness suddenly disappeared at this moment.

After Ning Xiaochuan's silence for a while, he quickly reached out and grabbed Situ Lang's character, and put it away again.

"How is this going?"

"Danbao Shennong disappeared suddenly."

"What seems strange about that godhead just now? Is it something that happened when Danbao Shennong treated him?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is just a godhead with more than 300 aspects. Danbao Shennong is said to have even treated a deity with a thousand aspects."


The mind trainers below noticed such anomalous changes and suddenly made surprise sounds one by one.

Ning Xiaochuan was also at a loss at this moment, not sure what was going on.

Just when they were in a panic, Danbao Shennong's figure suddenly appeared again, and what appeared now was not Danbao Shennong's consciousness but his body.

Just now, Danbao Shennong exclaimed: "This is the end of this lecture, you all disperse."

Although the mind trainers who listened to the lessons below were shocked, they didn't dare to refute Danbao Shennong, and got up and flew away one by one.

Ning Xiaochuan also wanted to leave, but was stopped by Shennong.

"You guys, don't you want to know how to treat your friend? I can tell you that your friend's situation is extremely special. If you leave now, I am afraid that his personality will be as long as the time elapses. It just crashed. "

"What?" Ning Xiaochuan froze for a moment.

Danbao Shennong has just checked Stuart ’s personality, so what he said at the moment was extremely credible.

With almost no hesitation, Ning Xiaochuan turned around and walked back.

He would never watch Situ Lang die.

Moreover, Ning Xiaochuan was vaguely aware that Danbao Shennong did not seem to hurt his mind.

When walking to Danbao Shennong, Ning Xiaochuan asked: "Master Shennong? What is the situation of my friend, can you explain it carefully?"

Danbao Shennong nodded and said, "Your friend should be killed by a very powerful god. Although he was rescued at the last minute, the **** who killed him was too powerful. His power It ’s eroded into your friend ’s personality, and this power is still increasing. After this force suppresses your friend ’s consciousness, his personality will completely collapse. My consciousness is just this power. It was a little bit contaminated, so it collapsed directly. This power was too overbearing, and it almost hurt my body. "

Referring to the situation just now, even the face of Danbao Shennong also showed a scared expression. Fortunately, it was his conscious body that rescued Situ Lang's godhead. Otherwise, the spark of fire from the godhead, Maybe even his body can be destroyed.

Ning Xiaochuan's face changed greatly.

Danbao Shennong was right, killing Stuart Lang, but the Fengzhujun who was so powerful. With Feng Zhujun's strength, as long as a trace of his strength remains, it is enough to destroy Situ Lang.

"Is there a way for Lord Shennong to rescue my friend? I will save him even if I die." Staring at Danbao Shennong, Ning Xiaochuan looked dignified.

After entering the Shenhe civilization, the only friend Ning Xiaochuan met was Situ Lang, so in any case, Ning Xiaochuan did not want to see Situ Lang die like this.

"It's exactly the same as mine!" Danbao Shennong didn't answer Ning Xiaochuan directly, but stared at Ning Xiaochuan, sighing in his heart.

At that time, when Danbao Shennong was young, a friend was seriously injured. Danbao Shennong tried his best, but ultimately failed to save the friend.

So at this moment, seeing Ning Xiaochuan so desperately for Stuart Lang, Danbao Shennong's heart suddenly felt emotion.

"Also, for the sake of his love for justice, I will go out and help him once this time." Instantly, Danbao Shennong made a decision in his heart.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know what Danbao Shennong was thinking, but Danbao Shennong seemed to be eager to look at himself.

"Come with me. Although I can't completely save your friend, I can barely save his life."

Danbao Shennong waved and took Ning Xiaochuan into the depths of the Shennong Hall in front of him.

At the same time, an angry voice spread out of Chuanwu Yangxin Hall among the many Yangxin Halls below Shennong Hall.

"Someone dared to plant a slave mark on my brother. If it wasn't in time for me to return, wait for this mark to be fully integrated into my brother's mind. No one can save my brother then.

In the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall, a group of Xinyang masters who belong to the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall are mostly trembling to the side.

In the center of the Yangxin Hall, a young man with a long figure and a long eyebrow is standing here, with an arrogant and invincible breath on his body. Anyone who sees him will feel that this talent is The center of heaven and earth.

This person is Song Tian, ​​Song Fei's genius brother.

As a generation of Tianjiao of Moyao Mountain, Song Tian's status in Moyao Mountain is even higher than that of Motianxiang, and his strength is extremely amazing. Just looking at Song Fei before, he saw Song Fei The truth of being imprinted by slaves.

In this regard, Song Tian was naturally furious and immediately began investigating the truth.

After investigating the facts, Song Tian has been waiting in the Hall of Cultivation of Hearts in Chuanwu, waiting for Ning Xiaochuan to return, then taking Ning Xiaochuan directly to avenge his brother.

"Damn, this Ning Xiaochuan is so bold. When I catch him, I will not simply let him go."

Song Tian's eyes flashed with anger, his face was cold and abnormal.

As the top genius of Mogao Mountain, Song Tian never thought of these bottom-level characters in his eyes.

Like before, there were a few newcomers in the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall who were dissatisfied with his brother, and secretly targeted his brother. In the end, all of them were directly caught by Song Tian, ​​and Xiuwei was abolished and thrown into a remote planet. Let them be tortured on these remote planets, and then die on their own.

But before those newcomers, no one like Ning Xiaochuan had done this to the point that he had planted his brother directly into the slave mark.

Just now Song Tian has tried several times in succession, but he was unable to unravel the slave's mark planted by Ning Xiaochuan, but he could barely seal it.

This situation makes Song Tian extremely angry.

After waiting for a long time here, Ning Xiaochuan's figure didn't appear slowly. Song Tian stood coldly in the Chuanyang Yangxin Hall, and no longer had the patience to continue waiting, but waved to the group of ordinary mind-raising teachers around him. "You guys get out of here to see me. Why didn't that **** Ning Xiaochuan come back?"

Of course, these ordinary mind trainers would not let go of this opportunity to shoot Song Tian horses, and ran out quickly.

After a while, they rushed back again, and stood with a smile on their backs and stood in front of Song Tian. "Sir, we have already asked, Danbao Shennong's lecture was over, but Danbao Shennong took Ning Xiaochuan a The man stayed, and seemed to teach him something. He just left the Shennong Temple just now, but didn't come back to us, but flew in the direction of Tianjiao Palace. "

"This man was able to get in touch with Danbao Shennong, which is not easy." Song Tian smiled a bit coldly, but his voice was even colder: "But even if there is Danbao Shennong Protect him, he is dead. "

With a cold look, Song Tian suddenly disappeared into the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall.

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