Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1187: Soul Sand

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Nangong Shang's virtual godhead is densely packed with almost a thousand cuts.

In the Tianjiao Palace of Moyao Mountain, he can be regarded as an excellent Tianjiao.

Unfortunately, he died here today.

Shao An and Du Yan, who were standing high in the air, looked at all this in shock, it seemed that they couldn't believe it, and Nangong was killed like this.

In their eyes, Ning Xiaochuan was just a ant.

But now, this ant seems to have grown tens of thousands of times at once, and became a beast.

Just when the two were in shock, Ning Xiaochuan had just left Nangong Shang's body and rushed towards them both.

Extermination Demon Road!

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was shrouded in a strong spirit of evil spirits, and the whole person seemed to be a demon head.

"Grass, this kind of strength, how could it be a strength that can be possessed by a person with only 108 aspects, and his character aspect should be at least more than 1,500 ... Feiyi, this time you were killed. "

Feeling the intense killing sent by Ning Xiaochuan, Shao An and Du Yan broke into a curse almost immediately.

Although they were anxious and annoyed at the moment, the two of them had no choice but to show their strength against Ning Xiaochuan.

There is also a demon-like devil who is desperate to see, even if they want to escape.

Huh! Huh!

Just a moment later, the bodies of Shao An and Du Yan fell directly from the air.

From the moment Ning Xiaochuan shot, they were destined to end now.

As Ning Xiaochuan said just now, although the godheads in Shao An's three have more than a thousand facets, their quality is not as good as the one in Ning Xiaochuan's body with more than one hundred facets.

Most people in the Shenhe civilization have been accustomed to using gods to distinguish one's potential and strength, but Ning Xiaochuan is clearly an exception.

If you have to look at the gods to divide strength, then this weird **** in his body can absolutely kill everyone.

Ning Xiaochuan fell from the air, waved his hands to collect all the bodies of the three Shao'an, and then departed again in a starry boat with Mo Tianxiang.

After a full day of continuous travel in this star field, a huge meteorite belt appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the starry sky boat and looked away. He could only see dense, large and small meteorites, but he could not see a complete planet at all.

In such a place, even the starry sky boat can't ride, and can only slowly explore in these meteorites at their own speed.

Switching to another sub-god may not have the patience to search carefully in such a place at all.

But after Ning Xiaochuan came here, he immediately packed up the starry sky boat and Mo Tianxiang got into the meteorite belt in front of him.

No way, the sand of the soul that Ning Xiaochuan was looking for is in this meteorite belt.

A meteorite belt contains almost endless meteorites. Finding the sand of the soul is absolutely a very difficult task.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan still has a magic incense beside him, otherwise, if he is alone, it is more difficult to find the sand of the soul.

After searching in these meteorites one after another for seven days, Ning Xiaochuan's ear suddenly heard the exclaiming voice of Mo Tianxiang.

"Master, come here."

Did she find the soul sand?

Ning Xiaochuan was overjoyed and rushed towards the place where Mo Tianxiang was.

However, when he rushed to Mo Tianxiang, Ning Xiaochuan found out that what Mo Tianxiang found at this moment was not a sand of soul, but a huge egg.

This egg has dozens of feet in height and stands on a meteorite. I don't know how long it has been here.

"What the **** is this?" Ning Xiaochuan stared in surprise, staring at the egg in front of him.

"Master, what strange life must be being conceived in this egg. The most precious part of this trial land is these strange life. The lives that are directly conceived from the barren land have a powerful power. If they can If you surrender, it will definitely be of great benefit to the owner. "Mo Tianxiang looked excited.

"Strange life, then I can try to surrender it." Ning Xiaochuan's heart suddenly became hot.

Most of the strange life born naturally from the starry sky are strange and abnormal. Even if there is no powerful strength, many strange life will have all kinds of strange abilities.

Some of these strange life abilities are simply anti-Sky.

So after knowing that the egg in front of him was a strange life, Ning Xiaochuan's heart was instantly tempted.

"You make way a little bit. I'll try to break the eggshell first." Ning Xiaochuan let Mo Tianxiang take a few steps back, and then took out the World Extermination Sword.

Only by holding the sword of extinction can Ning Xiaochuan be able to make the strongest attack.

Sword of Destruction!

From the sword of annihilation, sharp sword gas gushes out.

These swords pierced the eggshell in front of them, making a ping-pong sound, and there was no trace left on the eggshell.

Lying down! so smart!

Ning Xiaochuan screamed in surprise, and when he no longer hesitated, he held the sword of extinction and stabbed directly at the egg in front of him.


