Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1184: Strength improvement

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Wan Fa Shen Ge has been absorbing the power of the Five Elements and the laws of the soul ball almost every moment during this time. Now it has finally absorbed the perfect state and started to evolve again.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately abandoned everything and focused on the godhead in his body.

At this moment his godhead is already seventy-two aspects. If he evolves again, it is likely to exceed one hundred aspects.

His personality has evolved once, so Ning Xiaochuan is much easier this time than last time.

In Ning Xiaochuan's anxious waiting, his character was finally the same as last time, and the cuts began to split, but this time the splits of the cuts were obviously more messy than last time, and some cuts were split and some were motionless.

Seventy-two aspects of the godhead evolved toward 108 aspects.

Ning Xiaochuan is now summed up the law, his personality is completely based on thirty-six, and then evolved again and again.

In the first evolution, his godhead evolved from 36 aspects to 72 aspects, and this evolution evolved from 72 aspects to 108 aspects.

It took almost a whole day for the deity in Ning Xiaochuan's body to finally completely stabilize in 108 states.

When the evolution of Ning Xiaochuan's body was complete, a mysterious message suddenly poured into Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

this is……

Ning Xiaochuan was shocked to understand this message. After a moment, his face appeared with a bitter smile: "My godhead wants to continue to evolve, even to continue to devour the power of the five elements. This evolution I have already swallowed so many five-element materials, I really do n’t know how many five-element materials will be swallowed in the next evolution. In addition, I want to step into the **** level, but I also need to raise the godhead to five hundred aspects. Degree, otherwise my godhead would simply not be able to withstand the long river of laws condensed by God. "

For ordinary martial arts practitioners to ascend, as long as they concentrate on comprehending the rules, there are enough comprehension rules to naturally enter the realm of the gods.

However, Ning Xiaochuan promoted Xiuwei. In addition to understanding enough rules, he also needed to improve the quality of the godhead.

Although this situation made Ning Xiaochuan quite helpless, it also made him quite happy, because afterwards, he finally did not have to constantly explore how to practice as before.

"It seems that before reaching the source world, I did not have time to inscribe the newly realized two kinds of extinction breaths onto the white bone beads, but it does not matter. At this moment, my godhead was promoted to more than one hundred aspects, plus the new There are two rules to comprehend it. Even if you face Song Tian, ​​you may not be your opponent. "

After thinking for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan stood up and stood up.

He has been in retreat for many months here at Motianxiang, and now it's time to go out and show up again.

Flying out of the planet where Tianxiang Xiang lives, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flew directly to the Yangxin Hall.

It's been a few days since the start of the trial at Moxu Mountain. At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan needs to go to Danbao Shennong to determine the transfer quota.

As Ning Xiaochuan flew into the Shennong Hall, Song Fei rushed into this small building hurriedly outside of the exquisite small building on the other side of Moxie Mountain.

"Notify Brother soon, and say I have an urgent matter to find him." Anxiously urged the maid in the small building, Song Fei anxiously waited back and forth.

After waiting for more than half a day, Song Tian's figure appeared here.

He seems to be in a good mood today. After seeing his younger brother, the smile on his face is even more obvious: "Brother, you are not staying in your Yangxin Temple, what are you doing here? I am discussing with my brothers recently The things you have experienced in the source world have nothing to do with your little things. "

Song Fei looked at Song Tian, ​​but with a bit of wailing, he said, "Brother, that Ning Xiaochuan appeared again. The person I arranged just sent news that he left Mo Tianxiang's residence today and went to Shennong Hall. .More importantly, now Ning Xiaochuan doesn't look like he was injured at all. He should have expelled all five elements of sand from his body. "

Hearing the name Ning Xiaochuan, Song Tian suddenly looked sneerful and said: "Counting the time, Mo Tianxiang should almost help him recover. In the recent period of time, this Ning Xiaochuan has almost never left Mo Tianxiang. The residence should be the five elements of sand expelled from the body, tortured him for so many days, and it is almost enough, the next time I meet, when I take his life. "

"What? Brother, are you going to kill him? This is the best, otherwise, I'm still a little uneasy in my heart." Song Fei said with joy.

At this moment in Song Fei's body, there was still a slave mark planted by Ning Xiaochuan. Only when Ning Xiaochuan died completely, this slave mark would disappear.

Song Tian nodded and said, "Surely it is not possible to kill people in Moxu Mountain, but I have already made it clear. This Ning Xiaochuan got into the relationship of Danbao Shennong and actually wanted to go to the source world to practice through the teleportation matrix. In time, I can just kill him in this experience. "

"Haha, he is a mind trainer, but he also wants to go to practice, isn't this going to death?" Song Fei laughed.

