Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1189: Gift fortune

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Song Tian looked dull and looked at everything in front of him.

At this moment he wanted to scold his mother.

Do n’t take it so much fun!

The landscape map of the Five Elements is an artifact that Laozi spent great energy to refining. The power is huge. The person who died before was not dead, and even if he barely survived, it was a vital injury.

But the guy on the other side is better. The whole landscape of the five elements has become his tonic.

Even Song Tian can feel that Ning Xiaochuan seems to have changed a bit after absorbing the landscape of the Five Elements.

"It was able to evolve to this point at once, and it was because of the lack of enough power of the five elements around me. If there is enough power of the five elements, wouldn't it mean that the ten thousand gods in my body can still be as they were just now? Crazy evolution. "

After absorbing the mountains and rivers in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan carefully felt the godhead in his body.

Wanfa's godhead has now evolved to only one step away from the five hundred aspects. As long as it evolves again, Ning Xiaochuan's godhead can officially break through the five hundred aspects.

After breaking through the five hundred aspects, Ning Xiaochuan was able to try to condense the real godhead in his body and try to impact the realm of gods.

Feeling a little bit about the ten thousand gods in his body, Ning Xiaochuan's gaze immediately turned to Song Tian ahead.

He didn't forget the enemy he was facing at the moment.

However, it is not the same as before. The appearance of Song Tian just made Ning Xiaochuan jealous. But now, Ning Xiaochuan looks at Song Tian as if he is looking at a fragrant tea.

This goods is simply your own blessing!

No, it cannot be said that it is a blessing. It should be said that it is a gift of wealth.

Ning Xiaochuan's last evolution of the personality was to entrust Song Tian's blessing and absorb the five elements of sand that he hit Ning Xiaochuan's body, so as to explore the characteristics of the evolution of the ten elements to absorb the power of the five elements.

However, at Moxu Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't get much of the five elements to refine and absorb. Therefore, the ten thousand gods in his body have evolved once and then cannot evolve again.

But now, the goods sent a whole river and the five elements of a mountain at once. Without the power of these five elements, the Wanfa **** in Ning Xiaochuan wants to evolve to this step. It can never be completed overnight. of.

Looking at Song Tian up and down at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was even thinking whether he should open the net and let go of this guy. This guy seems to have a special hobby for the power of the five elements. At this moment, let him go first and wait for him. I collected the power of the Five Elements again, and went to the door to search for it.

Of course, this kind of thinking is just thinking about Ning Xiaochuan himself.

A peerless arrogance like Song Tian, ​​if there is no hatred with Ning Xiaochuan, at this moment the two have already made it to this point. If Ning Xiaochuan let him go, he would simply let the tiger return.

Song Tian's eyes were almost a little hairy from Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

However, he immediately became angry. As the top Tianjiao of Moyao Mountain, he had been looked at as if he was a fragrant magpie. Ning Xiaochuan looked at him at this moment, in his opinion, he was the greatest to him. Insult.

What's more, Ning Xiaochuan also destroyed the baby he worked hard to make.

Without the landscape map of the Five Elements, a magic weapon like a brick appeared again in Song Tian's hands.

This is a five-element brick, and hitting it is equally powerful.

However, before waiting for the five-star bricks to be thrown out, Song Tian quickly hurried up the five-element bricks.

The way Ning Xiaochuan absorbed the landscape of the Five Elements just now, he can still remember clearly that he can see that the baby with the power of the Five Elements does not seem to have any lethality to Ning Xiaochuan.

So he was worried that after throwing this five-element brick out, he would also be taken away by Ning Xiaochuan.

Anxious to check his inventory again, Song Tian's face suddenly showed a bit of despair, as Ning Xiaochuan expected, because of the special relationship of the law of practice, the baby with the power of the five elements, in Song Tian's hands can More power broke out.

Therefore, the treasures in Song Tian's hands at this moment are almost all of them.

Now encountering Ning Xiaochuan, who restrained the power of the five elements, Song Tian searched his entire body, and he could not find a weapon that could hold the Ning Xiaochuan battle.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the side, looked at Song Tian calmly, waited for a moment, and then he calmly said, "Are you ready, if I'm fine, I will shoot."

Lying down!

This is simply insulting myself.

Song Tian's face was iron-blue, his teeth clenched tightly together, making a creak.

"Ning Xiaochuan, without the help of artifacts, I can still kill you." Song Tian made a cold voice, and then one of his hands, one rune covering his palm, hit Ning Xiaochuan. .

"Since you don't have an artifact in hand, then I won't bully you. In addition, Tianxiang, don't get involved, I will solve it by myself."

Ning Xiaochuan looked calm at this moment, and waved his hand to put away the World Extermination Sword.

He also wants to see how his strength has evolved to the extent that the Ten Thousand Gods in his body has evolved to the present level.

Although Ning Xiaochuan expects that his absolute strength is far better than Song Tian at this moment.

