Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1191: meteor

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Hearing Brother Zou's name, Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianqian's faces suddenly became gloomy.

But in the end, the two stood up and turned to leave with the figure.

Not far from this gorge, a large number of dilapidated buildings stand here. From the exterior of these buildings, it can be discerned that these buildings are once heaven.

At the location of the Tianchu God's Chu Palace, several God's Chu Palaces were young and arrogant at the moment, and were surrounded by an ugly man.

This ugly-looking man is almost at the peak of his fortune, which is a lot higher than the cultivation of these young arrogant people in the God's Palace.

"Haha, you will follow me in the future to ensure that you can cultivate for improvement. In the future, it is not necessary to become a **** and become a sub-god." At this moment, this ugly man grinned at the young gods in the surrounding temples and laughed proudly.

In these young days, although some people show disdain. But more people are struggling with this ugly man.

"Then let Brother Zou Chong go. I heard that Brother Zou Chong's elder brother is now a master of the Nine Gods. He can almost break through the **** level."

"If Lord Zou breaks through the **** level, wouldn't it be more invincible in the nearby star field."

"Yeah, we'll be all over by then. Don't worry about being killed every day, as we do now."


Around these young Tianjiao, one by one strives to flatter Brother Zou Chong.

However, it is no wonder that they will be like this. For example, there are almost no masters in the court today, and only those who cultivate to the highest can create a realm.

But this brother Zou Chong not only cultivated himself to reach the peak of the realm of creation, but even more frightening is that there is a subordinate brother who is so divine.

In this star field, the masters of the Nine Gods are already the highest peak masters.

Therefore, although Zou Chong only has the practice of creating a realm, he can dominate here, and no one dares to mess with it.

Zou Chong listened to the flattery of the young princes of the Divine Reserve Palace, and his mouth was closed.

He knew, however, that the people in front of him at the moment were all called Tianzhijiao. When thinking of a group of Tianzhijiao lying in front of himself to pretend to be grandchildren, Zou Chong felt refreshed.

However, sooner or later I will get bored, and now Zou Chong feels a bit annoyed.

"These guys are almost all country folks, and they don't know how they were regarded as the pride of the sky. They are not even as good as the garbage of Shenhe civilization. Find a chance to kill them later." Muttered in his heart, Zou Chong His eyes kept glancing towards the door.

He is waiting for Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi to return.

The thought of Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi's celestial faces instantly became hot.

"Among these guys, even the chicks look good. I just played one last time. These indigenous chicks are more flavorful than the Shenhe civilization women, especially the two superb ones that are left now, but unfortunately, Those chicks with better looks have all disappeared, which is really a waste. But the remaining two, I can't let them run anyway, then I will play first, and then give them to the big brother, the big brother likes to take these The pretty woman died a little bit. "

With a proud smile in his heart, Zou Chong's face showed a little impatience. "Why haven't the people I want to meet yet? If the two sisters don't come again, you know the consequences."

Seeing Zou Chong exploding, the young Tianjiao around the Shen Chu Palace suddenly shuddered.

When Zou Chong became angry in the past, he tortured many of them severely.

Just when these young gods in the gods palace were arrogant and frightened, the figures of Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi appeared at the door.

Seeing Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi, Zou Chong's complexion suddenly changed from overcast to sunny, Haha smiled and greeted him: "Two sisters, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you will have to make good compensation for me."

Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianqian flashed a bit of disgust in their eyes, but they could only walk with a smile.

When Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianqian were about to walk in front of them, Zou Chong's complexion changed, and he stretched out his hands and caught them.

Seeing his goal in the past, it was the chests of Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi.

Grasping a woman's chest directly, such a scene made Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi's faces suddenly changed, and they retreated sharply while snapping back: "Zou Chong, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, just playing with the two sisters." Zou Chong smiled, but the speed was not reduced, and he would immediately touch the two women.

Just in this case, Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianqian suddenly saw a sword blade in their hands, and hesitated towards their necks without hesitation.

Seeing such a scene, Zou Chong stopped immediately and said anxiously, "Don't!"

Jian Feng steadily stopped on the two white delicate necks. As she leaned too close, Yu Qianqian's neck even exuded precious red blood drops.

