Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1190: Separate

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The loud roaring voice echoed continuously in the surrounding star sky.

But then, the growl stopped abruptly.

In a starry sky full of traces of destruction, Fei questioned with a sword in his arms, glanced down at the giant ape stepped on his feet, a smile appeared on his face.

The giant ape seemed to have run out of power at this moment, so it was lying in the starry sky and sleeping.

Fei Mou handed the sword in his arms to one hand, and then took out a thumb-sized blood-red fruit in the other hand, and threw it into the mouth of this great ape.

This great ape is huge, just a thumb-sized fruit that slides directly from its teeth into its mouth.

"Finally regained this ape, so that when I returned to Moju Mountain, I was able to begin to break through the realm of my eyes and formally condensed the godhead." Fei Yi waved his hand, and this big ape under his feet turned out to be Began to become smaller, and then got into the sword in his hands.


Just as Feiwu did all this, a weak voice suddenly came to his ear.

Fei Mo turned and looked, and then saw Song Tian with his legs on his knees, his face paled from the void.

"How did you make it look like this?" Fei Yue frowned.

Song Tian was pale at the moment. He heard Feiyue's inquiries, and his face was a little bit sorrowful: "Brother, that Ning Xiaochuan actually hides his strength, and even Brother has misunderstood him. I met him, and I couldn't resist it. One move came to the end now. If it wasn't fast, I'm afraid I won't be able to see the elder brother. His strength is just not worse than the elder brother. He just said he would come to challenge the elder brother. "

Song Tian's words, true and false, are stimulating Fei Biao, trying to kill Ning Xiaochuan to avenge him.

It's just that the look hasn't changed at this moment, but his frown is slightly wrinkled, and he turns to look at the starry sky aside: "He's already here, he must have left a mark on you, so he can find here so quickly."

"Impossible, I don't have any feeling at all." Song Tian looked startled.

He is also a generation of arrogance, and the law of practice is related to space. Now if he does n’t feel at all and is followed by someone secretly, that person ’s strength is too scary.

But no matter how Song Tian reacted, in the distant starry sky, a starry boat appeared at this moment, breaking through the layers of space and coming to Fei Mou and Song Tian.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang stepped out of the starry boat.

On the chest of Mo Tianxiang, the weird egg was still lying comfortably here. Mo Tianxiang's face was blushing, but he could only hold it carefully with his hands.

"Ning Xiaochuan!" Fei Yu stared at Ning Xiaochuan, a light flashed again in his eyes.

This is Feiwu using his spirit eyes to look at the details of Ning Xiaochuan again.

With only one glance, Fei's look was strange.

"The godhead turned into more than 400 aspects. It seems that Song Tian is right. You are indeed weird, so I will seize you and strip all the secrets from you."

With a cold voice in his mouth, Fei Yi's figure disappeared.

That's right!

It just disappeared.

Even Ning Xiaochuan couldn't find Feiyi at this moment.

But everyone here knows that Feiqiao must be around.

"The owner is careful. It is said that Tianjiao, the king of gods, can even kill ordinary gods." Mo Tianxiang urgently reminded Ning Xiaochuan.

In fact, there is no need to remind Mo Tianxiang, Ning Xiaochuan is always on guard at this moment.

Fei Suo is a peerless Tianjiao who has the King of Godhead. Whoever underestimates him will definitely die.

"it's here!"

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan wielded the sword of extinction in his hand and chopped it into the void.

There was nothing in this void at first, but when Ning Xiaochuan's extinct magic sword was cut over, a sharp blade was revealed from here.

It's just a tip of a sword, and apart from that, Fei Yi's figure still hasn't appeared.

The World Extermination Sword collided with this sharpened sword, and a mighty force burst out from the place where the two collided.

Like ripples, this huge force swept everything around.

All meteorites around were swept away, and the closest Motianxiang and Song Tian to them were even more complex now. After this force swept over them, Song Tian, ​​who was already seriously injured, spit blood in his mouth, as if vomiting blood. A **** tumbling and flew into the distance.

Motianxiang's situation was not much better at first, but when her body was unstable, the egg in her arms suddenly emitted light, forming an eggshell-shaped illusion beside Motianxiang, blocking this force .

After this force was fully vented, Fei Yi appeared again in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment the sword in his arms had been completely sheathed, exposing a blade like mercury.

"Your godhead is also the king of godheads?" Frowning and looking at Ning Xiaochuan, Fei doubted that Ning Xiaochuan was already an opponent of the same level at this moment.

Just now, he did not release water in that move. He wanted to kill Ning Xiaochuan completely, but he was blocked by Ning Xiaochuan.