Faced with those runes that Song Tian called, Ning Xiaochuan put his fingers together, turned them into a sharp sword, and stabbed at Song Tian.

The rune of Kendo and these runes from Song Tian collided,

Each rune annihilated, but Ning Xiaochuan's sword strength gradually weakened at the moment, and eventually both disappeared together.

"Huh, Ning Xiaochuan, even if your means are weird, but your strength is just that, I must suppress you today." Song Tian uttered a cold hum, and more runes came out of him. .

Numerous dense runes pressed over Ning Xiaochuan overwhelmingly.

Ning Xiaochuan's expression remained unchanged, and a black flame rose from the body. These flames burned on those runes and immediately made a noisy sound, as if they were burning ice with fire. These runes drilled into the black flame. In the middle, before approaching Ning Xiaochuan, they melted and disappeared.

But before Ning Xiaochuan refined all the runes, Song Tian's figure suddenly became blurred.

At the same time, Song Tian's laughter came.

"Haha, Ning Xiaochuan, I admit that your strength is very good, and you can almost compete with me, but you alone must die here this time, and when Brother Fei and I have captured Tian Ape, we will Come back to you, and that's when you will die. "

Song Tian set out such a big battle just now, it seems that he wants to fight with Ning Xiaochuan for a living.

But in an instant, he slipped away.

The rules practiced by Song Tian are related to space. These runes he typed out were made by using cracks in space.

So if Song Tian wants to escape at this moment, the speed is almost faster than everyone else, and he traverses countless spaces in an instant and appears in extremely far away places.

In order to avoid Ning Xiaochuan's pursuit, he even waved a handful of space barriers behind him to widen his distance from Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan ascended with countless black flames and looked at Song Tian's figure in the distance, but shook his head with a pity: "Song Tian, ​​your Tianjiao is simply a bit of a misnomer, and even Tianxiang is far worse than at least Tianxiang is in the face You have the courage to fight desperately against your rivals. "

At the time of the battle between Mo Tianxiang and Ning Xiaochuan, the strength of the two was almost equal. At that time, Mo Tianxiang was able to escape everything and share a life and death with Ning Xiaochuan. Although Ning Xiaochuan reluctantly won by the power of Qiqiaoshen magic heart, if Ning Xiaochuan was inattentive, Ning Xiaochuan might fail.

At the moment Ning Xiaochuan and Song Tian fought, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan did not show any stronger strength than Song Tian. Song Tian fled without a fight, apparently without the courage to fight with Ning Xiaochuan.

Such arrogance really made Ning Xiaochuan look down on it.

"Whatever you say, anyway, I don't need to care about the words of a dead person. With the strength of Brother Fei, killing you is just a blink of an eye, you wait for me." Song Tian snorted sneered, he The sound penetrated layers of space and passed into Ning Xiaochuan's ear.

Song Tian's figure has fled quickly, almost disappearing in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, from the side of Song Tian, ​​a strong burst of destruction suddenly burst out. When Song Tian was so horrified that he had no time to do anything, he didn't get involved in this destruction.

"Ah, Ning Xiaochuan, I won't spare you. The next time I meet, I must eat your meat and drink your blood." Song Tian's scream screamed loudly, and then his figure completely disappeared.

And where Song Tian disappeared, two broken legs flowing with blood appeared here.

Without the blessing of Song Tian's law, these two broken legs just appeared, and they were swept by the void storm in the void, and disappeared into the cosmic dust.

Ning Xiaochuan looked up at all this, frowning slightly, and whispered in his heart: "It seems that the breath of silence is not portrayed on the white bones. I would not be able to exert the full power of silence. Otherwise, It was absolutely impossible for Song Tian to escape just now. "

What Song Tian cut off just now is Ning Xiaochuan's silence.

Doom Road is a pure way of destruction. The destructive force is the most powerful. When Ning Xiaochuan exhibits Doom Road, he can even directly break through space. However, to carry out this trick, Ning Xiaochuan needs some preparation time.

Song Tian escaped just now, and just gave Ning Xiaochuan time to prepare for this move.

However, because the dying Dao Ning Xiaochuan has just realized it, and the scent of the dying Dao has not been portrayed by Ning Xiaochuan on the white bone beads, which greatly affects the power of the dying Dao, so Song Tian only lost it. With two legs, he fled from Ning Xiaochuan.

Otherwise, with the strength of Ning Xiaochuan at the moment, Song Tian has little hope of escaping.

After testing his strength at the moment in Song Tian, ​​Ning Xiaochuan now looks forward to fighting Feiyi in his heart, to see how exaggerated the strength of Tianjiao, the king of Moya Mountain Tianjiao.

The king of gods can be called the king, but it is not blown out. Tianjiao, who has the King of Godhead, is even stronger than Song Tian, ​​even if he is weak.

With a murmur in his heart, Ning Xiaochuan turned around and looked at the magic sky behind him.

"Tianxiang, come here, let me see what the thing on your chest is?"

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