"Fuck, this is the same set. If I didn't want to play, I would have already succeeded. But this is only interesting. I see how long you can hold on."

Zou Chong snorted in his heart, but grinned on his face: "The two sisters are angry again, I'm just joking with you. Now the joke is over, let's talk about business."

Seeing Zou Chong's solemn look, Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi gradually relaxed a little.

And Zou Chong did not care about it, nodded and continued: "This time, I came here to propose a relative. The two sisters prepare for it and marry me in a few days. As for the gift, I will not treat it badly. Yours, this is a gift list. "

With a wave of Zou Chong, a gift slip was thrown out by him.

Seems to be deliberately displayed, Zou Chong sent this gift list to each of these people around him, even Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi.

However, the two of them did not even read the gift list, and left it on the ground. "Zou Chong, we will not marry you."

"Don't marry, well, I'll leave right away, and I want to inform you, your senior Zijin, I'm afraid I won't be able to return. And this sister's sister, that amazing beauty, I will not tell You guys. "Zou Chong was simply, taking his words, turning around and leaving.

When she heard the news of her sister, Nie Lanzhi's expression changed greatly, and she could not help but stop Zou Chong, but was stopped by Yu Qianqian.

When Zou Chong left, all the talents in this hall were silent.

"Two sisters, you don't have to think about it. We leave here immediately and go somewhere else. I don't believe Zou Chong can chase us all the time."

"That's right, we are also the young Tianjiao of the God's Reserve Palace, but now we are so embarrassed. Rather than die like this, we might as well die directly."


A few moments later, several goddess Chugong Tianjiao, surrounded by grief and indignation, gathered around Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi and kept persuading.

But on the other side, there were also several gods and goddess Tianjiao staring greedily at the gift list in their hands.

When they heard the words of sadness and anger, they suddenly felt yin and yang strangely: "What you say is so good, it really makes you die. Are you willing? If you are willing, you will not live to this day. Don't listen to them. I think you should marry Brother Zou. If you marry Brother Zou, you will definitely not lack resources for cultivation in the future. This is your chance. "

In this case, of course, they immediately caused counterattacks from those who were indignant and arrogant.

"Shit, you are trying to push the two sisters into the fire pit. You haven't seen through the nature of Zou Chong's guy. Sister Ye died in his hands not long ago. Did you forget this feud?"

"Sister Ye is looking for death by herself, and you should serve Brother Zou Chong well. I just want to know the resistance of life and death, who is to blame."


Listening to the noise in the ear, Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi's faces were pale.

While others were not paying attention, the two quietly slipped out of the hall.

Standing on a pavilion, the two were bitter at the moment.

"Sister Lanzhi, what are you going to do? Wouldn't you really want to marry that **** of Zou Chong." After a moment of silence, Yu Qianxi said. "

Nie Lanzhi lowered her head, and her eyes suddenly burst into tears. "I don't want to, but I want to find my sister. Only by marrying Zou Chong, there is hope."

Reaching out to take Nie Lanzhi in his arms, Yu Qianqian's expression became even lower.

For a long time, Yu Qianqian was the proud lord of the county before, but at this moment, she felt quite weak.

Their existence, once known as the pride of the sky, is now a group of cattle and sheep that are slaughtered by others, and they have no power to fight back.

"If Xiao Houye is here now, there must be a way." Lie in the arms of Yu Qianqian, Nie Lanzhi said suddenly.

Yu Qianxi smiled bitterly at the corner of her mouth before finally shaking her head slowly: "I don't want to see Ning Xiaochuan appear here."

"Why?" Nie Lanzhi curiously looked up at Yu Qianxi.

Yu Qianqian sighed and explained: "Ning Xiaochuan is too proud. When I come here, I would rather die than be insulted by Zou Chong. In this case, his situation may be even worse."

"Little Houye is indeed such a person." Nie Lanzhi nodded, his face barely showing a smile, and deliberately diverged from the topic: "Sister, look, there are meteors in the sky today."

Yu Qianqian looked up, and she just saw a brilliant shooting star across the sky.

Shaking her head, Yu Qianqian said: "This is not a meteor. This should be the trace left by the strong man's shuttle in the stars. If we can do this, we don't need to stay here."

With a sigh, Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi stopped talking, but looked up silently at the rare meteor above their heads.

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