This alone allows Fei to know that Ning Xiaochuan's current strength is at least on a level with him.

Ning Xiaochuan grinned and didn't answer Fei at all.

The goddess in his body has not yet reached the level of the king of gods, but these are certainly impossible to tell Fei.

Mo Tianxiang aside, at this moment looking at Ning Xiaochuan had taken a bit of horror.

"The godhead of the master turned out to be the king of godheads, even if it is the Tianjiao Palace on Mount Moju, there are few godheads of this level."

Fei Mo stared up and down at Ning Xiaochuan, seeming puzzled.

However, after watching Ning Xiaochuan several times, his figure disappeared again.

At the same time, Feiyi's voice came into Ning Xiaochuan's ear.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you are indeed a good opponent, but I have just captured the sky ape, the power consumption is too great, and when I return to Moxu Mountain, I will fight you again."

Feiyue's figure appeared in the distance, grabbing Song Tian, ​​who looked miserable, and then disappeared into the void again.

Retreat without a fight! The King of Magic Mountain Tianjiao really cannot be underestimated.

Ning Xiaochuan sighed in his heart.

Feiyue's retreat is completely different from Song Tian's escape. Song Tian fled directly when he was in good shape.

And Fei Suo, in the hit just now, Ning Xiaochuan did feel his lack of strength, so he wanted to rely on this sneak attack to win in one fell swoop.

Now he missed a blow, Fei Yi immediately retreated, without hesitation, such talents are even more terrible.

You know, many Tianjiao are forced to face, so when faced with a strong enemy, they will go all out to fight, and finally end up miserable.

By contrast, the questionable head is obviously much clearer.

Watching Fei Mo disappear, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and turned to look at Mo Tianxiang.

Just kidding, Ning Xiaochuan was not prepared to return to any Mogao Mountain. Fei Yiu left now, it is almost impossible to have a chance to play with Ning Xiaochuan in the future.

"Master, do you want to catch up?" Mo Tianxiang looked eagerly.

If Ning Xiaochuan can kill Fei Biao, that is a big news. King Tianjiao of Moju Mountain has been dead for many years.

"No need. I came here this time. I wanted to try out what my strength is now. Now that the purpose has been achieved, there is no need to fight with Fei to fight you." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and looked dignified. A few words: "Tianxiang, let's separate here."

"What? Separate here? Does the host want to leave alone?" Mo Tianxiang looked anxiously.

"Yes, my goal was originally the source world, so when I get here now, of course I have to leave. At first I was still a little worried about you, afraid that you will be implicated in me after you return to Moxu Mountain, but now you have this in your arms. Gadget, it will definitely increase its status in Moxu Mountain, and I do n’t need to worry about it. ”Ning Xiaochuan talked, but stared at the egg in Mo Tianxiang ’s chest.

He had studied this thing for a long time before and wanted to get it into his own hands.

But anyway, this thing is not willing to leave Mo Tianxiang's chest, it is the best egg in the world.

"the host!"

Mo Tianxiang looked reluctantly, but was interrupted by Ning Xiaochuan without saying: "Well, I'm not going to die, just leave mother-in-law and mother, if we have a chance, maybe we can see you later."

Waving his hand to take out the high-level star sky boat, Ning Xiaochuan had to ride and leave directly.

But before getting on the star boat, Ning Xiaochuan glanced back at Mo Tianxiang and said, "Besides, you have to be careful in the future. The woman in Moya Mountain is more beautiful than you, and your breast is bigger than you. Do n’t let this thing approach her. . "

Motianxiang's face was instantly crimson, and she nodded wistfully.

"Haha." Ning Xiaochuan laughed and stepped into the starry boat.

Immediately afterwards, the star-boat crossed the starry sky and flew away.

Mo Tianxiang watched as Ning Xiaochuan disappeared in front of him here, so he took out another flying boat and took it up.


At this moment in another source of starry sky.

The atmosphere here is disordered. Many planets are even broken bodies, but in the middle of these planets, there is a huge planet.

The broken planets around are already not small, but compared to this huge planet, it is almost a pediatrics.

In a gorge on this huge planet, Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi were sitting on a grass with their knees in their arms, looking upset and staring at the starry sky.

"It's so different from Dayan World. Even the stars are different from Dayan World ... I don't know how Xiao Houye is now."

Nie Lanzhi was originally lamenting the starry sky, but at the end of her voice, she talked about Ning Xiaochuan.

When they heard Ning Xiaochuan's name, Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianqian smiled slightly.

At this time, a figure suddenly rushed over from the side and said, "Two sisters, Brother Zou is here, and you are called to see her. You should prepare to hurry up and annoy Brother Brother Zou, and we will have a hard time."

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