Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1186: Source

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The source world is said to be just a barren land in the starry sky, without any anger, and no life can exist.

Such a barren land cannot develop civilization. Otherwise, the starry sky is infinite, and the Shenhe civilization will not have only eight interface areas today.

So long ago, the Shenhe civilization had only seven interfaces, and there was no source world at all.

Only later, a mighty man who ascended from a low-level civilization and consumed endless power to open up in the starry sky, relying on his almost unpredictable means, he opened up the source realm in the starry sky, and officially let God River civilization has an eighth interface.

As a newly developed interface, the source world is much smaller than the other seven interfaces, and it is also much more confusing.

Inside the source boundary, there are still many small areas that remain barren. These deserted areas are interspersed in the center of the source boundary, and they have also begun to change, which has resulted in unique life and materials.

Today, Moyao Mountain is where such a barren land mutates.

In this small and deserted land, there are countless strange elixir, countless unique minerals, and countless unique life forms, so whether you are a spiritualist or a warrior, come here, as long as you are lucky, There can be big gains.


On this day, a huge magic circle suddenly appeared on a planet in this vacant land.

As the light of the magic circle grew stronger, countless hazy figures began to appear on this planet.

"Ha ha, finally reached the source, this feeling of time and space travel is really great, sooner or later I will also grasp this ability, relying on the physical body to travel through time and space."

"Is this the source world? The vitality is really dim, it is like a barren planet."

"Compared to our demon world, the source world was originally a remote place. If it weren't for the giants of the source world, we would have destroyed the source world."

"No more nonsense. It's best to leave here quickly. I don't want the treasures I want to collect this time being taken away."


Sounds rang out across the planet, and countless figures had already burst away, rushing towards the other planets around.

These people are all Tianjiao from Moxu Mountain.

The training has officially started at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang were mixed in the crowd and just appeared here. Ning Xiaochuan immediately waved his arm and said, "Tianxiang, let's go."

Immediately, the two men rose into the sky and just flew out of the star. Ning Xiaochuan immediately appeared a high-level star boat. After stepping into the starry sky, the two drove the starry boat into the surrounding void.

Now that he has left Moyao Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan is truly a fish into the sea, and he no longer needs to pretend to be a grandson.

At the other end of the planet, Song Tian and Fei Yi appeared here.

Song Tian, ​​who looked cold, glanced around once, and the power of his mind was released, immediately covering the planet.

Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang who had just left were naturally noticed by Song Tian.

With a cold snoring in his mouth, Song Tian turned to the Mogushan Tianjiao, who said, "You want to run away, Brother Shao An, Brother Du Yan, Brother Nangong Shang, and Ning Xiaochuan will give it to you. You help me. Kill this boy, and I will not treat you badly after Brother and I go to catch that alien ape. "

Elite Tianjiao, like Song Tian, ​​has a certain goal in the source experience.

This time he and Feiyi came here together for the sake of a huge sky ape born in this area. This sky ape was born from the core of the stars. It is extremely powerful. As long as it can surrender, it will definitely be theirs in the future. Big arm help.

Originally, Song Tian was really prepared to come here and immediately shot and killed Ning Xiaochuan, but after knowing the details of Ning Xiaochuan from Feikou, he was dismissive of Ning Xiaochuan and was too lazy to waste time on Ning Xiaochuan .

"Brother, rest assured, a piece of garbage will be delivered to us." Around Song Tian, ​​three young Tianjias wearing three-color battle armors stepped out of the space with a smile, and then stepped into the void one after another. He chased after the place where Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang left.

Feiyao stood coldly, and seemed to have no interest in interfering with Song Tian.

When Song Tian arranged everything properly, he and Song Tian flew into the air and flew away in one direction.


Star sky boat, two star sky boats one behind the other, hurried forward.

In the starry boat in front, Mo Tianxiang frowned: "Song Tian didn't chase after him. The other three Tianjiao in Tianjiao Palace are chased after. Master, what should we do?"

"Song Tian didn't come here in person, but sent three ordinary Tianjiao to die. In this case, we fulfilled him, to the planet in front, we stopped and killed them." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

He was originally going to pull Song Tian away from Fei Mo, and then find a local war, but now Song Tian has not come, only three followers around Song Tian came, of course Ning Xiaochuan didn't care much.