The annihilation sword stabbed on this egg, and Ning Xiaochuan clearly felt that the sword edge of the annihilation sword slightly pierced a small pit barely visible to the naked eye on the egg shell.

"Master is careful." As Ning Xiaochuan pierced the eggshell, Mo Tianxiang suddenly screamed.

At the same time, this huge egg suddenly trembled, rolling and rolling over towards Ning Xiaochuan.

In shock, Ning Xiaochuan took back the annihilation sword, flickered, and fled away.

But the moment Ning Xiaochuan fled, the egg followed closely.

Ning Xiaochuan turned back suddenly, stabbed the egg again with the extermination sword, trying to stop the egg from continuing.

But the annihilation sword just came across this egg, and Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt a huge force from the annihilation sword, and almost shook his body to shock.

Then Ning Xiaochuan's body was thrown out.

He was defeated by an egg, and Ning Xiaochuan looked at the egg with a stunned look at him, and rumblingly crushed him.

This egg rolled over Ning Xiaochuan, and then banged all the way, crashing the meteorite in front and rushing deeper into the meteorite belt.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure was completely embedded in a meteorite, and he looked helpless. After the egg disappeared, he felt a shock and escaped from this meteorite.

With his current body strength, even if he was forced into these meteorites, he would not be harmed.

It was just that this egg was so powerful that Ning Xiaochuan was quite disappointed.

He was disappointed that the egg apparently could not surrender it.

Seeing such a powerful and strange life slip away from him, but he could not do anything about it, this taste was definitely uncomfortable.

However, Ning Xiaochuan just murmured in his heart, and suddenly lighted up.

Because at this moment in front of him, a sparkling light, like a river of light, appeared in front of him.

"Soul of Sand!"

Ning Xiaochuan screamed in excitement.

The things that appeared to him at this moment were exactly the sand of the soul he was looking for.

These sands of the spirits were scattered and hidden among the meteorites around them. Now the meteorites around them are crushed by this egg, so all these sands of the souls are revealed.

One step across the shining Tianhe in front of me, Ning Xiaochuan eagerly took out Situ Lang's personality.

Put this godhead carefully into the sand of these souls, and Ning Xiaochuan immediately saw that the brilliance contained in the sand of the soul was absorbed by Stuart ’s godhead at this moment, and those glorious sands that had lost their glory, It all turned into ordinary sand.

But at the same time, the vitality contained in the godhead became stronger and stronger.

Even Stuart's breath started to appear on the godhead.

Such a scene finally let Ning Xiaochuan feel at ease.

Seeing that Situ Lang's deity still needed some time to absorb enough sand of the soul, Ning Xiaochuan sat cross-legged like this, but waved out Shao'an's body that had been killed by him before.

He kept the bodies of the three Shao'an, not because of some weird special habits, but because Ning Xiaochuan wanted to use their bodies to study the principle of the resurrection of the dead.

As long as he is able to study this thoroughly, Ning Xiaochuan's accomplishments in mind training can fully enter the realm of Shennong.

When Ning Xiaochuan first encountered the ugly mother-in-law, the ugly mother-in-law was at this stage right now.

"The most important thing for the resurrection of the dead is the spirit." Ning Xiaochuan murmured in his mouth, and then pointed it at Shao An's forehead.

Shao An's body shuddered, and then there was no movement at all.

But this trembling just made Ning Xiaochuan very excited.


"He just moved, which shows that the way I wanted to save him before was not infeasible."

Ning Xiaochuan looked excited and immediately began researching again.

After studying for several days, until Situ Lang's godhead had absorbed the sand of the soul, Ning Xiaochuan did not have any results.

Ning Xiaochuan was not disappointed with this either. If it was so simple that he would revive the dead to study, the number of Shennong in this world would not be so scarce.

Ning Xiaochuan stood up to put away Situ Lang's godhead.

Now that Stuart ’s godhead has absorbed the sand of the soul, the spirit in the godhead has been greatly conceived. For at least hundreds of years, Ning Xiaochuan need not worry about Stuart ’s safety.

But hundreds of years later, if Situ Lang could not get treatment, he would still have no choice but to die.

Hundreds of years seem to be long, but in the vast and infinite Shenhe civilization, sometimes it may take hundreds of years just to catch the road. Ning Xiaochuan couldn't guarantee it. He could find a cure for Situlang hundreds of years later Powerful mind trainer.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan can only do his best, find a way to improve his cultivation in the mind teacher, and then treat Situ Lang by himself.

The moment Ning Xiaochuan stood up, from behind Ning Xiaochuan, a booming voice came out suddenly.

Countless small meteorite blasted out from behind Ning Xiaochuan, and flew towards him.

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