Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1183: Doro the Great

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The vast collection of classics, Ning Xiaochuan was buried in these classics.

Research is practice!

The path to spiritual practice is originally to study all the way. Study yourself, study all things, study heaven, and the more thorough you study, the stronger your strength will be.

In the world of Da Yan, Ning Xiaochuan actually did similar things. Looking at the various classics that can be seen and exploring the horizon, it is definitely of great benefit to practice.

Ning Xiaochuan's vision has not actually jumped out of the shackles of Dayan World before.

Now Ning Xiaochuan studies these classics, on the one hand, studying his own personality, on the other hand, it is equivalent to increasing his vision and vision, so that he can truly integrate into the large environment of Shenhe civilization.

"There is even such a weird godhead, the godhead aspect will constantly jump between five hundred and one thousand."

In the secret room of the Motianxiang Residence, seven Ning Xiaochuan each sat in one place, each holding a jade charm. At this moment, one of Ning Xiaochuan's face screamed in astonishment.

Around the seven Ning Xiaochuan, there are also countless similar jade charms. This kind of jade charms was specially researched by Moyao Mountain to record various classics.

Just now Ning Xiaochuan saw a weird godhead named Tianji Godhead from this book.

After such a godhead is condensed out, every time the godhead aspect changes, it will automatically change.

Fortunately, this change in the aspect of the godhead has a scope, only between five hundred and one thousand aspects, otherwise, I am afraid that this godhead will torture his master. **** .

He threw the jade charm aside, Ning Xiaochuan waved and took another jade charm into his hand.

Ning Xiaochuan constantly checked these books, and also wanted to find some records about his own ten thousand deities from the books collected by Moxu Mountain.

It's just a pity that so far Ning Xiaochuan hasn't found anything that has anything to do with the ten thousand gods in his body.

"Doro the Great is the supreme power of Ashura. This power once relied on the strength of one person to completely unify the entire Ashura world ..."

What Ning Xiaochuan got at this moment is a biography of a character, and a biography of a great person who once appeared in the Shenhe civilization.

Forces such as Mogao Mountain, who can be qualified to be included in the classics, are definitely great figures in the history of Shenhe civilization.

This is how the Doro Emperor can become the king of Asura. The strength of the Doro Emperor is already at the pinnacle of the Shenhe civilization, and he definitely has the power of the Lord God.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced down casually.

Although he looked at various books, but his main concern was the introduction of the gods in these books.

There are all kinds of wonders in the world. Nowadays, weird gods like Ning Xiaochuan's Wanfa Godhead can definitely appear, and other kinds of other godheads will definitely appear. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan wants to seek a hint of inspiration from these strange godheads to enhance his godhead.

The introduction of Emperor Doro came to the end, but Ning Xiaochuan's expression was hardened.

Because at this moment, there was a special introduction about the practice of Emperor Doro.

When Emperor Doro did not achieve the position of Emperor, his strength has always been very ordinary, and the condensed godhead is only a thousand-faceted godhead.

Although such a godhead is already extremely rare in the Shenhe civilization, but a person with this level of godhead is simply not qualified to become an interface overlord.

But what is shocking is that when Emperor Doro was stuck at the bottleneck, he found a new way to find a way to use the refining method to temper his godhead and improve his godhead quality.

By this method, Emperor Doro tempered his godhead to more than two thousand aspects, condensing the true godhead.

Since then, the strength of Emperor Doro suddenly increased greatly, and he became the overlord of Asura.

Such a description immediately excited Ning Xiaochuan.

All the information he had obtained before emphasized that once the godhead is formed, it will be fixed and there can be no change.

But the Emperor Doro bluntly raised his godhead from a thousand aspects to 2,000 aspects.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at countless classics, and now it is the first time that I have seen someone be able to change the aspect of a godhead. Of course, like the natural godhead, the godhead who naturally changes the aspect is not counted.

Looking eagerly towards the introduction of Emperor Doro, Ning Xiaochuan's expression went dark.

Subsequent records show that the Lord Doro had once acknowledged himself that this method of improving the godhead was not very stable. He was also a coincidence that he could barely raise the godhead to more than 2,000 aspects. If others practice in the same way, it is absolutely impossible to improve the quality of the godhead.

This means that the experience of Emperor Doro is simply irreproducible. And after being elevated to the level of the King of Godhead, Dorothy ’s Godhead has reached the limit. If he is forcibly promoted, the Godhead will definitely break.