Although Ning Xiaochuan Xiuwei has reached Jiujin, but no one cares about his strength at all, because if Ning Xiaochuan is strong enough, he should join Tianjiao Palace instead of Yangxin Temple.

However, after a few laughs, Song Fei's expression again showed some worries: "Brother, the princess Tianxiang seems to be going this time. If she still shelters Ning Xiaochuan at that time, wouldn't she kill him? A lot of trouble. "

"Magic incense!"

Song Tian's pretty face flashed in the eyes of Tiantian, and a little disdain appeared between his expressions: "Rest assured, Brother Feihan will also go through the training with me. When that happens, Brother Feixiang will naturally Counteract. "

Brother Feiyi, one of the core characters in the Temple of Heavenly Pride of Moyao Mountain, is a supreme heavenly pride with a true godhead.

Hearing the name Fei Mou, Song Fei shuddered, showing a little joy on his face, but never dared to say anything more.


Half a day later, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flew out of the Shennong Hall.

"To ride the teleportation matrix, I still need the teleportation beads. Without Danbo Shennong's help this time, I'm afraid I will have to spend a lot of effort to get this teleportation ball in hand." Passed away.

This bead is the teleportation bead Ning Xiaochuan just obtained from Danbao Shennong.

With this teleportation bead, in a few days, when the teleportation circle is opened, he can go directly to the teleportation circle and take the teleportation circle to the source realm.

Packing up the teleportation beads, Ning Xiaochuan stopped and turned to look at the Shennong Hall.

Danbao Shennong has always placed high hopes on Ning Xiaochuan, but Ning Xiaochuan was doomed to disappoint Danbao Shennong. This time, Ning Xiaochuan was almost impossible to return to Moxu Mountain again.

"The kindness of seniors can only be reported later."

Silently bid farewell to Danbao Shennong, Ning Xiaochuan turned again and returned to Mo Tianxiang's residence.

After hearing the news of Ning Xiaochuan's exit, Mo Tianxiang was waiting here at this moment.

The experience of the Yuan Realm is about to begin. Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang really have to make all kinds of preparations for going to the source. The qualifications of the French Front to go to the source realm. What they need to prepare at this moment is to discuss in advance the plans after reaching the source realm.

After consulting with Mo Tianxiang for a long time, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly stood up and smiled to Mo Tianxiang and said: "This time we will go to the source world and there will be a meeting with Song Tian. What is the strength of Song Tian? I am Not sure until now. You and he are both members of Tianjiao Palace, and you should have a little understanding of his strength. Let's play against it first. You can feel the gap between me and him. "

Fighting with the host?

Mo Tianxiang looked at Ning Xiaochuan for a moment.

Although she was controlled by Ning Xiaochuan's mind, she became a slave to Ning Xiaochuan's mind, but her memory is not missing. She remembered the scene of her encounter with Ning Xiaochuan before.

The last time she played, if it wasn't for her failure to play her strength and Ning Xiaochuan finally took advantage of it, her victory would be her.

Therefore, in the magic heaven incense, Ning Xiaochuan's strength has always been lower than her.

Although it is known that Ning Xiaochuan has been retreating in recent months, Mo Tianxiang does not think that Ning Xiaochuan can make any progress in just a few months.

What's more, Ning Xiaochuan is now repaired to the Nine Gods. According to the average person's view, unless Ning Xiaochuan can break through the **** level and get a powerful artifact, otherwise, his strength is almost impossible to make any improvement.

However, Mo Tianxiang naturally would not refute Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, rose up silently, and waved a layer of enchantment around him.

The two simply played against each other, which was a test of the strength of the other party, not a real fight. Therefore, as long as the enchantment was simply arranged around, they could immediately isolate all the breath and prevent the breath of the two from fighting.

"Master, you have to be careful." Mo Tianxiang looked for a moment, her slender hands swept across the air, and a fist-sized fireball suddenly appeared where her fingers passed.

Immediately after these fireballs appeared, they were reborn in a fire, and they were ever-changing and turned into countless strange cosmic creatures, killing Ning Xiaochuan.

The ever-changing Ruyi Divine Work is the most powerful.

Looking at the other lives running towards him, Ning Xiaochuanguchi smiled: "Okay, good come."

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan turned into a knife with one hand and slammed in the direction of Mo Tianxiang.

Although it is only a knife with a hand, but after incorporating the rules, Ning Xiaochuan's palm is comparable to any magic weapon in the world.

The strange beasts that Mo Tianxiang hit out broke after they met Ning Xiaochuan's palm.

In just a moment of time, Ning Xiaochuan's palm rested on Mo Tianxiang's white neck.

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