Motianxiang urged the ship to stay in the sky above a fiery red star.

The starry sky boat disappeared, and Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang appeared next.

Looking back at the star boat behind them, the two stepped into the planet in front of them.

The high starry sky behind them followed closely, and Shao An, wearing a three-color battle armor, jumped out of the starry sky.

"Brother Shao An, Mo Tianxiang dare to wait for us here, is there any trick?"

"No trick is useless. Although Mo Tianxiang's strength is better than us, any two of us are enough to entangle her. The remaining one is as easy as killing Ning Xiaochuan without any accident."

"Ha ha, Brother Shao An was right. We shot together and took Ning Xiaochuan's head to see Brother Song Tian."


After a brief exchange, the figures of the three Shao An rushed into the planet below like meteorites.

On the surface of the fiery red planet, Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang looked up.

Looking at the three Shao An rushing down from the top of his head, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly said, "Tianxiang, don't take the shot, I will solve them alone, and Song Tian and I will definitely have a battle, so use them to warm up."

If Ning Xiaochuan wanted to leave at this moment, he could just leave.

As long as he left this trial area, even Song Tian didn't want to find him easily, because Song Tian didn't know that Ning Xiaochuan joined Moya Mountain in order to leave the realm and rush to the source realm.

However, Ning Xiaochuan did not plan to leave as simple as this. Even Moyao Mountain chose this area as a trial place. It can be seen that this area is definitely extraordinary. Before leaving, Ning Xiaochuan also wanted to try it out. It is best to step into the **** level during this period.

The sub-god, in the Shenhe civilization, is only the lowest level of existence. Only when it becomes a god, Ning Xiaochuan can be regarded as a foothold in the **** world.

And more importantly, after reaching the realm of the gods, Ning Xiaochuan was able to drive a broken boat and go back and forth between the Dayan world and the Shenhe civilization.

When Mo Tianxiang heard Ning Xiaochuan's order, he nodded silently and took a few steps back.

She knew Ning Xiaochuan's strength, so she was not worried about Ning Xiaochuan at all.

Instead, the three Shao An in the sky saw Ning Xiaochuan's stance preparing to face the three of them alone, almost staring at him.

"I'm not mistaken. Is it that Ning Xiaochuan has a problem in his head and wants to fight against us by himself?"

Shouting in his mouth, the three of Shao An immediately stopped in mid-air and looked suspiciously at Ning Xiaochuan below.

Ning Xiaochuan's actions at this moment really confused them.

From Feiyue's mouth, they knew that Ning Xiaochuan's personality was only 108, and the weak chicken's personality was just garbage in their eyes.

And people with such a godhead will never be strong enough, but Ning Xiaochuan's suicidal behavior really frightens them.

Of course, the main thing that worries them is Magic Sky Incense. They instinctively think that this must be what Magic Sky Incense is playing.

"No matter what he uses, two brothers, you stare at Mo Tianxiang, I will kill this Ning Xiaochuan and hit his head back." After hesitating for a moment, Nangong still said impatiently, his body appeared A dense layer of knife rule rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan punched with his bare hands, contained the power of the World Extinction in his fist, and struck toward Nangong Shang.

The rule of knife path is a very destructive rule. Nangong still understands the rules that extend from the rule of knife path.

However, the destruction of the world is more powerful than the ordinary knife path.

The knife gas emerging from Ning Xiaochuan's body collided with the knife gas of Nangong Shang's body. The sound of jingling sounded suddenly, as if there were countless physical knives colliding violently.

"Well, you can block my martial arts sword." Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was not cut into pieces directly, Nangong Shang's face looked surprised.

But immediately, his look regained his previous contempt look: "With your garbage godhead, it can be considered to be against the sky, but it's a pity that you met me today ... uh ... . "

Nangong hadn't finished speaking yet, and his voice was suddenly stuck.

Because at this moment Ning Xiaochuan even broke through the layers of knife path rules around him, appeared next to him, and then reached out and pinched his neck.

"Actually, the goddess you have condensed is the real garbage." Ning Xiaochuan looked indifferently, said something, and then clicked and twisted Nangong Shang's neck.

While twisting Nangong Shang's neck, Ning Xiaochuan's other hand had directly hit Nangong Shang's chest, sucked out the virtual godhead in his body, and directly crushed it.

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