Therefore, when Emperor Doro was the strongest, there were only more than 2,000 aspects of the Godhead, which could not be raised to more than 3,000 in the legend.

Putting down this jade charm and taking a deep breath, Ning Xiaochuan's face improved a lot.

"The Doro Emperor relied on foreign objects to enhance his godhead quality. Therefore, he cannot be promoted to the level of the king of godheads, but my Wanfa godhead has his own evolutionary function and can finally evolve. To the extent that it should be more than 2,000 aspects. "

With a murmur in his heart, Ning Xiaochuan stood up directly and recovered all the six avatars scattered around him and reunited them.

Then, Ning Xiaochuan took out a mass of fist-sized, wrapped in a layer of shining ore.

These ore are rare ore from all parts of the Shenhe civilization, and were collected here by Ning Xiaochuan by the magic incense.

Ning Xiaochuan also felt the fact that his godhead could absorb the five elements of sand, so he would let the magic heaven collect these ore.

During this time, in addition to studying the classics around the Ning Xiaochuan, the rest of the time was devoted to studying these ores.

"Ice crystal jade, Wuling bone, iron fruit ..."

Ning Xiaochuan saw the ore in his hands and felt like he would put it down again.

After repeating this many times, after Ning Xiaochuan took another piece of ore into his hands, his look suddenly changed, and he lowered his head and began to carefully look at the ore in his hands.

"Fire Liu Tie, is it a mineral of the five elements?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Ning Xiaochuan waved all the minerals in front of her.

The research is here, in fact, Ning Xiaochuan has almost researched the results.

According to his research, the Wanfa Godhead in his body is indeed able to absorb these minerals, just like Doro the Great ’s personality evolution required countless precious materials. Ning Xiaochuan ’s Wanfa Godhead now needs to absorb these minerals. It's like a refiner.

However, what Ning Xiaochuan's body absorbs can only be materials with the attributes of five elements. In addition, even the most precious materials, Wan Fa Shen Ge dismissive.

After exploring this point, Ning Xiaochuan has recently begun to sort out many materials with the attributes of the five elements and began to refine into the body.

As long as the five elements are in the body, the tenfold godhead will not hesitate to devour it.

After engulfing these five elements, Ning Xiaochuan's Goddess of Manfa seemed to have been replenished with energy at the same time, and the speed of absorbing laws from the orb of soul became faster and faster.

Now Ning Xiaochuan has felt that the godhead in his body seems to be close to the edge of evolution again.

As long as it evolves again, Ning Xiaochuan's aspect of the godhead will rise again.

In this way, even Song Tian could not suppress Ning Xiaochuan.

After refining a part of the five elements into his own godhead, Ning Xiaochuan turned around and sat down again, separated from the clone, and was buried in these vast books.

In the beginning, Ning Xiaochuan saw a lot of classics, but it was a headache, but now he enjoys the process of viewing classics.

Only when there is looseness and relaxation can we be regarded as a real practice.

Since Ning Xiaochuan came to the Shenhe civilization, he was either fleeing around or trapped in the Jedi. He could n’t calm down to think about the problem of spiritual practice. Now he hides his identity and hides in this magic mountain. Ning Xiaochuan got it temporarily. Enough calm.

After reading so many classics, Ning Xiaochuan once had a confusion in his mind.

At the time, the name of the ten thousand gods of the Nation, Ning Xiaochuan still learned from the Longhuang mouth. The six strengths of the Longhuang secondary **** can only be regarded as the lowest level of existence in the Shenhe civilization.

It should not be possible to have heard of the Ten Thousand Gods in such a low-level existence, but the Dragon Famine knows this well.

Ning Xiaochuan also thought about this problem several times, but in the end, he couldn't think of any results. He could only guess in secret that the origin of Longhuang may not be simple.

However, afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan left the matter behind, Long Huang had already died, and it would be useless to think so much now.

In the third month of Ning Xiaochuan's burial of these classics, I don't know if it was because Ning Xiaochuan adjusted his practice or because of Ning Xiaochuan's previous accumulation, all of which broke out at this moment.

One day later, Ning Xiaochuan even touched his heart, and suddenly realized that the doom and yin and yang of the three thousand roads of the world.

I realized that there are two ways of extinction, but this also made Ning Xiaochuan unexpected.

However, this is only the first surprise to Ning Xiaochuan. He has not waited for Ning Xiaochuan to fully understand these two ways of extinction. The ten thousand gods in his body have stopped absorbing the law from the ball of soul.

This sign indicates that Ning Xiaochuan's personality will evolve again.

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