Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1192: Ning Xiaochuan Returns

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The starry sky boat stopped suddenly, and Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of it.

Looking down at the huge planet under his feet, Ning Xiaochuan's face was a little happy.

After being separated from Mo Tianxiang, Ning Xiaochuan continued to stay in the trial place for almost a month. In the end, there was no need to stay in that place any more, so he left the trial place.

It took almost two years before Ning Xiaochuan finally arrived here.

"If you don't find the wrong place, senior Zijin and others should be here."

With a click in his mouth, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flashed and appeared on the surface of the planet.

Mind's power unfolded, but Ning Xiaochuan's face again showed a smile of bitter smile. The planet was so huge that his mind could only detect a small part of it.

"It can only be searched a little bit. It doesn't take much time to search the whole planet anyway." With a murmur in his heart, Ning Xiaochuan began to walk around the planet.

In an instant, three days passed.

On the other side of the planet, Zou Chong brought a group of people into the Temple of God's Palace, where the Temple of Heaven's Temple of God was located.

At the moment in the God's Palace, Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi stood among a group of young Tianjiao in the Palace of God, looking indifferently at Zou Chong who walked in.

Seeing the beautiful Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi, Zou Chong's eyes flashed proudly: "Haha, you are all here, just right, I'm here to pick up a relative, you should have no opinion on this."

"No opinion, of course no opinion, Sister Qian Qian they can marry Brother Zou, this is their blessing." Several Shen Chugong disciples on the other side saw Zou Chong walk in and immediately posted it with a smile. .

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Tianjiao Palace beside Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi suddenly became angry.

One of the young Tianjiao couldn't help but stand up and yelled: "Liu Jun, how did you promise us before, didn't you already say that you want to advance and retreat with us, and today you won't let Zou Chong succeed? You betrayed us. "

Among the disciples of the Palace of the Gods who posted to Zou Chong, one looked back at Yu Qianqian and others, and then disdainfully said, "You know what the fart is, and only follow Brother Zou here to live, otherwise you can only wait. Die, don't think we are all as stupid as you, and we are prepared to fight Brother Zou. If there weren't many of you, how could we go to great lengths and promise you for the time being. "

He snorted a few times, and the man looked at Zou Chong with a smirk. "Brother Zou, I have been trying to report to you for the past two days. These guys, I do n’t know whether to die or not, are inciting Sister Qian to not marry her If it were not for them, Sister Sissi and Sister Lange would have taken the initiative to find you. "

Zou Chong showed a sneer on his face, and pointed at the goddess Tian Tianjiao who was next to Yu Qianqian: "I really don't know if I live or die. Since they dare to target me, I will teach them a little bit."

Suddenly, the people following Zou Chong flashed out instantly, punching their fists at the young Tianjiao of these gods' palaces.

These people have reached the level of creating a better world, much younger than these gods ’palaces. So, for a time, a scream was heard in the whole palace ’s palace.

"Enough, Zou Chong, we have promised to marry you, and you will let these people around you stop right away." Nie Lanzhi yelled suddenly, watching the misery of those around him.

Zou Chong wanted this result, so when he heard what Nie Lanzhi said, he immediately smiled and yelled, "Okay, stop and give me a face for this sister."

All the figures around them suddenly retracted, and stood back to Zou Chong again.

And the former goddess palace Tianjiao, who was surrounded by Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi, were lying miserably on the ground at this moment.

Yu Qianqian glanced angrily at these companions around him, and then looked coldly at Zou Chong, "If you want us to marry you, you have to promise us three conditions."

Seeing Yu Qianqian talking, Nie Lanzhi immediately anxiously spoke to Yu Qianqian: "Sister, we are not saying good, as long as I have dealt with him alone, how can you say that now."

Yu Qianqian reached out and patted Nie Lanzhi, and said: "I'm still a bit worried about letting you enter this fire pit alone. You can just leave it alone and listen to me."

Zou Chong looked at Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi greedily, and he smiled, "Of course, no problem, let alone three conditions, that is, three hundred conditions, I can promise you."

"Well, the first condition. From then on, you can't bully my fellow students." Yu Qianxi nodded.

"No problem, if you marry you, they will be my colleagues. If you insult them, I will be a bastard." Zou Chong nodded and cursed.

But at the moment Zou Chong was sneering.

Promise you now, when I get tired of you, I wo n’t play with you anymore.

"The second condition ..." Yu Qianxi said slowly.

However, before waiting for Yu Qianxi to speak, everyone heard a loud voice suddenly.

"The second condition is that you all get rid of me."

Such a sudden noise suddenly made everyone choke.

Immediately, Zou Chong became furious, and yelled loudly, "Why the **** is talking, do you want to die?"

Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi, whose speech was interrupted, were all at this moment with an expression of disbelief, looking at the entrance to the God's Chu Palace together.

At the entrance, a figure they knew so well was stepping in.

"Ning Xiaochuan."

Seeing this figure, the disciples of the God's Palace immediately surprised one by one.

Ning Xiaochuan's name resounded through the entire God's Palace at first, but then everyone came to the Shenhe civilization and the situation became worse and worse, so he gradually left Ning Xiaochuan's affairs behind.

But at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan reappeared, and they recognized Ning Xiaochuan's identity.

"Little Houye." Nie Lanzhi rubbed his eyes unbelievably, and after confirming that he had read correctly, he rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan, rushed into Ning Xiaochuan's arms, lay on Ning Xiaochuan's chest, and whispered Wept bitterly.

At this moment, only in the arms of Ning Xiaochuan, she was able to release all the grievances these days.

Yu Qianqian was almost the same at the moment, but Nie Lanzhi was one step ahead of her and took Ning Xiaochuan's embrace. She could only rush to Ning Xiaochuan with a smile on her face. In this way, we can be sure that Ning Xiaochuan in front of me is real.

Wen Xiang nephrite was pregnant, and Ning Xiaochuan smiled excitedly.

Ever since leaving the world of Da Yan, he has been thrilling and running all the way, and now he finally meets these familiar people again.

Feeling the temperature from Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianqian, Ning Xiaochuan felt all the thrills and hardships before him were worth it.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, wait for me to solve these guys, let's talk better." Ning Xiaochuan smiled and patted Nie Lanzhi's shoulder, then pulled Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qian in one hand. Akane, walk towards the front.

At this moment Zou Chong has long been complexion.

Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi were the women he identified. At the moment, the two were so intimate with Ning Xiaochuan, making him jealous.

However, when he scanned Ning Xiaochuan up and down, Zou Chong couldn't see the details of Ning Xiaochuan. This situation made Zou Chong not to shoot immediately, but instead called the disciple of the Palace of God, Liu Jun, to his side, and asked carefully "Who the **** is this guy?"

"He is Ning Xiaochuan, and also the Tianjiao of our God's Reserve Palace. He and Sissi both got started at the same time, and he and Sissi have a good relationship. They may be your biggest rivals." Liu Jun Min whispered next to Zou Chong.

In addition to telling the bottom of Ning Xiaochuan, Liu Jun and each unceremoniously poured a lot of dirty water on Ning Xiaochuan, and wanted to use Zou Chong's hand to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

Because he also found out at this moment that Ning Xiaochuan's strength was impossible to see through, so he was afraid that Ning Xiaochuan would find him in the future.

"It's the Tianjiao of your **** God's Chu Palace." After listening to Liu Jun's narration, Zou Chong shrugged his lips.

Born in the Shenhe civilization, he looked down on Ning Xiaochuan and others who were born in the world of Da Yan, thinking that they were all a bunch of countrymen and had never seen the world.

Originally, Zou Chong still had some fears about Ning Xiaochuan, but at the moment, this fear suddenly disappeared.

An indigenous people, no matter how strong they can be, where can they be.

With a snorting cry in his heart, Zou Chong sneered and looked at Ning Xiaochuan: "This brother, my wife is holding your hand, please stay away from them."

Ning Xiaochuan led Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianxi to Zou Chong. After hearing Zou Chong's words, he couldn't help laughing.

"I've never seen a stupid person like you, but since you hit your idea on Yu watermelon, then don't leave today."

When she heard the title of Yu watermelon, there was a warm current in Yu Qianxi's heart. She hadn't heard the title for many years.

But then she was a little worried, and secretly spoke to Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, this Zou Chong's cultivation is already the pinnacle of creation, and there is also a subordinate brother of the order of God, and even the senior of King Zijin It's not his brother's opponent, you ... "

Yu Qianqian originally wanted to tell Ning Xiaochuan not to offend this guy too much.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted directly by Ning Xiaochuan: "Be assured, just leave it to me."

Zou Chong's face changed sharply at this moment, staring at Ning Xiaochuan and drinking coldly, "You want to stay with me, then it depends on whether you have this ability."

Although he said so in his mouth, at the same time, Zou Chong had secretly ordered a subordinate to let him go and ask his elder brother to come over.

After receiving the voice of Zou Chong, Zou Chong's men immediately rushed outside the palace of the gods, watching his figure disappear, and Zou Chong smiled again.

His elder brother is a hegemon on this planet. As long as the elder brother comes, everything is much simpler.

Ning Xiaochuan watched Zou Chong finish all this, then loosened Yu Qianqian's tender palm, and walked towards Zou Chong several people.

A few sharp swords circled around Zou Chong and immediately cut all their limbs.

A group of masters of good fortune suddenly broke off their limbs and fell to the ground in sorrow at this moment. This looks much more miserable than those of the Divine Palace who were injured by them before.

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